Technological development machine investment at Stancforma Kft. (Q3914892): Difference between revisions
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
1 pcs LCS 300-4T type CNC laser cutting machine: You will be machining wood and metal knife support panels. German-made, closed system, latest technologically developed Rofin Slab is equipped with a laser head. Cutting quality delivers perfect, stable channel width, pulsating cutting gives flexible knife holding, better quality tools can be made by this. With its purchase, our production option will be expanded with a new function, as metal sheets can be cut with this laser technology. (We currently buy the burning of metal sheets from an external company.) Its advantages over our current machine: Three times faster; Tenth of the gas consumption; It is also suitable for burning wood and metal panels (currently suitable for burning wood only); Larger workspace (new: 3000 x 1 500 mm, old: 2500 x 1 500 mm); Reliable operation; Lower service cost (old: 4-6,EUR 000/year, the new: approx.: EUR 2.000/year) 1 pcs “ECOPLUS” CNC knife processing centre: During this production process, the knives can be machined in parallel with laser cutting. The bent and cut knives are installed in the panels cut out by the laser, after which only the process of ejecting rubber remains from the entire production process. With this we can serve new, special tool requirements, especially for demanding foreign customers. In addition to the packaging industry, it can also be used in new targeted areas where specially worked knives are used. Advantages over our current machine: 1. The latest technology; 2. In contrast to the current manual, automatic adjustment of tools (cuttingr, bridge cutter, nose cutter, etc.); 3. Significantly faster than our current bending machines; 4. Suitable for short-term tool head replacement; 5. It can perform more precise, precise bendings; 6. Less manual rework will be needed after knives are formed; 7. Can perform more work operations than our current machine (cut, bend, Bemar, cut out, perforate); 8. Modern, energy-saving, small space. ‘SMEs advancing in the production value chain’ means: The machines now installed, operating with the latest technology, enable the company to produce higher quality products or to produce products with new technologies with higher added value, i.e. it develops production technology in a way that generates added value. ‘R & D & I activity’: During the tender GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-1355, the aim of the development was to acquire the CNC bending bursting element manufacturing unit. In Hungary only Stancforma Kft. is able to produce such elements with the help of this machine, thereby becoming the suppliers of multinational companies for which foreign competitors used to produce tools. The company has been using this technology ever since, and since the installation of the machining centre, the processing of high knives has increased by 300 %. This development underpinned the reputation of the company, which resulted in a sharp increase in traffic, on which the present project is also based, during which the results of this development are further exploited by the company. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: 1 pcs LCS 300-4T type CNC laser cutting machine: You will be machining wood and metal knife support panels. German-made, closed system, latest technologically developed Rofin Slab is equipped with a laser head. Cutting quality delivers perfect, stable channel width, pulsating cutting gives flexible knife holding, better quality tools can be made by this. With its purchase, our production option will be expanded with a new function, as metal sheets can be cut with this laser technology. (We currently buy the burning of metal sheets from an external company.) Its advantages over our current machine: Three times faster; Tenth of the gas consumption; It is also suitable for burning wood and metal panels (currently suitable for burning wood only); Larger workspace (new: 3000 x 1 500 mm, old: 2500 x 1 500 mm); Reliable operation; Lower service cost (old: 4-6,EUR 000/year, the new: approx.: EUR 2.000/year) 1 pcs “ECOPLUS” CNC knife processing centre: During this production process, the knives can be machined in parallel with laser cutting. The bent and cut knives are installed in the panels cut out by the laser, after which only the process of ejecting rubber remains from the entire production process. With this we can serve new, special tool requirements, especially for demanding foreign customers. In addition to the packaging industry, it can also be used in new targeted areas where specially worked knives are used. Advantages over our current machine: 1. The latest technology; 2. In contrast to the current manual, automatic adjustment of tools (cuttingr, bridge cutter, nose cutter, etc.); 3. Significantly faster than our current bending machines; 4. Suitable for short-term tool head replacement; 5. It can perform more precise, precise bendings; 6. Less manual rework will be needed after knives are formed; 7. Can perform more work operations than our current machine (cut, bend, Bemar, cut out, perforate); 8. Modern, energy-saving, small space. ‘SMEs advancing in the production value chain’ means: The machines now installed, operating with the latest technology, enable the company to produce higher quality products or to produce products with new technologies with higher added value, i.e. it develops production technology in a way that generates added value. ‘R & D & I activity’: During the tender GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-1355, the aim of the development was to acquire the CNC bending bursting element manufacturing unit. In Hungary only Stancforma Kft. is able to produce such elements with the help of this machine, thereby becoming the suppliers of multinational companies for which foreign competitors used to produce tools. The company has been using this technology ever since, and since the installation of the machining centre, the processing of high knives has increased by 300 %. This development underpinned the reputation of the company, which resulted in a sharp increase in traffic, on which the present project is also based, during which the results of this development are further exploited by the company. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: 1 pcs LCS 300-4T type CNC laser cutting machine: You will be machining wood and metal knife support panels. German-made, closed system, latest technologically developed Rofin Slab is equipped with a laser head. Cutting quality delivers perfect, stable channel width, pulsating cutting gives flexible knife holding, better quality tools can be made by this. With its purchase, our production option will be expanded with a new function, as metal sheets can be cut with this laser technology. (We currently buy the burning of metal sheets from an external company.) Its advantages over our current machine: Three times faster; Tenth of the gas consumption; It is also suitable for burning wood and metal panels (currently suitable for burning wood only); Larger workspace (new: 3000 x 1 500 mm, old: 2500 x 1 500 mm); Reliable operation; Lower service cost (old: 4-6,EUR 000/year, the new: approx.: EUR 2.000/year) 1 pcs “ECOPLUS” CNC knife processing centre: During this production process, the knives can be machined in parallel with laser cutting. The bent and cut knives are installed in the panels cut out by the laser, after which only the process of ejecting rubber remains from the entire production process. With this we can serve new, special tool requirements, especially for demanding foreign customers. In addition to the packaging industry, it can also be used in new targeted areas where specially worked knives are used. Advantages over our current machine: 1. The latest technology; 2. In contrast to the current manual, automatic adjustment of tools (cuttingr, bridge cutter, nose cutter, etc.); 3. Significantly faster than our current bending machines; 4. Suitable for short-term tool head replacement; 5. It can perform more precise, precise bendings; 6. Less manual rework will be needed after knives are formed; 7. Can perform more work operations than our current machine (cut, bend, Bemar, cut out, perforate); 8. Modern, energy-saving, small space. ‘SMEs advancing in the production value chain’ means: The machines now installed, operating with the latest technology, enable the company to produce higher quality products or to produce products with new technologies with higher added value, i.e. it develops production technology in a way that generates added value. ‘R & D & I activity’: During the tender GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-1355, the aim of the development was to acquire the CNC bending bursting element manufacturing unit. In Hungary only Stancforma Kft. is able to produce such elements with the help of this machine, thereby becoming the suppliers of multinational companies for which foreign competitors used to produce tools. The company has been using this technology ever since, and since the installation of the machining centre, the processing of high knives has increased by 300 %. This development underpinned the reputation of the company, which resulted in a sharp increase in traffic, on which the present project is also based, during which the results of this development are further exploited by the company. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:32, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914892 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Technological development machine investment at Stancforma Kft. |
Project Q3914892 in Hungary |
132,320,600 forint
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723,429.959 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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264,641,200.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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1 November 2015
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1 May 2017
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STANCFORMA Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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1 db LCS 300-4T típusú CNC lézervágó gép: A fa és fém késtartó panelek megmunkálását fogja végezni. Német gyártmányú, zárt rendszerű, legújabb technológiai fejlesztésű Rofin Slab lézerfejjel van ellátva. A vágásminősége tökéletes, stabil csatorna szélességet eredményez, a pulzáló vágás flexibilis késtartást ad, jobb minőségű szerszámok készülhetnek ez által. Beszerzésével a gyártási lehetőségünk egy új funkcióval is bővül, mivel fémlemezek is vághatók ezzel a lézer technológiával. (Jelenleg a fémlemezek égetését külsős cégtől vásároljuk.) Előnyei a jelenlegi gépünkkel szemben: Háromszor gyorsabb; Tized annyi gázfogyasztású; Fa és fém panel égetésére is alkalmas (a jelenlegi csak fa égetésre alkalmas); Nagyobb munkafelület (új: 3000 x 1500 mm, régi: 2500 x 1500 mm); Megbízható működés; Alacsonyabb szerviz költség (régi: 4-6.000 EUR/év, az új: kb: 2.000 EUR/év) 1db „ECOPLUS” CNC késmegmunkáló központ: Ezzel a gyártási folyamat során, a lézervágással párhuzamosan lehet megmunkálni a késeket. A meghajlított és darabolt késeket a lézer által kivágott panelokba építjük be, utána csak a kidobó gumizás folyamata van hátra a teljes gyártási folyamatból. Ezzel új, speciális szerszám igényeket is ki tudunk szolgálni, főleg az igényes, külföldi megrendelők számára. A csomagolóiparon kívül megcélzott új területeken is alkalmazható, ahol speciálisan megmunkált késeket használnak. Előnyei a jelenlegi gépünkkel szemben: 1. A legújabb technológia; 2. A jelenlegi manuálissal szemben automata a szerszámok beállítása (daraboló, híd vágó, orrvágó, stb); 3. Lényegesen gyorsabb a jelenlegi hajlító gépeinknél; 4. Rövid idejű szerszám-fej cserére alkalmas; 5. Pontosabb, precízebb hajlításokat tud végezni; 6. Kevesebb a kézi utómunka lesz szükséges a kések alakítása után; 7. Több munkaműveletet tud elvégezni, mint a jelenlegi gépünk (vág, hajlít, bemar, kicsíp, perforál); 8. Korszerű, energia-takarékos, kis helyigényű. „Termelési értékláncban előrelépő KKV-k”: A most üzembe állított, a legmodernebb technológiával működő gépek magasabb minőségű termékek gyártására, illetve új technológiákkal történő, magasabb hozzáadott értékkel bíró termékek előállítására teszi képessé a céget, azaz termelési technológiát hozzáadott-érték növekedést eredményező módon fejleszti. „K+F+I tevékenység”: A GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-1355 azonosítójú pályázat során a fejlesztés célja az volt, hogy a cég beszerezze a CNC hajlító kitörő-elem gyártó egységét. Magyarországon csak a Stancforma Kft. képes ilyen elemek gyártására e gép segítségével, ezáltal olyan multinacionális cégeknek lettünk a beszállítói, melyeknek korábban a külföldi konkurencia gyártott szerszámokat. E technológiát azóta is alkalmazza a cég, a megmunkáló központ üzembe helyezése óta a magas kések feldolgozása 300%-al nőtt. Ez a fejlesztés alapozta meg a cég hírnevét, amely az ugrásszerű forgalomnövekedést okozta, melyre alapozódik a jelen projekt is, mely során e fejlesztés eredményeit továbbhasznosítja a cég. (Hungarian)
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1 pcs LCS 300-4T type CNC laser cutting machine: You will be machining wood and metal knife support panels. German-made, closed system, latest technologically developed Rofin Slab is equipped with a laser head. Cutting quality delivers perfect, stable channel width, pulsating cutting gives flexible knife holding, better quality tools can be made by this. With its purchase, our production option will be expanded with a new function, as metal sheets can be cut with this laser technology. (We currently buy the burning of metal sheets from an external company.) Its advantages over our current machine: Three times faster; Tenth of the gas consumption; It is also suitable for burning wood and metal panels (currently suitable for burning wood only); Larger workspace (new: 3000 x 1 500 mm, old: 2500 x 1 500 mm); Reliable operation; Lower service cost (old: 4-6,EUR 000/year, the new: approx.: EUR 2.000/year) 1 pcs “ECOPLUS” CNC knife processing centre: During this production process, the knives can be machined in parallel with laser cutting. The bent and cut knives are installed in the panels cut out by the laser, after which only the process of ejecting rubber remains from the entire production process. With this we can serve new, special tool requirements, especially for demanding foreign customers. In addition to the packaging industry, it can also be used in new targeted areas where specially worked knives are used. Advantages over our current machine: 1. The latest technology; 2. In contrast to the current manual, automatic adjustment of tools (cuttingr, bridge cutter, nose cutter, etc.); 3. Significantly faster than our current bending machines; 4. Suitable for short-term tool head replacement; 5. It can perform more precise, precise bendings; 6. Less manual rework will be needed after knives are formed; 7. Can perform more work operations than our current machine (cut, bend, Bemar, cut out, perforate); 8. Modern, energy-saving, small space. ‘SMEs advancing in the production value chain’ means: The machines now installed, operating with the latest technology, enable the company to produce higher quality products or to produce products with new technologies with higher added value, i.e. it develops production technology in a way that generates added value. ‘R & D & I activity’: During the tender GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-1355, the aim of the development was to acquire the CNC bending bursting element manufacturing unit. In Hungary only Stancforma Kft. is able to produce such elements with the help of this machine, thereby becoming the suppliers of multinational companies for which foreign competitors used to produce tools. The company has been using this technology ever since, and since the installation of the machining centre, the processing of high knives has increased by 300 %. This development underpinned the reputation of the company, which resulted in a sharp increase in traffic, on which the present project is also based, during which the results of this development are further exploited by the company. (English)
8 February 2022
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Tatabánya, Komárom-Esztergom
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