Construction of mattress production capacity at Trend-Port Kft. (Q3914808): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
In addition to the production line, we would like to purchase only one digital printing machine in total. The CANON imagePress C600 digital printing machine allows us to customise posters, instructions for use and marketing materials to be placed inside the packaging on the mattresses. The Hungarian mattress market currently has a leading manufacturer (CARDO) who mainly produces bonell-spring, bag-spring mattresses. The mattresses we sell are metal-free (cold foam, memory, latex) variants that people increasingly focus on buying. These mattresses are suitable for vacuuming, compression in a press machine, winding up. This makes them much smaller places that are very important for transport and storage and are therefore easier to sell. The first step in production is the “Stepping + Cutting” process. MCM 1200/M is done with a multi-layer quilting machine, sewing various fabric materials to each other on the lying surface of the mattress with v quilting patterns. The TGM 3.0.15 automatic electronic cutting machine makes it possible to precisely tailor the inner core of the mattresses. The second step is the production of the “side part of the mattress”. Z 2.9-500-15 universal cutting machine. The fabric materials in the roll can be cut to size depending on the height of the mattresses. With Z 443 S 01A machine, we can manufacture the side part of the mattress as required, even with zip sealing, by combining different ventilations and brand marks. With CS 8-9/B type “Handle” machine, we can sew the handle of the mattresses onto the side material. Third step is the process of “Suspension” with the FUSERS RS 12-01 machine, when the various internal materials (polyurethane, memory) are glued together (if it is not a zippered cover) with the outer cover material, which makes it much less likely to crease the quilted fabric material. The fourth step is the work of “bordering” and “Warras, upholstery”. The GS 899 E/A machine is used to sew the lying side fabric together at 90 degrees. With the help of OVER LOCK and DESK TAPE EDGE sewing machines, we can sew quilted cover materials where the zipper is located in the middle of the side of the mattress. These work phases give us a finished mattress. Fifth step is the “Quality Check” process, where the finished product is inspected on “Z 400 E, Z 200, Z 200 A” motor roller tables, carefully reviewed to ensure that everything is in order to ensure that the mattresses are in order. So far, we've only been dealing with trade, so it can be said that there is clearly a higher level of processing in our company. But with the above mentioned domestic competitor, our mattresses will also be products with a higher level of processing, as described above. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In addition to the production line, we would like to purchase only one digital printing machine in total. The CANON imagePress C600 digital printing machine allows us to customise posters, instructions for use and marketing materials to be placed inside the packaging on the mattresses. The Hungarian mattress market currently has a leading manufacturer (CARDO) who mainly produces bonell-spring, bag-spring mattresses. The mattresses we sell are metal-free (cold foam, memory, latex) variants that people increasingly focus on buying. These mattresses are suitable for vacuuming, compression in a press machine, winding up. This makes them much smaller places that are very important for transport and storage and are therefore easier to sell. The first step in production is the “Stepping + Cutting” process. MCM 1200/M is done with a multi-layer quilting machine, sewing various fabric materials to each other on the lying surface of the mattress with v quilting patterns. The TGM 3.0.15 automatic electronic cutting machine makes it possible to precisely tailor the inner core of the mattresses. The second step is the production of the “side part of the mattress”. Z 2.9-500-15 universal cutting machine. The fabric materials in the roll can be cut to size depending on the height of the mattresses. With Z 443 S 01A machine, we can manufacture the side part of the mattress as required, even with zip sealing, by combining different ventilations and brand marks. With CS 8-9/B type “Handle” machine, we can sew the handle of the mattresses onto the side material. Third step is the process of “Suspension” with the FUSERS RS 12-01 machine, when the various internal materials (polyurethane, memory) are glued together (if it is not a zippered cover) with the outer cover material, which makes it much less likely to crease the quilted fabric material. The fourth step is the work of “bordering” and “Warras, upholstery”. The GS 899 E/A machine is used to sew the lying side fabric together at 90 degrees. With the help of OVER LOCK and DESK TAPE EDGE sewing machines, we can sew quilted cover materials where the zipper is located in the middle of the side of the mattress. These work phases give us a finished mattress. Fifth step is the “Quality Check” process, where the finished product is inspected on “Z 400 E, Z 200, Z 200 A” motor roller tables, carefully reviewed to ensure that everything is in order to ensure that the mattresses are in order. So far, we've only been dealing with trade, so it can be said that there is clearly a higher level of processing in our company. But with the above mentioned domestic competitor, our mattresses will also be products with a higher level of processing, as described above. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In addition to the production line, we would like to purchase only one digital printing machine in total. The CANON imagePress C600 digital printing machine allows us to customise posters, instructions for use and marketing materials to be placed inside the packaging on the mattresses. The Hungarian mattress market currently has a leading manufacturer (CARDO) who mainly produces bonell-spring, bag-spring mattresses. The mattresses we sell are metal-free (cold foam, memory, latex) variants that people increasingly focus on buying. These mattresses are suitable for vacuuming, compression in a press machine, winding up. This makes them much smaller places that are very important for transport and storage and are therefore easier to sell. The first step in production is the “Stepping + Cutting” process. MCM 1200/M is done with a multi-layer quilting machine, sewing various fabric materials to each other on the lying surface of the mattress with v quilting patterns. The TGM 3.0.15 automatic electronic cutting machine makes it possible to precisely tailor the inner core of the mattresses. The second step is the production of the “side part of the mattress”. Z 2.9-500-15 universal cutting machine. The fabric materials in the roll can be cut to size depending on the height of the mattresses. With Z 443 S 01A machine, we can manufacture the side part of the mattress as required, even with zip sealing, by combining different ventilations and brand marks. With CS 8-9/B type “Handle” machine, we can sew the handle of the mattresses onto the side material. Third step is the process of “Suspension” with the FUSERS RS 12-01 machine, when the various internal materials (polyurethane, memory) are glued together (if it is not a zippered cover) with the outer cover material, which makes it much less likely to crease the quilted fabric material. The fourth step is the work of “bordering” and “Warras, upholstery”. The GS 899 E/A machine is used to sew the lying side fabric together at 90 degrees. With the help of OVER LOCK and DESK TAPE EDGE sewing machines, we can sew quilted cover materials where the zipper is located in the middle of the side of the mattress. These work phases give us a finished mattress. Fifth step is the “Quality Check” process, where the finished product is inspected on “Z 400 E, Z 200, Z 200 A” motor roller tables, carefully reviewed to ensure that everything is in order to ensure that the mattresses are in order. So far, we've only been dealing with trade, so it can be said that there is clearly a higher level of processing in our company. But with the above mentioned domestic competitor, our mattresses will also be products with a higher level of processing, as described above. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:31, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914808 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Construction of mattress production capacity at Trend-Port Kft. |
Project Q3914808 in Hungary |
209,830,600 forint
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1,147,196.6 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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419,661,200.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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11 January 2016
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31 March 2017
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TREND-PORT Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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A termelő gyártósor mellet összesen csak egy digitális nyomdagépet szeretnénk beszerezni. A CANON imagePress C600 digitális nyomdagépet amivel a matracokon lévő csomagoláson belülre elhelyezendő plakátokat, használati útmutatókat valamint különböző marketing anyagokat tudunk egyedileg nyomtatni. A magyar matrac piacon jelenleg egy meghatározó gyártó van (CARDO) aki főként bonellrugós, zsákrugós matracokat gyárt. Az általunk forgalmazott matracok fémmentes (hideghab, memory, latex) változatok amit az emberek vásárlás szempontjából egyre inkább előtérbe helyeznek. Ezek a matracok alkalmasak vákuumozásra, présgépben történő összenyomásra, feltekerésre. Ezáltal sokkal kisebb helyet foglalnak amik a szállítás, tárolás szempontjából nagyon fontosak, ebből kifolyólag könnyebben eladhatóak. A gyártás első lépése a „Steppelés + Vágás” folyamat. MCM 1200/M többrétegű steppelő géppel történik, a matrac fekvő felületén lévő különböző szövet anyagok egymáshoz varrása v steppelési mintákkal. A TGM 3.0.15 automata elektronikus vágógéppel a matracok belső magjának a pontos méretre szabása valósítható meg. Második lépés a „Matrac oldalsó részének” gyártása. Z 2.9-500-15 univerzális vágó géppel. A tekercsben lévő szövet anyagokat méretre vághatjuk a matracok magasságától függően. Z 443 S 01A típusú géppel a matrac oldalsó részét tudjuk legyártani igény szerint, akár zipzár bevarrással, különböző szellőzők, márka jelzések egybe illesztésével. CS 8-9/B típusú „Handle” géppel az ágybetétek fogantyúját tudjuk az oldal anyagra rávarrni. Harmadik lépés a „Ragasztás” folyamata FUSERS RS 12-01 géppel, amikor a különböző (poliuretán, memory) belső anyagokat összeragasztjuk (ha nem zipzáras huzatról van szó) a külső huzat anyaggal ezáltal sokkal kisebb az esélye a steppelt szövet anyag gyűrődésének. Negyedik lépés a „Szegélyezés” valamint a „Varrás, Kárpitozás” munkanem. A GS 899 E/A típusú gép segítségével a fekvő, oldalsó szövet anyag összevarrása történik 90 fokban. Az OVER LOCK valamint a DESK TAPE EDGE varró gépek segítségével olyan steppelt huzat anyagokat varrhatunk ahol a zipzár a matrac oldalának a középső részén helyezkedik el. Ezekkel a munka fázisokkal kész matracot kapunk. Ötödik lépés a „Minőség ellenőrzés” folyamat ahol a kész terméket „Z 400 E, Z 200, Z 200 A” motoros görgős asztalokon szemre vételezik, gondosan átnézik, hogy minőségileg minden rendben legyen az elkészített matracokon. Eddig csak kereskedelemmel foglalkoztunk, így elmondható, hogy cégünknél egyértelműen magasabb feldolgozottsági szintű termék jön létre. De a korábban említett hazai versenytársnál a mi matracaink a fent leírtak miatt szintén magasabb feldolgozottsági szintű termékek lesznek. (Hungarian)
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In addition to the production line, we would like to purchase only one digital printing machine in total. The CANON imagePress C600 digital printing machine allows us to customise posters, instructions for use and marketing materials to be placed inside the packaging on the mattresses. The Hungarian mattress market currently has a leading manufacturer (CARDO) who mainly produces bonell-spring, bag-spring mattresses. The mattresses we sell are metal-free (cold foam, memory, latex) variants that people increasingly focus on buying. These mattresses are suitable for vacuuming, compression in a press machine, winding up. This makes them much smaller places that are very important for transport and storage and are therefore easier to sell. The first step in production is the “Stepping + Cutting” process. MCM 1200/M is done with a multi-layer quilting machine, sewing various fabric materials to each other on the lying surface of the mattress with v quilting patterns. The TGM 3.0.15 automatic electronic cutting machine makes it possible to precisely tailor the inner core of the mattresses. The second step is the production of the “side part of the mattress”. Z 2.9-500-15 universal cutting machine. The fabric materials in the roll can be cut to size depending on the height of the mattresses. With Z 443 S 01A machine, we can manufacture the side part of the mattress as required, even with zip sealing, by combining different ventilations and brand marks. With CS 8-9/B type “Handle” machine, we can sew the handle of the mattresses onto the side material. Third step is the process of “Suspension” with the FUSERS RS 12-01 machine, when the various internal materials (polyurethane, memory) are glued together (if it is not a zippered cover) with the outer cover material, which makes it much less likely to crease the quilted fabric material. The fourth step is the work of “bordering” and “Warras, upholstery”. The GS 899 E/A machine is used to sew the lying side fabric together at 90 degrees. With the help of OVER LOCK and DESK TAPE EDGE sewing machines, we can sew quilted cover materials where the zipper is located in the middle of the side of the mattress. These work phases give us a finished mattress. Fifth step is the “Quality Check” process, where the finished product is inspected on “Z 400 E, Z 200, Z 200 A” motor roller tables, carefully reviewed to ensure that everything is in order to ensure that the mattresses are in order. So far, we've only been dealing with trade, so it can be said that there is clearly a higher level of processing in our company. But with the above mentioned domestic competitor, our mattresses will also be products with a higher level of processing, as described above. (English)
8 February 2022
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Veszprém, Veszprém
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