Increase employment in the Human Service Centre in Békéscsaba (Q3883275): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The Hungarian Pentecostal Church listed under No 16 of the Annex to Act CCVI of 2011 on the right to freedom of conscience and religion and on the legal status of churches, denominations and religious communities 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 37., represented separately by the President Albert Pataky and István Kecser, Secretary General), the ecclesiastical institution of the internal ecclesiastical legal person registered under No 00016/2012-006 by the Ministry of Human Resources. Through the organisations of the internal ecclesiastical legal person with self-management, it maintains a significant network of public institutions, which serve Hungarian society in the field of day care for elderly, disabled persons- psychiatric patients, home assistance and social catering. The aim of our church and its institutions is to provide dignified human conditions in its organizational units, beyond those defined in legislation, to improve the life situation of the beneficiaries, to enhance the activity of local communities and to become an integral part of community building. To this end, it has active contacts with local support organisations and public education institutions active in the field of care. The supply area of our licensees covers the whole of Békés county and 2 small areas of Csongrád County. Our institutions can be found in Békéscsaba, Kondoros, Kevermesen, Nagybánhegyes, Elek, Okány and Kétegyháza, while our services are provided in 46 settlements of the county for those in need. The institutions maintained by the Mission have a history of 10-11 years. The Mission, as an institution keeper, has received the demands and adapted its capacities according to its capabilities. In this way, it improved the number of people who can be provided in the area of domestic assistance from 3 560 to 7 518 people, allowing the use of social catering services to increase by 1 000 over a period of 4 years, and created new forms of day care. The number of users of social services accessed by the Mission has gradually expanded. It can be noted that there is a growing demand for social services in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Statistical data show a dynamic increase in the number of claimants, partly due to an ageing population and partly due to the preference of recipients to avoid hospital care. In the course of its 10 years of professional operation, the Community Mission has developed a system of services, which can be said to have continued to expand from territorial care to institutional care. From the number of recipients of 50 benefits from the first start-up institution, up to thousands of people today. It is also important to underline the importance of increasing the number of service recipients in a direct proportion of the number of service users and of the constantly increasing and changing administrative burden. In addition to the increase in quantitative needs, the qualitative needs are increasing, as the awareness of prospective and active users is increasing, who require effective, person-oriented social services and the increasingly detailed requirement for official controls, supported by documentation covering all service elements, has increased. For example, continuous training of employees, continuous review of internal professional protocols, the introduction of new methods and the generation of cooperation between institutions are direct ways of increasing quality. But the continuous improvement of the level of the background administration and the quality of the related services is essential and essential in order to improve the quality of the supply. The two areas cannot operate at a different level without the most important elements of the system being felt by the beneficiaries. In our project we would like to ensure the employment of one Roma woman who is currently unemployed but has a social care and nursing qualification at the Human Service Centre in Békéscsaba, as registered licensee, emergency service area. In the event of a positive assessment of the application, the new employee will be employed in July 2017 and we intend to conclude a fixed-term employment contract of 2+ 1 years for social care and care. (English)
Property / summary: The Hungarian Pentecostal Church listed under No 16 of the Annex to Act CCVI of 2011 on the right to freedom of conscience and religion and on the legal status of churches, denominations and religious communities 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 37., represented separately by the President Albert Pataky and István Kecser, Secretary General), the ecclesiastical institution of the internal ecclesiastical legal person registered under No 00016/2012-006 by the Ministry of Human Resources. Through the organisations of the internal ecclesiastical legal person with self-management, it maintains a significant network of public institutions, which serve Hungarian society in the field of day care for elderly, disabled persons- psychiatric patients, home assistance and social catering. The aim of our church and its institutions is to provide dignified human conditions in its organizational units, beyond those defined in legislation, to improve the life situation of the beneficiaries, to enhance the activity of local communities and to become an integral part of community building. To this end, it has active contacts with local support organisations and public education institutions active in the field of care. The supply area of our licensees covers the whole of Békés county and 2 small areas of Csongrád County. Our institutions can be found in Békéscsaba, Kondoros, Kevermesen, Nagybánhegyes, Elek, Okány and Kétegyháza, while our services are provided in 46 settlements of the county for those in need. The institutions maintained by the Mission have a history of 10-11 years. The Mission, as an institution keeper, has received the demands and adapted its capacities according to its capabilities. In this way, it improved the number of people who can be provided in the area of domestic assistance from 3 560 to 7 518 people, allowing the use of social catering services to increase by 1 000 over a period of 4 years, and created new forms of day care. The number of users of social services accessed by the Mission has gradually expanded. It can be noted that there is a growing demand for social services in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Statistical data show a dynamic increase in the number of claimants, partly due to an ageing population and partly due to the preference of recipients to avoid hospital care. In the course of its 10 years of professional operation, the Community Mission has developed a system of services, which can be said to have continued to expand from territorial care to institutional care. From the number of recipients of 50 benefits from the first start-up institution, up to thousands of people today. It is also important to underline the importance of increasing the number of service recipients in a direct proportion of the number of service users and of the constantly increasing and changing administrative burden. In addition to the increase in quantitative needs, the qualitative needs are increasing, as the awareness of prospective and active users is increasing, who require effective, person-oriented social services and the increasingly detailed requirement for official controls, supported by documentation covering all service elements, has increased. For example, continuous training of employees, continuous review of internal professional protocols, the introduction of new methods and the generation of cooperation between institutions are direct ways of increasing quality. But the continuous improvement of the level of the background administration and the quality of the related services is essential and essential in order to improve the quality of the supply. The two areas cannot operate at a different level without the most important elements of the system being felt by the beneficiaries. In our project we would like to ensure the employment of one Roma woman who is currently unemployed but has a social care and nursing qualification at the Human Service Centre in Békéscsaba, as registered licensee, emergency service area. In the event of a positive assessment of the application, the new employee will be employed in July 2017 and we intend to conclude a fixed-term employment contract of 2+ 1 years for social care and care. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The Hungarian Pentecostal Church listed under No 16 of the Annex to Act CCVI of 2011 on the right to freedom of conscience and religion and on the legal status of churches, denominations and religious communities 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 37., represented separately by the President Albert Pataky and István Kecser, Secretary General), the ecclesiastical institution of the internal ecclesiastical legal person registered under No 00016/2012-006 by the Ministry of Human Resources. Through the organisations of the internal ecclesiastical legal person with self-management, it maintains a significant network of public institutions, which serve Hungarian society in the field of day care for elderly, disabled persons- psychiatric patients, home assistance and social catering. The aim of our church and its institutions is to provide dignified human conditions in its organizational units, beyond those defined in legislation, to improve the life situation of the beneficiaries, to enhance the activity of local communities and to become an integral part of community building. To this end, it has active contacts with local support organisations and public education institutions active in the field of care. The supply area of our licensees covers the whole of Békés county and 2 small areas of Csongrád County. Our institutions can be found in Békéscsaba, Kondoros, Kevermesen, Nagybánhegyes, Elek, Okány and Kétegyháza, while our services are provided in 46 settlements of the county for those in need. The institutions maintained by the Mission have a history of 10-11 years. The Mission, as an institution keeper, has received the demands and adapted its capacities according to its capabilities. In this way, it improved the number of people who can be provided in the area of domestic assistance from 3 560 to 7 518 people, allowing the use of social catering services to increase by 1 000 over a period of 4 years, and created new forms of day care. The number of users of social services accessed by the Mission has gradually expanded. It can be noted that there is a growing demand for social services in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Statistical data show a dynamic increase in the number of claimants, partly due to an ageing population and partly due to the preference of recipients to avoid hospital care. In the course of its 10 years of professional operation, the Community Mission has developed a system of services, which can be said to have continued to expand from territorial care to institutional care. From the number of recipients of 50 benefits from the first start-up institution, up to thousands of people today. It is also important to underline the importance of increasing the number of service recipients in a direct proportion of the number of service users and of the constantly increasing and changing administrative burden. In addition to the increase in quantitative needs, the qualitative needs are increasing, as the awareness of prospective and active users is increasing, who require effective, person-oriented social services and the increasingly detailed requirement for official controls, supported by documentation covering all service elements, has increased. For example, continuous training of employees, continuous review of internal professional protocols, the introduction of new methods and the generation of cooperation between institutions are direct ways of increasing quality. But the continuous improvement of the level of the background administration and the quality of the related services is essential and essential in order to improve the quality of the supply. The two areas cannot operate at a different level without the most important elements of the system being felt by the beneficiaries. In our project we would like to ensure the employment of one Roma woman who is currently unemployed but has a social care and nursing qualification at the Human Service Centre in Békéscsaba, as registered licensee, emergency service area. In the event of a positive assessment of the application, the new employee will be employed in July 2017 and we intend to conclude a fixed-term employment contract of 2+ 1 years for social care and care. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:44, 8 February 2022

Project Q3883275 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Increase employment in the Human Service Centre in Békéscsaba
Project Q3883275 in Hungary


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    Humán Szolgáltató Központ, Békéscsaba
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    A Közösségi Misszió, a lelkiismereti és vallásszabadság jogáról, valamint az egyházak, vallásfelekezetek és vallási közösségek jogállásáról szóló 2011. évi CCVI. törvény mellékletének 16. szám alatt feltüntetett Magyar Pünkösdi Egyház (székhelye: 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 37., képviseli külön-külön Pataky Albert elnök és Kecser István főtitkár), Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma által 00016/2012-006 szám alatt nyilvántartásba vett belső egyházi jogi személy egyházi intézménye. Az önálló gazdálkodással bíró belső egyházi jogi személy szervezetei révén jelentős közcélú intézményhálózatot tart fenn, amelyek az idősek, fogyatékos személyek- pszichiátriai betegek nappali ellátása, a házi segítségnyújtás, a szociális étkeztetés területén szolgálják a magyar társadalmat. Egyházunk és intézményeinek a célja, hogy szervezeti egységeiben - a jogszabályokban definiáltakon túlmenően - méltó emberi körülményeket biztosítson, illetve a lehetőségeinek megfelelően az ellátottak élethelyzetét javítsa, a helyi közösségek aktivitását fokozza, a közösségépítés szerves részévé váljon. Ennek érdekében aktív kapcsolatokat ápol az ellátási területén működő helyi segítő szervezetekkel, köznevelési intézményekkel. Engedélyeseink ellátási területe Békés megye egésze, illetve Csongrád megyének 2 kistérségére terjed ki. Intézményeink megtalálhatóak Békéscsabán, Kondoroson, Kevermesen, Nagybánhegyesen, Eleken, Okányban és Kétegyházán, míg szolgáltatásainkat a megye 46 településén biztosítjuk a rászorultak részére. A Misszió által fenntartott intézmények 10-11 éves múltra tekintenek vissza. A Misszió intézményfenntartóként folyamatosan fogadta, fogadja a hozzá forduló igényeket és alakította lehetőségeihez mérten kapacitásait. Így fejlesztette fel az ellátható személyek számát házi segítségnyújtás területén 3560 főről 7518 főre, tette lehetővé a szociális étkeztetés igénybevételének 4 év távlatát vizsgálva 1000 fős emelkedését, hozott létre új nappali ellátási formákat. A Misszió által elért szociális szolgáltatást igénybevevők köre fokozatosan folyamatosan bővült. Rögzíthető az a tény, hogy napjainkban növekvő igény mutatkozik a szociális szolgáltatások terén mind mennyiségi, mind minőségi vonatkozásban. Statisztikai adatok igazolják, hogy dinamikusan nő az igénylők száma, részben a népesség elöregedése következtében, részben azért, mert az igénybevevők előnyben részesítik a kórházi ellátást elkerülő szolgáltatást. A Közösségi Misszió 10 éves szakmai működése során alakította ki szolgáltatás rendszerét, melyről elmondható, hogy folyamatosan bővült a területi gondozástól egészen az intézményi ellátásokig. Az első induló intézmény 50 ellátást igénybevevői számától, a napjainkban ellátott több mint több ezer főig. Ki kell emelni annak a jelentőségét is, hogy a szolgáltatást igénybevevők számának emelkedésével egyenes arányban nőtt a feladatot ellátók száma és mindezzel járó folyamatosan emelkedő és változó adminisztrációs terhek is. A mennyiségi igények növekedése mellett egyre magasabbak a minőségi igények, hiszen nő a leendő és aktív igénybevevők tájékozottsága, akik megkövetelik a hatékony, személy-orientált szociális szolgáltatást és hatványozódtak a hatósági ellenőrzések egyre részletesebb, minden szolgáltatás elemre kiterjedő dokumentációval igazolt elvárása. A minőség növelésének közvetlen módszerét jelenti például a munkavállalók folyamatos képzése, továbbképzése a belső szakmai protokollok folyamatos felülvizsgálata, új módszerek bevezetése és az intézmények közötti együttműködés generálása is. De az ellátási színvonal fokozásához elengedhetetlen és nélkülözhetetlen a háttér adminisztráció színvonalának, a kapcsolódó szolgáltatások minőségének folyamatos fejlesztése. A két terület nem tud eltérő színvonalon működni anélkül, hogy a rendszer legfontosabb elemei az ellátottak ne érezzék meg annak negatív következményeit. Projektünkben 1 fő jelenleg munkanélküli, de szociális gondozó és ápolói képesítéssel rendelkező roma nő foglalkoztatását szeretnénk biztosítani a békéscsabai Humán Szolgáltató Központhoz, mint nyilvántartásba bejegyzett engedélyeshez, Vésztői szolgáltatási területre. Az új dolgozó a pályázat pozitív elbírálása esetén 2017. júliusában kerül alkalmazásra és 2+1 éves határozott idejű munkaszerződést kívánunk vele kötni szociális gondozói-ápolói feladatok ellátására a házi segítségnyújtásban. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The Hungarian Pentecostal Church listed under No 16 of the Annex to Act CCVI of 2011 on the right to freedom of conscience and religion and on the legal status of churches, denominations and religious communities 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 37., represented separately by the President Albert Pataky and István Kecser, Secretary General), the ecclesiastical institution of the internal ecclesiastical legal person registered under No 00016/2012-006 by the Ministry of Human Resources. Through the organisations of the internal ecclesiastical legal person with self-management, it maintains a significant network of public institutions, which serve Hungarian society in the field of day care for elderly, disabled persons- psychiatric patients, home assistance and social catering. The aim of our church and its institutions is to provide dignified human conditions in its organizational units, beyond those defined in legislation, to improve the life situation of the beneficiaries, to enhance the activity of local communities and to become an integral part of community building. To this end, it has active contacts with local support organisations and public education institutions active in the field of care. The supply area of our licensees covers the whole of Békés county and 2 small areas of Csongrád County. Our institutions can be found in Békéscsaba, Kondoros, Kevermesen, Nagybánhegyes, Elek, Okány and Kétegyháza, while our services are provided in 46 settlements of the county for those in need. The institutions maintained by the Mission have a history of 10-11 years. The Mission, as an institution keeper, has received the demands and adapted its capacities according to its capabilities. In this way, it improved the number of people who can be provided in the area of domestic assistance from 3 560 to 7 518 people, allowing the use of social catering services to increase by 1 000 over a period of 4 years, and created new forms of day care. The number of users of social services accessed by the Mission has gradually expanded. It can be noted that there is a growing demand for social services in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Statistical data show a dynamic increase in the number of claimants, partly due to an ageing population and partly due to the preference of recipients to avoid hospital care. In the course of its 10 years of professional operation, the Community Mission has developed a system of services, which can be said to have continued to expand from territorial care to institutional care. From the number of recipients of 50 benefits from the first start-up institution, up to thousands of people today. It is also important to underline the importance of increasing the number of service recipients in a direct proportion of the number of service users and of the constantly increasing and changing administrative burden. In addition to the increase in quantitative needs, the qualitative needs are increasing, as the awareness of prospective and active users is increasing, who require effective, person-oriented social services and the increasingly detailed requirement for official controls, supported by documentation covering all service elements, has increased. For example, continuous training of employees, continuous review of internal professional protocols, the introduction of new methods and the generation of cooperation between institutions are direct ways of increasing quality. But the continuous improvement of the level of the background administration and the quality of the related services is essential and essential in order to improve the quality of the supply. The two areas cannot operate at a different level without the most important elements of the system being felt by the beneficiaries. In our project we would like to ensure the employment of one Roma woman who is currently unemployed but has a social care and nursing qualification at the Human Service Centre in Békéscsaba, as registered licensee, emergency service area. In the event of a positive assessment of the application, the new employee will be employed in July 2017 and we intend to conclude a fixed-term employment contract of 2+ 1 years for social care and care. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Okány, Békés
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