Capacity expansion at Binder Kft. (Q3913985): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
1: increase in production capacity: There will be an increase in production capacity linked to 2511 tea: purchase of 1 KOMBINAL STANCOLO AND LASERED GÉP and 1 drill and saw to increase capacity by 20 %. The above is complemented by the introduction of handling machines and ERP. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. The skills of the project management members are therefore appropriate. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to get a machine in which we have great experience. The project will be implemented by 31 March 2017. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and supplier requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on the use of the established quality guidance system and follow the procedures required by the suppliers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and better quality, more durable products with higher accuracy. 8. Presentation of project elements: Assets to be procured: SL4.40 KOMBINED STANCOLER AND LASERAL GÉP and TYPE P4Xe-3816 Bending CENTRAL and FICEP AUTOMATURE, CNC-controlled RUAR AND SPECIFIC: Thanks to the machines, the production capacity increases by 20 %, as we can produce more on several machines at the same time. Compressors, cranes, forklifts, folding machines: The additional capacity generated by the above machines assists the additional air and material handling needs and design tasks, and is therefore directly linked to it. ERP: due to the additional administration due to increased capacity, it is necessary to introduce a corporate governance system because it was not previously available, so it will allow for a more efficient operation. 9.R & D & I activity: previously, we successfully applied for GOP-131-C, where we acquired a tool that triggered a workflow, and since then we can fit the top and bottom of the boiler in one pace instead of two steps. (English)
Property / summary: 1: increase in production capacity: There will be an increase in production capacity linked to 2511 tea: purchase of 1 KOMBINAL STANCOLO AND LASERED GÉP and 1 drill and saw to increase capacity by 20 %. The above is complemented by the introduction of handling machines and ERP. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. The skills of the project management members are therefore appropriate. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to get a machine in which we have great experience. The project will be implemented by 31 March 2017. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and supplier requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on the use of the established quality guidance system and follow the procedures required by the suppliers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and better quality, more durable products with higher accuracy. 8. Presentation of project elements: Assets to be procured: SL4.40 KOMBINED STANCOLER AND LASERAL GÉP and TYPE P4Xe-3816 Bending CENTRAL and FICEP AUTOMATURE, CNC-controlled RUAR AND SPECIFIC: Thanks to the machines, the production capacity increases by 20 %, as we can produce more on several machines at the same time. Compressors, cranes, forklifts, folding machines: The additional capacity generated by the above machines assists the additional air and material handling needs and design tasks, and is therefore directly linked to it. ERP: due to the additional administration due to increased capacity, it is necessary to introduce a corporate governance system because it was not previously available, so it will allow for a more efficient operation. 9.R & D & I activity: previously, we successfully applied for GOP-131-C, where we acquired a tool that triggered a workflow, and since then we can fit the top and bottom of the boiler in one pace instead of two steps. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: 1: increase in production capacity: There will be an increase in production capacity linked to 2511 tea: purchase of 1 KOMBINAL STANCOLO AND LASERED GÉP and 1 drill and saw to increase capacity by 20 %. The above is complemented by the introduction of handling machines and ERP. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. The skills of the project management members are therefore appropriate. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to get a machine in which we have great experience. The project will be implemented by 31 March 2017. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and supplier requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on the use of the established quality guidance system and follow the procedures required by the suppliers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and better quality, more durable products with higher accuracy. 8. Presentation of project elements: Assets to be procured: SL4.40 KOMBINED STANCOLER AND LASERAL GÉP and TYPE P4Xe-3816 Bending CENTRAL and FICEP AUTOMATURE, CNC-controlled RUAR AND SPECIFIC: Thanks to the machines, the production capacity increases by 20 %, as we can produce more on several machines at the same time. Compressors, cranes, forklifts, folding machines: The additional capacity generated by the above machines assists the additional air and material handling needs and design tasks, and is therefore directly linked to it. ERP: due to the additional administration due to increased capacity, it is necessary to introduce a corporate governance system because it was not previously available, so it will allow for a more efficient operation. 9.R & D & I activity: previously, we successfully applied for GOP-131-C, where we acquired a tool that triggered a workflow, and since then we can fit the top and bottom of the boiler in one pace instead of two steps. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:09, 8 February 2022

Project Q3913985 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Capacity expansion at Binder Kft.
Project Q3913985 in Hungary


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    BINDER Ipari szerkezetépítő, Kereskedelmi, Termeltető és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°20'56.08"N, 17°4'50.63"E
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    1: termelési kapacitás bővülés: A 2511 teáorhoz kapcsoló termelési kapacitásbővítés valósul meg: a 1 db KOMBINÁLT STANCOLÓ ÉS LÉZERES GÉP és 1 db fúró és fűrész beszerzése, melynek révén 20 %-al nő a kapacitás. A fentieket kiegészíti anyagmozgató gépek és ERP bevezetése. 2. Előkészítő tevékenységek: Egy olyan területen valósítunk meg fejlesztést, melyben a vezetésnek már komoly gyakorlata van, hiszen következetesen valósított meg az elmúlt években is hasonló fejlesztéseket, részben támogatásból. A projekt menedzsment tagjainak jártassága tehát megfelelő. Korábban beszerzésre került több gyártó gép és a vevői igények feltérképezése megtörtént, ennek az ismeretében alakítottuk ki a megalapozott fejlesztésünk. 3 . A projekt legfontosabb lépései: célunk egy gépszerzés, amelyben nagy gyakorlatunk van. A projektet 2017.03.31-ig megvalósítjuk. 4. Szakmai standardok: a fejlesztés során az szakmai (ISO, DIN) szabványok és a beszállítói követelmények figyelembe véve járunk el. A beszerzendő eszközök kiválasztásánál ismert szállítókat választottunk, jó szervizháttérrel. 5. a szakmai standardok megvalósulását biztosító eljárások, módszerek és a szakmai színvonal biztosítása és fenntartása a projekt végrehajtása során: A működés és megvalósítás során nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk a bevezetett minőségirányitási rendszer használatára és a beszállítók által megkövetelt eljárásokat követjük, így a projekt eredményes megvalósítása és fenntartása problémamentes lesz. 6. A technológiai beruházásokban a projekt menedzsmentnek nagy tapasztalata van, révén már több ilyen projektet valósított meg támogatás segítségével. 7. Az eszköz újdonságtartalma, többlet értéke: képesek leszünk a versenytársaknál magasabb kapacitást kínálni és nagyobb pontosság mellett jobb minőséget, tartósabb termékeket. 8. megvalósuló projektelemek bemutatása: A beszerzendő eszközök: SL4.40 KOMBINÁLT STANCOLÓ ÉS LÉZERES GÉP és P4Xe-3816 TÍPUSÚ HAJLÍTÓ KÖZPONT és FICEP AUTOMATA, CNC-VEZÉRELT FÚRÓ- ÉS FŰRÉSZ: A gépeknek köszönhetően 20%-kal növekszik meg a gyártási kapacitás, hiszen több gépen egyszerre többet tudunk termelni. Kompresszor, daru, targonca, hajtogatógép: A fenti gépekkel előálló többletkapacitás plusz levegőjét és anyagmozgatási igényét, ill. tervezési feladatait segíti, közvetlen kapcsolódik tehát hozzá. ERP: a megnövekvő kapacitás miatt adódó többletadminisztráció miatt szükséges egy vállalatirányítási rendszert bevezetni, mert korábban nem volt, így egy hatékonyabb működést fog lehetővé tenni. 9.K+F+I tevékenység: korábban eredményesen pályáztunk a GOP-131-C pályázaton, ahol olyan eszközt szereztünk be, amivel egy munkafolyamatot kiváltottunk, egy ütemben tudjuk azóta a bojler tetejét és alját illeszteni kettő lépés helyett. (Hungarian)
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    1: increase in production capacity: There will be an increase in production capacity linked to 2511 tea: purchase of 1 KOMBINAL STANCOLO AND LASERED GÉP and 1 drill and saw to increase capacity by 20 %. The above is complemented by the introduction of handling machines and ERP. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. The skills of the project management members are therefore appropriate. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to get a machine in which we have great experience. The project will be implemented by 31 March 2017. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and supplier requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on the use of the established quality guidance system and follow the procedures required by the suppliers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and better quality, more durable products with higher accuracy. 8. Presentation of project elements: Assets to be procured: SL4.40 KOMBINED STANCOLER AND LASERAL GÉP and TYPE P4Xe-3816 Bending CENTRAL and FICEP AUTOMATURE, CNC-controlled RUAR AND SPECIFIC: Thanks to the machines, the production capacity increases by 20 %, as we can produce more on several machines at the same time. Compressors, cranes, forklifts, folding machines: The additional capacity generated by the above machines assists the additional air and material handling needs and design tasks, and is therefore directly linked to it. ERP: due to the additional administration due to increased capacity, it is necessary to introduce a corporate governance system because it was not previously available, so it will allow for a more efficient operation. 9.R & D & I activity: previously, we successfully applied for GOP-131-C, where we acquired a tool that triggered a workflow, and since then we can fit the top and bottom of the boiler in one pace instead of two steps. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Csönge, Vas
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