Expansion of production capacity at Savaria Ipartechnika Kft. (Q3913874): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Under the project, four machines — used in production — will be purchased. The project does not have any other cost elements (neither real estate investment nor IT acquisition). Our production capacity will be increased by the machines to be procured in the following ways: —MAZAK VCS 430 CNC milling machine: You can increase the production of simpler parts on 3-axis machines by 15-20 % -MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining központ:bonyolultabb parts can increase by 50-60 %. — Sodick SLC 600Q Wireless spark cutting machine: it can increase the production of high-precision components by 65-75 %. —TROTEC Speedy 400 laser machine: Laser marking of the parts we manufacture. No direct production increase capacity. Our partners require your purchase and use! With the MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining center, we can combine the production processes consisting of several operations so far. There is a significant reduction in defects resulting from possible poor material insertion. With the SODICK wired spark cutting machine, we would work hardened materials. In the past, we could work these materials without training, and then the workout followed. However, during the training, several sizes were changed on the parts due to the changes in the grain structure that occurred. In several cases, this change has resulted in a change in the dimensions of the hardened material compared to the required dimensions that the component did not meet the drawing specifications. As a result, it was discarded. The project will start after the conclusion of the grant agreement. As a preparatory step, we planned the investment, agreed with our customers’ demands and asked for quotations from potential suppliers. Presentation of R & D & I activity: The enterprise is considered to be an innovative SME on the basis of point 4.4.3(da) of the call for proposals, since it has received funding and implemented a project under the priority GOP R & D and innovation for competitiveness (GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-0211). The final report has already been submitted by the company (a screenshot of the EMIR interface is attached to this certificate). As part of the project, a MAZAK Vertical Center Smart three-axis vertical machining centre was purchased, which is still used by the company in the production of parts and tools. The company qualifies as an under-represented company under point 4.4.3(g) of the call for proposals, since the owners of the company are János Aszódi (34 years) and Krisztina Aszódiné Schmalzel (32 years old) in 50 %. (The additional annex to the 2014 accounts is attached to the certificate of ownership, and the dates of birth are included in the company statement, which is available online. (English)
Property / summary: Under the project, four machines — used in production — will be purchased. The project does not have any other cost elements (neither real estate investment nor IT acquisition). Our production capacity will be increased by the machines to be procured in the following ways: —MAZAK VCS 430 CNC milling machine: You can increase the production of simpler parts on 3-axis machines by 15-20 % -MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining központ:bonyolultabb parts can increase by 50-60 %. — Sodick SLC 600Q Wireless spark cutting machine: it can increase the production of high-precision components by 65-75 %. —TROTEC Speedy 400 laser machine: Laser marking of the parts we manufacture. No direct production increase capacity. Our partners require your purchase and use! With the MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining center, we can combine the production processes consisting of several operations so far. There is a significant reduction in defects resulting from possible poor material insertion. With the SODICK wired spark cutting machine, we would work hardened materials. In the past, we could work these materials without training, and then the workout followed. However, during the training, several sizes were changed on the parts due to the changes in the grain structure that occurred. In several cases, this change has resulted in a change in the dimensions of the hardened material compared to the required dimensions that the component did not meet the drawing specifications. As a result, it was discarded. The project will start after the conclusion of the grant agreement. As a preparatory step, we planned the investment, agreed with our customers’ demands and asked for quotations from potential suppliers. Presentation of R & D & I activity: The enterprise is considered to be an innovative SME on the basis of point 4.4.3(da) of the call for proposals, since it has received funding and implemented a project under the priority GOP R & D and innovation for competitiveness (GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-0211). The final report has already been submitted by the company (a screenshot of the EMIR interface is attached to this certificate). As part of the project, a MAZAK Vertical Center Smart three-axis vertical machining centre was purchased, which is still used by the company in the production of parts and tools. The company qualifies as an under-represented company under point 4.4.3(g) of the call for proposals, since the owners of the company are János Aszódi (34 years) and Krisztina Aszódiné Schmalzel (32 years old) in 50 %. (The additional annex to the 2014 accounts is attached to the certificate of ownership, and the dates of birth are included in the company statement, which is available online. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Under the project, four machines — used in production — will be purchased. The project does not have any other cost elements (neither real estate investment nor IT acquisition). Our production capacity will be increased by the machines to be procured in the following ways: —MAZAK VCS 430 CNC milling machine: You can increase the production of simpler parts on 3-axis machines by 15-20 % -MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining központ:bonyolultabb parts can increase by 50-60 %. — Sodick SLC 600Q Wireless spark cutting machine: it can increase the production of high-precision components by 65-75 %. —TROTEC Speedy 400 laser machine: Laser marking of the parts we manufacture. No direct production increase capacity. Our partners require your purchase and use! With the MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining center, we can combine the production processes consisting of several operations so far. There is a significant reduction in defects resulting from possible poor material insertion. With the SODICK wired spark cutting machine, we would work hardened materials. In the past, we could work these materials without training, and then the workout followed. However, during the training, several sizes were changed on the parts due to the changes in the grain structure that occurred. In several cases, this change has resulted in a change in the dimensions of the hardened material compared to the required dimensions that the component did not meet the drawing specifications. As a result, it was discarded. The project will start after the conclusion of the grant agreement. As a preparatory step, we planned the investment, agreed with our customers’ demands and asked for quotations from potential suppliers. Presentation of R & D & I activity: The enterprise is considered to be an innovative SME on the basis of point 4.4.3(da) of the call for proposals, since it has received funding and implemented a project under the priority GOP R & D and innovation for competitiveness (GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-0211). The final report has already been submitted by the company (a screenshot of the EMIR interface is attached to this certificate). As part of the project, a MAZAK Vertical Center Smart three-axis vertical machining centre was purchased, which is still used by the company in the production of parts and tools. The company qualifies as an under-represented company under point 4.4.3(g) of the call for proposals, since the owners of the company are János Aszódi (34 years) and Krisztina Aszódiné Schmalzel (32 years old) in 50 %. (The additional annex to the 2014 accounts is attached to the certificate of ownership, and the dates of birth are included in the company statement, which is available online. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:09, 8 February 2022

Project Q3913874 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Expansion of production capacity at Savaria Ipartechnika Kft.
Project Q3913874 in Hungary


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    173,029,539 forint
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    478,463.01 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    1,051,106.616 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    384,510,086.667 forint
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    45.0 percent
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    10 August 2015
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    10 August 2016
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    Savaria Ipartechnika Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°17'4.06"N, 16°36'17.50"E
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    A projekt keretében négy darab – a termelésben használt – gép kerül beszerzésre. A projekthez egyéb költségelem (sem ingatlan beruházás, sem IT-beszerzés) nem tartozik. A gyártáskapacitásunkat a beszerezni kívánt gépek az alábbi mértékekben fogják növelni: -MAZAK VCS 430 CNC marógép: 3 tengelyes gépeken gyártható egyszerűbb alkatrészek gyártását 15-20%-ban tudja növelni -MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5 tengelyes megmunkáló központ:bonyolultabb alkatrészek gyártását 50-60% ban tudja növelni. - SODICK SLC 600Q Huzalos szikraforgácsoló gép: nagy pontosságot igénylő alkatrészek gyártását 65-75%-ban tudja növelni. -TROTEC SPEEDY 400-as lézergép: Az általunk legyártott alkatrészek lézer jelölését látja el. Közvetlen gyártásnövelő kapacitása nincs. Partnereink megkövetelik a beszerzését, és használatát! A MAZAK Variaxis i500-as 5 tengelyes megmunkáló központtal az eddig több műveletből álló gyártási folyamatokat össze tudjuk vonni. Jelentősen csökken az esetleges rossz anyagbehelyezésből eredő hibák megszűnnek. A SODICK huzalos szikraforgácsoló géppel már edzett anyagokat munkálnánk meg. Korábban edzés nélkül tudtuk ezeket az anyagokat megmunkálni, majd ezt követően következett az edzés. Viszont az edzésnél több méret is módosult az alkatrészeken a bekövetkezett szemcseszerkezet változás miatt. Ez a változás több esetben azt eredményezte, hogy a leedzett anyag méretei az előírt méretekhez képest akkora mértékben változtak, hogy nem felelt meg az alkatrész a rajzi előírásoknak. Ennek következtében selejt lett. A projekt megkezdésére a támogatási szerződés megkötését követően fog sor kerülni. Előkészítő lépésként megterveztük a beruházás, egyeztettük megrendelőinkkel a vevői igényeket és bekértük az árajánlatokat a lehetséges szállítóktól. K+F+I tevékenység bemutatása: A vállalkozás innovatív KKV-nak minősül a pályázati felhívás 4.4.3. da) pontja alapján mivel támogatást nyert és projektet valósított meg a GOP K+F és innováció a versenyképességért prioritás keretében (GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-0211). A záró beszámolót a vállalkozás már benyújtotta (Ennek igazolására mellékeltük az EMIR felület képernyőképét). A projekt keretében egy MAZAK Vertical Center Smart háromtengelyes függőleges megmunkáló központ került beszerzésre, melyet ma is használ a vállalkozás az alkatrész- és szerszámgyártásban. A vállalkozás alulreprezentált vállalkozásnak minősül a pályázati felhívás 4.4.3. g) pontja alapján mivel a vállalkozás tulajdonosai 50-50%-ban Aszódi János (34 éves) és Aszódiné Schmalzel Krisztina (32 éves). (A tulajdoni hányad igazolására mellékeltük a 2014. évi beszámoló kiegészítő mellékletét, a születési dátumokat pedig a cégkivonat tartalmazza, mely online elérhető. (Hungarian)
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    Under the project, four machines — used in production — will be purchased. The project does not have any other cost elements (neither real estate investment nor IT acquisition). Our production capacity will be increased by the machines to be procured in the following ways: —MAZAK VCS 430 CNC milling machine: You can increase the production of simpler parts on 3-axis machines by 15-20 % -MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining központ:bonyolultabb parts can increase by 50-60 %. — Sodick SLC 600Q Wireless spark cutting machine: it can increase the production of high-precision components by 65-75 %. —TROTEC Speedy 400 laser machine: Laser marking of the parts we manufacture. No direct production increase capacity. Our partners require your purchase and use! With the MAZAK VARIAXIS i500 5-axis machining center, we can combine the production processes consisting of several operations so far. There is a significant reduction in defects resulting from possible poor material insertion. With the SODICK wired spark cutting machine, we would work hardened materials. In the past, we could work these materials without training, and then the workout followed. However, during the training, several sizes were changed on the parts due to the changes in the grain structure that occurred. In several cases, this change has resulted in a change in the dimensions of the hardened material compared to the required dimensions that the component did not meet the drawing specifications. As a result, it was discarded. The project will start after the conclusion of the grant agreement. As a preparatory step, we planned the investment, agreed with our customers’ demands and asked for quotations from potential suppliers. Presentation of R & D & I activity: The enterprise is considered to be an innovative SME on the basis of point 4.4.3(da) of the call for proposals, since it has received funding and implemented a project under the priority GOP R & D and innovation for competitiveness (GOP-1.3.1-11/C-2012-0211). The final report has already been submitted by the company (a screenshot of the EMIR interface is attached to this certificate). As part of the project, a MAZAK Vertical Center Smart three-axis vertical machining centre was purchased, which is still used by the company in the production of parts and tools. The company qualifies as an under-represented company under point 4.4.3(g) of the call for proposals, since the owners of the company are János Aszódi (34 years) and Krisztina Aszódiné Schmalzel (32 years old) in 50 %. (The additional annex to the 2014 accounts is attached to the certificate of ownership, and the dates of birth are included in the company statement, which is available online. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Gencsapáti, Vas
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