Infrastructure development of St. Joseph’s School Center in Szekszárd (Q3903529): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
St. Joseph’s School Center moved to the current location at 9 Garay Square in September 2008. The building, which is a protected monument, underwent an external renovation in 2015, during which energy reconstruction, replacement of doors and windows and facade renovation took place, but the interior renovation, the reconstruction of the courtyard and the extension of the kitchen-restaurant were missed. The internal refurbishment has become very timely, as no major maintenance has taken place since the removal, apart from the annual cleanliness paintings. The flooring of the classrooms is heavily worn out, the wall covering is in poor condition, and the furniture of the classrooms has become old, most of them have arrived in the institution already used. Lighting and mechanical engineering are outdated, absolutely necessary for complete renovation. The school currently operates in 8 grades with 180 students. At present, the school’s infrastructure does not meet the criteria set out in Annex 2 to Decree No 20/2012 of 31 August 2012 of the Minister for Human Resources. The design of specialised classrooms is nominal, since the material conditions are not suitable for the establishment of a specialised classroom. Well-equipped specialised classrooms would allow pupils to leave school with even more competitive knowledge and to continue their studies in other secondary schools. In addition, the school places great emphasis on the knowledge of foreign languages and all students receive German minority education. This knowledge is essential to understanding the world view and values of other cultures and people from them. In order to acquire a user-able foreign language knowledge that meets the requirements of the age, it is absolutely necessary to establish an IT classroom and a language lab. The creation of a science classroom, equipped with modern educational and experimental tools, would facilitate the experience-based, activity-based acquisition of natural science knowledge and the practical application of the learning. At present, the school’s concrete yard is small and dangerous due to the fragmentation of the pavement. There is only one climber and 1 slide available for the lower students, and due to the tightness of space, the possibility to continue the ball games is limited. A well-designed sports yard would make it possible to organise the everyday physical education problem more smoothly and could be a place where the student sports circle would be held. Students could spend their free time in a cultured environment on game elements for their physical development. The current heating kitchen and dining room are located in the basement of the school, where children can only eat under very poor conditions. The food is brought from the central cooking kitchen from Tolna in closed, heat-holding badellas and served directly to the children without heating, today in small and moderately hygienic conditions in the cellar, in several tours. This is not good for the students or the cellar, because the damp walls of the catering, but mainly the washing of white dishes, are damaged by extra humidity. The moisture filter is filled with moisture filtered out of the air every day. To eliminate this blessed state, the School wants to build the kitchen restaurant. Thanks to the improvements, the design of the new dining room and kitchen allows everyone to have an easy and unhindered approach, providing a healthier and more aesthetic environment. For all these reasons, the overall objective of the development was established, so that the Saint Joseph School Centre of Szekszárd becomes a quality school for the education and education of the pupils, helping to ensure inclusion and providing conditions that comply with the rules. This objective includes direct and indirect objectives and additional operational objectives, to which specific activities are assigned. For quality education and for the orderly and efficient functioning of the school, the renovation of the building and the extension of the restaurant section are essential. This is linked to the acquisition of tools that contribute to quality and inclusion education that can reduce early school leaving without qualifications. Finally, the design of the sports yard and the renovation of the courtyard contribute to the organisation of everyday physical education and to allow students to spend their free time and breaks in motion. (English)
Property / summary: St. Joseph’s School Center moved to the current location at 9 Garay Square in September 2008. The building, which is a protected monument, underwent an external renovation in 2015, during which energy reconstruction, replacement of doors and windows and facade renovation took place, but the interior renovation, the reconstruction of the courtyard and the extension of the kitchen-restaurant were missed. The internal refurbishment has become very timely, as no major maintenance has taken place since the removal, apart from the annual cleanliness paintings. The flooring of the classrooms is heavily worn out, the wall covering is in poor condition, and the furniture of the classrooms has become old, most of them have arrived in the institution already used. Lighting and mechanical engineering are outdated, absolutely necessary for complete renovation. The school currently operates in 8 grades with 180 students. At present, the school’s infrastructure does not meet the criteria set out in Annex 2 to Decree No 20/2012 of 31 August 2012 of the Minister for Human Resources. The design of specialised classrooms is nominal, since the material conditions are not suitable for the establishment of a specialised classroom. Well-equipped specialised classrooms would allow pupils to leave school with even more competitive knowledge and to continue their studies in other secondary schools. In addition, the school places great emphasis on the knowledge of foreign languages and all students receive German minority education. This knowledge is essential to understanding the world view and values of other cultures and people from them. In order to acquire a user-able foreign language knowledge that meets the requirements of the age, it is absolutely necessary to establish an IT classroom and a language lab. The creation of a science classroom, equipped with modern educational and experimental tools, would facilitate the experience-based, activity-based acquisition of natural science knowledge and the practical application of the learning. At present, the school’s concrete yard is small and dangerous due to the fragmentation of the pavement. There is only one climber and 1 slide available for the lower students, and due to the tightness of space, the possibility to continue the ball games is limited. A well-designed sports yard would make it possible to organise the everyday physical education problem more smoothly and could be a place where the student sports circle would be held. Students could spend their free time in a cultured environment on game elements for their physical development. The current heating kitchen and dining room are located in the basement of the school, where children can only eat under very poor conditions. The food is brought from the central cooking kitchen from Tolna in closed, heat-holding badellas and served directly to the children without heating, today in small and moderately hygienic conditions in the cellar, in several tours. This is not good for the students or the cellar, because the damp walls of the catering, but mainly the washing of white dishes, are damaged by extra humidity. The moisture filter is filled with moisture filtered out of the air every day. To eliminate this blessed state, the School wants to build the kitchen restaurant. Thanks to the improvements, the design of the new dining room and kitchen allows everyone to have an easy and unhindered approach, providing a healthier and more aesthetic environment. For all these reasons, the overall objective of the development was established, so that the Saint Joseph School Centre of Szekszárd becomes a quality school for the education and education of the pupils, helping to ensure inclusion and providing conditions that comply with the rules. This objective includes direct and indirect objectives and additional operational objectives, to which specific activities are assigned. For quality education and for the orderly and efficient functioning of the school, the renovation of the building and the extension of the restaurant section are essential. This is linked to the acquisition of tools that contribute to quality and inclusion education that can reduce early school leaving without qualifications. Finally, the design of the sports yard and the renovation of the courtyard contribute to the organisation of everyday physical education and to allow students to spend their free time and breaks in motion. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: St. Joseph’s School Center moved to the current location at 9 Garay Square in September 2008. The building, which is a protected monument, underwent an external renovation in 2015, during which energy reconstruction, replacement of doors and windows and facade renovation took place, but the interior renovation, the reconstruction of the courtyard and the extension of the kitchen-restaurant were missed. The internal refurbishment has become very timely, as no major maintenance has taken place since the removal, apart from the annual cleanliness paintings. The flooring of the classrooms is heavily worn out, the wall covering is in poor condition, and the furniture of the classrooms has become old, most of them have arrived in the institution already used. Lighting and mechanical engineering are outdated, absolutely necessary for complete renovation. The school currently operates in 8 grades with 180 students. At present, the school’s infrastructure does not meet the criteria set out in Annex 2 to Decree No 20/2012 of 31 August 2012 of the Minister for Human Resources. The design of specialised classrooms is nominal, since the material conditions are not suitable for the establishment of a specialised classroom. Well-equipped specialised classrooms would allow pupils to leave school with even more competitive knowledge and to continue their studies in other secondary schools. In addition, the school places great emphasis on the knowledge of foreign languages and all students receive German minority education. This knowledge is essential to understanding the world view and values of other cultures and people from them. In order to acquire a user-able foreign language knowledge that meets the requirements of the age, it is absolutely necessary to establish an IT classroom and a language lab. The creation of a science classroom, equipped with modern educational and experimental tools, would facilitate the experience-based, activity-based acquisition of natural science knowledge and the practical application of the learning. At present, the school’s concrete yard is small and dangerous due to the fragmentation of the pavement. There is only one climber and 1 slide available for the lower students, and due to the tightness of space, the possibility to continue the ball games is limited. A well-designed sports yard would make it possible to organise the everyday physical education problem more smoothly and could be a place where the student sports circle would be held. Students could spend their free time in a cultured environment on game elements for their physical development. The current heating kitchen and dining room are located in the basement of the school, where children can only eat under very poor conditions. The food is brought from the central cooking kitchen from Tolna in closed, heat-holding badellas and served directly to the children without heating, today in small and moderately hygienic conditions in the cellar, in several tours. This is not good for the students or the cellar, because the damp walls of the catering, but mainly the washing of white dishes, are damaged by extra humidity. The moisture filter is filled with moisture filtered out of the air every day. To eliminate this blessed state, the School wants to build the kitchen restaurant. Thanks to the improvements, the design of the new dining room and kitchen allows everyone to have an easy and unhindered approach, providing a healthier and more aesthetic environment. For all these reasons, the overall objective of the development was established, so that the Saint Joseph School Centre of Szekszárd becomes a quality school for the education and education of the pupils, helping to ensure inclusion and providing conditions that comply with the rules. This objective includes direct and indirect objectives and additional operational objectives, to which specific activities are assigned. For quality education and for the orderly and efficient functioning of the school, the renovation of the building and the extension of the restaurant section are essential. This is linked to the acquisition of tools that contribute to quality and inclusion education that can reduce early school leaving without qualifications. Finally, the design of the sports yard and the renovation of the courtyard contribute to the organisation of everyday physical education and to allow students to spend their free time and breaks in motion. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:48, 8 February 2022

Project Q3903529 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Infrastructure development of St. Joseph’s School Center in Szekszárd
Project Q3903529 in Hungary


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    Magyar Katolikus Egyház Pécsi Egyházmegye
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    46°20'54.56"N, 18°42'5.98"E
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    A Szent József Iskolaközpont 2008 szeptemberében költözött a jelenlegi helyszínre a Garay tér 9. szám alá. Az épület, amely védett műemlék, 2015-ben külső felújításon esett át, mely során energetikai rekonstrukcióra, nyílászáró cserére és homlokzati felújításra került sor, viszont a belső felújítás, az udvar rekonstrukciója és a konyha-étterem bővítés elmaradt. A belső felújítás nagyon időszerűvé vált, ugyanis a költözés óta az éves tisztasági festéseken kívül nem történt nagyobb karbantartás. A tantermek padlózata erősen elkopott, falburkolata rossz állapotban van, továbbá, a tantermek bútorzata elöregedett, a legtöbb már használtan érkezett az intézménybe. A világítás és a gépészet korszerűtlen, mindenképpen szükséges a teljes felújítás. Az iskola jelenleg 8 évfolyamon működik 180 fő tanulóval. Jelenleg az iskola infrastruktúrája nem felel meg a 20/2012 (VIII.31.) EMMI rendelet 2. számú mellékletében szereplő feltételeknek. Szaktantermek kialakítása névleges, hiszen a tárgyi feltételek egy-egy szaktanterem kialakításához nem adottak. A jól felszerelt szaktantermek lehetővé tennék, hogy tanulók még inkább versenyképes tudással hagyják el iskolát és folytassák tanulmányaikat más középfokú intézményben. Ezen kívül az iskolában nagy hangsúlyt fektetnek az idegen nyelv ismeretére, minden tanuló részesül német nemzetiségi oktatásban. Más kultúrák és az azokból származó emberek világszemléletének, értékeinek megismerése szempontjából nélkülözhetetlen ez a tudás. A kor elvárásainak megfelelő, felhasználóképes idegen nyelvi tudás megszerzéséhez mindenképpen szükséges egy informatikai szaktanterem és nyelvi labor kialakítása. A természettudományos ismereteknek élményalapú, tevékenységalapú elsajátítását, a tanultak gyakorlati alkalmazását segítené elő egy természettudományos szaktanterem létrehozása, mely modern oktatási, kísérleti eszközökkel lenne felszerelve. Jelenleg az iskolának a betonozott udvara kicsi és balesetveszélyes a burkolat töredezése miatt. Az alsós tanulók számára 1 db mászóka és 1 db csúszda áll csak rendelkezésre és a helyszűke miatt a labdajátékok folytatására csak korlátozottan van lehetőség. Egy jól kialakított sportudvar lehetővé tenné a mindennapos testnevelés probléma mentesebb megszervezését és a diáksportkör megtartásának helyszíne lehetne. A tanulók a szabadidőt egy kulturált környezetben, testi fejlődésüket szolgáló játékelemeken tölthetnék. A jelenlegi melegítő konyha és étkező az iskola alagsorában található, ahol a gyerekek csak igen rossz körülmények között tudnak étkezni. Az ételt a központi főzőkonyhából Tolnáról hozzák zárt, hőtartó badellákban és közvetlenül melegen, melegítési igény nélkül szolgálják fel a gyerekeknek, ma kicsi és mérsékelten higiénikus körülmények között a pincében, több turnusban. Ez sem a tanulóknak, sem a pincének nem jó, mert amúgy is nedves falait az étkeztetés, de főként a fehér edények mosogatása plusz páraterheléssel rongálja. A páranedvesség szűrő minden nap megtelik a levegőből kiszűrt nedvességgel. Ennek az áldatlan állapotnak a megszüntetésére szeretné az Iskola megépíteni a konyha-éttermet. A fejlesztéseknek köszönhetően az új étkező és konyha kialakítása lehetővé teszi mindenki számára a könnyű és akadálymentes megközelítést, egészségesebb és esztétikusabb környezetet biztosít. Mindezen okokból kifolyólag került megalkotásra a fejlesztés átfogó célja, hogy a projekt segítségével a tanulók oktatásának és nevelésének minőségi, a befogadást segítő és a szabályoknak megfelelő körülményeket biztosító, hatékonyan működő iskolává váljon a szekszárdi Szent József Iskolaközpont. Ehhez a célhoz tartoznak közvetlen és közvetett célok és további operatív célok is, amikhez konkrét tevékenységek lettek rendelve. A minőségi oktatáshoz és az iskola szabályos és hatékony működéséhez elengedhetetlen az épület felújítása és étterem résszel való bővítése. Ehhez kapcsolódik olyan eszközök beszerzése, amik a minőségi és befogadást segítő oktatáshoz hozzájárulnak, amelyek által csökkenthető a korai, végzettség nélküli iskolaelhagyás. Végül pedig az sportudvar kialakítása és az udvar felújítása hozzájárul a mindennapos testnevelés szervezéséhez, továbbá, hogy a diákok szabadidejüket, szüneteiket is mozgással tölthessék. (Hungarian)
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    St. Joseph’s School Center moved to the current location at 9 Garay Square in September 2008. The building, which is a protected monument, underwent an external renovation in 2015, during which energy reconstruction, replacement of doors and windows and facade renovation took place, but the interior renovation, the reconstruction of the courtyard and the extension of the kitchen-restaurant were missed. The internal refurbishment has become very timely, as no major maintenance has taken place since the removal, apart from the annual cleanliness paintings. The flooring of the classrooms is heavily worn out, the wall covering is in poor condition, and the furniture of the classrooms has become old, most of them have arrived in the institution already used. Lighting and mechanical engineering are outdated, absolutely necessary for complete renovation. The school currently operates in 8 grades with 180 students. At present, the school’s infrastructure does not meet the criteria set out in Annex 2 to Decree No 20/2012 of 31 August 2012 of the Minister for Human Resources. The design of specialised classrooms is nominal, since the material conditions are not suitable for the establishment of a specialised classroom. Well-equipped specialised classrooms would allow pupils to leave school with even more competitive knowledge and to continue their studies in other secondary schools. In addition, the school places great emphasis on the knowledge of foreign languages and all students receive German minority education. This knowledge is essential to understanding the world view and values of other cultures and people from them. In order to acquire a user-able foreign language knowledge that meets the requirements of the age, it is absolutely necessary to establish an IT classroom and a language lab. The creation of a science classroom, equipped with modern educational and experimental tools, would facilitate the experience-based, activity-based acquisition of natural science knowledge and the practical application of the learning. At present, the school’s concrete yard is small and dangerous due to the fragmentation of the pavement. There is only one climber and 1 slide available for the lower students, and due to the tightness of space, the possibility to continue the ball games is limited. A well-designed sports yard would make it possible to organise the everyday physical education problem more smoothly and could be a place where the student sports circle would be held. Students could spend their free time in a cultured environment on game elements for their physical development. The current heating kitchen and dining room are located in the basement of the school, where children can only eat under very poor conditions. The food is brought from the central cooking kitchen from Tolna in closed, heat-holding badellas and served directly to the children without heating, today in small and moderately hygienic conditions in the cellar, in several tours. This is not good for the students or the cellar, because the damp walls of the catering, but mainly the washing of white dishes, are damaged by extra humidity. The moisture filter is filled with moisture filtered out of the air every day. To eliminate this blessed state, the School wants to build the kitchen restaurant. Thanks to the improvements, the design of the new dining room and kitchen allows everyone to have an easy and unhindered approach, providing a healthier and more aesthetic environment. For all these reasons, the overall objective of the development was established, so that the Saint Joseph School Centre of Szekszárd becomes a quality school for the education and education of the pupils, helping to ensure inclusion and providing conditions that comply with the rules. This objective includes direct and indirect objectives and additional operational objectives, to which specific activities are assigned. For quality education and for the orderly and efficient functioning of the school, the renovation of the building and the extension of the restaurant section are essential. This is linked to the acquisition of tools that contribute to quality and inclusion education that can reduce early school leaving without qualifications. Finally, the design of the sports yard and the renovation of the courtyard contribute to the organisation of everyday physical education and to allow students to spend their free time and breaks in motion. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Szekszárd, Tolna
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