Further education, IT and bionic training, skills development and communication programs at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Q3901152): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The professional content of the project implemented jointly by the University and the Association can be summarised as follows: 1. Despite the unfavourable demographic changes, against the backdrop of increasing access to higher education and the number of successful graduates, in particular MTMI: effective outreach to the susceptible target group through the promotion of our engineering and bionic engineering trainings. Related professional content: — Open days: professional briefings, interactive lab visits; — Promotion of MTMI occupations and careers, image films: production of communication and marketing materials in line with the objectives of the project; — Mobile application/computer program: CodeCamp mobile programming training course + application development in teamwork; — Development of e-learning content: videos, animations, interactive videos, demonstrations that make it possible to reach out to wider crowds. The developed content will be used in the home section of the CodeCamp course; — Questionnaire research in the target group, processing: preparation of service satisfaction testing, incorporation and utilisation of the results obtained; feedback of results into the project. 2. Reach out to students outside the KMR region and further strengthen our student base from this target group. Related professional content: — Roadshow in career-selection exhibitions and secondary schools: presenting relevant IT and bionic research to students interested in natural sciences; participation in career-selection exhibitions; — Program eco-friendly! competition: its aim is to develop an approach to energy saving and environmental awareness among developers and users; — BeeSmarter competition secondary school section: it is part of the BeeSmarter mobile programmer and designer team competition. The race is two-round. — Bionic obstacle competition: gives secondary school pupils interested in bionic disciplines the opportunity to get acquainted with the concept of bionics; creating an opportunity to expand theoretical knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and informatics. — Makerspace for high school students: it aims to bring high school students closer to learning skills related to prototyping and design thinking in the context of managed occupations; supporting the testing and implementation of innovative ideas. Students solve practical tasks related to a given technology or topic (e.g. 3D design, 3D printing, virtual reality, laser cutting, design thinking, electronics design). — Robotics camp: its purpose is to familiarise themselves with the tools and possibilities of the Robotics Lab of ITK and the UAV (unmanned aircraft) Laboratory, to use them in an engineering way, to learn about the related theoretical aspects (robotics, image processing, regulation theory, etc.). — CodeCamp camp: its aim is to provide students who are receptive to mobile application development with the opportunity to further develop their skills, implement their ideas, expand their theoretical knowledge and look into the possibilities of software development on complex mobile programming technologies. 3. Active involvement of relevant industry actors in our activities to promote science promotion and MTMI. We involve our partners in IT and bionics with relevant activities in the provision of student support. Related professional content: Company visits: students visit recognised companies with high professional quality, applying state-of-the-art technology, learning about their mission, their research and development focus, the various professions and careers of their employees. 4. Provide the right framework and resources for the development of methodological and practical knowledge of the actors involved in the education of the target group (school teachers and academics-researchers, staff). Related professional content: — Development of educational training programmes: We organise a training conference for 5 subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology), which includes educational resources (available on DVD, Web). We also present the Faculty’s research labs related to the current subject. — Presentation training: for those involved in the project, in order to develop more efficient communication. Additional activities in support of the above objectives: — Point Collecting Program (4P): The aim of the score-gathering programme is to attract interest in MTMI degree programmes and to encourage secondary school students to participate in the project’s programmes through a rewarding and registration system. — Provision of communication (PR): Reaching out to the target group of the project requires a strong and effective communication strategy and consistent implementation. (English)
Property / summary: The professional content of the project implemented jointly by the University and the Association can be summarised as follows: 1. Despite the unfavourable demographic changes, against the backdrop of increasing access to higher education and the number of successful graduates, in particular MTMI: effective outreach to the susceptible target group through the promotion of our engineering and bionic engineering trainings. Related professional content: — Open days: professional briefings, interactive lab visits; — Promotion of MTMI occupations and careers, image films: production of communication and marketing materials in line with the objectives of the project; — Mobile application/computer program: CodeCamp mobile programming training course + application development in teamwork; — Development of e-learning content: videos, animations, interactive videos, demonstrations that make it possible to reach out to wider crowds. The developed content will be used in the home section of the CodeCamp course; — Questionnaire research in the target group, processing: preparation of service satisfaction testing, incorporation and utilisation of the results obtained; feedback of results into the project. 2. Reach out to students outside the KMR region and further strengthen our student base from this target group. Related professional content: — Roadshow in career-selection exhibitions and secondary schools: presenting relevant IT and bionic research to students interested in natural sciences; participation in career-selection exhibitions; — Program eco-friendly! competition: its aim is to develop an approach to energy saving and environmental awareness among developers and users; — BeeSmarter competition secondary school section: it is part of the BeeSmarter mobile programmer and designer team competition. The race is two-round. — Bionic obstacle competition: gives secondary school pupils interested in bionic disciplines the opportunity to get acquainted with the concept of bionics; creating an opportunity to expand theoretical knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and informatics. — Makerspace for high school students: it aims to bring high school students closer to learning skills related to prototyping and design thinking in the context of managed occupations; supporting the testing and implementation of innovative ideas. Students solve practical tasks related to a given technology or topic (e.g. 3D design, 3D printing, virtual reality, laser cutting, design thinking, electronics design). — Robotics camp: its purpose is to familiarise themselves with the tools and possibilities of the Robotics Lab of ITK and the UAV (unmanned aircraft) Laboratory, to use them in an engineering way, to learn about the related theoretical aspects (robotics, image processing, regulation theory, etc.). — CodeCamp camp: its aim is to provide students who are receptive to mobile application development with the opportunity to further develop their skills, implement their ideas, expand their theoretical knowledge and look into the possibilities of software development on complex mobile programming technologies. 3. Active involvement of relevant industry actors in our activities to promote science promotion and MTMI. We involve our partners in IT and bionics with relevant activities in the provision of student support. Related professional content: Company visits: students visit recognised companies with high professional quality, applying state-of-the-art technology, learning about their mission, their research and development focus, the various professions and careers of their employees. 4. Provide the right framework and resources for the development of methodological and practical knowledge of the actors involved in the education of the target group (school teachers and academics-researchers, staff). Related professional content: — Development of educational training programmes: We organise a training conference for 5 subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology), which includes educational resources (available on DVD, Web). We also present the Faculty’s research labs related to the current subject. — Presentation training: for those involved in the project, in order to develop more efficient communication. Additional activities in support of the above objectives: — Point Collecting Program (4P): The aim of the score-gathering programme is to attract interest in MTMI degree programmes and to encourage secondary school students to participate in the project’s programmes through a rewarding and registration system. — Provision of communication (PR): Reaching out to the target group of the project requires a strong and effective communication strategy and consistent implementation. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The professional content of the project implemented jointly by the University and the Association can be summarised as follows: 1. Despite the unfavourable demographic changes, against the backdrop of increasing access to higher education and the number of successful graduates, in particular MTMI: effective outreach to the susceptible target group through the promotion of our engineering and bionic engineering trainings. Related professional content: — Open days: professional briefings, interactive lab visits; — Promotion of MTMI occupations and careers, image films: production of communication and marketing materials in line with the objectives of the project; — Mobile application/computer program: CodeCamp mobile programming training course + application development in teamwork; — Development of e-learning content: videos, animations, interactive videos, demonstrations that make it possible to reach out to wider crowds. The developed content will be used in the home section of the CodeCamp course; — Questionnaire research in the target group, processing: preparation of service satisfaction testing, incorporation and utilisation of the results obtained; feedback of results into the project. 2. Reach out to students outside the KMR region and further strengthen our student base from this target group. Related professional content: — Roadshow in career-selection exhibitions and secondary schools: presenting relevant IT and bionic research to students interested in natural sciences; participation in career-selection exhibitions; — Program eco-friendly! competition: its aim is to develop an approach to energy saving and environmental awareness among developers and users; — BeeSmarter competition secondary school section: it is part of the BeeSmarter mobile programmer and designer team competition. The race is two-round. — Bionic obstacle competition: gives secondary school pupils interested in bionic disciplines the opportunity to get acquainted with the concept of bionics; creating an opportunity to expand theoretical knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and informatics. — Makerspace for high school students: it aims to bring high school students closer to learning skills related to prototyping and design thinking in the context of managed occupations; supporting the testing and implementation of innovative ideas. Students solve practical tasks related to a given technology or topic (e.g. 3D design, 3D printing, virtual reality, laser cutting, design thinking, electronics design). — Robotics camp: its purpose is to familiarise themselves with the tools and possibilities of the Robotics Lab of ITK and the UAV (unmanned aircraft) Laboratory, to use them in an engineering way, to learn about the related theoretical aspects (robotics, image processing, regulation theory, etc.). — CodeCamp camp: its aim is to provide students who are receptive to mobile application development with the opportunity to further develop their skills, implement their ideas, expand their theoretical knowledge and look into the possibilities of software development on complex mobile programming technologies. 3. Active involvement of relevant industry actors in our activities to promote science promotion and MTMI. We involve our partners in IT and bionics with relevant activities in the provision of student support. Related professional content: Company visits: students visit recognised companies with high professional quality, applying state-of-the-art technology, learning about their mission, their research and development focus, the various professions and careers of their employees. 4. Provide the right framework and resources for the development of methodological and practical knowledge of the actors involved in the education of the target group (school teachers and academics-researchers, staff). Related professional content: — Development of educational training programmes: We organise a training conference for 5 subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology), which includes educational resources (available on DVD, Web). We also present the Faculty’s research labs related to the current subject. — Presentation training: for those involved in the project, in order to develop more efficient communication. Additional activities in support of the above objectives: — Point Collecting Program (4P): The aim of the score-gathering programme is to attract interest in MTMI degree programmes and to encourage secondary school students to participate in the project’s programmes through a rewarding and registration system. — Provision of communication (PR): Reaching out to the target group of the project requires a strong and effective communication strategy and consistent implementation. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:36, 8 February 2022

Project Q3901152 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Further education, IT and bionic training, skills development and communication programs at Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Project Q3901152 in Hungary


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    Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
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    Az Egyetem és az Egyesület által közösen megvalósított projekt a célkítűzések szerint megfogalmazott szakmai tartalma az alábbiakban foglalható össze: : 1. A kedvezőtlen demográfiai változások ellenére, azzal szembehatva a felsőoktatásba való bekerülés és a képzést sikeresen elvégző diplomások számának fokozása, kiemelten az MTMI szakokra: a mérnökinformatikus és bionikus mérnök képzéseink népszerűsítésén keresztül a fogékony célcsoport hatékony megszólítása. Kapcsolódó szakmai tartalom: - Nyílt napok: szakmai tájékoztatók, interaktív laborlátogatások; - MTMI foglalkozások és életpályák népszerűsítése, imázsfilmek: a projekt célkitűzéseinek megfelelő kommunikációs és marketing anyagok készítése; - Mobil applikáció/ számítógépes program készítése: CodeCamp mobil programozás oktató kurzus + alkalmazásfejlesztés csapatmunkában; - E-learning tartalmak fejlesztése: videók, animációk, interaktív videók, demonstrációk, amelyek lehetővé teszik szélesebb tömegek megszólítását. A fejlesztett tartalmak a CodeCamp kurzus otthoni részén kerülnek felhasználásra; - Kérdőíves kutatások a célcsoportban, ezek feldolgozása: szolgáltatás elégedettség vizsgálat készítése, a kapott eredmények beépítése, hasznosítása; az eredmények visszacsatolása a projektbe. 2. A KMR régión kívüli diákok megszólítása, a hallgatói bázisunk további erősítése ebből a célcsoportból. Kapcsolódó szakmai tartalom: - Roadshow pályaválasztási kiállításokon és középiskolákban: a releváns informatikai, és bionikai kutatás bemutatása a természettudományok iránt érdeklődő hallgatóknak; részvétel pályaválasztási kiállításokon; - Programozz környezettudatosan! verseny: célja az energiatakarékosság és a környezettudatosság szemléletének kialakítása a fejlesztők és a felhasználók körében ; - BeeSmarter verseny középiskolás szekció: része a BeeSmarter mobil programozói és designer csapatversenynek. A verseny kétfordulós. - Bionikai akadályverseny: a bionika által összefogott tudományterületek iránt érdeklődő középiskolásoknak lehetőséget biztosít közelebbről megismerkedni a bionika fogalmával; lehetőséget teremtve az elméleti ismeretek bővítésére biológia, kémia, fizika és informatika területeken. - MakerSpace középiskolásoknak: célja, hogy a középiskolás diákokhoz közelebb hozza a prototipizáláshoz és design gondolkodáshoz kapcsolódó készségek elsajátítását irányított foglalkozások keretein belül; támogatást nyújtva az innovatív ötletek kipróbálásában és megvalósításában. A diákok gyakorlati feladatokat oldanak meg adott technológiához vagy témakörhöz kapcsolódóan (pl. 3D tervezés, 3D nyomtatás, virtuális valóság, lézervágás, design gondolkodás, elektronika tervezés). - Robotika tábor: célja, az ITK Robotika Laborjának és a UAV (pilótanélküli légijárművek) Laborjának az eszközeivel és lehetőségeivel való megismerkedésre, azok mérnöki módon való használatára, a kapcsolódó elméleti vonatkozásokról (robotika, képfeldolgozás, szabályozáselmélet stb.) való ismeretszerzésre. - CodeCamp tábor: célja, hogy a mobil alkalmazásfejlesztésre fogékony diákoknak lehetőséget biztosítson képességeik továbbfejlesztésére, ötleteik megvalósítására, elméleti ismereteik bővítésére, kurrens mobil programozási technológiákon történő szoftverfejlesztés lehetőségeibe bepillantva. 3. A releváns ipari szereplők aktív bevonása a tudománynépszerűsítő és az MTMI szakokra való jelentkezést és bekerülést fokozó tevékenységünkbe. A hallgatói utánpótlás biztosításába bevonjuk az IT és bionika releváns tevékenységet folytató céges partnereinket. Kapcsolódó szakmai tartalom: Céges látogatások: a diákok magas szakmai minőséget képviselő, korszerű technológiát alkalmazó, elismert cégeknél tesznek látogatást, megismerve küldetésüket, kutatás-fejlesztési fókuszukat, az általuk foglalkoztatottak különféle szakmáit és életpályáit. 4. A megfelelő keret és forrás biztosítása a célcsoport edukációjában résztvevő szereplők (iskolai tanárok és egyetemi oktatók-kutatók, munkatársak) módszertani és gyakorlati ismereteinek fejlesztéséhez. Kapcsolódó szakmai tartalom: - Pedagógus továbbképzési programok kidolgozása: 5 tantárgyhoz (matematika, fizika, kémia, biológia, informatika) szervezünk továbbképző konferenciát, amelynek keretén belül oktatási segédanyag is készül (DVD-n, Web-en elérhető). Bemutatjuk a Kar aktuális tantárgyhoz kapcsolódó kutatólaborjait is. - Prezentációs tréning: a projektben résztvevő megvalósítók részére, a hatékonyabb kommunikáció kialakítása érdekében. A fenti célkitűzéseket támogató további tevékenységek: - PontVelünk pontgyűjtő program (4P): A pontgyűjtő program célja az MTMI szakok iránti érdeklődés felkeltése, a középiskolás diákoknak a projekt programjain való részvételének ösztönzése egy jutalmazó és nyilvántartó rendszer segítségével. - Kommunikáció biztosítása (PR): A projekt célcsoportjának megszólításához erőteljes és hatékony kommunikációs startatégiára és annak következetes végrehajtására van szükség. (Hungarian)
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    The professional content of the project implemented jointly by the University and the Association can be summarised as follows: 1. Despite the unfavourable demographic changes, against the backdrop of increasing access to higher education and the number of successful graduates, in particular MTMI: effective outreach to the susceptible target group through the promotion of our engineering and bionic engineering trainings. Related professional content: — Open days: professional briefings, interactive lab visits; — Promotion of MTMI occupations and careers, image films: production of communication and marketing materials in line with the objectives of the project; — Mobile application/computer program: CodeCamp mobile programming training course + application development in teamwork; — Development of e-learning content: videos, animations, interactive videos, demonstrations that make it possible to reach out to wider crowds. The developed content will be used in the home section of the CodeCamp course; — Questionnaire research in the target group, processing: preparation of service satisfaction testing, incorporation and utilisation of the results obtained; feedback of results into the project. 2. Reach out to students outside the KMR region and further strengthen our student base from this target group. Related professional content: — Roadshow in career-selection exhibitions and secondary schools: presenting relevant IT and bionic research to students interested in natural sciences; participation in career-selection exhibitions; — Program eco-friendly! competition: its aim is to develop an approach to energy saving and environmental awareness among developers and users; — BeeSmarter competition secondary school section: it is part of the BeeSmarter mobile programmer and designer team competition. The race is two-round. — Bionic obstacle competition: gives secondary school pupils interested in bionic disciplines the opportunity to get acquainted with the concept of bionics; creating an opportunity to expand theoretical knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and informatics. — Makerspace for high school students: it aims to bring high school students closer to learning skills related to prototyping and design thinking in the context of managed occupations; supporting the testing and implementation of innovative ideas. Students solve practical tasks related to a given technology or topic (e.g. 3D design, 3D printing, virtual reality, laser cutting, design thinking, electronics design). — Robotics camp: its purpose is to familiarise themselves with the tools and possibilities of the Robotics Lab of ITK and the UAV (unmanned aircraft) Laboratory, to use them in an engineering way, to learn about the related theoretical aspects (robotics, image processing, regulation theory, etc.). — CodeCamp camp: its aim is to provide students who are receptive to mobile application development with the opportunity to further develop their skills, implement their ideas, expand their theoretical knowledge and look into the possibilities of software development on complex mobile programming technologies. 3. Active involvement of relevant industry actors in our activities to promote science promotion and MTMI. We involve our partners in IT and bionics with relevant activities in the provision of student support. Related professional content: Company visits: students visit recognised companies with high professional quality, applying state-of-the-art technology, learning about their mission, their research and development focus, the various professions and careers of their employees. 4. Provide the right framework and resources for the development of methodological and practical knowledge of the actors involved in the education of the target group (school teachers and academics-researchers, staff). Related professional content: — Development of educational training programmes: We organise a training conference for 5 subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology), which includes educational resources (available on DVD, Web). We also present the Faculty’s research labs related to the current subject. — Presentation training: for those involved in the project, in order to develop more efficient communication. Additional activities in support of the above objectives: — Point Collecting Program (4P): The aim of the score-gathering programme is to attract interest in MTMI degree programmes and to encourage secondary school students to participate in the project’s programmes through a rewarding and registration system. — Provision of communication (PR): Reaching out to the target group of the project requires a strong and effective communication strategy and consistent implementation. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Budapest, Budapest
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