Sticker Printing and Service Ltd. Production Capacity Expansion Development (Q3914356): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
In order to increase the added value of the project, a new production device related to label production is purchased by purchasing 1 Heidelberg Speedmaster SX-52-5+L sheet offset printing machine. There are no other elements of the project. The design of the machine is suitable for the most advanced, innovative 5 colour impressions on the market. Thanks to its control and components, the machine also serves to expand our modern product production capabilities, as it allows us to meet and even meet the latest customer requirements. As a high-level processed product, we are suitable for producing 5 colour-pressed varnished labels. In the course of the preparation, we identified the parameters that are important for increasing the capacity required for the planned growth (performance; economic comparison; additional costs, sustainability, technical standards, legislation). On this basis, the equipment and its technical parameters were selected. The successful bid attached to the application form contains a detailed technical description of the device and the parameters required for the planned 35 % capacity increase. Value for money was taken into account when collecting the quotes. Standards applied: printing standards. Key steps for the implementation of the project: request quotations; selection; ordering; contracting; delivery of machinery, commissioning. With the experience of project management members, the project is successfully prepared and implemented. Our managing director and contact colleague carried out several investment projects. Justification for SME or added value-added quality leading to growth in the production value chain: The implementation of the project will lead to an increase in added value. In the case of food-producing businesses, there is a great need to create a unique image to distinguish themselves from other products. One of the most important components of this unique image is the unique colour of product labels. The creation of the most complete colour gamut in the printing industry is possible with the 5 colour printing technology. Another important aspect of the product is durability and a beautiful surface that can be provided by varnish. In order to ensure continuous production, the customer must be able to produce large quantities at the same time and be continuously available, which requires sufficient capacity. We respond to these customer needs that generate growth in value added with the project. In other words, we are able to produce a larger number of products, more powerful designs and multi-coloured labels, which means that we can sell our products partly at unit price and partly at a higher price, thereby increasing the added value. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In order to increase the added value of the project, a new production device related to label production is purchased by purchasing 1 Heidelberg Speedmaster SX-52-5+L sheet offset printing machine. There are no other elements of the project. The design of the machine is suitable for the most advanced, innovative 5 colour impressions on the market. Thanks to its control and components, the machine also serves to expand our modern product production capabilities, as it allows us to meet and even meet the latest customer requirements. As a high-level processed product, we are suitable for producing 5 colour-pressed varnished labels. In the course of the preparation, we identified the parameters that are important for increasing the capacity required for the planned growth (performance; economic comparison; additional costs, sustainability, technical standards, legislation). On this basis, the equipment and its technical parameters were selected. The successful bid attached to the application form contains a detailed technical description of the device and the parameters required for the planned 35 % capacity increase. Value for money was taken into account when collecting the quotes. Standards applied: printing standards. Key steps for the implementation of the project: request quotations; selection; ordering; contracting; delivery of machinery, commissioning. With the experience of project management members, the project is successfully prepared and implemented. Our managing director and contact colleague carried out several investment projects. Justification for SME or added value-added quality leading to growth in the production value chain: The implementation of the project will lead to an increase in added value. In the case of food-producing businesses, there is a great need to create a unique image to distinguish themselves from other products. One of the most important components of this unique image is the unique colour of product labels. The creation of the most complete colour gamut in the printing industry is possible with the 5 colour printing technology. Another important aspect of the product is durability and a beautiful surface that can be provided by varnish. In order to ensure continuous production, the customer must be able to produce large quantities at the same time and be continuously available, which requires sufficient capacity. We respond to these customer needs that generate growth in value added with the project. In other words, we are able to produce a larger number of products, more powerful designs and multi-coloured labels, which means that we can sell our products partly at unit price and partly at a higher price, thereby increasing the added value. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In order to increase the added value of the project, a new production device related to label production is purchased by purchasing 1 Heidelberg Speedmaster SX-52-5+L sheet offset printing machine. There are no other elements of the project. The design of the machine is suitable for the most advanced, innovative 5 colour impressions on the market. Thanks to its control and components, the machine also serves to expand our modern product production capabilities, as it allows us to meet and even meet the latest customer requirements. As a high-level processed product, we are suitable for producing 5 colour-pressed varnished labels. In the course of the preparation, we identified the parameters that are important for increasing the capacity required for the planned growth (performance; economic comparison; additional costs, sustainability, technical standards, legislation). On this basis, the equipment and its technical parameters were selected. The successful bid attached to the application form contains a detailed technical description of the device and the parameters required for the planned 35 % capacity increase. Value for money was taken into account when collecting the quotes. Standards applied: printing standards. Key steps for the implementation of the project: request quotations; selection; ordering; contracting; delivery of machinery, commissioning. With the experience of project management members, the project is successfully prepared and implemented. Our managing director and contact colleague carried out several investment projects. Justification for SME or added value-added quality leading to growth in the production value chain: The implementation of the project will lead to an increase in added value. In the case of food-producing businesses, there is a great need to create a unique image to distinguish themselves from other products. One of the most important components of this unique image is the unique colour of product labels. The creation of the most complete colour gamut in the printing industry is possible with the 5 colour printing technology. Another important aspect of the product is durability and a beautiful surface that can be provided by varnish. In order to ensure continuous production, the customer must be able to produce large quantities at the same time and be continuously available, which requires sufficient capacity. We respond to these customer needs that generate growth in value added with the project. In other words, we are able to produce a larger number of products, more powerful designs and multi-coloured labels, which means that we can sell our products partly at unit price and partly at a higher price, thereby increasing the added value. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:11, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914356 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Sticker Printing and Service Ltd. Production Capacity Expansion Development |
Project Q3914356 in Hungary |
198,448,620 forint
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1,084,968.456 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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396,897,240.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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11 January 2016
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3 June 2016
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MATRICA Nyomdaipari és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Fe- lelősségü Társaság
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A projekt keretében hozzáadott érték növelés érdekében címkegyártáshoz kapcsolódó új termelő eszköz beszerzése történik 1 db Heidelberg Speedmaster SX-52-5+L íves ofszet nyomógép megvásárlásával. Egyéb eleme nincs a projektnek. A gép kialakítása a piacon a legfejlettebb, innovatív 5 színnyomás+lakkozás megvalósítására alkalmas. A gép a vezérlésének és részegységeinek köszönhetően is szolgálja a korszerű termék előállítási képességeink bővítését, hiszen segítségével a legújabb vevői elvárásoknak is meg tudunk felelni, sőt azoknak elébe is tudunk menni. Magas szinten feldolgozott termékként 5 színnyomásos, lakkozott címkék gyártására válunk alkalmassá. Az előkészítés során meghatároztuk azokat a paramétereket, amelyek a tervezett növekedéshez szükséges kapacitásbővítéshez fontosak (teljesítmény; gazdasági összevetés; járulékos költségek, fenntarthatóság, műszaki szabványok, jogszabályok). Ezek alapján került kiválasztásra a berendezés és műszaki paraméterei. A pályázati adatlaphoz csatolt nyertes árajánlat tartalmazza az eszköz részletes műszaki leírását és azokat a paramétereket, amik a tervezett 35%-os kapacitásbővítéshez szükségesek. Az árajánlatok begyűjtése során az ár-érték arányt figyelembe vettük. Alkalmazott standardok: nyomdaipari szabványok. Projekt megvalósításának legfontosabb lépései: árajánlatok bekérése; kiválasztás; megrendelés; szerződéskötés; gép leszállítása, üzembe helyezés. A projekt menedzsment tagjainak tapasztalatával a projekt előkészítés és megvalósítása sikeresen zajlik. Ügyvezetőnk és kapcsolattartó kollégánk több beruházási projekt lebonyolítását végezte el. Termelési értékláncban előrelépő KKV vagy hozzáadott érték növekedést eredményező minőség indoklása: A projekt megvalósítása hozzáadott érték növekedést fog eredményezni. Az élelmiszer termelő vállalkozások esetében nagyon nagy az igény az egyedi arculat megteremtésére, amellyel megkülönböztethetik magukat egyéb termékektől. Ennek az egyedi arculatnak az egyik legfontosabb összetevője a termékcímkék egyedi színvilága. A nyomdaiparban legteljesebb színskála megteremtése az 5 színnyomásos technológiával lehetséges. Másik lényeges szempont a termék vonatkozásában tartósság és szép felület, amelyet a lakkozás tud biztosítani. A termelés folyamatos biztosítása érdekében biztosítani kell a megrendelő számára, hogy egyszerre nagy mennyiséget tudjunk gyártani és folyamatosan rendelkezésre álljunk, amihez megfelelő kapacitás szükséges. Ezekre a hozzáadott érték növekedést generáló vevői igényekre reagálunk a projekttel. Vagyis az eddigiekhez képes nagyobb termékszámú, erősebb kivitelű, és többféle színű címke legyártására válunk alkalmassá, ami miatt részben egységárban, részben fajlagosan magasabb áron tudjuk értékesíteni termékeinket, ezáltal a hozzáadott érték növekedni fog. (Hungarian)
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In order to increase the added value of the project, a new production device related to label production is purchased by purchasing 1 Heidelberg Speedmaster SX-52-5+L sheet offset printing machine. There are no other elements of the project. The design of the machine is suitable for the most advanced, innovative 5 colour impressions on the market. Thanks to its control and components, the machine also serves to expand our modern product production capabilities, as it allows us to meet and even meet the latest customer requirements. As a high-level processed product, we are suitable for producing 5 colour-pressed varnished labels. In the course of the preparation, we identified the parameters that are important for increasing the capacity required for the planned growth (performance; economic comparison; additional costs, sustainability, technical standards, legislation). On this basis, the equipment and its technical parameters were selected. The successful bid attached to the application form contains a detailed technical description of the device and the parameters required for the planned 35 % capacity increase. Value for money was taken into account when collecting the quotes. Standards applied: printing standards. Key steps for the implementation of the project: request quotations; selection; ordering; contracting; delivery of machinery, commissioning. With the experience of project management members, the project is successfully prepared and implemented. Our managing director and contact colleague carried out several investment projects. Justification for SME or added value-added quality leading to growth in the production value chain: The implementation of the project will lead to an increase in added value. In the case of food-producing businesses, there is a great need to create a unique image to distinguish themselves from other products. One of the most important components of this unique image is the unique colour of product labels. The creation of the most complete colour gamut in the printing industry is possible with the 5 colour printing technology. Another important aspect of the product is durability and a beautiful surface that can be provided by varnish. In order to ensure continuous production, the customer must be able to produce large quantities at the same time and be continuously available, which requires sufficient capacity. We respond to these customer needs that generate growth in value added with the project. In other words, we are able to produce a larger number of products, more powerful designs and multi-coloured labels, which means that we can sell our products partly at unit price and partly at a higher price, thereby increasing the added value. (English)
8 February 2022
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Kecskemét, Bács-Kiskun
0 references
0 references