Infrastructural development of the University of Pécs Illyés Gyula Practitioner School, Primary Art School_x000D_ (Q3902595): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
According to the founding document (and organizational and operational rules) of the University of Pécs (PTE), the organisation applying for funding is suitable and empowered to carry out the activities for the purposes of the project (CCIV 2011). In Annex 1 to Tv. 1, the institution of higher education listed in point 17 of the list, 21/2012. (IV. 16) According to Decree No 312 of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, 312 — central budgetary body). The PTE, as a maintainer, submits three applications for funding, but the Illyés Gyula Practitioner School, Primary Art School (7100 Szekszárd, Mátyás Király u. 5.) are only included in the present application. The places of performance of tasks are specified in Section 7(1)(g) of Act CXC of 2011. For the successful implementation of the project, the PTE can provide several years of project management and professional management with experience in EU project management, which is described in detail in Section 4.1 of the Feasibility Study. The institution covered by the grant application did not receive EU funding for infrastructure development in the 2007-2013 programming period. OF 20/2012. (VIII. 31) According to Section 172(3) of the Decree of the Minister for Human Resources, the institution concerned by the development was not entitled to receive additional support for capacity-exploitation preparation in the academic years 2014/2015 and/or 2015/2016 and/or 2016/2017. For the supported institution, the pupil performance measurement (primary school: Grade 6; secondary school: 10th grade) results are higher than the national average (tested from a municipal perspective). At the time of submission of the grant application, the number of seats in the institution to be developed reaches 85 % of the number of persons recorded in the document of establishment. In the about 40-year-old school building, due to the water on the parquet floor in the gym, the renovation of the parquet structure had to be carried out earlier. A well-equipped and well-equipped gym is a basic requirement for physical education education. Our school has a gym, which, as well as the related changing rooms, will be refurbished (painting-painting, parquet renovation) with the help of an external funder in 2017. In the gym, plastic framed windows were installed earlier on the two longer walls. On one side of the gym there is no opening pane, while on the other side there is only a few, so the room’s ventilation and air exchange is not solved, it is not suitable. The room is fully utilised and is in continuous use through the increased number of physical education classes and the sporting class. The solution would be the installation of open windows or air blowers to ensure the exchange of air, which would greatly improve the comfort of those who use the room.The halls and classrooms are worn out in the school, and are seriously damaged in several places and are dangerous for accidents. The building is used on a daily basis by about 700 people. A durable solution would be to replace linoleum with tiles. At school, toilets have recently been renovated.Informatics is a key competence. Information technology can be taught effectively only by modern IT tools. Technical progress in the industry is extraordinary, so the tools are quickly outdated, so their timely replacement will always be an important task. It is advisable to replace the equipment of a room at the same time, so that all students can work with computers with the same parameters. It is recommended to replace the computers of the IT room. Wire network renovation, wireless network deployment. Replacement of outdated devices, renewal of the site’s university backbone connections. Renewal of telecommunications infrastructure. Small, basic fixtures would be very much needed by the institution to replace end-of-life equipment. Especially the purchase of benches, chairs, tables, lockers is an urgent task. The above-mentioned developments contribute to improving the quality of education, promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation. (English)
Property / summary: According to the founding document (and organizational and operational rules) of the University of Pécs (PTE), the organisation applying for funding is suitable and empowered to carry out the activities for the purposes of the project (CCIV 2011). In Annex 1 to Tv. 1, the institution of higher education listed in point 17 of the list, 21/2012. (IV. 16) According to Decree No 312 of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, 312 — central budgetary body). The PTE, as a maintainer, submits three applications for funding, but the Illyés Gyula Practitioner School, Primary Art School (7100 Szekszárd, Mátyás Király u. 5.) are only included in the present application. The places of performance of tasks are specified in Section 7(1)(g) of Act CXC of 2011. For the successful implementation of the project, the PTE can provide several years of project management and professional management with experience in EU project management, which is described in detail in Section 4.1 of the Feasibility Study. The institution covered by the grant application did not receive EU funding for infrastructure development in the 2007-2013 programming period. OF 20/2012. (VIII. 31) According to Section 172(3) of the Decree of the Minister for Human Resources, the institution concerned by the development was not entitled to receive additional support for capacity-exploitation preparation in the academic years 2014/2015 and/or 2015/2016 and/or 2016/2017. For the supported institution, the pupil performance measurement (primary school: Grade 6; secondary school: 10th grade) results are higher than the national average (tested from a municipal perspective). At the time of submission of the grant application, the number of seats in the institution to be developed reaches 85 % of the number of persons recorded in the document of establishment. In the about 40-year-old school building, due to the water on the parquet floor in the gym, the renovation of the parquet structure had to be carried out earlier. A well-equipped and well-equipped gym is a basic requirement for physical education education. Our school has a gym, which, as well as the related changing rooms, will be refurbished (painting-painting, parquet renovation) with the help of an external funder in 2017. In the gym, plastic framed windows were installed earlier on the two longer walls. On one side of the gym there is no opening pane, while on the other side there is only a few, so the room’s ventilation and air exchange is not solved, it is not suitable. The room is fully utilised and is in continuous use through the increased number of physical education classes and the sporting class. The solution would be the installation of open windows or air blowers to ensure the exchange of air, which would greatly improve the comfort of those who use the room.The halls and classrooms are worn out in the school, and are seriously damaged in several places and are dangerous for accidents. The building is used on a daily basis by about 700 people. A durable solution would be to replace linoleum with tiles. At school, toilets have recently been renovated.Informatics is a key competence. Information technology can be taught effectively only by modern IT tools. Technical progress in the industry is extraordinary, so the tools are quickly outdated, so their timely replacement will always be an important task. It is advisable to replace the equipment of a room at the same time, so that all students can work with computers with the same parameters. It is recommended to replace the computers of the IT room. Wire network renovation, wireless network deployment. Replacement of outdated devices, renewal of the site’s university backbone connections. Renewal of telecommunications infrastructure. Small, basic fixtures would be very much needed by the institution to replace end-of-life equipment. Especially the purchase of benches, chairs, tables, lockers is an urgent task. The above-mentioned developments contribute to improving the quality of education, promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: According to the founding document (and organizational and operational rules) of the University of Pécs (PTE), the organisation applying for funding is suitable and empowered to carry out the activities for the purposes of the project (CCIV 2011). In Annex 1 to Tv. 1, the institution of higher education listed in point 17 of the list, 21/2012. (IV. 16) According to Decree No 312 of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, 312 — central budgetary body). The PTE, as a maintainer, submits three applications for funding, but the Illyés Gyula Practitioner School, Primary Art School (7100 Szekszárd, Mátyás Király u. 5.) are only included in the present application. The places of performance of tasks are specified in Section 7(1)(g) of Act CXC of 2011. For the successful implementation of the project, the PTE can provide several years of project management and professional management with experience in EU project management, which is described in detail in Section 4.1 of the Feasibility Study. The institution covered by the grant application did not receive EU funding for infrastructure development in the 2007-2013 programming period. OF 20/2012. (VIII. 31) According to Section 172(3) of the Decree of the Minister for Human Resources, the institution concerned by the development was not entitled to receive additional support for capacity-exploitation preparation in the academic years 2014/2015 and/or 2015/2016 and/or 2016/2017. For the supported institution, the pupil performance measurement (primary school: Grade 6; secondary school: 10th grade) results are higher than the national average (tested from a municipal perspective). At the time of submission of the grant application, the number of seats in the institution to be developed reaches 85 % of the number of persons recorded in the document of establishment. In the about 40-year-old school building, due to the water on the parquet floor in the gym, the renovation of the parquet structure had to be carried out earlier. A well-equipped and well-equipped gym is a basic requirement for physical education education. Our school has a gym, which, as well as the related changing rooms, will be refurbished (painting-painting, parquet renovation) with the help of an external funder in 2017. In the gym, plastic framed windows were installed earlier on the two longer walls. On one side of the gym there is no opening pane, while on the other side there is only a few, so the room’s ventilation and air exchange is not solved, it is not suitable. The room is fully utilised and is in continuous use through the increased number of physical education classes and the sporting class. The solution would be the installation of open windows or air blowers to ensure the exchange of air, which would greatly improve the comfort of those who use the room.The halls and classrooms are worn out in the school, and are seriously damaged in several places and are dangerous for accidents. The building is used on a daily basis by about 700 people. A durable solution would be to replace linoleum with tiles. At school, toilets have recently been renovated.Informatics is a key competence. Information technology can be taught effectively only by modern IT tools. Technical progress in the industry is extraordinary, so the tools are quickly outdated, so their timely replacement will always be an important task. It is advisable to replace the equipment of a room at the same time, so that all students can work with computers with the same parameters. It is recommended to replace the computers of the IT room. Wire network renovation, wireless network deployment. Replacement of outdated devices, renewal of the site’s university backbone connections. Renewal of telecommunications infrastructure. Small, basic fixtures would be very much needed by the institution to replace end-of-life equipment. Especially the purchase of benches, chairs, tables, lockers is an urgent task. The above-mentioned developments contribute to improving the quality of education, promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:43, 8 February 2022

Project Q3902595 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Infrastructural development of the University of Pécs Illyés Gyula Practitioner School, Primary Art School_x000D_
Project Q3902595 in Hungary


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    46°20'54.56"N, 18°42'5.98"E
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    A támogatást igénylő szervezet a Pécsi Tudományegyetem (PTE) alapító dokumentuma (és szervezeti és működési szabályzata) alapján a projekt céljait szolgáló tevékenységek ellátására alkalmas és felhatalmozott (a 2011. évi CCIV. Tv.1. Mellékletében a felsorolás 17. helyén szereplő felsőoktatási intézmény, 21/2012. (IV. 16) KIM rendelet szerint 312 – központi költségvetési szerv). A PTE, mint fenntartó három támogatási kérelmet nyújt be, azonban az Illyés Gyula Gyakorlóiskola, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola (7100 Szekszárd, Mátyás király u. 5.)csak jelen pályázatban szerepelnek. A feladatellátási helyek a 2011. évi CXC. törvény 7. § (1) g) pontjában kerültek nevesítésre. A projekt sikeres megvalósításához a PTE több éves, EU-s projektvezetési tapasztalatokkal rendelkező projektmenedzsmentet és szakmai vezetést tud biztosítani, mely részletesen a Megvalósíthatósági tanulmány 4.1. fejezetében kerül bemutatásra. A támogatási kérelemben megjelölt intézmény a 2007-2013-as programozási időszakban nem részesült infrastrukturális fejlesztést támogató európai uniós forrásból. A 20/2012. (VIII. 31.) EMMI rendelet 172. § (3) bekezdése alapján a fejlesztéssel érintett intézmény a képesség-kibontakoztató felkészítéshez többlettámogatás igénybe vételére nem jogosult volt a 2014/2015 és/vagy 2015/2016 és/vagy a 2016/2017-es tanévben. A támogatott intézmény esetében a tanulói teljesítménymérés (általános iskola: 6. évfolyam; középiskola: 10. évfolyam) eredményei a hazai (települési szempontból vizsgált) átlagot országos átlagot meghaladják. A fejlesztendő intézményben a férőhelyszám kihasználtsága a támogatási kérelem benyújtásakor eléri az Alapító Okiratban rögzített létszám 85% át. A mintegy 40 éves iskolaépületben a tornateremben a parkettára került víz miatt már korábban a parkettaszerkezet felújítását kellett elvégeztetni. A testnevelés oktatáshoz alapszükséglet egy jó állapotban lévő és jól felszerelt tornaterem. Iskolánk rendelkezik tornateremmel, amelynek, továbbá a kapcsolódó öltözőknek a felújítása (festés-mázolás, parketta felújítása) külső finanszírozó bevonásával megvalósul 2017-ben. A tornateremben műanyag keretes ablakok kerültek korábban beépítésre, a két hosszabb falon. A tornaterem egyik oldalán nincs nyitható ablaktábla, míg a másik oldalon is csak kevés, így a terem szellőzése, levegőcseréje nem megoldott, nem megfelelő. A terem teljes mértékben kihasznált, a megnövekedett számú testnevelés óra és a sport tagozatos osztály révén folyamatos használat alatt van. A levegőcsere biztosítására nyitható ablakok, vagy légbefúvó ventilátorok beépítése jelentene megoldást, amely nagyban javítana a termet használók komfortérzetén.Az iskolában a folyosók és tantermek burkolata elhasználódott, több helyen komolyan sérült, balesetveszélyes. Az épületet mintegy 700 fő használja napi rendszerességgel. Tartós megoldást a linóleum járólapra cserélése jelentene. Az iskolában a mosdók a közelmúltban fel lettek újítva.Az informatikai tudás kulcskompetencia. Informatikát hatékonyan oktatni csak modern informatikai eszközökkel lehet. A technikai haladás az iparágban rendkívüli, így az eszközök hamar elavulnak, ezért megfelelő időben történő cseréjük mindig hangsúlyos feladat lesz. Egy terem eszközeinek a cseréjét célszerű egyszerre megvalósítani, hogy azonos paraméterekkel rendelkező számítógépekkel dolgozhasson minden diák. Az informatika terem számítógépeinek cseréje javasolt.Vezetékes hálózat felújítás, vezeték nélküli hálózat kiépítés. Elavult eszközök cseréje, telephely egyetemi gerinchálózati kapcsolatainak megújítása. Távközlési infrastruktúra megújítása.Kis értékű, alap berendezési tárgyakra nagy szüksége lenne az intézménynek az elhasználódott eszközök pótlására. Különösen a padok, székek, asztalok, öltözőszekrények beszerzése sürgető feladat. A fent megnevezett fejlesztések hozzájárulnak az oktatás minőségének javulásához, elősegítik az egyenlő bánásmód érvényesülését, hozzájárulnak az oktatási egyenlőtlenségek mérsékléséhez, illetve megelőzik a szegregációt. (Hungarian)
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    According to the founding document (and organizational and operational rules) of the University of Pécs (PTE), the organisation applying for funding is suitable and empowered to carry out the activities for the purposes of the project (CCIV 2011). In Annex 1 to Tv. 1, the institution of higher education listed in point 17 of the list, 21/2012. (IV. 16) According to Decree No 312 of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, 312 — central budgetary body). The PTE, as a maintainer, submits three applications for funding, but the Illyés Gyula Practitioner School, Primary Art School (7100 Szekszárd, Mátyás Király u. 5.) are only included in the present application. The places of performance of tasks are specified in Section 7(1)(g) of Act CXC of 2011. For the successful implementation of the project, the PTE can provide several years of project management and professional management with experience in EU project management, which is described in detail in Section 4.1 of the Feasibility Study. The institution covered by the grant application did not receive EU funding for infrastructure development in the 2007-2013 programming period. OF 20/2012. (VIII. 31) According to Section 172(3) of the Decree of the Minister for Human Resources, the institution concerned by the development was not entitled to receive additional support for capacity-exploitation preparation in the academic years 2014/2015 and/or 2015/2016 and/or 2016/2017. For the supported institution, the pupil performance measurement (primary school: Grade 6; secondary school: 10th grade) results are higher than the national average (tested from a municipal perspective). At the time of submission of the grant application, the number of seats in the institution to be developed reaches 85 % of the number of persons recorded in the document of establishment. In the about 40-year-old school building, due to the water on the parquet floor in the gym, the renovation of the parquet structure had to be carried out earlier. A well-equipped and well-equipped gym is a basic requirement for physical education education. Our school has a gym, which, as well as the related changing rooms, will be refurbished (painting-painting, parquet renovation) with the help of an external funder in 2017. In the gym, plastic framed windows were installed earlier on the two longer walls. On one side of the gym there is no opening pane, while on the other side there is only a few, so the room’s ventilation and air exchange is not solved, it is not suitable. The room is fully utilised and is in continuous use through the increased number of physical education classes and the sporting class. The solution would be the installation of open windows or air blowers to ensure the exchange of air, which would greatly improve the comfort of those who use the room.The halls and classrooms are worn out in the school, and are seriously damaged in several places and are dangerous for accidents. The building is used on a daily basis by about 700 people. A durable solution would be to replace linoleum with tiles. At school, toilets have recently been renovated.Informatics is a key competence. Information technology can be taught effectively only by modern IT tools. Technical progress in the industry is extraordinary, so the tools are quickly outdated, so their timely replacement will always be an important task. It is advisable to replace the equipment of a room at the same time, so that all students can work with computers with the same parameters. It is recommended to replace the computers of the IT room. Wire network renovation, wireless network deployment. Replacement of outdated devices, renewal of the site’s university backbone connections. Renewal of telecommunications infrastructure. Small, basic fixtures would be very much needed by the institution to replace end-of-life equipment. Especially the purchase of benches, chairs, tables, lockers is an urgent task. The above-mentioned developments contribute to improving the quality of education, promoting equal treatment, reducing educational inequalities and preventing segregation. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Szekszárd, Tolna
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