Manufacturing capacity-enhancing investment at Dekor Stein Kőbánya Kft. (Q3913753): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Development of manufacturing technology: The project will increase the company’s processing capacity by introducing a new processed product. The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The SANDVIK QJ241 jaw crusher processed this large stone debris sold at low prices in unprocessed form. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after surface treatment and anticoloration as a decorative limestone. The resulting product can be used versatilely in construction, park building and gardening. Material handling device: The Manitou MLT735 120 LSU telescopic loader is required to serve the stone crushing machine and to feed the debris. A high-performance Manitou MI35D forklift will be procured for the loading of the ornamental limestones to be produced. The forklift has a lifting capacity of 3.5 tons. Project preparation: The management prepared cost calculations for the development, requested quotations, and examined and evaluated potential technical equipment in order to select the most efficient tool. The management has the experience and qualifications required to operate the project, the quarry and the stone processing plant have been operating with the current management for decades. Compliance with point of the call for proposals: The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stones are currently unprocessed from the mine at a low selling price. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The aim of the project is to produce valuable ornamental limestones from these stones with a higher level of processing. The crushing and crushing of stones produces ornamental limestones, which is a versatile product with significant added value. It can be used in garden construction, Parking, gardens and squares with shredder. It is easy to use and at the same time offers a decorative architectural solution for space encapsulation. The SANDVIK QJ241 mobile scrambler is purchased for crushing and crushing the excavated stone, and for the production of ornamental limestone. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after a surface treatment, antichocolation, as a decorative limestone crush. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Development of manufacturing technology: The project will increase the company’s processing capacity by introducing a new processed product. The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The SANDVIK QJ241 jaw crusher processed this large stone debris sold at low prices in unprocessed form. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after surface treatment and anticoloration as a decorative limestone. The resulting product can be used versatilely in construction, park building and gardening. Material handling device: The Manitou MLT735 120 LSU telescopic loader is required to serve the stone crushing machine and to feed the debris. A high-performance Manitou MI35D forklift will be procured for the loading of the ornamental limestones to be produced. The forklift has a lifting capacity of 3.5 tons. Project preparation: The management prepared cost calculations for the development, requested quotations, and examined and evaluated potential technical equipment in order to select the most efficient tool. The management has the experience and qualifications required to operate the project, the quarry and the stone processing plant have been operating with the current management for decades. Compliance with point of the call for proposals: The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stones are currently unprocessed from the mine at a low selling price. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The aim of the project is to produce valuable ornamental limestones from these stones with a higher level of processing. The crushing and crushing of stones produces ornamental limestones, which is a versatile product with significant added value. It can be used in garden construction, Parking, gardens and squares with shredder. It is easy to use and at the same time offers a decorative architectural solution for space encapsulation. The SANDVIK QJ241 mobile scrambler is purchased for crushing and crushing the excavated stone, and for the production of ornamental limestone. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after a surface treatment, antichocolation, as a decorative limestone crush. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Development of manufacturing technology: The project will increase the company’s processing capacity by introducing a new processed product. The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The SANDVIK QJ241 jaw crusher processed this large stone debris sold at low prices in unprocessed form. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after surface treatment and anticoloration as a decorative limestone. The resulting product can be used versatilely in construction, park building and gardening. Material handling device: The Manitou MLT735 120 LSU telescopic loader is required to serve the stone crushing machine and to feed the debris. A high-performance Manitou MI35D forklift will be procured for the loading of the ornamental limestones to be produced. The forklift has a lifting capacity of 3.5 tons. Project preparation: The management prepared cost calculations for the development, requested quotations, and examined and evaluated potential technical equipment in order to select the most efficient tool. The management has the experience and qualifications required to operate the project, the quarry and the stone processing plant have been operating with the current management for decades. Compliance with point of the call for proposals: The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stones are currently unprocessed from the mine at a low selling price. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The aim of the project is to produce valuable ornamental limestones from these stones with a higher level of processing. The crushing and crushing of stones produces ornamental limestones, which is a versatile product with significant added value. It can be used in garden construction, Parking, gardens and squares with shredder. It is easy to use and at the same time offers a decorative architectural solution for space encapsulation. The SANDVIK QJ241 mobile scrambler is purchased for crushing and crushing the excavated stone, and for the production of ornamental limestone. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after a surface treatment, antichocolation, as a decorative limestone crush. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:08, 8 February 2022
Project Q3913753 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Manufacturing capacity-enhancing investment at Dekor Stein Kőbánya Kft. |
Project Q3913753 in Hungary |
135,250,000 forint
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821,606.361 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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300,555,555.556 forint
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45.0 percent
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30 March 2016
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20 March 2018
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DEKOR STEIN KŐBÁNYA Ipari és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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Feldolgozóipari technológia fejlesztése: A projekt a vállalkozás feldolgozói kapacitását bővíti új, feldolgozott termék bevezetésével. A mészkő kitermelése során jelentős mennyiségben keletkezik olyan kőtörmelék, amely mérete, formája miatt nem alkalmas a kőlap szabászati gépekkel való feldolgozásra, nem lehet belőle burkoló lapokat készíteni. Ezek a 40-80 cm átmérőjű kődarabok nehezen hasznosíthatóak az építőipar számára is. A beszerzésre kerülő SANDVIK QJ241 pofás törőgép ezt az eddig feldolgozatlan formában, alacsony áron értékesítésre kerülő nagyméretű kőtörmeléket dolgozza fel. A törőgép beállításától függően a végtermék 0-50mm és 0-200mm közötti mérettartományú mészkőzúzalék lesz. A kőzúzalék felületi kezelést, antikolást követően kerül értékesítésre, mint díszítő mészkőzúzalék. Az így keletkező termék már sokoldalúan felhasználható az építőiparban, parképítés, kertépítés során. Anyagmozgató eszköz: A kőtörő gép kiszolgálására, a kőtörmelék adagolására szükséges a Manitou MLT735 120 LSU teleszkópos rakodógép. Az előállításra kerülő díszítő mészkőzúzalék rakodására egy nagy teljesítményű Manitou MI35D targonca kerül beszerzésre. A targonca 3,5 tonna emelő kapacitással rendelkezik. Projektelőkészítés: A menedzsment a fejlesztés érdekében költségkalkulációkat készített, árajánlatokat kért be, illetve a potenciálisan szóba jöhető műszaki berendezéseket megvizsgálta, értékelte a leghatékonyabb eszköz kiválasztása érdekében. A menedzsment a projekt működtetéséhez szükséges tapasztalatokkal, képesítésekkel rendelkezik, a kőbánya és a kőfeldolgozó üzem a jelenlegi menedzsmenttel működik már évtizedek óta. A pályázati felhívás e) pontjának való megfelelés: A mészkő kitermelése során jelentős mennyiségben keletkezik olyan kőtörmelék, amely mérete, formája miatt nem alkalmas a kőlap szabászati gépekkel való feldolgozásra, nem lehet belőle burkoló lapokat készíteni. Ezek a kövek jelenleg feldolgozatlanul kerülnek ki a bányából, alacsony eladási áron. Ezek a 40-80 cm átmérőjű kődarabok nehezen hasznosíthatóak az építőipar számára is. A projekt célja ezen kövekből egy magasabb feldolgozottsági szintű, értékes, díszítő mészkőzúzalék gyártása. A kődarabok törésével, aprításával díszítő mészkőzúzalék állítható elő, amely már sokoldalúan felhasználható, jelentős hozzáadott értékkel rendelkező termék. Felhasználható kertépítéseknél, parkosításnál, udvarok, terek zúzalékkal borításához. Egyszerűen felhasználható, ugyanakkor dekoratív építészeti megoldást kínálva a térburkolásra. A kitermelt kő aprításához, zúzásához, a díszítő mészkőzúzalék előállításához kerül beszerzésre a SANDVIK QJ241 lánctalpas mobil pofás törőgép. A törőgép beállításától függően a végtermék 0-50mm és 0-200mm közötti mérettartományú mészkőzúzalék lesz. A kőzúzalék egy felületi kezelést, antikolást követően kerül értékesítésre, mint díszítő mészkő zúzalék. (Hungarian)
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Development of manufacturing technology: The project will increase the company’s processing capacity by introducing a new processed product. The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The SANDVIK QJ241 jaw crusher processed this large stone debris sold at low prices in unprocessed form. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after surface treatment and anticoloration as a decorative limestone. The resulting product can be used versatilely in construction, park building and gardening. Material handling device: The Manitou MLT735 120 LSU telescopic loader is required to serve the stone crushing machine and to feed the debris. A high-performance Manitou MI35D forklift will be procured for the loading of the ornamental limestones to be produced. The forklift has a lifting capacity of 3.5 tons. Project preparation: The management prepared cost calculations for the development, requested quotations, and examined and evaluated potential technical equipment in order to select the most efficient tool. The management has the experience and qualifications required to operate the project, the quarry and the stone processing plant have been operating with the current management for decades. Compliance with point of the call for proposals: The extraction of limestone produces a significant amount of debris which, due to its size and shape, is not suitable for processing with cutting machines, and it cannot be made into paving sheets. These stones are currently unprocessed from the mine at a low selling price. These stone pieces with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm are difficult to use for the construction industry. The aim of the project is to produce valuable ornamental limestones from these stones with a higher level of processing. The crushing and crushing of stones produces ornamental limestones, which is a versatile product with significant added value. It can be used in garden construction, Parking, gardens and squares with shredder. It is easy to use and at the same time offers a decorative architectural solution for space encapsulation. The SANDVIK QJ241 mobile scrambler is purchased for crushing and crushing the excavated stone, and for the production of ornamental limestone. Depending on the setting of the crusher, the final product will be limestone in the range 0-50 mm and 0 to 200 mm. The stone shredder is sold after a surface treatment, antichocolation, as a decorative limestone crush. (English)
8 February 2022
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Dunaalmás, Komárom-Esztergom
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