Acquisition of a unique production line combined with robot technology for industrial binder removal devices for own branded aircraft (Q3914507): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
In advance, the machines to be purchased were assessed, they were tested during production, the request for quotations, the company and its staff were prepared to start the new production capacity. The company’s management is currently running a manufacturing plant successfully and therefore has the necessary experience. The products are manufactured using the following technology: Longitudinal lathe machines allow the production of Vario-Dock and Vario-Cast elements with CNC technology. All elements of Vario-Dock are made with CNC latches: screws, interfaces, collectors, screwdrivers, moulding templates, interfaces and screws for the moulding template. The compressors provide the compressed air necessary for the operation of the machines in the manufacturing area. The measuring machine can accurately and accurately measure the manufactured workpieces, as this is essential for the manufacture of medical devices. The measuring machine shall be used for both in-production and final inspection. In all cases, a test report shall be drawn up on the measured data in accordance with the ISO and TE certificates. With the help of microscopes, in-production checks are carried out on the parts manufactured on the longitudinal lathe machine. For medical devices, the accuracy of 5 microns and 0.01 centimeters is very important, which is why it is essential to scan the pieces under the microscope. On the fatigue machine, the final product and the in-production products are tested with fatigue breaking, which ensures that the piece is delivered to the customers in the right quality. These results are documented in accordance with ISO 14801. The laser welding machine is used for the physical connection of Vario-Dock elements. Laser welding makes it possible to make the finest seams, which is essential for medical devices. The principle of the procedure is to use a laser beam with high energy density to weld materials. Due to the introduction of concentrated heat in one place, only the area to be welded is heated. In the heat effect zone of the prepared weld, the crystal structure is not transformed, the high energy density results in faster working. The temperature is a factor influencing production, the designed system guarantees uniform tempering, thus ensuring five microns and 0.01 century precision machining. The development of the electricity grid should be primarily in order to ensure the right energy demand. The area of the rented hall is 246 m², the cost of infrastructure renovations is HUF 25.223.398, the unit cost per m² is HUF 102 534/m². Elsner System Ltd. is an SME moving forward in the production value chain. Currently, the Vario products are compatible with only two implant manufacturers. As a result of the development, the purchase of modern multi-purpose latches can be used to achieve compatibility with the products of several manufacturers, i.e. several new types of existing products on the market will be created. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In advance, the machines to be purchased were assessed, they were tested during production, the request for quotations, the company and its staff were prepared to start the new production capacity. The company’s management is currently running a manufacturing plant successfully and therefore has the necessary experience. The products are manufactured using the following technology: Longitudinal lathe machines allow the production of Vario-Dock and Vario-Cast elements with CNC technology. All elements of Vario-Dock are made with CNC latches: screws, interfaces, collectors, screwdrivers, moulding templates, interfaces and screws for the moulding template. The compressors provide the compressed air necessary for the operation of the machines in the manufacturing area. The measuring machine can accurately and accurately measure the manufactured workpieces, as this is essential for the manufacture of medical devices. The measuring machine shall be used for both in-production and final inspection. In all cases, a test report shall be drawn up on the measured data in accordance with the ISO and TE certificates. With the help of microscopes, in-production checks are carried out on the parts manufactured on the longitudinal lathe machine. For medical devices, the accuracy of 5 microns and 0.01 centimeters is very important, which is why it is essential to scan the pieces under the microscope. On the fatigue machine, the final product and the in-production products are tested with fatigue breaking, which ensures that the piece is delivered to the customers in the right quality. These results are documented in accordance with ISO 14801. The laser welding machine is used for the physical connection of Vario-Dock elements. Laser welding makes it possible to make the finest seams, which is essential for medical devices. The principle of the procedure is to use a laser beam with high energy density to weld materials. Due to the introduction of concentrated heat in one place, only the area to be welded is heated. In the heat effect zone of the prepared weld, the crystal structure is not transformed, the high energy density results in faster working. The temperature is a factor influencing production, the designed system guarantees uniform tempering, thus ensuring five microns and 0.01 century precision machining. The development of the electricity grid should be primarily in order to ensure the right energy demand. The area of the rented hall is 246 m², the cost of infrastructure renovations is HUF 25.223.398, the unit cost per m² is HUF 102 534/m². Elsner System Ltd. is an SME moving forward in the production value chain. Currently, the Vario products are compatible with only two implant manufacturers. As a result of the development, the purchase of modern multi-purpose latches can be used to achieve compatibility with the products of several manufacturers, i.e. several new types of existing products on the market will be created. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In advance, the machines to be purchased were assessed, they were tested during production, the request for quotations, the company and its staff were prepared to start the new production capacity. The company’s management is currently running a manufacturing plant successfully and therefore has the necessary experience. The products are manufactured using the following technology: Longitudinal lathe machines allow the production of Vario-Dock and Vario-Cast elements with CNC technology. All elements of Vario-Dock are made with CNC latches: screws, interfaces, collectors, screwdrivers, moulding templates, interfaces and screws for the moulding template. The compressors provide the compressed air necessary for the operation of the machines in the manufacturing area. The measuring machine can accurately and accurately measure the manufactured workpieces, as this is essential for the manufacture of medical devices. The measuring machine shall be used for both in-production and final inspection. In all cases, a test report shall be drawn up on the measured data in accordance with the ISO and TE certificates. With the help of microscopes, in-production checks are carried out on the parts manufactured on the longitudinal lathe machine. For medical devices, the accuracy of 5 microns and 0.01 centimeters is very important, which is why it is essential to scan the pieces under the microscope. On the fatigue machine, the final product and the in-production products are tested with fatigue breaking, which ensures that the piece is delivered to the customers in the right quality. These results are documented in accordance with ISO 14801. The laser welding machine is used for the physical connection of Vario-Dock elements. Laser welding makes it possible to make the finest seams, which is essential for medical devices. The principle of the procedure is to use a laser beam with high energy density to weld materials. Due to the introduction of concentrated heat in one place, only the area to be welded is heated. In the heat effect zone of the prepared weld, the crystal structure is not transformed, the high energy density results in faster working. The temperature is a factor influencing production, the designed system guarantees uniform tempering, thus ensuring five microns and 0.01 century precision machining. The development of the electricity grid should be primarily in order to ensure the right energy demand. The area of the rented hall is 246 m², the cost of infrastructure renovations is HUF 25.223.398, the unit cost per m² is HUF 102 534/m². Elsner System Ltd. is an SME moving forward in the production value chain. Currently, the Vario products are compatible with only two implant manufacturers. As a result of the development, the purchase of modern multi-purpose latches can be used to achieve compatibility with the products of several manufacturers, i.e. several new types of existing products on the market will be created. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:12, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914507 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Acquisition of a unique production line combined with robot technology for industrial binder removal devices for own branded aircraft |
Project Q3914507 in Hungary |
259,237,299 forint
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1,417,315.434 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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518,474,598.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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2 March 2020
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30 September 2020
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AOG Solution Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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Előzetesen megtörtént a beszerzésre kerülő gépek felmérése, azok termelés közbeni vizsgálata, az árajánlatok bekérése, a vállalkozás és munkatársai felkészültek az új gyártó kapacitás elindítására. A vállalkozás vezetése jelenleg is sikeresen működtet egy gyártóüzemet, így rendelkeznek kellő tapasztalattal. A termékek gyártása az alábbi technológiával történik: A hosszeszterga gépek lehetővé teszik, hogy CNC technológiával gyártásra kerüljenek a Vario-Dock és a Vario-Cast elemei. Vario-Dock összes elemét a CNC hosszesztergákkal készítjük el: csavarok, interfészek, behajtók, csavarhúzók, öntősablonok, öntősablonhoz tartozó interfészek és csavarok. A kompresszorok biztosítják a gyártási területen a gépek működéséhez szükséges sűrített levegőt. A mérőgéppel pontosan és precízen lehet megmérni a legyártott munkadarabokat, hiszen ez elengedhetetlen az orvostechnikai eszközök gyártásában. A mérőgépet gyártásközi- és végellenőrzés céljából is használni kell. A mért adatokról minden esetben mérési jegyzőkönyv készül az ISO és a TE tanúsítványoknak megfelelően. A mikroszkópok segítségével a hosszeszterga gépen legyártott alkatrészek gyártásközi ellenőrzése történik. Az orvostechnikai eszközök esetén nagyon fontos az 5 mikronos és a 0,01 százados pontosság, ezért nélkülözhetetlen a darabok mikroszkóp alatti átvizsgálása. A fárasztógépen a végtermék és a gyártásközi termékek fárasztásos törés vizsgálata történik, amely biztosítja, hogy a darab a megfelelő minőségben kerüljön a vevőkhöz. Ezek az eredményeket az ISO 14801-nek megfelelően kerülnek dokumentálásra. A lézerhegesztő gép a Vario-Dock elemeinek fizikai összekötésére szolgál. A lézerhegesztés a legfinomabb varratkészítést teszi lehetővé, ami az orvostechnikai eszközök esetében elengedhetetlen. Az eljárás elve, hogy nagy energiasűrűségű lézersugarat használnak az anyagok hegesztéséhez. Az egy helyre koncentrált hő bevitelének köszönhetően csak a hegeszteni kívánt területet hevítik fel. Az elkészített varrat hőhatásövezetében a kristály szerkezet nem alakul át, a nagy energiasűrűség gyorsabb munkavégzést eredményez. A hőmérséklet a gyártást befolyásoló tényező, a tervezett rendszer garantálja az egyenletes temperálást, ezzel biztosítható az öt mikron valamint a 0,01 század pontosságú megmunkálás. A villamos hálózat fejlesztése elsősorban a megfelelő energia szükséglet biztosításának az érdekében kell. A bérelt csarnok területe 246 m2, az infrastrukturális felújítások költsége 25.223.398 Ft, az egy m2-re jutó fajlagos költség 102.534 Ft/m2. Az Elsner System Kft. termelési értékláncban előrelépő KKV. Jelenleg a Vario termékcsalád termékei csak két implantátum gyártó termékeivel kompatibilisek. A fejlesztés eredményeként, a modern, többcélú hosszesztergák beszerzésével kialakítható a több gyártó termékeivel való kompatibilitás, vagyis meglévő, forgalomba lévő termékeknek több új típusa fog létrejönni. (Hungarian)
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In advance, the machines to be purchased were assessed, they were tested during production, the request for quotations, the company and its staff were prepared to start the new production capacity. The company’s management is currently running a manufacturing plant successfully and therefore has the necessary experience. The products are manufactured using the following technology: Longitudinal lathe machines allow the production of Vario-Dock and Vario-Cast elements with CNC technology. All elements of Vario-Dock are made with CNC latches: screws, interfaces, collectors, screwdrivers, moulding templates, interfaces and screws for the moulding template. The compressors provide the compressed air necessary for the operation of the machines in the manufacturing area. The measuring machine can accurately and accurately measure the manufactured workpieces, as this is essential for the manufacture of medical devices. The measuring machine shall be used for both in-production and final inspection. In all cases, a test report shall be drawn up on the measured data in accordance with the ISO and TE certificates. With the help of microscopes, in-production checks are carried out on the parts manufactured on the longitudinal lathe machine. For medical devices, the accuracy of 5 microns and 0.01 centimeters is very important, which is why it is essential to scan the pieces under the microscope. On the fatigue machine, the final product and the in-production products are tested with fatigue breaking, which ensures that the piece is delivered to the customers in the right quality. These results are documented in accordance with ISO 14801. The laser welding machine is used for the physical connection of Vario-Dock elements. Laser welding makes it possible to make the finest seams, which is essential for medical devices. The principle of the procedure is to use a laser beam with high energy density to weld materials. Due to the introduction of concentrated heat in one place, only the area to be welded is heated. In the heat effect zone of the prepared weld, the crystal structure is not transformed, the high energy density results in faster working. The temperature is a factor influencing production, the designed system guarantees uniform tempering, thus ensuring five microns and 0.01 century precision machining. The development of the electricity grid should be primarily in order to ensure the right energy demand. The area of the rented hall is 246 m², the cost of infrastructure renovations is HUF 25.223.398, the unit cost per m² is HUF 102 534/m². Elsner System Ltd. is an SME moving forward in the production value chain. Currently, the Vario products are compatible with only two implant manufacturers. As a result of the development, the purchase of modern multi-purpose latches can be used to achieve compatibility with the products of several manufacturers, i.e. several new types of existing products on the market will be created. (English)
8 February 2022
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Bodony, Heves
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