“Give to the wiser and become even wiser” — Infrastructural development of St. Anna’s Catholic Nursery and Primary School (Q3903523): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Presentation of the applicant: The Debrecen-Nyíregyházai Diocese (4024 Debrecen, Varga utca 4.) is the framework of this application. On 31 May 1993, II. Pope John Paul founded Debrecen — Nyíregyházai Diocese with the Apostolic Constituency of Hungarorum Gens. The cathedral of the newly founded bishopric is the parish church built in Debrecen, consecrated in honour of Saint Anna, and the parish church dedicated to the Great Lady of Hungarians in Nyíregyháza. The first bishop of the new diocese, Nándor Bosák, was appointed on May 31, 1993. In the same year, he was consecrated to bishops in Debrecen on 15 June. The new diocese was placed under the protection of King Saint László, so he became the patron saint of the new foundation. Description of the institution involved in development: The institution concerned by the development is the Saint Anna Catholic Nursery School and Primary School, which is located in Geszteréd, at Petőfi street 8. The building was built in 1958. The sports field was completed in 1976, which was completely ruined. The building needs to be completely renovated inside and outside. The internal refurbishment of the gym, the construction of a sports yard and the purchase of equipment will be carried out in the framework of this tender. Summary of the developments planned in the tender: Interior refurbishment of the gym: The renovation of the gym started in previous years, during which its facade doors and roofs were upgraded and clean painting was carried out. The floor covering does not meet today’s standards and safety standards, sometimes it is torn and accidental, so the floor covering is replaced by a new, modern sports floor. Refurbishment of the sports yard: Currently, there is a training garden in the sports yard, which is being abolished and replaced by a sports yard. We carry out the necessary earthwork, fill, compress the earth layers, then provide the area with flexible outdoor rubber cover and rivers. This is where the gym park is installed, in which we place unobstructed conditioning machines, and we create an elliptical lappset football Arena. In the interests of the diversity of sporting, the current 40-year-old asphalt handball field, the covering of which has been ruined over time, will be demolished and replaced by a modern handball field with a 25x50 m casing, new handball gates and baskets, ball catch nets, lighting and stands. Purchase of equipment: Purchase of sports equipment, classroom equipment, interactive boards, computer equipment, sound equipment and furniture for education. Objectives of the project: —enhancing the satisfaction of students and teachers, — maintaining the economic stability of institutions, — increasing the efficiency of education, — improving the infrastructure of the institution -improving the comfort of pupils and teachers -creating quality educational conditions — Creating conditions for everyday physical education (English)
Property / summary: Presentation of the applicant: The Debrecen-Nyíregyházai Diocese (4024 Debrecen, Varga utca 4.) is the framework of this application. On 31 May 1993, II. Pope John Paul founded Debrecen — Nyíregyházai Diocese with the Apostolic Constituency of Hungarorum Gens. The cathedral of the newly founded bishopric is the parish church built in Debrecen, consecrated in honour of Saint Anna, and the parish church dedicated to the Great Lady of Hungarians in Nyíregyháza. The first bishop of the new diocese, Nándor Bosák, was appointed on May 31, 1993. In the same year, he was consecrated to bishops in Debrecen on 15 June. The new diocese was placed under the protection of King Saint László, so he became the patron saint of the new foundation. Description of the institution involved in development: The institution concerned by the development is the Saint Anna Catholic Nursery School and Primary School, which is located in Geszteréd, at Petőfi street 8. The building was built in 1958. The sports field was completed in 1976, which was completely ruined. The building needs to be completely renovated inside and outside. The internal refurbishment of the gym, the construction of a sports yard and the purchase of equipment will be carried out in the framework of this tender. Summary of the developments planned in the tender: Interior refurbishment of the gym: The renovation of the gym started in previous years, during which its facade doors and roofs were upgraded and clean painting was carried out. The floor covering does not meet today’s standards and safety standards, sometimes it is torn and accidental, so the floor covering is replaced by a new, modern sports floor. Refurbishment of the sports yard: Currently, there is a training garden in the sports yard, which is being abolished and replaced by a sports yard. We carry out the necessary earthwork, fill, compress the earth layers, then provide the area with flexible outdoor rubber cover and rivers. This is where the gym park is installed, in which we place unobstructed conditioning machines, and we create an elliptical lappset football Arena. In the interests of the diversity of sporting, the current 40-year-old asphalt handball field, the covering of which has been ruined over time, will be demolished and replaced by a modern handball field with a 25x50 m casing, new handball gates and baskets, ball catch nets, lighting and stands. Purchase of equipment: Purchase of sports equipment, classroom equipment, interactive boards, computer equipment, sound equipment and furniture for education. Objectives of the project: —enhancing the satisfaction of students and teachers, — maintaining the economic stability of institutions, — increasing the efficiency of education, — improving the infrastructure of the institution -improving the comfort of pupils and teachers -creating quality educational conditions — Creating conditions for everyday physical education (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Presentation of the applicant: The Debrecen-Nyíregyházai Diocese (4024 Debrecen, Varga utca 4.) is the framework of this application. On 31 May 1993, II. Pope John Paul founded Debrecen — Nyíregyházai Diocese with the Apostolic Constituency of Hungarorum Gens. The cathedral of the newly founded bishopric is the parish church built in Debrecen, consecrated in honour of Saint Anna, and the parish church dedicated to the Great Lady of Hungarians in Nyíregyháza. The first bishop of the new diocese, Nándor Bosák, was appointed on May 31, 1993. In the same year, he was consecrated to bishops in Debrecen on 15 June. The new diocese was placed under the protection of King Saint László, so he became the patron saint of the new foundation. Description of the institution involved in development: The institution concerned by the development is the Saint Anna Catholic Nursery School and Primary School, which is located in Geszteréd, at Petőfi street 8. The building was built in 1958. The sports field was completed in 1976, which was completely ruined. The building needs to be completely renovated inside and outside. The internal refurbishment of the gym, the construction of a sports yard and the purchase of equipment will be carried out in the framework of this tender. Summary of the developments planned in the tender: Interior refurbishment of the gym: The renovation of the gym started in previous years, during which its facade doors and roofs were upgraded and clean painting was carried out. The floor covering does not meet today’s standards and safety standards, sometimes it is torn and accidental, so the floor covering is replaced by a new, modern sports floor. Refurbishment of the sports yard: Currently, there is a training garden in the sports yard, which is being abolished and replaced by a sports yard. We carry out the necessary earthwork, fill, compress the earth layers, then provide the area with flexible outdoor rubber cover and rivers. This is where the gym park is installed, in which we place unobstructed conditioning machines, and we create an elliptical lappset football Arena. In the interests of the diversity of sporting, the current 40-year-old asphalt handball field, the covering of which has been ruined over time, will be demolished and replaced by a modern handball field with a 25x50 m casing, new handball gates and baskets, ball catch nets, lighting and stands. Purchase of equipment: Purchase of sports equipment, classroom equipment, interactive boards, computer equipment, sound equipment and furniture for education. Objectives of the project: —enhancing the satisfaction of students and teachers, — maintaining the economic stability of institutions, — increasing the efficiency of education, — improving the infrastructure of the institution -improving the comfort of pupils and teachers -creating quality educational conditions — Creating conditions for everyday physical education (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:48, 8 February 2022

Project Q3903523 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
“Give to the wiser and become even wiser” — Infrastructural development of St. Anna’s Catholic Nursery and Primary School
Project Q3903523 in Hungary


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    183,278,336 forint
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    3 December 2021
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    14 December 2021
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    15 January 2020
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    Debrecen-Nyíregyházi Egyházmegye
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    47°45'4.18"N, 21°47'23.50"E
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    Pályázó bemutatása: A támogatást igénylő jelen pályázat keretében a Debrecen-Nyíregyházi Egyházmegye (4024 Debrecen, Varga utca 4.). 1993.május 31-én II. János Pál pápa a Hungarorum Gens kezdetű apostoli konstitúcióval megalapította a Debrecen – Nyíregyházi Egyházmegyét. Az újonnan alapított püspökség székesegyháza a Debrecenben épült, Szent Anna tiszteletére felszentelt plébániatemplom, míg a társszékesegyháza Nyíregyházán a Magyarok Nagyasszonya tiszteletére szentelt plébániatemplom lett. Az új egyházmegye első püspöke, Bosák Nándor 1993.május 31-én kapta meg kinevezését. Ugyanebben az évben június 15-én szentelték püspökké Debrecenben. Az új egyházmegyét Szent László király oltalmába helyezték, így ő lett az új alapítás védőszentje. Fejlesztésben érintett intézmény bemutatása: A fejlesztéssel érintett intézmény a Szent Anna Katolikus Óvoda és Általános Iskola, mely Geszteréd településen található, Petőfi utca 8. szám alatt. 1958-ban épült az épület. 1976-ban készült el a sportpálya, amely már teljesen tönkrement. Az épületet kívül és belül teljesen fel kell újítani. Jelen pályázat keretében a Tornaterem belső felújítása, valamint sportudvar kialakítása, illetve eszközbeszerzés valósulna meg. A pályázatban tervezett fejlesztések összefoglalása: Tornaterem belső felújítása: A tornaterem felújítása a korábbi években megkezdődött, amelynek során homlokzati nyílászáróit és tetőszerkezetét korszerűsítették, valamint tisztasági festést végeztek. A padló burkolata a mai szabványnak és életvédelmi előírásoknak nem felel meg, helyenként szakadt, balesetveszélyes, ezért a padlóburkolat cseréjét elvégezzük új, korszerű sportpadlóra. Sportudvar felújítása: Jelenleg a sportudvar területén gyakorlókert található, amelyet megszüntetünk és a helyére kialakítunk egy sportudvart. Elvégezzük a szükséges földmunkákat, feltöltéseket, tömörítjük a földrétegeket, majd a területet rugalmas kültéri gumiburkolattal és folyókával látjuk el. Ide kerül telepítésre a kondipark, amelyben akadálymentes kondícionáló gépeket is elhelyezünk, valamint kialakítunk egy ellipszis alakú lappset futball arenát. A sportolás sokszínűsége érdekében a jelenlegi kb. 40 éves aszfaltozott kézilabda pályát, amelynek burkolata az idők során tönkrement elbontjuk és a helyére egy korszerű 25x50 m-esrekortán burkolattal ellátott kézilabda pályát építünk, új kézilabda kapu és kosárpalánkkal, labdafogó hálóval, világítással, lelátóval. Eszközbeszerzés: Sportfelszerelések, tantermi berendezések, interaktív táblák, számítástechnikai eszközök, hangosításhoz szükséges eszközök, ill. oktatáshoz szükséges bútorok beszerzése. Projekt céljai: -diákok és pedagógusok elégedettségének fokozása, -az intézmények gazdasági stabilitásának fenntartása, -az oktatás hatékonyságának fokozása, -az intézmény infrastruktúrájának javítása -diákok és pedagógusok komfortérzetének növelése -minőségi oktatási körülmények megteremtése -mindennapos testnevelés feltételeinek megteremtése (Hungarian)
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    Presentation of the applicant: The Debrecen-Nyíregyházai Diocese (4024 Debrecen, Varga utca 4.) is the framework of this application. On 31 May 1993, II. Pope John Paul founded Debrecen — Nyíregyházai Diocese with the Apostolic Constituency of Hungarorum Gens. The cathedral of the newly founded bishopric is the parish church built in Debrecen, consecrated in honour of Saint Anna, and the parish church dedicated to the Great Lady of Hungarians in Nyíregyháza. The first bishop of the new diocese, Nándor Bosák, was appointed on May 31, 1993. In the same year, he was consecrated to bishops in Debrecen on 15 June. The new diocese was placed under the protection of King Saint László, so he became the patron saint of the new foundation. Description of the institution involved in development: The institution concerned by the development is the Saint Anna Catholic Nursery School and Primary School, which is located in Geszteréd, at Petőfi street 8. The building was built in 1958. The sports field was completed in 1976, which was completely ruined. The building needs to be completely renovated inside and outside. The internal refurbishment of the gym, the construction of a sports yard and the purchase of equipment will be carried out in the framework of this tender. Summary of the developments planned in the tender: Interior refurbishment of the gym: The renovation of the gym started in previous years, during which its facade doors and roofs were upgraded and clean painting was carried out. The floor covering does not meet today’s standards and safety standards, sometimes it is torn and accidental, so the floor covering is replaced by a new, modern sports floor. Refurbishment of the sports yard: Currently, there is a training garden in the sports yard, which is being abolished and replaced by a sports yard. We carry out the necessary earthwork, fill, compress the earth layers, then provide the area with flexible outdoor rubber cover and rivers. This is where the gym park is installed, in which we place unobstructed conditioning machines, and we create an elliptical lappset football Arena. In the interests of the diversity of sporting, the current 40-year-old asphalt handball field, the covering of which has been ruined over time, will be demolished and replaced by a modern handball field with a 25x50 m casing, new handball gates and baskets, ball catch nets, lighting and stands. Purchase of equipment: Purchase of sports equipment, classroom equipment, interactive boards, computer equipment, sound equipment and furniture for education. Objectives of the project: —enhancing the satisfaction of students and teachers, — maintaining the economic stability of institutions, — increasing the efficiency of education, — improving the infrastructure of the institution -improving the comfort of pupils and teachers -creating quality educational conditions — Creating conditions for everyday physical education (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Geszteréd, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
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