Experimental implementation of the School Community Programme to assist in the application of modern pedagogical methods in the educational institutions of the Mezőkövesd School District Centre (Q3900620): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The School District Center of Mezőkövesd submits an application under EFOP-3.3.5-17 “Experimental implementation of the School Community Programme assisting in the application of modern pedagogical methods”, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Kossuth Lajos Primary School Szentistváni István Király Primary School Tibolddaróci II. Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School Igrici Tompa Mihály Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószögedi Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújváros Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Széchenyi István Primary School Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School of Mezőcsáti Primary School Édesgely School 2018.02.01-2019.07.31. The target group of this application is students from 1 to 7 years of education who have a legal status in their public education institutions. Justification for development: The number of workshops based on practical experience in the domestic classroom and outside the classroom is low compared to that in OECD countries, which contributes to a low level of application of basic competences in international comparisons. This is supported by the results of the PISA surveys (creative problem-solving, world orientation, collaboration, career and career planning, individual and social competences, literacy, mathematical, natural science, etc.), as well as the domestic indicators of international PIRLS and TIMSS competency surveys (weakening reading, mathematical, science performance, negative attitudes to mathematics and science, and sub-average motivation). The European Union’s objectives in the field of education and training include the issue of early school leaving and reducing school leaving without qualifications as a priority; this is a real problem for public education, which is also a task to be solved. Many families face serious difficulties in the placement and supervision of their children during school holidays (15 weeks in total) and they have not been able to spend active, developmental leisure and skills development activities. At present, the public education system cannot provide a suitable solution for students to spend their free time during school breaks. Due to their social situation, disadvantaged and cumulatively disadvantaged pupils are practically unable to access personality and skills-enhancing activities and programmes during school breaks. Purpose of development The aim of the development is to provide constructive and value-oriented education, to provide the foundation for lifelong learning at school, to develop basic skills and key competences, to strengthen the role of public education in terms of disadvantage compensation and to reduce early school leaving in line with the European Union’s youth policy and development field. The aim is to improve the quality of public education through the experimental implementation of non-formal and informal learning methods, with an emphasis on the methodological foundation of experience-based learning and the transformation of learning into a community experience. The aim of the development is to implement thematic day-care and residential programmes that are adapted to the goals and tasks set out in the National Core Curriculum, focusing on the development and development of the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, and providing the right conditions for the development of the personality, taking into account that the place of education and education can not only be the school. The workshops offer opportunities for learning and organisational solutions that promote the development of internal motivations, self-regulatory mechanisms and the strengthening of class communities. The aim of the pilot programme is to test the content and conceptual framework of a new, non-formal and informal programme in a group of samples representative of the needs of age groups and special target groups, with the participation of students from 1 to 7 years of institutions located in the less developed region of Hungary. (English)
Property / summary: The School District Center of Mezőkövesd submits an application under EFOP-3.3.5-17 “Experimental implementation of the School Community Programme assisting in the application of modern pedagogical methods”, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Kossuth Lajos Primary School Szentistváni István Király Primary School Tibolddaróci II. Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School Igrici Tompa Mihály Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószögedi Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújváros Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Széchenyi István Primary School Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School of Mezőcsáti Primary School Édesgely School 2018.02.01-2019.07.31. The target group of this application is students from 1 to 7 years of education who have a legal status in their public education institutions. Justification for development: The number of workshops based on practical experience in the domestic classroom and outside the classroom is low compared to that in OECD countries, which contributes to a low level of application of basic competences in international comparisons. This is supported by the results of the PISA surveys (creative problem-solving, world orientation, collaboration, career and career planning, individual and social competences, literacy, mathematical, natural science, etc.), as well as the domestic indicators of international PIRLS and TIMSS competency surveys (weakening reading, mathematical, science performance, negative attitudes to mathematics and science, and sub-average motivation). The European Union’s objectives in the field of education and training include the issue of early school leaving and reducing school leaving without qualifications as a priority; this is a real problem for public education, which is also a task to be solved. Many families face serious difficulties in the placement and supervision of their children during school holidays (15 weeks in total) and they have not been able to spend active, developmental leisure and skills development activities. At present, the public education system cannot provide a suitable solution for students to spend their free time during school breaks. Due to their social situation, disadvantaged and cumulatively disadvantaged pupils are practically unable to access personality and skills-enhancing activities and programmes during school breaks. Purpose of development The aim of the development is to provide constructive and value-oriented education, to provide the foundation for lifelong learning at school, to develop basic skills and key competences, to strengthen the role of public education in terms of disadvantage compensation and to reduce early school leaving in line with the European Union’s youth policy and development field. The aim is to improve the quality of public education through the experimental implementation of non-formal and informal learning methods, with an emphasis on the methodological foundation of experience-based learning and the transformation of learning into a community experience. The aim of the development is to implement thematic day-care and residential programmes that are adapted to the goals and tasks set out in the National Core Curriculum, focusing on the development and development of the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, and providing the right conditions for the development of the personality, taking into account that the place of education and education can not only be the school. The workshops offer opportunities for learning and organisational solutions that promote the development of internal motivations, self-regulatory mechanisms and the strengthening of class communities. The aim of the pilot programme is to test the content and conceptual framework of a new, non-formal and informal programme in a group of samples representative of the needs of age groups and special target groups, with the participation of students from 1 to 7 years of institutions located in the less developed region of Hungary. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The School District Center of Mezőkövesd submits an application under EFOP-3.3.5-17 “Experimental implementation of the School Community Programme assisting in the application of modern pedagogical methods”, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Kossuth Lajos Primary School Szentistváni István Király Primary School Tibolddaróci II. Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School Igrici Tompa Mihály Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószögedi Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújváros Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Széchenyi István Primary School Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School of Mezőcsáti Primary School Édesgely School 2018.02.01-2019.07.31. The target group of this application is students from 1 to 7 years of education who have a legal status in their public education institutions. Justification for development: The number of workshops based on practical experience in the domestic classroom and outside the classroom is low compared to that in OECD countries, which contributes to a low level of application of basic competences in international comparisons. This is supported by the results of the PISA surveys (creative problem-solving, world orientation, collaboration, career and career planning, individual and social competences, literacy, mathematical, natural science, etc.), as well as the domestic indicators of international PIRLS and TIMSS competency surveys (weakening reading, mathematical, science performance, negative attitudes to mathematics and science, and sub-average motivation). The European Union’s objectives in the field of education and training include the issue of early school leaving and reducing school leaving without qualifications as a priority; this is a real problem for public education, which is also a task to be solved. Many families face serious difficulties in the placement and supervision of their children during school holidays (15 weeks in total) and they have not been able to spend active, developmental leisure and skills development activities. At present, the public education system cannot provide a suitable solution for students to spend their free time during school breaks. Due to their social situation, disadvantaged and cumulatively disadvantaged pupils are practically unable to access personality and skills-enhancing activities and programmes during school breaks. Purpose of development The aim of the development is to provide constructive and value-oriented education, to provide the foundation for lifelong learning at school, to develop basic skills and key competences, to strengthen the role of public education in terms of disadvantage compensation and to reduce early school leaving in line with the European Union’s youth policy and development field. The aim is to improve the quality of public education through the experimental implementation of non-formal and informal learning methods, with an emphasis on the methodological foundation of experience-based learning and the transformation of learning into a community experience. The aim of the development is to implement thematic day-care and residential programmes that are adapted to the goals and tasks set out in the National Core Curriculum, focusing on the development and development of the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, and providing the right conditions for the development of the personality, taking into account that the place of education and education can not only be the school. The workshops offer opportunities for learning and organisational solutions that promote the development of internal motivations, self-regulatory mechanisms and the strengthening of class communities. The aim of the pilot programme is to test the content and conceptual framework of a new, non-formal and informal programme in a group of samples representative of the needs of age groups and special target groups, with the participation of students from 1 to 7 years of institutions located in the less developed region of Hungary. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:50, 8 February 2022

Project Q3900620 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Experimental implementation of the School Community Programme to assist in the application of modern pedagogical methods in the educational institutions of the Mezőkövesd School District Centre
Project Q3900620 in Hungary


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    A Mezőkövesdi Tankerületi Központ pályázatot nyújt be EFOP-3.3.5-17 „Korszerű pedagógiai módszerek alkalmazását segítő Iskolai Közösségi Program kísérleti megvalósítása” konstrukció keretében, amelybe az alábbi oktatási intézményeket kívánja bevonni: Mezőkeresztesi Kossuth Lajos Általános Iskola Szentistváni István Király Általános Iskola Tibolddaróci II. Rákóczi Ferenc Általános Iskola Igrici Tompa Mihály Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Sajószögedi Kölcsey Ferenc Körzeti Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Tiszaújvárosi Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Tiszaújvárosi Széchenyi István Általános Iskola Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola és tagintézménye a Mezőcsáti Általános Iskola Édes Gergely Tagiskolája A projekt időtartama: 2018.02.01- 2019.07.31. Jelen pályázat célcsoportja a köznevelési intézményeiben tanulói jogviszonnyal rendelkező 1-7. évfolyamos tanulók. A fejlesztés indokoltsága: A hazai tantermi és tantermen kívüli gyakorlati tapasztalatszerzésen alapuló foglalkozások száma alacsony az OECD országokban mértekhez képest, s ez hozzájárul az alapvető kompetenciák nemzetközi összehasonlításban alacsony alkalmazási szintjéhez. Ezt támasztják alá a PISA-felméréseken elért hazai eredmények (kreatív problémamegoldás, világban való tájékozódás, együttműködés, életpálya és karrier-tervezés, egyéni és társas kompetenciák, szövegértés, matematikai, természettudományos tudásszint romlása, stb.), valamint a nemzetközi PIRLS, TIMSS kompetencia felmérések hazai mutatói (gyengülő szövegértési, matematikai, természettudományos teljesítmény, a matematika és természettudományokhoz fűződő negatív attitűd és átlag alatti motiváció) is. Az Európai Unió oktatással és képzéssel kapcsolatos célkitűzései közt kiemelt fontossággal jelenik meg az iskolai lemorzsolódás, a végzettség nélküli iskolaelhagyás csökkentésének kérdése; ez a köznevelés számára jelenleg olyan valós probléma, ami egyben megoldandó feladatot is jelent. Számos család számára komoly nehézséget okoz gyermekeik elhelyezése és felügyelete a tanítási szünetekben (a tanév alatti szünetek száma összesen 15 hét), illetve számukra nem megoldott az aktív, fejlődést biztosító szabadidő eltöltése és a készségfejlesztő tevékenységek végzése. A köznevelési rendszer jelenleg nem tud megfelelő megoldási lehetőséget kínálni a tanítási szünetekben a tanulók szabadidő eltöltésére. A hátrányos, valamint a halmozottan hátrányos helyzetű tanulók számára szociális helyzetükből adódóan gyakorlatilag nem érhetők el a tanítási szünetekben megvalósuló személyiség- és készségfejlesztő tevékenységek, programok. A fejlesztés célja A fejlesztés célja a konstruktív és értékközpontú nevelés, az egész életen át tartó tanulás iskolai megalapozása, az alapkészségek és kulcskompetenciák fejlesztése, a köznevelés hátránykompenzációs szerepének erősítése és az Európai Unió ifjúságpolitikai, fejlesztési területével összhangban az iskolai lemorzsolódás csökkentése. Cél a köznevelés minőségi fejlesztése nem-formális és informális tanulási módszerek kísérleti megvalósításán keresztül, hangsúlyt fektetve az élményalapú tanulás módszertani megalapozására, a tanulás közösségi élménnyé formálására. A fejlesztés célja olyan tematikus napközi és tematikus bentlakásos programok megvalósítása, amelyek a Nemzeti alaptantervben megfogalmazott célokhoz, feladatokhoz igazodnak, középpontjában a tanulók tudásának, készségeinek és képességeinek fejlesztése, kibontakoztatása, a személyiség fejlődéséhez szükséges megfelelő feltételek biztosítása áll, figyelembe véve, hogy a nevelés és az oktatás színtere nemcsak az iskola lehet. A foglalkozások keretében lehetőség nyílik olyan tanulási módokra és szervezési megoldásokra, amelyek előmozdítják a tanulás belső motivációinak, önszabályozó mechanizmusainak fejlesztését, az osztályközösségek megerősödését. A kísérleti program célja, hogy egy újfajta, nem formális és informális program tartalmi és koncepcionális kereteit tesztelje a korosztályos és speciális célcsoportok igényei szerint is reprezentatív mintacsoporton Magyarország kevésbé fejlett régióban található intézmények 1-7. évfolyamos tanulóinak bevonásával. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The School District Center of Mezőkövesd submits an application under EFOP-3.3.5-17 “Experimental implementation of the School Community Programme assisting in the application of modern pedagogical methods”, in which it intends to involve the following educational institutions: Kossuth Lajos Primary School Szentistváni István Király Primary School Tibolddaróci II. Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School Igrici Tompa Mihály Primary School and Primary Art School Sajószögedi Kölcsey Ferenc District Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújváros Primary School and Primary Art School Tiszaújvárosi Széchenyi István Primary School Mezőcsáti Egressy Béni Primary School and Primary Art School of Mezőcsáti Primary School Édesgely School 2018.02.01-2019.07.31. The target group of this application is students from 1 to 7 years of education who have a legal status in their public education institutions. Justification for development: The number of workshops based on practical experience in the domestic classroom and outside the classroom is low compared to that in OECD countries, which contributes to a low level of application of basic competences in international comparisons. This is supported by the results of the PISA surveys (creative problem-solving, world orientation, collaboration, career and career planning, individual and social competences, literacy, mathematical, natural science, etc.), as well as the domestic indicators of international PIRLS and TIMSS competency surveys (weakening reading, mathematical, science performance, negative attitudes to mathematics and science, and sub-average motivation). The European Union’s objectives in the field of education and training include the issue of early school leaving and reducing school leaving without qualifications as a priority; this is a real problem for public education, which is also a task to be solved. Many families face serious difficulties in the placement and supervision of their children during school holidays (15 weeks in total) and they have not been able to spend active, developmental leisure and skills development activities. At present, the public education system cannot provide a suitable solution for students to spend their free time during school breaks. Due to their social situation, disadvantaged and cumulatively disadvantaged pupils are practically unable to access personality and skills-enhancing activities and programmes during school breaks. Purpose of development The aim of the development is to provide constructive and value-oriented education, to provide the foundation for lifelong learning at school, to develop basic skills and key competences, to strengthen the role of public education in terms of disadvantage compensation and to reduce early school leaving in line with the European Union’s youth policy and development field. The aim is to improve the quality of public education through the experimental implementation of non-formal and informal learning methods, with an emphasis on the methodological foundation of experience-based learning and the transformation of learning into a community experience. The aim of the development is to implement thematic day-care and residential programmes that are adapted to the goals and tasks set out in the National Core Curriculum, focusing on the development and development of the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, and providing the right conditions for the development of the personality, taking into account that the place of education and education can not only be the school. The workshops offer opportunities for learning and organisational solutions that promote the development of internal motivations, self-regulatory mechanisms and the strengthening of class communities. The aim of the pilot programme is to test the content and conceptual framework of a new, non-formal and informal programme in a group of samples representative of the needs of age groups and special target groups, with the participation of students from 1 to 7 years of institutions located in the less developed region of Hungary. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Mezőkövesd, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
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