Safety net for families in Szombathely (Q3886770): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Our organisation’s multi-annual task is to represent civil society organisations. In this context, we have been monitoring, experiencing and supporting the activities of civil society organisations for several years, most of which are aimed at improving the lives of the population and families. Experience over the years shows that the family has become more unstable, more fragile, undergoing transformations that have disrupted their balance, become burdensome with serious problems, and have essential functions for society and the individual. The weakening of the family as a basic social safety net leads/resulted in the long-term negative effects such as an increase in the number of divorces, family formations and a decrease in the number of children. All of these have led to an ageing population, which is typical of Hungary. All of our programmes planned during the implementation of the application help our target groups to recognise the importance of the family and to protect its value. In order to inform families about the programmes planned to be implemented, we will launch our project with an opening event. In order to create equal opportunities for women and young girls, we have planned cooperation-developing and sensitising sessions, as well as training on communication and conflict management. As one of the biggest problems today is the dilemma between family and career, we want to help our target groups with skills development and work-life balance sessions. We believe that it can greatly increase the stability of families by strengthening not only internal cohesion but also inter-family cohesiveness. For this reason, we plan to implement family community-building programmes on several occasions (joint preparation for celebrations and family days). At the end of the project, we plan to implement a final event. Like the opening event, the main goal here is to emphasise the importance of the family. At the closing event we would like to present the results of the project and inform our target group about important information on the subject (e.g. the operation of family helpers). In order to give the project sufficient publicity, in addition to the opening and closing events, we undertake to provide mandatory publicity in accordance with the specifications of the design manual. Based on our previous application experience, we provide the necessary human resources for implementation: a representative of our organisation will perform the role of project manager, financial manager and professional manager, and we will involve a further 4 people involved in the implementation of the programmes. We will use external suppliers to implement the programmes, as the amount of these purchases exceeds the public procurement threshold, so we plan to carry out a procedure in accordance with the law. (English)
Property / summary: Our organisation’s multi-annual task is to represent civil society organisations. In this context, we have been monitoring, experiencing and supporting the activities of civil society organisations for several years, most of which are aimed at improving the lives of the population and families. Experience over the years shows that the family has become more unstable, more fragile, undergoing transformations that have disrupted their balance, become burdensome with serious problems, and have essential functions for society and the individual. The weakening of the family as a basic social safety net leads/resulted in the long-term negative effects such as an increase in the number of divorces, family formations and a decrease in the number of children. All of these have led to an ageing population, which is typical of Hungary. All of our programmes planned during the implementation of the application help our target groups to recognise the importance of the family and to protect its value. In order to inform families about the programmes planned to be implemented, we will launch our project with an opening event. In order to create equal opportunities for women and young girls, we have planned cooperation-developing and sensitising sessions, as well as training on communication and conflict management. As one of the biggest problems today is the dilemma between family and career, we want to help our target groups with skills development and work-life balance sessions. We believe that it can greatly increase the stability of families by strengthening not only internal cohesion but also inter-family cohesiveness. For this reason, we plan to implement family community-building programmes on several occasions (joint preparation for celebrations and family days). At the end of the project, we plan to implement a final event. Like the opening event, the main goal here is to emphasise the importance of the family. At the closing event we would like to present the results of the project and inform our target group about important information on the subject (e.g. the operation of family helpers). In order to give the project sufficient publicity, in addition to the opening and closing events, we undertake to provide mandatory publicity in accordance with the specifications of the design manual. Based on our previous application experience, we provide the necessary human resources for implementation: a representative of our organisation will perform the role of project manager, financial manager and professional manager, and we will involve a further 4 people involved in the implementation of the programmes. We will use external suppliers to implement the programmes, as the amount of these purchases exceeds the public procurement threshold, so we plan to carry out a procedure in accordance with the law. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Our organisation’s multi-annual task is to represent civil society organisations. In this context, we have been monitoring, experiencing and supporting the activities of civil society organisations for several years, most of which are aimed at improving the lives of the population and families. Experience over the years shows that the family has become more unstable, more fragile, undergoing transformations that have disrupted their balance, become burdensome with serious problems, and have essential functions for society and the individual. The weakening of the family as a basic social safety net leads/resulted in the long-term negative effects such as an increase in the number of divorces, family formations and a decrease in the number of children. All of these have led to an ageing population, which is typical of Hungary. All of our programmes planned during the implementation of the application help our target groups to recognise the importance of the family and to protect its value. In order to inform families about the programmes planned to be implemented, we will launch our project with an opening event. In order to create equal opportunities for women and young girls, we have planned cooperation-developing and sensitising sessions, as well as training on communication and conflict management. As one of the biggest problems today is the dilemma between family and career, we want to help our target groups with skills development and work-life balance sessions. We believe that it can greatly increase the stability of families by strengthening not only internal cohesion but also inter-family cohesiveness. For this reason, we plan to implement family community-building programmes on several occasions (joint preparation for celebrations and family days). At the end of the project, we plan to implement a final event. Like the opening event, the main goal here is to emphasise the importance of the family. At the closing event we would like to present the results of the project and inform our target group about important information on the subject (e.g. the operation of family helpers). In order to give the project sufficient publicity, in addition to the opening and closing events, we undertake to provide mandatory publicity in accordance with the specifications of the design manual. Based on our previous application experience, we provide the necessary human resources for implementation: a representative of our organisation will perform the role of project manager, financial manager and professional manager, and we will involve a further 4 people involved in the implementation of the programmes. We will use external suppliers to implement the programmes, as the amount of these purchases exceeds the public procurement threshold, so we plan to carry out a procedure in accordance with the law. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:56, 8 February 2022

Project Q3886770 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Safety net for families in Szombathely
Project Q3886770 in Hungary


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    40,000,000 forint
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    109,345.02 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    10 December 2021
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    128,641.205 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    10 December 2021
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    47,058,823.529 forint
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    85.0 percent
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    1 March 2017
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    1 March 2019
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    Szombathelyi Civil Kerekasztal
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    Szervezetünk több éves feladata a civil szervezetek érdekképviselete. Ennek kapcsán több éve figyeljük, tapasztaljuk és támogatjuk a civil szervezetek tevékenységeit, melyek nagy része a lakosság, a családok életének javítását célozza. Az évek során szerzett tapasztalatok azt mutatják, hogy a család a labilisabb, törékenyebb lett, olyan átalakulásokon ment keresztül, amelyek megbontották egyensúlyát, súlyos problémáktól terhessé vált, pedig alapvető fontosságú funkciókkal rendelkezik úgy a társadalom, mint az egyén szempontjából. A családnak, mint alapvető társadalmi védőhálónak a meggyengülése hosszú távon olyan negatív hatásokat eredményez/eredményezett, mint a válások számának növekedése, a családalapítások, a gyermekvállalás számának csökkenése. Ezek pedig mind a Magyarországra jellemző elöregedő korfához, a csökkenő népességhez vezetett. A pályázat megvalósítása során tervezett programjaink mindegyike hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy célcsoportjaink felismerjék a család jelentőségét és képesek legyenek megvédeni annak értékét. Annak érdekében, hogy a megvalósítani tervezett programokról a családok értesüljenek, projektünket egy nyitórendezvénnyel indítjuk meg. A nők és a fiatal lányok esélyegyenlőségének megteremtése érdekében együttműködés-fejlesztő és érzékenyítő foglalkozásokat, valamint kommunikációs és konfliktuskezeléssel kapcsolatos képzéseket terveztünk. Mivel napjainkban az egyik legnagyobb problémát a család és a karrier közti dilemma jelenti, ezért kompetenciafejlesztéssel és a munka és a magánélet összehangolását elősegítő foglalkozásokkal kívánunk segítséget nyújtani a célcsoportjainknak. Úgy véljük, a családok stabilitását nagyban tudja növelni, ha nemcsak a családon belüli, hanem a családok közti összetartást is megerősítjük. Emiatt több alkalommal tervezünk családi közösségépítő programokat megvalósítani (ünnepekre való közös készülődés, és családi napok). A projekt végén egy záró rendezvény megvalósítását is tervezzük. A nyitórendezvényhez hasonlóan, itt is a család jelentőségének a hangsúlyozása a fő cél. A záró rendezvényen kívánjuk bemutatni a projekt által elért eredményeket és tudjuk tájékoztatni célcsoportunkat a témában fontos információkról (pl. családsegítők működése). Annak érdekében, hogy a projekt kellő nyilvánosságot kapjon, a nyitó- és záró rendezvényen kívül, vállaljuk a kötelező nyilvánosság biztosítását az arculati kézikönyv előírásainak megfelelően. Korábbi pályázati tapasztalataink alapján a megvalósításhoz szükséges humánerőforrást biztosítjuk: szervezetünk képviselője fogja ellátni a projektmenedzseri, pénzügyi vezetői és szakmai vezetői szerepet, további 4 főt vonunk be, akik a programok megvalósításában vesznek részt. A programok megvalósításához külső szállítókat fogunk alkalmazni, mivel ezen beszerzések összege meghaladja a közbeszerzési értékhatárt, így tervezünk a jogszabályoknak megfelelő eljárás lefolytatásával. (Hungarian)
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    Our organisation’s multi-annual task is to represent civil society organisations. In this context, we have been monitoring, experiencing and supporting the activities of civil society organisations for several years, most of which are aimed at improving the lives of the population and families. Experience over the years shows that the family has become more unstable, more fragile, undergoing transformations that have disrupted their balance, become burdensome with serious problems, and have essential functions for society and the individual. The weakening of the family as a basic social safety net leads/resulted in the long-term negative effects such as an increase in the number of divorces, family formations and a decrease in the number of children. All of these have led to an ageing population, which is typical of Hungary. All of our programmes planned during the implementation of the application help our target groups to recognise the importance of the family and to protect its value. In order to inform families about the programmes planned to be implemented, we will launch our project with an opening event. In order to create equal opportunities for women and young girls, we have planned cooperation-developing and sensitising sessions, as well as training on communication and conflict management. As one of the biggest problems today is the dilemma between family and career, we want to help our target groups with skills development and work-life balance sessions. We believe that it can greatly increase the stability of families by strengthening not only internal cohesion but also inter-family cohesiveness. For this reason, we plan to implement family community-building programmes on several occasions (joint preparation for celebrations and family days). At the end of the project, we plan to implement a final event. Like the opening event, the main goal here is to emphasise the importance of the family. At the closing event we would like to present the results of the project and inform our target group about important information on the subject (e.g. the operation of family helpers). In order to give the project sufficient publicity, in addition to the opening and closing events, we undertake to provide mandatory publicity in accordance with the specifications of the design manual. Based on our previous application experience, we provide the necessary human resources for implementation: a representative of our organisation will perform the role of project manager, financial manager and professional manager, and we will involve a further 4 people involved in the implementation of the programmes. We will use external suppliers to implement the programmes, as the amount of these purchases exceeds the public procurement threshold, so we plan to carry out a procedure in accordance with the law. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Szombathely, Vas
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