Gypsy pastoration in the Carpathian Basin — increasing the social sensitivity of religious and civil professionals (Q3904134): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The target group of our project is ecclesiastical and secular professionals (priests, monks, religious instructors, parish staff, civilians, etc.) in the field of gypsy pastoralism in Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania. In the programs we follow the themes primarily based on the Hungarian experiences of the Happy Ceferino Institute, based on church methodology, so the primary target group is the church professionals, the secular staff are the secondary target group of the project. A prerequisite for the effective implementation of Gypsy pastoralism is the sensitisation of the host society and of professionals dealing with Roma. Professionals performing sensitising sessions and trainings can participate more effectively in the given activities, as they are aware of the social and integration problems of the mentored or pastored. After the successful implementation of the project, the Institute can continue to work with evaluated material that is fully personalised, both domestic and foreign partners can work with the received material, the existence of which helps their work and commitment. With the help of the jointly developed material and methodology used in this way, we believe that the catching-up of pastoralised people living in extreme poverty will be more effective, as well as a much larger number of Roma will be involved in future programmes. The social sensitivity of the priesthood and society is increasing, which greatly contributes to the successful implementation of the catching-up programmes. Presenting the Institute’s work, we would like to point out the problem of inadequate management/situation of sensitisation in the project. Sensitising is an essential part of Gypsy pastoralism, as the basic problem arises is that the sensitivity of the priesthood and the church community is low, and spiritual life and spiritual care are blocked from disadvantaged groups. Catch-up programmes work on their own, with low effectiveness and little noticeable change after programmes. The Institute would like to assess these problems both at home and abroad, and then using these knowledge to produce a development process and material as a result of the research, which prioritises the competences to be developed and contributes effectively to increasing social sensitivity in the affected areas. We intend to develop the presented area using the developed proposals and solutions resulting from the presentation of good practices, the activities, programmes and the research. As one of the basic pillars of the solution, we develop the sensitivities of the church within the framework of the project. We use the existing network of the Church as a basis for strengthening sensitivity, reach out to disadvantaged groups through the priesthood and sensitise church communities. As a result of the project, in addition to the catching-up programmes, the Roma affected by pastoralisation have access to spiritual care services, the sensitivity of the clergy and church communities increases, new elements/services are emerging for disadvantaged people in the community life, and segregation is permanently reduced and the success of the catching up programmes increases. The project is carried out in the form of a consortium of two members by the Szombathely Diocese Karitaz and the Happy Ceferino Institute. (English)
Property / summary: The target group of our project is ecclesiastical and secular professionals (priests, monks, religious instructors, parish staff, civilians, etc.) in the field of gypsy pastoralism in Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania. In the programs we follow the themes primarily based on the Hungarian experiences of the Happy Ceferino Institute, based on church methodology, so the primary target group is the church professionals, the secular staff are the secondary target group of the project. A prerequisite for the effective implementation of Gypsy pastoralism is the sensitisation of the host society and of professionals dealing with Roma. Professionals performing sensitising sessions and trainings can participate more effectively in the given activities, as they are aware of the social and integration problems of the mentored or pastored. After the successful implementation of the project, the Institute can continue to work with evaluated material that is fully personalised, both domestic and foreign partners can work with the received material, the existence of which helps their work and commitment. With the help of the jointly developed material and methodology used in this way, we believe that the catching-up of pastoralised people living in extreme poverty will be more effective, as well as a much larger number of Roma will be involved in future programmes. The social sensitivity of the priesthood and society is increasing, which greatly contributes to the successful implementation of the catching-up programmes. Presenting the Institute’s work, we would like to point out the problem of inadequate management/situation of sensitisation in the project. Sensitising is an essential part of Gypsy pastoralism, as the basic problem arises is that the sensitivity of the priesthood and the church community is low, and spiritual life and spiritual care are blocked from disadvantaged groups. Catch-up programmes work on their own, with low effectiveness and little noticeable change after programmes. The Institute would like to assess these problems both at home and abroad, and then using these knowledge to produce a development process and material as a result of the research, which prioritises the competences to be developed and contributes effectively to increasing social sensitivity in the affected areas. We intend to develop the presented area using the developed proposals and solutions resulting from the presentation of good practices, the activities, programmes and the research. As one of the basic pillars of the solution, we develop the sensitivities of the church within the framework of the project. We use the existing network of the Church as a basis for strengthening sensitivity, reach out to disadvantaged groups through the priesthood and sensitise church communities. As a result of the project, in addition to the catching-up programmes, the Roma affected by pastoralisation have access to spiritual care services, the sensitivity of the clergy and church communities increases, new elements/services are emerging for disadvantaged people in the community life, and segregation is permanently reduced and the success of the catching up programmes increases. The project is carried out in the form of a consortium of two members by the Szombathely Diocese Karitaz and the Happy Ceferino Institute. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The target group of our project is ecclesiastical and secular professionals (priests, monks, religious instructors, parish staff, civilians, etc.) in the field of gypsy pastoralism in Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania. In the programs we follow the themes primarily based on the Hungarian experiences of the Happy Ceferino Institute, based on church methodology, so the primary target group is the church professionals, the secular staff are the secondary target group of the project. A prerequisite for the effective implementation of Gypsy pastoralism is the sensitisation of the host society and of professionals dealing with Roma. Professionals performing sensitising sessions and trainings can participate more effectively in the given activities, as they are aware of the social and integration problems of the mentored or pastored. After the successful implementation of the project, the Institute can continue to work with evaluated material that is fully personalised, both domestic and foreign partners can work with the received material, the existence of which helps their work and commitment. With the help of the jointly developed material and methodology used in this way, we believe that the catching-up of pastoralised people living in extreme poverty will be more effective, as well as a much larger number of Roma will be involved in future programmes. The social sensitivity of the priesthood and society is increasing, which greatly contributes to the successful implementation of the catching-up programmes. Presenting the Institute’s work, we would like to point out the problem of inadequate management/situation of sensitisation in the project. Sensitising is an essential part of Gypsy pastoralism, as the basic problem arises is that the sensitivity of the priesthood and the church community is low, and spiritual life and spiritual care are blocked from disadvantaged groups. Catch-up programmes work on their own, with low effectiveness and little noticeable change after programmes. The Institute would like to assess these problems both at home and abroad, and then using these knowledge to produce a development process and material as a result of the research, which prioritises the competences to be developed and contributes effectively to increasing social sensitivity in the affected areas. We intend to develop the presented area using the developed proposals and solutions resulting from the presentation of good practices, the activities, programmes and the research. As one of the basic pillars of the solution, we develop the sensitivities of the church within the framework of the project. We use the existing network of the Church as a basis for strengthening sensitivity, reach out to disadvantaged groups through the priesthood and sensitise church communities. As a result of the project, in addition to the catching-up programmes, the Roma affected by pastoralisation have access to spiritual care services, the sensitivity of the clergy and church communities increases, new elements/services are emerging for disadvantaged people in the community life, and segregation is permanently reduced and the success of the catching up programmes increases. The project is carried out in the form of a consortium of two members by the Szombathely Diocese Karitaz and the Happy Ceferino Institute. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:48, 8 February 2022

Project Q3904134 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Gypsy pastoration in the Carpathian Basin — increasing the social sensitivity of religious and civil professionals
Project Q3904134 in Hungary


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    49,982,350 forint
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    3 December 2021
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    14 December 2021
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    52,613,000.0 forint
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    1 December 2017
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    30 November 2019
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    Szombathelyi Egyházmegyei Karitász_x000D_
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    47°45'28.91"N, 18°44'7.84"E
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    Projektünk célcsoportjába a cigánypasztoráció terén Magyarországon, Szlovákiában, Ukrajnában és Romániában tevékenykedő egyházi és világi szakemberek tartoznak (papok, szerzetesek, hitoktatók, egyházközségi munkatársak, civilek, stb.). A programokon elsősorban a Boldog Ceferino Intézet magyarországi tapasztalatai szerint, egyházi módszertan alapján kialakított tematikát követünk, így az elsődleges célcsoportba értelemszerűen az egyházi szakemberek tartoznak, a világi munkatársak alkotják a projekt másodlagos célcsoportját. A cigánypasztoráció eredményes megvalósításának előfeltétele a befogadó társadalom és a romákkal foglalkozó szakemberek érzékenyítése. Az érzékenyítő foglalkozásokat, tréningeket teljesítő szakemberek jóval eredményesebben vehetnek részt az adott tevékenységekben, hiszen tisztában vannak a mentoráltak, illetve pasztoráltak szociális és beilleszkedési problémáival. Az Intézet a projekt sikeres lebonyolítását követően olyan kiértékelt anyaggal dolgozhat tovább, ami teljes mértékben személyre szabott, mind a hazai, mind a külföldi partnerek dolgozhatnak a megkapott anyaggal, melynek megléte kiemelten segíti munkájukat, elhivatásukat. A fenti módon alkalmazott, közösen fejlesztett anyag és módszertan segítségével véleményünk szerint eredményesebbé válik a mélyszegénységben élő pasztoráltak felzárkóztatása, valamint a cigányság jóval nagyobb számban lesz bevonható a jövőbeni programokba. Nő a papság és a társadalom szociális érzékenysége, amely nagyban hozzájárul a felzárkóztató programok sikeres megvalósításához. Az intézet munkásságát bemutatva a projektben az érzékenyítés nem megfelelő kezelésének/helyzetének problémájára kívánunk rámutatni. A cigánypasztoráció elengedhetetlen része az érzékenyítés, mivel alapvető problémaként merül fel az, hogy a papság és az egyházközösség érzékenysége alacsony, a hátrányos helyzetű rétegek elől elzárásra kerül a lelki élet, a lelki gondozás. A felzárkóztató programok önmagukban működnek, alacsony eredményességgel, illetve a programokat követően alig érzékelhető a változás. Ezeket a problémákat szeretné az Intézet felmérni mind itthon, mind külföldön, majd ezeket az ismereteket felhasználva a kutatás eredményeképpen olyan fejlesztési folyamatot és anyagot előállítani, amely a fejlesztendő kompetenciákat kiemelten kezeli és hatékonyan hozzájárul a szociális érzékenység növeléséhez az érintett területeken. A jó gyakorlatok bemutatása, a szakmai tervben bemutatott tevékenységek, programok és a kutatás eredményeképpen létrejövő kidolgozott javaslatokat és megoldási formákat alkalmazva kívánjuk fejleszteni a bemutatott területet. A megoldás egyik alappilléreként a projekt keretében az egyházi érzékenységet fejlesztjük. Az egyház meglévő hálózatát használjuk az érzékenység erősítésének alapjául, a papságon keresztül szólítjuk meg a hátrányos helyzetű leszakadó rétegeket és érzékenyítjük az egyházközösségeket. A projekt eredményeképpen a felzárkóztató programok mellett a pasztorációban érintett romák a lelki gondozással kapcsolatos szolgáltatásokhoz jutnak hozzá, nő a papság és az egyházközösségek érzékenysége, új elemek/szolgáltatások jelennek meg a hátrányos helyzetű lakosság számára az egyházközösségi életben, valamint tartósan csökken a szegregáció, nő a felzárkóztató programok eredményessége. A projektet kéttagú konzorcium formájában valósítja meg a Szombathelyi Egyházmegyei Karitász és a Boldog Ceferino Intézet. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The target group of our project is ecclesiastical and secular professionals (priests, monks, religious instructors, parish staff, civilians, etc.) in the field of gypsy pastoralism in Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania. In the programs we follow the themes primarily based on the Hungarian experiences of the Happy Ceferino Institute, based on church methodology, so the primary target group is the church professionals, the secular staff are the secondary target group of the project. A prerequisite for the effective implementation of Gypsy pastoralism is the sensitisation of the host society and of professionals dealing with Roma. Professionals performing sensitising sessions and trainings can participate more effectively in the given activities, as they are aware of the social and integration problems of the mentored or pastored. After the successful implementation of the project, the Institute can continue to work with evaluated material that is fully personalised, both domestic and foreign partners can work with the received material, the existence of which helps their work and commitment. With the help of the jointly developed material and methodology used in this way, we believe that the catching-up of pastoralised people living in extreme poverty will be more effective, as well as a much larger number of Roma will be involved in future programmes. The social sensitivity of the priesthood and society is increasing, which greatly contributes to the successful implementation of the catching-up programmes. Presenting the Institute’s work, we would like to point out the problem of inadequate management/situation of sensitisation in the project. Sensitising is an essential part of Gypsy pastoralism, as the basic problem arises is that the sensitivity of the priesthood and the church community is low, and spiritual life and spiritual care are blocked from disadvantaged groups. Catch-up programmes work on their own, with low effectiveness and little noticeable change after programmes. The Institute would like to assess these problems both at home and abroad, and then using these knowledge to produce a development process and material as a result of the research, which prioritises the competences to be developed and contributes effectively to increasing social sensitivity in the affected areas. We intend to develop the presented area using the developed proposals and solutions resulting from the presentation of good practices, the activities, programmes and the research. As one of the basic pillars of the solution, we develop the sensitivities of the church within the framework of the project. We use the existing network of the Church as a basis for strengthening sensitivity, reach out to disadvantaged groups through the priesthood and sensitise church communities. As a result of the project, in addition to the catching-up programmes, the Roma affected by pastoralisation have access to spiritual care services, the sensitivity of the clergy and church communities increases, new elements/services are emerging for disadvantaged people in the community life, and segregation is permanently reduced and the success of the catching up programmes increases. The project is carried out in the form of a consortium of two members by the Szombathely Diocese Karitaz and the Happy Ceferino Institute. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom
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