Expansion of the production capacity of H.I.X. Kft. (Q3914387): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Within the framework of the project, only the new production equipment will be purchased. The company has so far continued its deburring and abrasive technology manually, which is automated by the 42-900 WWB-S* Sale Grinding Machine. The technical content and technology of the machine are described as follows: dry working space compact abrasive grinding machine with 900 mm wide working range, working with WWB working cylinders. This machine type has been specially developed for the removal (sanding and deburring) of hard slag and melt burning to parts during plasma and flame cutting. The machine is equipped with 2 large abrasive grinding cylinders and 1 oscillating brush head. The first cylinder is the aggressive primary removal of thick and hard slag/melt, while the second cylinder performs secondary deburring and fine rounding of the cutting edges in combination with the brush head. * Explanation of the abbreviations: W: abrasive tape cylinders (Kontaktwaltze), B: brush deburring and surface finishing units (Bürste) S: marking of a special machine for removing hard cutting slag (Schlackenschleifer/Slag- grinder). The machine is equipped with special “floating” abrasive/drilling heads and pneumatic pressure system to ensure constant, uniform abrasive pressure. By changing the atmospheric pressure, the grinding/deburring rate can be changed. In the production process, finished-welded workpieces have been milled with scaffolded drills in the past, which is transformed by the Gentiger Machinery “GT-2516V” machining centre included in the investment. Main parts of the machine: Machine motherboard, stand; spindle house and milling spindle; With the development of T10, direct motor drive, toolbox and exchanger, the company’s products are produced with a higher level of processing, since the machining has been partially outsourced so far, but after that the company can implement it in its own production. THE H.IX. Ltd. is considered to be an SME advancing in the production value chain due to the impact of the investment, since all activities that take place within the company are evaluated in terms of an efficiency criterion that expresses the extent to which the individual activities (milling, cutting, welding, grinding, deburring) contribute to the achievement of the fundamental objective of the company. The basic goal of the company is to satisfy the customer’s needs, while maintaining and increasing quality. This also means that the company’s value chain consists of a series of metalworking activities that, through the means included in the investment, generate higher value thanks to the improvement in the quality of the finished products produced, which its main customer (GRUNDFOS) itself recognises as value. In this case, we can talk about the fact that the buyer acknowledged the new value by being willing to pay for it a price that would cover the company’s costs and, in addition, provide a profit. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Within the framework of the project, only the new production equipment will be purchased. The company has so far continued its deburring and abrasive technology manually, which is automated by the 42-900 WWB-S* Sale Grinding Machine. The technical content and technology of the machine are described as follows: dry working space compact abrasive grinding machine with 900 mm wide working range, working with WWB working cylinders. This machine type has been specially developed for the removal (sanding and deburring) of hard slag and melt burning to parts during plasma and flame cutting. The machine is equipped with 2 large abrasive grinding cylinders and 1 oscillating brush head. The first cylinder is the aggressive primary removal of thick and hard slag/melt, while the second cylinder performs secondary deburring and fine rounding of the cutting edges in combination with the brush head. * Explanation of the abbreviations: W: abrasive tape cylinders (Kontaktwaltze), B: brush deburring and surface finishing units (Bürste) S: marking of a special machine for removing hard cutting slag (Schlackenschleifer/Slag- grinder). The machine is equipped with special “floating” abrasive/drilling heads and pneumatic pressure system to ensure constant, uniform abrasive pressure. By changing the atmospheric pressure, the grinding/deburring rate can be changed. In the production process, finished-welded workpieces have been milled with scaffolded drills in the past, which is transformed by the Gentiger Machinery “GT-2516V” machining centre included in the investment. Main parts of the machine: Machine motherboard, stand; spindle house and milling spindle; With the development of T10, direct motor drive, toolbox and exchanger, the company’s products are produced with a higher level of processing, since the machining has been partially outsourced so far, but after that the company can implement it in its own production. THE H.IX. Ltd. is considered to be an SME advancing in the production value chain due to the impact of the investment, since all activities that take place within the company are evaluated in terms of an efficiency criterion that expresses the extent to which the individual activities (milling, cutting, welding, grinding, deburring) contribute to the achievement of the fundamental objective of the company. The basic goal of the company is to satisfy the customer’s needs, while maintaining and increasing quality. This also means that the company’s value chain consists of a series of metalworking activities that, through the means included in the investment, generate higher value thanks to the improvement in the quality of the finished products produced, which its main customer (GRUNDFOS) itself recognises as value. In this case, we can talk about the fact that the buyer acknowledged the new value by being willing to pay for it a price that would cover the company’s costs and, in addition, provide a profit. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Within the framework of the project, only the new production equipment will be purchased. The company has so far continued its deburring and abrasive technology manually, which is automated by the 42-900 WWB-S* Sale Grinding Machine. The technical content and technology of the machine are described as follows: dry working space compact abrasive grinding machine with 900 mm wide working range, working with WWB working cylinders. This machine type has been specially developed for the removal (sanding and deburring) of hard slag and melt burning to parts during plasma and flame cutting. The machine is equipped with 2 large abrasive grinding cylinders and 1 oscillating brush head. The first cylinder is the aggressive primary removal of thick and hard slag/melt, while the second cylinder performs secondary deburring and fine rounding of the cutting edges in combination with the brush head. * Explanation of the abbreviations: W: abrasive tape cylinders (Kontaktwaltze), B: brush deburring and surface finishing units (Bürste) S: marking of a special machine for removing hard cutting slag (Schlackenschleifer/Slag- grinder). The machine is equipped with special “floating” abrasive/drilling heads and pneumatic pressure system to ensure constant, uniform abrasive pressure. By changing the atmospheric pressure, the grinding/deburring rate can be changed. In the production process, finished-welded workpieces have been milled with scaffolded drills in the past, which is transformed by the Gentiger Machinery “GT-2516V” machining centre included in the investment. Main parts of the machine: Machine motherboard, stand; spindle house and milling spindle; With the development of T10, direct motor drive, toolbox and exchanger, the company’s products are produced with a higher level of processing, since the machining has been partially outsourced so far, but after that the company can implement it in its own production. THE H.IX. Ltd. is considered to be an SME advancing in the production value chain due to the impact of the investment, since all activities that take place within the company are evaluated in terms of an efficiency criterion that expresses the extent to which the individual activities (milling, cutting, welding, grinding, deburring) contribute to the achievement of the fundamental objective of the company. The basic goal of the company is to satisfy the customer’s needs, while maintaining and increasing quality. This also means that the company’s value chain consists of a series of metalworking activities that, through the means included in the investment, generate higher value thanks to the improvement in the quality of the finished products produced, which its main customer (GRUNDFOS) itself recognises as value. In this case, we can talk about the fact that the buyer acknowledged the new value by being willing to pay for it a price that would cover the company’s costs and, in addition, provide a profit. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:11, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914387 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Expansion of the production capacity of H.I.X. Kft. |
Project Q3914387 in Hungary |
127,709,848 forint
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255,419,696.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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18 April 2016
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21 November 2016
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H.I.X. Ipari Gyártó és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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A projekt keretein belül csak a gyártáshoz kapcsolódó új termelő eszköz beszerzésére kerül sor. A fejlesztéssel a vállalkozás A vállalkozás eddigiekben kézzel folytatta sorjázó és csiszoló technológiaiját, mely a beruházásban szserplő 42--900 WWB-S* Salakcsiszoló-sorjázó gép segítségével automatizálódik. A gép szakmai tartalma és technológiájának leírása a következő: száraz munkaterű kompakt csiszoló--sorjázó gép, amely 900 mm széles munkatartománnyal rendelkezik, WWB munkahengerekkel dolgozik. Ez a géptípus kifejezetten plazma-- és lángvágás során az alkatrészekre égő kemény salak és olvadék eltávolítására (csiszolására és sorjázására) lett kifejlesztve. A gép 2db széles abrazív csiszolóhengerrel és 1 db oszcilláló kefe--fejjel van ellátva. Az első munkahenger a vastag és kemény salak/olvadék agresszív, elsődleges eltávolítását, míg a második munkahenger a másodlagos sorjázást és a kefe--fejjel kombinálva a vágási élek finom lekerekítését végzi. * A rövidítések magyarázata: W: csiszolószalagos munkahenger (Kontaktwaltze), B: kefés sorjázó és felületmegmunkáló egység (Bürste) S: kemény vágási salak eltávolítására kialakított speciális gép jelölése (Schlackenschleifer/Slag-- grinder). A gép speciális „úszó” csiszoló/sorjázó fejekkel és pneumatikus nyomásrendszerrel van ellátva, amely az állandó, egyenletes csiszolónyomást biztosítja. A légnyomás változtatásával a csiszolás/sorjázás mértéke változtatható. A termelési folyamatban a készre-hegesztett munkadarabok marása állványos fúrókkal történt eddigiekben, mely a beruházásban szereplő Gentiger Machinery „GT-2516V” megmunkáló központ által átalakul. A gép főbb részei: Gépalaplap, állvány; orsóház és maróorsó; T10 típusú, közvetlen motorfőhajtás, Szerszámtár és cserélő A fejlesztéssel a cég magasabb feldolgozottsági szintű termékei készülnek el, mivel a megmunkálást eddig részben kiszervezett folyamatként működött, azonban ezt követően a cég saját termelésében tudja megvalósítani. A H.IX. Kft. a beruházás hatására a termelési értékláncban előrelépő KKV-nak minősül, mivel mindaz a tevékenység, amely a vállalaton belül folyik, egy olyan hatékonysági kritérium szempontjából értékelődik fel a beruházás hatására, amely azt fejezi ki, hogy az egyes tevékenységek (marás, vágás, hegesztés, csiszolás, sorjázás) milyen mértékben járulnak hozzá a vállalat alapvető céljának teljesüléséhez. A vállalat alapvető célja, a vásárlói igény kielégítése, a minőség megtartása és növelése mellett. Ez másképp azt jelenti, hogy a vállalat értéklánca olyan fémmegmunkáláshoz kapcsolódó tevékenységek sorozatából áll, amelyek a beruházásban szereplő eszközök segítségével nagyobb értéket teremt az előállított végtermékek minőségi javulásának köszönhetően, amelyet a legfőbb vásárlója (GRUNDFOS) maga értékként ismer el. Ebben az esetben beszélhetünk arról, hogy a vásárló az új értéket elismerte azzal, hogy hajlandó olyan árat fizetni érte, amely fedezi a vállalat költségeit, és ezen kívül még nyereséget is biztosít. (Hungarian)
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Within the framework of the project, only the new production equipment will be purchased. The company has so far continued its deburring and abrasive technology manually, which is automated by the 42-900 WWB-S* Sale Grinding Machine. The technical content and technology of the machine are described as follows: dry working space compact abrasive grinding machine with 900 mm wide working range, working with WWB working cylinders. This machine type has been specially developed for the removal (sanding and deburring) of hard slag and melt burning to parts during plasma and flame cutting. The machine is equipped with 2 large abrasive grinding cylinders and 1 oscillating brush head. The first cylinder is the aggressive primary removal of thick and hard slag/melt, while the second cylinder performs secondary deburring and fine rounding of the cutting edges in combination with the brush head. * Explanation of the abbreviations: W: abrasive tape cylinders (Kontaktwaltze), B: brush deburring and surface finishing units (Bürste) S: marking of a special machine for removing hard cutting slag (Schlackenschleifer/Slag- grinder). The machine is equipped with special “floating” abrasive/drilling heads and pneumatic pressure system to ensure constant, uniform abrasive pressure. By changing the atmospheric pressure, the grinding/deburring rate can be changed. In the production process, finished-welded workpieces have been milled with scaffolded drills in the past, which is transformed by the Gentiger Machinery “GT-2516V” machining centre included in the investment. Main parts of the machine: Machine motherboard, stand; spindle house and milling spindle; With the development of T10, direct motor drive, toolbox and exchanger, the company’s products are produced with a higher level of processing, since the machining has been partially outsourced so far, but after that the company can implement it in its own production. THE H.IX. Ltd. is considered to be an SME advancing in the production value chain due to the impact of the investment, since all activities that take place within the company are evaluated in terms of an efficiency criterion that expresses the extent to which the individual activities (milling, cutting, welding, grinding, deburring) contribute to the achievement of the fundamental objective of the company. The basic goal of the company is to satisfy the customer’s needs, while maintaining and increasing quality. This also means that the company’s value chain consists of a series of metalworking activities that, through the means included in the investment, generate higher value thanks to the improvement in the quality of the finished products produced, which its main customer (GRUNDFOS) itself recognises as value. In this case, we can talk about the fact that the buyer acknowledged the new value by being willing to pay for it a price that would cover the company’s costs and, in addition, provide a profit. (English)
8 February 2022
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Almásfüzitő, Komárom-Esztergom
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