Development of mental health in Hajdúhadház (Q3894506): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Our current Health Promotion Office contributes to improving the health of the population, but we do not have national coverage, and our service range does not currently cover mental health-related areas. One of the main objectives of our activity is to develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time. The aim of the project is to expand the current health promotion office portfolio with health promotion and disease prevention activities that enable mental health preservation, the early detection of mental health problems and the connection and care of patients with the care system. OF 290/2014. (XI. 26) The district of Hajdúhadház is considered to be a beneficiary district pursuant to Government Decree No 26/2015. The planned activities contribute to the implementation of the agreed indicator values and technical targets and to the maintenance of results. The project’s budget was based on the value for money principle, taking into account real market prices. The design of the internal cost ratios and the planned costs were determined in accordance with the specifications of the call and the eligibility requirements. All aspects of the project were designed taking into account equal opportunities and environmental sustainability aspects, which are also binding during implementation. The development contributes to the following priorities of the Hajdú-Bihar County Regional Development Programme 2014-2020 among the National Spatial Development Programmes adopted by the Government: 5. Intelligent society, 6. Health and caring society, 8. Liveable countryside — liveable settlements. Implementation of local programmes for depression and suicide prevention in cooperation with relevant local organisations, Monitoring indicators related to the project and their value: The number of assisted districts where the number of participants in screening tests increased 1, Number of districts where modernised screening tests were introduced in underdeveloped areas 1 indicator “Number of persons participating in health development and disease prevention programmes” reaches 250 by 31 October 2018 at the latest. the number to be achieved by the end of the project. 668 people, representing 3 % of the population of the district. For the calculation of the indicators, the base value is based on the annual settlement statistics data of the HCSO in the settlement structure of 2015.01.01.2015. Activities planned within the framework of the project. Contact with basic care, specialised care, government office in the region/region, and other health promotion offices (basic care providers, specialised care providers, government offices, EFIs) If relevant, cooperation with the Community Health Organisation Office is to provide basic primary preventive services to residents of the district (e.g.: provision of information, information, awareness-raising The implementation and support of community activities aimed at improving parenting skills in close cooperation with women (e.g. parent clubs); Participation in the organisation and implementation of group programmes (e.g.: self-help groups, addictive family group, life skills training, burnout-prevention training, art therapy group, drug prevention group, self-help groups for families with sick family members); Group of single-parent families; Relatives of chronic patients; Implementation of preventive tasks at individual and population level within the framework of Mental Health Promotion; Stress-free Week prevention programme Professional Conference: Training professionals working in health and social institutions to better recognise depression and suicidal danger as soon as possible, provide them with professional care and direct them to the right care location. Crisis recognition and psychological first aid training/training; Mental health day (community campaign) screening of depression and other mental illness of public workers Psychological counselling individual and group The other objectives of the project: Access to public health services, knowledge, prevention and promotion of health literacy; — Comprehensive further development in the area of public health institutions and its network; — To develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time; — By combining a disease-centric approach to public health care and a health-centric approach to public health, the coordination of primary health and public health tasks should be improved. (English)
Property / summary: Our current Health Promotion Office contributes to improving the health of the population, but we do not have national coverage, and our service range does not currently cover mental health-related areas. One of the main objectives of our activity is to develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time. The aim of the project is to expand the current health promotion office portfolio with health promotion and disease prevention activities that enable mental health preservation, the early detection of mental health problems and the connection and care of patients with the care system. OF 290/2014. (XI. 26) The district of Hajdúhadház is considered to be a beneficiary district pursuant to Government Decree No 26/2015. The planned activities contribute to the implementation of the agreed indicator values and technical targets and to the maintenance of results. The project’s budget was based on the value for money principle, taking into account real market prices. The design of the internal cost ratios and the planned costs were determined in accordance with the specifications of the call and the eligibility requirements. All aspects of the project were designed taking into account equal opportunities and environmental sustainability aspects, which are also binding during implementation. The development contributes to the following priorities of the Hajdú-Bihar County Regional Development Programme 2014-2020 among the National Spatial Development Programmes adopted by the Government: 5. Intelligent society, 6. Health and caring society, 8. Liveable countryside — liveable settlements. Implementation of local programmes for depression and suicide prevention in cooperation with relevant local organisations, Monitoring indicators related to the project and their value: The number of assisted districts where the number of participants in screening tests increased 1, Number of districts where modernised screening tests were introduced in underdeveloped areas 1 indicator “Number of persons participating in health development and disease prevention programmes” reaches 250 by 31 October 2018 at the latest. the number to be achieved by the end of the project. 668 people, representing 3 % of the population of the district. For the calculation of the indicators, the base value is based on the annual settlement statistics data of the HCSO in the settlement structure of 2015.01.01.2015. Activities planned within the framework of the project. Contact with basic care, specialised care, government office in the region/region, and other health promotion offices (basic care providers, specialised care providers, government offices, EFIs) If relevant, cooperation with the Community Health Organisation Office is to provide basic primary preventive services to residents of the district (e.g.: provision of information, information, awareness-raising The implementation and support of community activities aimed at improving parenting skills in close cooperation with women (e.g. parent clubs); Participation in the organisation and implementation of group programmes (e.g.: self-help groups, addictive family group, life skills training, burnout-prevention training, art therapy group, drug prevention group, self-help groups for families with sick family members); Group of single-parent families; Relatives of chronic patients; Implementation of preventive tasks at individual and population level within the framework of Mental Health Promotion; Stress-free Week prevention programme Professional Conference: Training professionals working in health and social institutions to better recognise depression and suicidal danger as soon as possible, provide them with professional care and direct them to the right care location. Crisis recognition and psychological first aid training/training; Mental health day (community campaign) screening of depression and other mental illness of public workers Psychological counselling individual and group The other objectives of the project: Access to public health services, knowledge, prevention and promotion of health literacy; — Comprehensive further development in the area of public health institutions and its network; — To develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time; — By combining a disease-centric approach to public health care and a health-centric approach to public health, the coordination of primary health and public health tasks should be improved. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Our current Health Promotion Office contributes to improving the health of the population, but we do not have national coverage, and our service range does not currently cover mental health-related areas. One of the main objectives of our activity is to develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time. The aim of the project is to expand the current health promotion office portfolio with health promotion and disease prevention activities that enable mental health preservation, the early detection of mental health problems and the connection and care of patients with the care system. OF 290/2014. (XI. 26) The district of Hajdúhadház is considered to be a beneficiary district pursuant to Government Decree No 26/2015. The planned activities contribute to the implementation of the agreed indicator values and technical targets and to the maintenance of results. The project’s budget was based on the value for money principle, taking into account real market prices. The design of the internal cost ratios and the planned costs were determined in accordance with the specifications of the call and the eligibility requirements. All aspects of the project were designed taking into account equal opportunities and environmental sustainability aspects, which are also binding during implementation. The development contributes to the following priorities of the Hajdú-Bihar County Regional Development Programme 2014-2020 among the National Spatial Development Programmes adopted by the Government: 5. Intelligent society, 6. Health and caring society, 8. Liveable countryside — liveable settlements. Implementation of local programmes for depression and suicide prevention in cooperation with relevant local organisations, Monitoring indicators related to the project and their value: The number of assisted districts where the number of participants in screening tests increased 1, Number of districts where modernised screening tests were introduced in underdeveloped areas 1 indicator “Number of persons participating in health development and disease prevention programmes” reaches 250 by 31 October 2018 at the latest. the number to be achieved by the end of the project. 668 people, representing 3 % of the population of the district. For the calculation of the indicators, the base value is based on the annual settlement statistics data of the HCSO in the settlement structure of 2015.01.01.2015. Activities planned within the framework of the project. Contact with basic care, specialised care, government office in the region/region, and other health promotion offices (basic care providers, specialised care providers, government offices, EFIs) If relevant, cooperation with the Community Health Organisation Office is to provide basic primary preventive services to residents of the district (e.g.: provision of information, information, awareness-raising The implementation and support of community activities aimed at improving parenting skills in close cooperation with women (e.g. parent clubs); Participation in the organisation and implementation of group programmes (e.g.: self-help groups, addictive family group, life skills training, burnout-prevention training, art therapy group, drug prevention group, self-help groups for families with sick family members); Group of single-parent families; Relatives of chronic patients; Implementation of preventive tasks at individual and population level within the framework of Mental Health Promotion; Stress-free Week prevention programme Professional Conference: Training professionals working in health and social institutions to better recognise depression and suicidal danger as soon as possible, provide them with professional care and direct them to the right care location. Crisis recognition and psychological first aid training/training; Mental health day (community campaign) screening of depression and other mental illness of public workers Psychological counselling individual and group The other objectives of the project: Access to public health services, knowledge, prevention and promotion of health literacy; — Comprehensive further development in the area of public health institutions and its network; — To develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time; — By combining a disease-centric approach to public health care and a health-centric approach to public health, the coordination of primary health and public health tasks should be improved. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 11:30, 8 February 2022

Project Q3894506 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of mental health in Hajdúhadház
Project Q3894506 in Hungary


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    40,000,000 forint
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    A jelenleg is működő Egészségfejlesztési Irodánk hozzájárulnak a lakosság egészségi állapotának javításához, de nincs országos lefedettségünk, és szolgáltatási palettánk jelenleg nem terjed ki a mentális egészséggel kapcsolatos szakterületekre. Tevékenységünk egyik fő célja, hogy a népegészségügyi hálózaton belül jöjjön létre egy olyan humánerőforrás fejlesztés, amely lehetővé teszi a mentális problémák megelőzését, azok időbeli kiszűrését, kezelését. A projekt célja a jelenleg is működő egészségfejlesztési iroda portfolió bővítése is a mentális egészség megőrzését, valamit a mentális egészség problémák korai felismerését és a páciensek ellátórendszerrel való összekapcsolását, ellátását lehetővé tevő egészségfejlesztési, betegségmegelőzési tevékenységekkel. A 290/2014. (XI. 26.) Korm. rendelet alapján a Hajdúhadházi járás kedvezményezett járásnak minősül. A tervezett tevékenységek hozzájárulnak a vállalt indikátorértékek és szakmai irányszámok megvalósulásához és az eredmények fenntartásához. A projekt költségvetése az értéket a pénzért elv alapján ár-érték arányosan, a valós piaci árak figyelembe vételével készült. A belső költségarányok kialakítása és a tervezett költségek a felhívás előírásainak, az elszámolhatósági követelményeknek megfelelően kerültek meghatározásra. A projekt minden eleme az esélyegyenlőségi és környezeti fenntarthatósági szempontok figyelembe vételével került tervezésre, melyekre a megvalósítás során is kötelező érvényűek. A fejlesztés hozzájárul a Kormány által elfogadott Nemzeti Térségfejlesztési Programok közül a Hajdú-Bihar megyei Területfejlesztési Program 2014-2020 alábbi prioritásaihoz: 5. Inteligens társadalom, 6. Egészség és gondoskodó társadalom, 8. Élhető vidék – élhető települések. Mentális egészségfejlesztés keretében végezhető egyéni és populációs szintű preventív feladatok megvalósítása A depresszió és öngyilkosság megelőzés helyi programjainak megvalósítása együttműködésben a releváns helyi szervezetekkel, A projekthez kapcsolódó monitoring mutatók és értékük: Azon támogatott járások száma, ahol nőtt a szűrővizsgálatokon megjelentek száma 1 db, Azon járások száma, ahol korszerűsített szűrővizsgálatok kerültek bevezetésre az elmaradott térségekben 1 db Az „Egészségfejlesztő és betegségmegelőző programokban részt vevő személyek száma” indikátor értéke eléri az 250 főt legkésőbb 2018. október 31-ig. Egészségfejlesztő és betegségmegelőző programokban részt vevő személyek száma: a projekt végére tervezett elérni kívánt szám. 668 fő, mely a járás lakosságának 3% át jelenti. Az indikátorok számításánál a bázisérték alapja KSH Éves településstatisztikai adatok 2015-ös településszerkezetben 2015.01.01-ei állapot. A projekt keretein belül tervezett tevékenységek. Kapcsolattartás az alapellátással, szakellátással, a régióban/térségben működő Kormányhivatallal, és más egészségfejlesztési irodákkal (Alapellátók, szakellátók, Kormányhivatalok, EFI-k pontos megnevezése) Amennyiben releváns, együttműködés a Közösségi Egészségszervezési Irodával Alapvető primer prevenciós célú szolgáltatások nyújtása a járás lakosai számára (pl.: információnyújtás, tájékoztatás, figyelemfelhívás Szülői készségek javítását célzó közösségi tevékenységek megvalósítása, támogatása védőnőkkel szoros együttműködésben (pl. szülőklubok); Csoportos programok szervezésében és megvalósításában való részvétel (pl.: önsegítő csoportok, szenvedélybeteg hozzátartozói csoport, életkészség tréning, kiégés- prevenciós tréning, művészetterápiás csoport, szerhasználatot megelőző csoport, önsegítő csoportok beteg családtaggal élő családok számára); Egyszülős Családok Csoportja; Krónikus betegek hozzátartozói csoportja; Tartós munkanélküliek Klubja Mentális egészségfejlesztés keretében végezhető egyéni és populációs szintű preventív feladatok megvalósítása; Stresszmentes Hét c. prevenciós program Szakmai Konferencia: Az egészségügyi és szociális intézményekben dolgozó szakemberek képzése a depresszió és a szuicid veszély jobb, minél korábbi felismerése, szakszerű ellátása, ill. a megfelelő ellátó helyre való irányítása érdekében. Krízisfelismerés és pszichológiai elsősegélynyújtás kiscsoportos képzés/tréning; Lelki egészségnap (közösségi kampány) Közmunkában foglalkoztatott dolgozók depressziójának és egyéb mentális betegségének szűrése Pszichológiai tanácsadás egyéni és csoportos A projekt további céljai:A népegészségügyi szolgáltatásokhoz, ismeretekhez való hozzáférés, illetve a megelőzés és egészségfejlesztés az egészségműveltség elterjesztése; - Átfogó továbbfejlesztés a népegészségügyi intézményrendszer és hálózata területén; - A népegészségügyi hálózaton belül jöjjön létre egy olyan humánerőforrás fejlesztés, amely lehetővé teszi a mentális problémák megelőzését, azok időbeli kiszűrését, kezelését; - Az egészségügyi ellátás betegségcentrikus és a népegészségügy egészségcentrikus szemléletmódjának ötvözésével az egészségügyi alapellátási és népegészségügyi feladatok összehangolása javuljon. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Our current Health Promotion Office contributes to improving the health of the population, but we do not have national coverage, and our service range does not currently cover mental health-related areas. One of the main objectives of our activity is to develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time. The aim of the project is to expand the current health promotion office portfolio with health promotion and disease prevention activities that enable mental health preservation, the early detection of mental health problems and the connection and care of patients with the care system. OF 290/2014. (XI. 26) The district of Hajdúhadház is considered to be a beneficiary district pursuant to Government Decree No 26/2015. The planned activities contribute to the implementation of the agreed indicator values and technical targets and to the maintenance of results. The project’s budget was based on the value for money principle, taking into account real market prices. The design of the internal cost ratios and the planned costs were determined in accordance with the specifications of the call and the eligibility requirements. All aspects of the project were designed taking into account equal opportunities and environmental sustainability aspects, which are also binding during implementation. The development contributes to the following priorities of the Hajdú-Bihar County Regional Development Programme 2014-2020 among the National Spatial Development Programmes adopted by the Government: 5. Intelligent society, 6. Health and caring society, 8. Liveable countryside — liveable settlements. Implementation of local programmes for depression and suicide prevention in cooperation with relevant local organisations, Monitoring indicators related to the project and their value: The number of assisted districts where the number of participants in screening tests increased 1, Number of districts where modernised screening tests were introduced in underdeveloped areas 1 indicator “Number of persons participating in health development and disease prevention programmes” reaches 250 by 31 October 2018 at the latest. the number to be achieved by the end of the project. 668 people, representing 3 % of the population of the district. For the calculation of the indicators, the base value is based on the annual settlement statistics data of the HCSO in the settlement structure of 2015.01.01.2015. Activities planned within the framework of the project. Contact with basic care, specialised care, government office in the region/region, and other health promotion offices (basic care providers, specialised care providers, government offices, EFIs) If relevant, cooperation with the Community Health Organisation Office is to provide basic primary preventive services to residents of the district (e.g.: provision of information, information, awareness-raising The implementation and support of community activities aimed at improving parenting skills in close cooperation with women (e.g. parent clubs); Participation in the organisation and implementation of group programmes (e.g.: self-help groups, addictive family group, life skills training, burnout-prevention training, art therapy group, drug prevention group, self-help groups for families with sick family members); Group of single-parent families; Relatives of chronic patients; Implementation of preventive tasks at individual and population level within the framework of Mental Health Promotion; Stress-free Week prevention programme Professional Conference: Training professionals working in health and social institutions to better recognise depression and suicidal danger as soon as possible, provide them with professional care and direct them to the right care location. Crisis recognition and psychological first aid training/training; Mental health day (community campaign) screening of depression and other mental illness of public workers Psychological counselling individual and group The other objectives of the project: Access to public health services, knowledge, prevention and promotion of health literacy; — Comprehensive further development in the area of public health institutions and its network; — To develop human resources within the public health network to prevent, detect and deal with mental problems over time; — By combining a disease-centric approach to public health care and a health-centric approach to public health, the coordination of primary health and public health tasks should be improved. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Hajdúhadház, Hajdú-Bihar
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