Development of ultrasonic imaging technology at the Clinical Center of the University of Pécs (Q3896798): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to develop and modernise the ultrasonic devices used in certain publicly funded inpatient classes (cardiology and urology) of the Clinical Center within the University of Pécs. As a result, the quality of the care is improved. Machinery purchases are not considered as replacement investments, the use of existing equipment is still ensured. Procurement is justified by the workload and the high age of existing assets. There are tests that require state-of-the-art tools. Cardiovascular diseases are the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality. In the framework of the tender, we would like to acquire ultrasound equipment that significantly improves the standard of inpatient cardiological care, which speeds up diagnostics, thereby shortening the duration of the hospital bed. Our clinic’s Echocardiography Laboratory works with a large number of cases (5200 patients/year), the county and regional reclining and outpatient diagnostics, the service of cardiac failure in the same room so far. The number of requests for cardiac and maturedrasound continues to increase due to the growing demand for ultrasound consultation (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy) due to complex cardiovascular care (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy). The increasing number of time-consuming special tests (transoesophageal echo, stress echo, 4D imaging) have also been carried out on the same device, which caused several days of delay in the care of inpatients. The new medium-class ultrasound device would allow to increase our imaging capacity, reduce the waiting time by separating routine and special tests. In the urological operating room there is a great need to purchase a UH device suitable for intervention. The current CJEU 450 Hitachi was purchased in 1988, i.e. 19 years old. In most cases, we perform urgent urological care with this device (e.g. it is possible to insert a kidney catheter into a closed kidney only with a UH device suitable for puncture.) In addition, 70 % of our one-day surgical procedures are performed with this device. The third area of application in the operating room is the removal of kidney cancer with modern laparoscopic tecnics, in many cases it is necessary to assess the extent of the tumour during surgery, which can only be judged by a laporoscopic UH. During the outpatient care, we use a Hitachi Arietta V70 device, so it would be advisable to purchase a lower category version of this type during the current development (Hitachi Arietta v60), so it would not be necessary to buy linear UH heads. This would ensure both the compatibility of devices and cost-effectiveness. The currently used Hitachi EUB 450 devices need to be serviced every month, and parts are difficult to obtain, as this device is not used anywhere in Hungary, so it is very costly to maintain it. As long as the machine is functional and servicing and spare parts can be supplied, the new machine is only intended to relieve the load and save time and energy for more complex tests. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to develop and modernise the ultrasonic devices used in certain publicly funded inpatient classes (cardiology and urology) of the Clinical Center within the University of Pécs. As a result, the quality of the care is improved. Machinery purchases are not considered as replacement investments, the use of existing equipment is still ensured. Procurement is justified by the workload and the high age of existing assets. There are tests that require state-of-the-art tools. Cardiovascular diseases are the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality. In the framework of the tender, we would like to acquire ultrasound equipment that significantly improves the standard of inpatient cardiological care, which speeds up diagnostics, thereby shortening the duration of the hospital bed. Our clinic’s Echocardiography Laboratory works with a large number of cases (5200 patients/year), the county and regional reclining and outpatient diagnostics, the service of cardiac failure in the same room so far. The number of requests for cardiac and maturedrasound continues to increase due to the growing demand for ultrasound consultation (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy) due to complex cardiovascular care (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy). The increasing number of time-consuming special tests (transoesophageal echo, stress echo, 4D imaging) have also been carried out on the same device, which caused several days of delay in the care of inpatients. The new medium-class ultrasound device would allow to increase our imaging capacity, reduce the waiting time by separating routine and special tests. In the urological operating room there is a great need to purchase a UH device suitable for intervention. The current CJEU 450 Hitachi was purchased in 1988, i.e. 19 years old. In most cases, we perform urgent urological care with this device (e.g. it is possible to insert a kidney catheter into a closed kidney only with a UH device suitable for puncture.) In addition, 70 % of our one-day surgical procedures are performed with this device. The third area of application in the operating room is the removal of kidney cancer with modern laparoscopic tecnics, in many cases it is necessary to assess the extent of the tumour during surgery, which can only be judged by a laporoscopic UH. During the outpatient care, we use a Hitachi Arietta V70 device, so it would be advisable to purchase a lower category version of this type during the current development (Hitachi Arietta v60), so it would not be necessary to buy linear UH heads. This would ensure both the compatibility of devices and cost-effectiveness. The currently used Hitachi EUB 450 devices need to be serviced every month, and parts are difficult to obtain, as this device is not used anywhere in Hungary, so it is very costly to maintain it. As long as the machine is functional and servicing and spare parts can be supplied, the new machine is only intended to relieve the load and save time and energy for more complex tests. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to develop and modernise the ultrasonic devices used in certain publicly funded inpatient classes (cardiology and urology) of the Clinical Center within the University of Pécs. As a result, the quality of the care is improved. Machinery purchases are not considered as replacement investments, the use of existing equipment is still ensured. Procurement is justified by the workload and the high age of existing assets. There are tests that require state-of-the-art tools. Cardiovascular diseases are the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality. In the framework of the tender, we would like to acquire ultrasound equipment that significantly improves the standard of inpatient cardiological care, which speeds up diagnostics, thereby shortening the duration of the hospital bed. Our clinic’s Echocardiography Laboratory works with a large number of cases (5200 patients/year), the county and regional reclining and outpatient diagnostics, the service of cardiac failure in the same room so far. The number of requests for cardiac and maturedrasound continues to increase due to the growing demand for ultrasound consultation (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy) due to complex cardiovascular care (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy). The increasing number of time-consuming special tests (transoesophageal echo, stress echo, 4D imaging) have also been carried out on the same device, which caused several days of delay in the care of inpatients. The new medium-class ultrasound device would allow to increase our imaging capacity, reduce the waiting time by separating routine and special tests. In the urological operating room there is a great need to purchase a UH device suitable for intervention. The current CJEU 450 Hitachi was purchased in 1988, i.e. 19 years old. In most cases, we perform urgent urological care with this device (e.g. it is possible to insert a kidney catheter into a closed kidney only with a UH device suitable for puncture.) In addition, 70 % of our one-day surgical procedures are performed with this device. The third area of application in the operating room is the removal of kidney cancer with modern laparoscopic tecnics, in many cases it is necessary to assess the extent of the tumour during surgery, which can only be judged by a laporoscopic UH. During the outpatient care, we use a Hitachi Arietta V70 device, so it would be advisable to purchase a lower category version of this type during the current development (Hitachi Arietta v60), so it would not be necessary to buy linear UH heads. This would ensure both the compatibility of devices and cost-effectiveness. The currently used Hitachi EUB 450 devices need to be serviced every month, and parts are difficult to obtain, as this device is not used anywhere in Hungary, so it is very costly to maintain it. As long as the machine is functional and servicing and spare parts can be supplied, the new machine is only intended to relieve the load and save time and energy for more complex tests. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:04, 8 February 2022

Project Q3896798 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of ultrasonic imaging technology at the Clinical Center of the University of Pécs
Project Q3896798 in Hungary


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    A projekt célja a Pécsi Tudományegyetem keretein belül működő Klinikai Központ egyes közfinanszírozott fekvőbeteg osztályain (kardiológia és urológia) használt Ultrahang eszközök fejlesztése, modernizálása, melyek eredményeként javul az ellátás színvonala. A gépbeszerzések nem minősülnek pótló beruházásnak, a már meglévő eszközök használata továbbra is biztosított. A beszerzést a meglévő eszközök leterheltsége, és magas életkora indokolja. Vannak olyan vizsgálatok, melyekhez már korszerű eszközök szükségesek. A kardiovaszkuláris betegségek a legnagyobb morbiditással és mortalitással járó kórképek. A pályázat keretében a kardiológiai fekvőbeteg szakellátás színvonalát jelentős mértékben javító ultrahang berendezést szeretnénk beszerezni, ami meggyorsítja a diagnosztikát, ezáltal rövidítheti a kórházi bennfekvés időtartamát. Klinikánk Echokardiográfiás Laboratóriuma nagy esetszámmal dolgozik (5200 beteg/év), a megyei és regionális fekvő- és járóbeteg diagnosztikát, a szívelégtelenség szakambulancia kiszolgálását eddig egy helyiségben végeztük. A szív- és érultrahang kérések száma tovább emelkedik a Janus Pannonius Klinikai Tömbben megvalósult komplex kardiovaszkuláris ellátás (kardiológia, angiológia, stroke ellátás, érsebészet) és más szakmák (pl. onkológia, traumatológia, intenzív terápia) növekvő ultrahang konzílium igénye miatt. A szintén növekvő számú, időigényes speciális vizsgálatokat (transoesophagealis echo, stressz echo, 4D képalkotás) is eddig ugyanazon a készüléken végeztük, ami a fekvőbetegek ellátásában több napos csúszást okozott. Az új, közepes kategóriájú ultrahang készülék lehetővé tenné képalkotó kapacitásunk növelését, a várakozási idő csökkentését, a rutin és speciális vizsgálatok elkülönítésével. Az urológiai műtőben nagy szükség van egy intervencióra alkalmas UH készülék beszerzésére. A jelenleg használt EUB 450 Hitachi készüléket 1988- ban vásároltuk, tehát 19 éves. Ezzel a készülékkel az esetek nagy részében sürgős urológiai ellátást végzünk (pl. lezárt vesébe vese-katéter behelyezése csak punkcióra alkalmas UH készülékkel lehetséges.) Ezenfelül ezzel a készülékkel végezzük az egynapos sebészeti beavatkozásaink 70%-t. A műtőben a harmadik alkalmazási terület a korszerű laparoszkópos tecnikával történő vesedaganat eltávolítása során sok esetben szükség van a daganat kiterjedésének megítélésére a műtét közben, amit csak laporoszkópos UH-gal lehet megítélni. Az ambuláns ellátás során egy Hitachi Arietta V70 készüléket használunk, ezért célszerű lenne ennek a típusnak egy alacsonyabb kategóriájú változatát beszerezni jelen fejlesztés alkalmával (Hitachi Arietta v60), így nem kellene hozzá lineáris UH fejeket vásárolni. Ezzel biztosítanánk egyrészt az eszközök kompatibilitását, és a költséghatékonyságot is. A jelenleg használt Hitachi EUB 450 készüléket havonta szükséges szervizelni, már alkatrészeket is nehéz beszerezni, mivel Magyarországon sehol nem használják ezt a készüléket, így a fenntartása nagyon költséges. Amíg a gép működőképes és szervizelése és alkatrész ellátása megoldható a gép használatban marad, az új géppel csak a tehermentesítését és a bonyolultabb vizsgálatok idő és energiatakarékos megoldását kívánjuk elérni. (Hungarian)
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    The aim of the project is to develop and modernise the ultrasonic devices used in certain publicly funded inpatient classes (cardiology and urology) of the Clinical Center within the University of Pécs. As a result, the quality of the care is improved. Machinery purchases are not considered as replacement investments, the use of existing equipment is still ensured. Procurement is justified by the workload and the high age of existing assets. There are tests that require state-of-the-art tools. Cardiovascular diseases are the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality. In the framework of the tender, we would like to acquire ultrasound equipment that significantly improves the standard of inpatient cardiological care, which speeds up diagnostics, thereby shortening the duration of the hospital bed. Our clinic’s Echocardiography Laboratory works with a large number of cases (5200 patients/year), the county and regional reclining and outpatient diagnostics, the service of cardiac failure in the same room so far. The number of requests for cardiac and maturedrasound continues to increase due to the growing demand for ultrasound consultation (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy) due to complex cardiovascular care (cardiology, angiology, stroke care, vascular surgery) and other professions (e.g. oncology, traumatology, intensive therapy). The increasing number of time-consuming special tests (transoesophageal echo, stress echo, 4D imaging) have also been carried out on the same device, which caused several days of delay in the care of inpatients. The new medium-class ultrasound device would allow to increase our imaging capacity, reduce the waiting time by separating routine and special tests. In the urological operating room there is a great need to purchase a UH device suitable for intervention. The current CJEU 450 Hitachi was purchased in 1988, i.e. 19 years old. In most cases, we perform urgent urological care with this device (e.g. it is possible to insert a kidney catheter into a closed kidney only with a UH device suitable for puncture.) In addition, 70 % of our one-day surgical procedures are performed with this device. The third area of application in the operating room is the removal of kidney cancer with modern laparoscopic tecnics, in many cases it is necessary to assess the extent of the tumour during surgery, which can only be judged by a laporoscopic UH. During the outpatient care, we use a Hitachi Arietta V70 device, so it would be advisable to purchase a lower category version of this type during the current development (Hitachi Arietta v60), so it would not be necessary to buy linear UH heads. This would ensure both the compatibility of devices and cost-effectiveness. The currently used Hitachi EUB 450 devices need to be serviced every month, and parts are difficult to obtain, as this device is not used anywhere in Hungary, so it is very costly to maintain it. As long as the machine is functional and servicing and spare parts can be supplied, the new machine is only intended to relieve the load and save time and energy for more complex tests. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Pécs, Baranya
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