Platform Music Light Music Talent Career and Training Centre in Tata (Q3903771): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The objective of this project is to create and operate a regionally-functioning popular music talent management and training centre, which, on the one hand, performs the teaching of musical instruments using a unique methodology and, on the other hand, supports talented musicians and orchestras in developing and developing their skills and talents. We complement these services by organising professional, methodological, marketing, music, creative industry and other needs-reflecting conferences, trainings, workshops, disputes that support individuals or communities active in the music industry, music publishing, popular music, cultural and other creative industries. The centre is maintained by the Municipality of Tata and is operated by the Municipality of Tatai Városkapu Közhasznú Zrt., and the professional implementation is carried out with the assistance of the Peron Music Foundation. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. The site of our development is the property owned by the Municipality of Tata, which served as a dormitory of the Piarist Regiment in Tata until 2011. The building is suitable for changing and refurbishing its spaces to meet the quantified professional requirements. In the building complex we can create an independently accessible unit of about 800 sqm, which, with its patina and huge airspace, is perfectly suited for popular music education, talent management and the creation of a uniquely sound musical sound studio. We selected the following types of activities from among the types of activities published in the announcement: Type of activity 3: Establishment of a regional centre for popular music training and talent, — type 5: Acquisition of software and ICT equipment, — type 6: Manufacture and purchase of large and low-value tangible assets and furniture During this development, a total of 12 rooms will be constructed, which are as follows: — 4 rooms of the size suitable for simultaneous instruction for at least two persons (of which 2 have sound attenuation), — 1 room of size suitable for joint education of at least 5 people, — 1 concert hall suitable for approx. 80 people, — 1 professional sound studio, — 1 separate room for training, courses, counselling, — 1 office, — 1 warehouse, — 2 washrooms. We will have the following mandatory equipment required in the call: — WIFI access capable of connecting at least 15 devices simultaneously, — professional equipment, — other equipment, furniture, — audio-visual devices, necessary for the pursuit of the professions, for demonstrations in the learning-teaching process. We have a detailed list of tools you are planning to buy. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — The creation of 1 institution or facility for popular music training, talent-promoting and talent-promoting facilities, facilities and facilities to facilitate the presence in the creative economy of persons active in the field of popular music, including strengthening activities, based on institutions and organisations dedicated to the promotion of talent, and the creation of an informal space for non-formal learning — see more: Point 8, as well as a floor plan and technical description — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — are described in detail in point 14 of the professional plan. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of project implementation: 2018. 01. 02. Planned physical completion of the project: 2019. 06. 30th, term 18 months. (English)
Property / summary: The objective of this project is to create and operate a regionally-functioning popular music talent management and training centre, which, on the one hand, performs the teaching of musical instruments using a unique methodology and, on the other hand, supports talented musicians and orchestras in developing and developing their skills and talents. We complement these services by organising professional, methodological, marketing, music, creative industry and other needs-reflecting conferences, trainings, workshops, disputes that support individuals or communities active in the music industry, music publishing, popular music, cultural and other creative industries. The centre is maintained by the Municipality of Tata and is operated by the Municipality of Tatai Városkapu Közhasznú Zrt., and the professional implementation is carried out with the assistance of the Peron Music Foundation. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. The site of our development is the property owned by the Municipality of Tata, which served as a dormitory of the Piarist Regiment in Tata until 2011. The building is suitable for changing and refurbishing its spaces to meet the quantified professional requirements. In the building complex we can create an independently accessible unit of about 800 sqm, which, with its patina and huge airspace, is perfectly suited for popular music education, talent management and the creation of a uniquely sound musical sound studio. We selected the following types of activities from among the types of activities published in the announcement: Type of activity 3: Establishment of a regional centre for popular music training and talent, — type 5: Acquisition of software and ICT equipment, — type 6: Manufacture and purchase of large and low-value tangible assets and furniture During this development, a total of 12 rooms will be constructed, which are as follows: — 4 rooms of the size suitable for simultaneous instruction for at least two persons (of which 2 have sound attenuation), — 1 room of size suitable for joint education of at least 5 people, — 1 concert hall suitable for approx. 80 people, — 1 professional sound studio, — 1 separate room for training, courses, counselling, — 1 office, — 1 warehouse, — 2 washrooms. We will have the following mandatory equipment required in the call: — WIFI access capable of connecting at least 15 devices simultaneously, — professional equipment, — other equipment, furniture, — audio-visual devices, necessary for the pursuit of the professions, for demonstrations in the learning-teaching process. We have a detailed list of tools you are planning to buy. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — The creation of 1 institution or facility for popular music training, talent-promoting and talent-promoting facilities, facilities and facilities to facilitate the presence in the creative economy of persons active in the field of popular music, including strengthening activities, based on institutions and organisations dedicated to the promotion of talent, and the creation of an informal space for non-formal learning — see more: Point 8, as well as a floor plan and technical description — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — are described in detail in point 14 of the professional plan. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of project implementation: 2018. 01. 02. Planned physical completion of the project: 2019. 06. 30th, term 18 months. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The objective of this project is to create and operate a regionally-functioning popular music talent management and training centre, which, on the one hand, performs the teaching of musical instruments using a unique methodology and, on the other hand, supports talented musicians and orchestras in developing and developing their skills and talents. We complement these services by organising professional, methodological, marketing, music, creative industry and other needs-reflecting conferences, trainings, workshops, disputes that support individuals or communities active in the music industry, music publishing, popular music, cultural and other creative industries. The centre is maintained by the Municipality of Tata and is operated by the Municipality of Tatai Városkapu Közhasznú Zrt., and the professional implementation is carried out with the assistance of the Peron Music Foundation. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. The site of our development is the property owned by the Municipality of Tata, which served as a dormitory of the Piarist Regiment in Tata until 2011. The building is suitable for changing and refurbishing its spaces to meet the quantified professional requirements. In the building complex we can create an independently accessible unit of about 800 sqm, which, with its patina and huge airspace, is perfectly suited for popular music education, talent management and the creation of a uniquely sound musical sound studio. We selected the following types of activities from among the types of activities published in the announcement: Type of activity 3: Establishment of a regional centre for popular music training and talent, — type 5: Acquisition of software and ICT equipment, — type 6: Manufacture and purchase of large and low-value tangible assets and furniture During this development, a total of 12 rooms will be constructed, which are as follows: — 4 rooms of the size suitable for simultaneous instruction for at least two persons (of which 2 have sound attenuation), — 1 room of size suitable for joint education of at least 5 people, — 1 concert hall suitable for approx. 80 people, — 1 professional sound studio, — 1 separate room for training, courses, counselling, — 1 office, — 1 warehouse, — 2 washrooms. We will have the following mandatory equipment required in the call: — WIFI access capable of connecting at least 15 devices simultaneously, — professional equipment, — other equipment, furniture, — audio-visual devices, necessary for the pursuit of the professions, for demonstrations in the learning-teaching process. We have a detailed list of tools you are planning to buy. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — The creation of 1 institution or facility for popular music training, talent-promoting and talent-promoting facilities, facilities and facilities to facilitate the presence in the creative economy of persons active in the field of popular music, including strengthening activities, based on institutions and organisations dedicated to the promotion of talent, and the creation of an informal space for non-formal learning — see more: Point 8, as well as a floor plan and technical description — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — are described in detail in point 14 of the professional plan. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of project implementation: 2018. 01. 02. Planned physical completion of the project: 2019. 06. 30th, term 18 months. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:46, 8 February 2022

Project Q3903771 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Platform Music Light Music Talent Career and Training Centre in Tata
Project Q3903771 in Hungary


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    118,189,968 forint
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    380,017.552 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    25 January 2018
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    30 June 2019
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    47°39'0.32"N, 18°19'5.27"E
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    Jelen projektünk célkitűzése egy olyan regionális szerepű könnyűzenei tehetséggondozó és képző központ létrehozása és működtetése, amely egyrészt egyedi módszertannal végzi a könnyűzenei hangszeres tanítást, másrészt kiemelten támogatja képességük és tehetségük kibontakoztatásában és fejlesztésében a tehetséges zenészeket és zenekarokat. Ezeket a szolgáltatásokat egészítjük ki olyan szakmai, módszertani, marketing, zeneipari, kreatív ipari, és egyéb igényekre reflektáló konferenciák, képzések, workshopok, disputák szervezésével, amely támogatást nyújt a zeneiparban, a zeneműkiadásban, a könnyűzenei életben, a kulturális életben és minden más kreatív iparágban tevékenykedő egyénnek vagy közösségeknek. A központ fenntartója Tata Város Önkormányzata, működtetője az önkormányzat által létrehozott Tatai Városkapu Közhasznú Zrt., a szakmai megvalósítás pedig a Peron Music Alapítvány közreműködésével történik. A tervezett infrastruktúra fejlesztés hozzájárul szakmai feladataink eredményesebb elvégzéséhez. Célcsoportunkat - a köznevelési intézményekben tanulók, dolgozók, valamint az egész életen át tartó tanulásban részt vevők - bevontuk projektünk tervezésébe, az igényfelmérés részletes bemutatása szakmai tervünk 7. pontjában található. Fejlesztésünk helyszíne a Tata Város Önkormányzatának tulajdonában levő ingatlan, mely a tatai Piarista Rendház kollégiumaként működött 2011-ig. Az épület alkalmas arra, hogy a tereit átalakítva és felújítva megfeleljen a számszerűsített szakmai elvárásoknak. Az épületkomplexumban ki tudunk alakítani egy önállóan megközelíthető kb. 800 nm-es intézményegységet, amely patinájával és hatalmas légtereivel kiválóan alkalmas könnyűzenei oktatásra, tehetséggondozásra és egy egyedi hangzású zenei hangstúdió kialakítására Célkitűzésünk megvalósításához a kiírásban közzétett tevékenységtípusok közül az alábbiakat választottuk ki: - 3. tevékenységtípus: Regionális szerepű könnyűzenei képző- és tehetséggondozó központ kialakítása, - 5. tevékenységtípus: Szoftverbeszerzés és IKT eszközök beszerzése, - 6. tevékenységtípus: Nagy- és kisértékű tárgyi eszközök, bútorok készíttetése és beszerzése Jelen fejlesztés során összesen 12 db helyiség kerül kialakításra, melyek a következők: - 4 db, legalább két személy egyidejű oktatására alkalmas méretű terem (közülük 2 rendelkezik hangcsillapítással), - 1 db, legalább 5 fős formációk közös oktatására alkalmas méretű terem, - 1 db kb. 80 fő befogadására alkalmas koncertterem, - 1 db professzionális hangstúdió, - 1 db külön terem képzések, tanfolyamok, tanácsadások céljára, - 1 db iroda, - 1 db raktár, - 2 db mosdó. A felhívásban előírt alábbi kötelező felszerelésekkel rendelkezni fogunk: - legalább 15 eszköz egyidejű csatlakozására alkalmas WIFI elérés, - a foglalkozások megtartásához szükséges szakmai eszközök, - egyéb berendezések, bútorok, - audiovizuális eszközök, a tanulás-tanítás folyamatában szükséges demonstrációkhoz. Megvásárolni tervezett eszközeinket részletes eszközlistánk tartalmazza. Projektünk során az alábbi indikátorok és számszerűsített szakmai elvárások elérését vállaljuk: - 1 db, a könnyűzenei képzés, tehetséggondozás céljára alkalmas, megfelelő helyiségekkel és eszközökkel rendelkező, a könnyűzenei területeken tevékenykedő személyek kreatív gazdaságban való jelenlétét elősegítő, erősítő tevékenységeket is végző, könnyűzenei képzéssel, tehetséggondozással foglalkozó intézmények, szervezetek bázisán létrejövő intézmény, illetve létesítmény létrehozása, - informális, nem formális tanulást szolgáló tér kialakítása - bővebben lásd: 8-as pont, valamint alaprajz és műszaki leírás, - legalább 300 fő/év informális, nem formális tanulási programban résztvevő a fenntartási időszakban – ennek részletes bemutatása a szakmai terv 14. pontjában található. A projektmenedzsment tevékenység a projekt megvalósítás alatt végig megvalósul a Projektmenedzsment szervezet által. A projekt tervezése és megvalósítása során Esélyegyenlőség és környezetvédelmi szempontok érvényesítése megvalósul a Felhívás pontjának megfelelően. A A projekt megvalósításának tervezett kezdete: 2018. 01. 02. A projekt tervezett fizikai befejezése: 2019. 06. 30., futamidő 18 hónap. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The objective of this project is to create and operate a regionally-functioning popular music talent management and training centre, which, on the one hand, performs the teaching of musical instruments using a unique methodology and, on the other hand, supports talented musicians and orchestras in developing and developing their skills and talents. We complement these services by organising professional, methodological, marketing, music, creative industry and other needs-reflecting conferences, trainings, workshops, disputes that support individuals or communities active in the music industry, music publishing, popular music, cultural and other creative industries. The centre is maintained by the Municipality of Tata and is operated by the Municipality of Tatai Városkapu Közhasznú Zrt., and the professional implementation is carried out with the assistance of the Peron Music Foundation. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. The site of our development is the property owned by the Municipality of Tata, which served as a dormitory of the Piarist Regiment in Tata until 2011. The building is suitable for changing and refurbishing its spaces to meet the quantified professional requirements. In the building complex we can create an independently accessible unit of about 800 sqm, which, with its patina and huge airspace, is perfectly suited for popular music education, talent management and the creation of a uniquely sound musical sound studio. We selected the following types of activities from among the types of activities published in the announcement: Type of activity 3: Establishment of a regional centre for popular music training and talent, — type 5: Acquisition of software and ICT equipment, — type 6: Manufacture and purchase of large and low-value tangible assets and furniture During this development, a total of 12 rooms will be constructed, which are as follows: — 4 rooms of the size suitable for simultaneous instruction for at least two persons (of which 2 have sound attenuation), — 1 room of size suitable for joint education of at least 5 people, — 1 concert hall suitable for approx. 80 people, — 1 professional sound studio, — 1 separate room for training, courses, counselling, — 1 office, — 1 warehouse, — 2 washrooms. We will have the following mandatory equipment required in the call: — WIFI access capable of connecting at least 15 devices simultaneously, — professional equipment, — other equipment, furniture, — audio-visual devices, necessary for the pursuit of the professions, for demonstrations in the learning-teaching process. We have a detailed list of tools you are planning to buy. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — The creation of 1 institution or facility for popular music training, talent-promoting and talent-promoting facilities, facilities and facilities to facilitate the presence in the creative economy of persons active in the field of popular music, including strengthening activities, based on institutions and organisations dedicated to the promotion of talent, and the creation of an informal space for non-formal learning — see more: Point 8, as well as a floor plan and technical description — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — are described in detail in point 14 of the professional plan. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of project implementation: 2018. 01. 02. Planned physical completion of the project: 2019. 06. 30th, term 18 months. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Tata, Komárom-Esztergom
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