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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to modernise the social sector and meet the latest professional, technological, research/scientific and administrative conditions in order to ensure efficient public tasks and better access to public services. Professional tools, techniques and technologies that can be designed, implemented or facilitated centrally to carry out the statutory tasks of the social and child welfare and child protection sectors, and innovations should be made available to industry, including users and the public, in such a way as to minimise the cost (and over time) of transferring knowledge and information in terms of use. The social impact of this is that, through efficient and qualitative tasks, on the one hand, the efficiency of targeting and, on the other hand, the quality of service or intervention, it is possible to reallocate resources and capacities to the areas and target groups identified as the centre of gravity. On the other hand, the provision of local, territorial tasks can take another step from the institution’s — and service-oriented approach to the implementation of the principle of client-centredness and cooperation undertaken to this end. Project milestones: 1. Modernising professional support systems and making them more efficient in order to develop central functions to support the effectiveness of the new EFOP standard tender projects, in order to support the daily professional work of professionals and institution leaders working in the field; 2. Extending access to, and improving the quality of, central sector IT tools; 3. Updating the empirical scientific basis for sectoral planning and professional development; The direct target groups of the project are professionals working in social services, child welfare and child protection benefits, staff of organisations maintaining social, child welfare and child protection services, staff of the competent authorities for benefits in cash and in kind, staff of the social and child protection administration; authorities authorising the operation of social, child welfare and child protection institutions and monitoring experts; and the staff of the project promoter and industry manager. Furthermore, the target group of the intervention is those who can benefit directly from the primary results of the study or from the results of the studies: on the one hand, at the level of decision-makers, state, municipal and separate funds; participants in development policy. On the other hand, managers of institutions providing public services for families with young children and early childhood interventions (health, social services, primary child welfare and child protection institutions, etc.) and managing the provision of services. The indirect target groups of the project are professionals listed in the Social Administration and Social Benefits Act (Act III of 1993) and Act XXXI of 1997 on child protection and guardianship administration. In line with the objectives set, the project envisages the implementation of activities under the following three pillars: 1. Development of professional support and decision-making activities as a pillar? Methodological support and assistance in demensive care? Methodological support for kindergarten and school support activities — Consortium member:OH? Methodological support for the extended function of family and child welfare services? Methodological support for standard tender projects “Housing First”? Making recommendations, concepts, procedures? Planning and analysing capacity management? Implementation of a national campaign for recruitment for foster parents? Establishment and operation of the Professional Coordination Forum 2. NSZIR System developments, system support pillar • Establishment of a single social registration system • Development of systems supporting extended activities of family and child welfare services • Introduction of a child protection registration system (Gyvr) and integration with ÖFR and system development • Further development of the system of financial and in-kind benefits (PTR) • Further development of the Service Providers Register (MŰKENG) • User registration system (Tevadmin-KENYSZI) system further development • Management Information System (VIR) further development • NSZIR entitlement management system (IDM) further development • Social Sector Portal (SAP) 3. Research and monitoring pillar • Establishment of a policy research work plan • Research underpinning the development of supportive and decision-making activities • Monitoring studies, impact assessment of measures • Review of OSAP data services • Implementation of long-term research — Consortium member: KSH-NKI) (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to modernise the social sector and meet the latest professional, technological, research/scientific and administrative conditions in order to ensure efficient public tasks and better access to public services. Professional tools, techniques and technologies that can be designed, implemented or facilitated centrally to carry out the statutory tasks of the social and child welfare and child protection sectors, and innovations should be made available to industry, including users and the public, in such a way as to minimise the cost (and over time) of transferring knowledge and information in terms of use. The social impact of this is that, through efficient and qualitative tasks, on the one hand, the efficiency of targeting and, on the other hand, the quality of service or intervention, it is possible to reallocate resources and capacities to the areas and target groups identified as the centre of gravity. On the other hand, the provision of local, territorial tasks can take another step from the institution’s — and service-oriented approach to the implementation of the principle of client-centredness and cooperation undertaken to this end. Project milestones: 1. Modernising professional support systems and making them more efficient in order to develop central functions to support the effectiveness of the new EFOP standard tender projects, in order to support the daily professional work of professionals and institution leaders working in the field; 2. Extending access to, and improving the quality of, central sector IT tools; 3. Updating the empirical scientific basis for sectoral planning and professional development; The direct target groups of the project are professionals working in social services, child welfare and child protection benefits, staff of organisations maintaining social, child welfare and child protection services, staff of the competent authorities for benefits in cash and in kind, staff of the social and child protection administration; authorities authorising the operation of social, child welfare and child protection institutions and monitoring experts; and the staff of the project promoter and industry manager. Furthermore, the target group of the intervention is those who can benefit directly from the primary results of the study or from the results of the studies: on the one hand, at the level of decision-makers, state, municipal and separate funds; participants in development policy. On the other hand, managers of institutions providing public services for families with young children and early childhood interventions (health, social services, primary child welfare and child protection institutions, etc.) and managing the provision of services. The indirect target groups of the project are professionals listed in the Social Administration and Social Benefits Act (Act III of 1993) and Act XXXI of 1997 on child protection and guardianship administration. In line with the objectives set, the project envisages the implementation of activities under the following three pillars: 1. Development of professional support and decision-making activities as a pillar? Methodological support and assistance in demensive care? Methodological support for kindergarten and school support activities — Consortium member:OH? Methodological support for the extended function of family and child welfare services? Methodological support for standard tender projects “Housing First”? Making recommendations, concepts, procedures? Planning and analysing capacity management? Implementation of a national campaign for recruitment for foster parents? Establishment and operation of the Professional Coordination Forum 2. NSZIR System developments, system support pillar • Establishment of a single social registration system • Development of systems supporting extended activities of family and child welfare services • Introduction of a child protection registration system (Gyvr) and integration with ÖFR and system development • Further development of the system of financial and in-kind benefits (PTR) • Further development of the Service Providers Register (MŰKENG) • User registration system (Tevadmin-KENYSZI) system further development • Management Information System (VIR) further development • NSZIR entitlement management system (IDM) further development • Social Sector Portal (SAP) 3. Research and monitoring pillar • Establishment of a policy research work plan • Research underpinning the development of supportive and decision-making activities • Monitoring studies, impact assessment of measures • Review of OSAP data services • Implementation of long-term research — Consortium member: KSH-NKI) (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to modernise the social sector and meet the latest professional, technological, research/scientific and administrative conditions in order to ensure efficient public tasks and better access to public services. Professional tools, techniques and technologies that can be designed, implemented or facilitated centrally to carry out the statutory tasks of the social and child welfare and child protection sectors, and innovations should be made available to industry, including users and the public, in such a way as to minimise the cost (and over time) of transferring knowledge and information in terms of use. The social impact of this is that, through efficient and qualitative tasks, on the one hand, the efficiency of targeting and, on the other hand, the quality of service or intervention, it is possible to reallocate resources and capacities to the areas and target groups identified as the centre of gravity. On the other hand, the provision of local, territorial tasks can take another step from the institution’s — and service-oriented approach to the implementation of the principle of client-centredness and cooperation undertaken to this end. Project milestones: 1. Modernising professional support systems and making them more efficient in order to develop central functions to support the effectiveness of the new EFOP standard tender projects, in order to support the daily professional work of professionals and institution leaders working in the field; 2. Extending access to, and improving the quality of, central sector IT tools; 3. Updating the empirical scientific basis for sectoral planning and professional development; The direct target groups of the project are professionals working in social services, child welfare and child protection benefits, staff of organisations maintaining social, child welfare and child protection services, staff of the competent authorities for benefits in cash and in kind, staff of the social and child protection administration; authorities authorising the operation of social, child welfare and child protection institutions and monitoring experts; and the staff of the project promoter and industry manager. Furthermore, the target group of the intervention is those who can benefit directly from the primary results of the study or from the results of the studies: on the one hand, at the level of decision-makers, state, municipal and separate funds; participants in development policy. On the other hand, managers of institutions providing public services for families with young children and early childhood interventions (health, social services, primary child welfare and child protection institutions, etc.) and managing the provision of services. The indirect target groups of the project are professionals listed in the Social Administration and Social Benefits Act (Act III of 1993) and Act XXXI of 1997 on child protection and guardianship administration. In line with the objectives set, the project envisages the implementation of activities under the following three pillars: 1. Development of professional support and decision-making activities as a pillar? Methodological support and assistance in demensive care? Methodological support for kindergarten and school support activities — Consortium member:OH? Methodological support for the extended function of family and child welfare services? Methodological support for standard tender projects “Housing First”? Making recommendations, concepts, procedures? Planning and analysing capacity management? Implementation of a national campaign for recruitment for foster parents? Establishment and operation of the Professional Coordination Forum 2. NSZIR System developments, system support pillar • Establishment of a single social registration system • Development of systems supporting extended activities of family and child welfare services • Introduction of a child protection registration system (Gyvr) and integration with ÖFR and system development • Further development of the system of financial and in-kind benefits (PTR) • Further development of the Service Providers Register (MŰKENG) • User registration system (Tevadmin-KENYSZI) system further development • Management Information System (VIR) further development • NSZIR entitlement management system (IDM) further development • Social Sector Portal (SAP) 3. Research and monitoring pillar • Establishment of a policy research work plan • Research underpinning the development of supportive and decision-making activities • Monitoring studies, impact assessment of measures • Review of OSAP data services • Implementation of long-term research — Consortium member: KSH-NKI) (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 11:34, 8 February 2022

Project Q3895890 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3895890 in Hungary


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    5,799,123,700 forint
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    10 December 2021
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    26,640,394.252 Euro
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    10 December 2021
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    1 April 2017
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    Nemzeti Szociálpolitikai Intézet
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    A projekt célja a szociális ágazat korszerűsítése, megfeleltetése a legújabb szakmai, technológiai, kutatási/tudományos és igazgatási feltételeknek a hatékony közfeladat ellátás és a közszolgáltatások jobb hozzáférhetősége érdekében. A szociális és gyermekjóléti, gyermekvédelmi ágazat jogszabályokban rögzített feladatainak megvalósítását szolgáló, központilag tervezhető, kivitelezhető vagy elősegíthető szakmai eszközök, technikák és technológiák, újítások az ágazati szereplők – beleértve az igénybevevőket és a nyilvánosságot – számára úgy álljanak rendelkezésre, hogy az ismeretek és információk transzferálása a felhasználás szempontjából a lehető legkevesebb költséggel (és idővel) járjon. Ennek társadalmi hatása, hogy a hatékony és minőségi feladatellátás révén, egyrészt a célzás hatékonyságának, másrészt a szolgáltatás vagy beavatkozás minőségének javítása lehetővé teszi az erőforrások, kapacitások átcsoportosítását a súlypontiként azonosított területekre, célcsoportokra. Másfelől a helyi, területi feladatellátás az intézmény - és szolgáltatásközpontú szemlélet felől újabb lépést tehet a kliensközpontúság és az ennek érdekében vállalt együttműködés elvének teljesülése felé. A projekt részcéljai: 1. A szakmatámogató rendszerek modernizációja, hatékonyabbá tétele az új EFOP standard pályázatos projektek eredményességét segítő központi funkciók kialakítása, a területen dolgozó szakemberek, intézményvezetők mindennapi szakmai munkájának támogatása érdekében ; 2. A központi ágazati informatikai eszközök hozzáférésének kiterjesztése, minőségének javítása; 3. Az ágazati tervezés, szakmafejlesztés empirikus, tudományos alapjainak naprakésszé tétele; A projekt közvetlen célcsoportjait a szociális szolgáltatásokban, gyermekjóléti és gyermekvédelmi ellátásokban dolgozó szakemberek, a szociális, gyermekjóléti és gyermekvédelmi szolgáltatásokat fenntartó szervezetek munkatársai, a pénzbeli és természetbeni ellátások ügyében illetékes hatóságok munkatársai, a szociális és gyermekvédelmi igazgatás munkatársai; a szociális, gyermekjóléti és gyermekvédelmi intézmények működését engedélyező hatóságok és a működést ellenőrző szakértők; valamint a projektgazda és az ágazati irányítást végzők munkatársai jelentik. Továbbá a beavatkozás célcsoportját alkotják azok is, akik a vizsgálat elsődleges eredményeiből, illetve a született kutatási eredményekből közvetlenül profitálni tudnak: egyfelől a döntéshozók, az állami, önkormányzati és elkülönült alapok szintjén; a fejlesztéspolitika résztvevői. Másfelől a kisgyermekes családokkal, koragyermekkori intervencióval foglalkozó közszolgáltatásokat nyújtó intézmények (egészségügyi, szociális szolgáltatások, gyermekjóléti alapellátások és gyermekvédelmi szakellátási intézmények, stb.) vezetői, a szolgáltatásnyújtás menedzselésével foglalkozók. A projekt közvetett célcsoportjait a szociális igazgatásról és szociális ellátásokról szóló törvény (1993. évi III. törvény) és a gyermekek védelméről és a gyámügyi igazgatásról szóló 1997. évi XXXI. törvényben nevesített szakemberek adják. A projekt a kitűzött céloknak megfelelően az alábbi három pillérben foglalt tevékenységek megvalósítását tűzi ki: 1. Szakmatámogató és döntés előkészítő tevékenységek fejlesztése pillér ? Módszertani támogatás és segítségnyújtás a demens ellátásban ? Óvodai, iskolai segítő tevékenység módszertani támogatása –Konzorciumi tag:OH ? Család- és gyermekjóléti szolgáltatás kibővült feladatkörének módszertani támogatása ? „Elsőként lakhatás” standard pályázatos projektek módszertani segítése ? Ajánlások, koncepciók, eljárásrendek készítése ? Kapacitásgazdálkodás tervezése, elemzése ? Nevelőszülői toborzást célzó országos kampány megvalósítása ? Szakmai Koordinációs Fórum kialakítása és működtetése 2. OSZIR Rendszerfejlesztések, rendszertámogatás pillér • Egységes szociális nyilvántartási rendszer kialakítása • Család-és gyermekjóléti szolgálatok bővített tevékenységét támogató rendszerfejlesztés • Gyermekvédelmi nyilvántartási rendszer (GYVR) bevezetése, integrációja az ÖFR-rel és rendszerfejlesztés • A Pénzbeli és természetbeni ellátások rendszere (PTR) továbbfejlesztése • A szolgáltatói nyilvántartás (MŰKENG) továbbfejlesztése • Igénybevevői nyilvántartási rendszer (Tevadmin-KENYSZI) rendszer továbbfejlesztés • Vezetői információs rendszer (VIR) továbbfejlesztés • OSZIR jogosultság kezelői rendszer (IDM) továbbfejlesztés • Szociális ágazati portál (SZÁP) továbbfejlesztés 3. Kutatási és monitoring pillér • Szakpolitikai kutatási munkaterv kidolgozása • Szakmatámogató és döntés előkészítő tevékenységek fejlesztését megalapozó kutatások • Monitoring vizsgálatok, intézkedések hatásvizsgálata • OSAP adatszolgáltatás felülvizsgálata • Longitudinális kutatás lebonyolítása – Konzorciumi tag: KSH-NKI) (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to modernise the social sector and meet the latest professional, technological, research/scientific and administrative conditions in order to ensure efficient public tasks and better access to public services. Professional tools, techniques and technologies that can be designed, implemented or facilitated centrally to carry out the statutory tasks of the social and child welfare and child protection sectors, and innovations should be made available to industry, including users and the public, in such a way as to minimise the cost (and over time) of transferring knowledge and information in terms of use. The social impact of this is that, through efficient and qualitative tasks, on the one hand, the efficiency of targeting and, on the other hand, the quality of service or intervention, it is possible to reallocate resources and capacities to the areas and target groups identified as the centre of gravity. On the other hand, the provision of local, territorial tasks can take another step from the institution’s — and service-oriented approach to the implementation of the principle of client-centredness and cooperation undertaken to this end. Project milestones: 1. Modernising professional support systems and making them more efficient in order to develop central functions to support the effectiveness of the new EFOP standard tender projects, in order to support the daily professional work of professionals and institution leaders working in the field; 2. Extending access to, and improving the quality of, central sector IT tools; 3. Updating the empirical scientific basis for sectoral planning and professional development; The direct target groups of the project are professionals working in social services, child welfare and child protection benefits, staff of organisations maintaining social, child welfare and child protection services, staff of the competent authorities for benefits in cash and in kind, staff of the social and child protection administration; authorities authorising the operation of social, child welfare and child protection institutions and monitoring experts; and the staff of the project promoter and industry manager. Furthermore, the target group of the intervention is those who can benefit directly from the primary results of the study or from the results of the studies: on the one hand, at the level of decision-makers, state, municipal and separate funds; participants in development policy. On the other hand, managers of institutions providing public services for families with young children and early childhood interventions (health, social services, primary child welfare and child protection institutions, etc.) and managing the provision of services. The indirect target groups of the project are professionals listed in the Social Administration and Social Benefits Act (Act III of 1993) and Act XXXI of 1997 on child protection and guardianship administration. In line with the objectives set, the project envisages the implementation of activities under the following three pillars: 1. Development of professional support and decision-making activities as a pillar? Methodological support and assistance in demensive care? Methodological support for kindergarten and school support activities — Consortium member:OH? Methodological support for the extended function of family and child welfare services? Methodological support for standard tender projects “Housing First”? Making recommendations, concepts, procedures? Planning and analysing capacity management? Implementation of a national campaign for recruitment for foster parents? Establishment and operation of the Professional Coordination Forum 2. NSZIR System developments, system support pillar • Establishment of a single social registration system • Development of systems supporting extended activities of family and child welfare services • Introduction of a child protection registration system (Gyvr) and integration with ÖFR and system development • Further development of the system of financial and in-kind benefits (PTR) • Further development of the Service Providers Register (MŰKENG) • User registration system (Tevadmin-KENYSZI) system further development • Management Information System (VIR) further development • NSZIR entitlement management system (IDM) further development • Social Sector Portal (SAP) 3. Research and monitoring pillar • Establishment of a policy research work plan • Research underpinning the development of supportive and decision-making activities • Monitoring studies, impact assessment of measures • Review of OSAP data services • Implementation of long-term research — Consortium member: KSH-NKI) (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Budapest, Budapest
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