(8 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) |
redirect | redirect |
| | Q2530082 |
label / pl | label / pl |
| województwo pomorskie
label / bg | label / bg |
| Поморско войводство
label / cs | label / cs |
| Pomořské vojvodství
label / da | label / da |
| Województwo pomorskie
label / de | label / de |
| Woiwodschaft Pommern
label / en | label / en |
| Pomeranian Voivodeship
label / es | label / es |
| Voivodato de Pomerania
label / et | label / et |
| Pomorze vojevoodkond
label / fi | label / fi |
| Pommerin voivodikunta
label / fr | label / fr |
| voïvodie de Poméranie
label / hr | label / hr |
| Pomeransko vojvodstvo
label / hu | label / hu |
| Pomerániai vajdaság
label / it | label / it |
| voivodato della Pomerania
label / lt | label / lt |
| Pamario vaivadija
label / lv | label / lv |
| Pomožes vojevodiste
label / nl | label / nl |
| Woiwodschap Pommeren
label / pt | label / pt |
| Voivodia da Pomerânia
label / ro | label / ro |
| Voievodatul Pomerania
label / sk | label / sk |
| Pomoranské vojvodstvo
label / sv | label / sv |
| Pommerns vojvodskap
label / tr | label / tr |
| Pomeranya Voyvodalığı
label / el | label / el |
| Βοεβοδάτο της Πομερανίας
aliases / de / 0 | aliases / de / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / en / 0 | aliases / en / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / en / 1 | aliases / en / 1 |
| Pomerania Province
aliases / en / 2 | aliases / en / 2 |
| wojewodztwo pomorskie
aliases / es / 0 | aliases / es / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / es / 1 | aliases / es / 1 |
| wojewodztwo pomorskie
aliases / it / 0 | aliases / it / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / it / 1 | aliases / it / 1 |
| Pomerania
aliases / bg / 0 | aliases / bg / 0 |
| Поморското войводство
aliases / cs / 0 | aliases / cs / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / et / 0 | aliases / et / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / fi / 0 | aliases / fi / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / fr / 0 | aliases / fr / 0 |
| Poméranie (voïvodie)
aliases / fr / 1 | aliases / fr / 1 |
| Poméranie
aliases / fr / 2 | aliases / fr / 2 |
| Pomorskie
aliases / hr / 0 | aliases / hr / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / hu / 0 | aliases / hu / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / lt / 0 | aliases / lt / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / lv / 0 | aliases / lv / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / nl / 0 | aliases / nl / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / pt / 0 | aliases / pt / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / ro / 0 | aliases / ro / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / sk / 0 | aliases / sk / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / sk / 1 | aliases / sk / 1 |
| Prímorské vojvodstvo
aliases / sv / 0 | aliases / sv / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
aliases / tr / 0 | aliases / tr / 0 |
| województwo pomorskie
description / en | description / en |
| voivodeship of Poland
description / pl | description / pl |
| województwo w Polsce
description / de | description / de |
| Verwaltungseinheit (Woiwodschaft) in Polen
description / nl | description / nl |
| woiwodschap in Polen
description / it | description / it |
| voivodato polacco
description / es | description / es |
| Voivodato de Polonia
description / bg | description / bg |
| войводство в Северна Полша
description / da | description / da |
| administrativ del af det midtnordlige Polen
description / et | description / et |
| Poola haldusüksus (vojevoodkond)
description / hr | description / hr |
| jedno od 16 poljskih administrativnih jedinica
description / lv | description / lv |
| Polijas vojevodiste
description / ro | description / ro |
| regiune administrativă în nordul Poloniei pe coasta Mării Baltice
description / sk | description / sk |
| vojvodstvo v Poľsku
description / sv | description / sv |
| vojvodskap i norra Polen
description / fr | description / fr |
| voïvodie polonaise dont le chef-lieu est Gdańsk
description / el | description / el |
| βοεβοδάτο της Πολωνίας
description / cs | description / cs |
| Statistická územní jednotka 2016 NUTS 2
Property / Wikidata QID | |
| | |
Property / Wikidata QID: Q54180 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / topic's main Wikimedia portal | |
| | |
Property / topic's main Wikimedia portal: Q2503196 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / ISO 3166-2 code | |
| |
Property / ISO 3166-2 code: PL-PM / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / ISO 3166-2 code: PL-PM / qualifier | |
| end time: 26 November 2018Timestamp | +2018-11-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / ISO 3166-2 code: PL-PM / qualifier | |
| | |
Property / ISO 3166-2 code | |
| PL-22
| |
Property / ISO 3166-2 code: PL-22 / rank | |
| Preferred rank
| |
Property / ISO 3166-2 code: PL-22 / qualifier | |
| start time: 26 November 2018Timestamp | +2018-11-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / country | |
| | |
Property / country: Poland / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / country: Poland / reference | |
| | |
Property / country: Poland / reference | |
| | |
Property / country: Poland / reference | |
| retrieved: 6 August 2018Timestamp | +2018-08-06T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / located in the administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / located in the administrative territorial entity: Poland / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: powiat człuchowski / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Powiat gdański / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Nowy Dwór Gdański County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Gdynia / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Słupsk / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Gdańsk / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Sopot, Poland / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Starogard County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: powiat bytowski / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Chojnice County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Kartuzy County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Kościerzyna County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Kwidzyn County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Lębork County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Malbork County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Tczew County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Puck County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Wejherowo County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Sztum County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity | |
| | |
Property / contains administrative territorial entity: Słupsk County / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / Commons category | |
| Pomeranian Voivodeship
| |
Property / Commons category: Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / Commons category: Pomeranian Voivodeship / reference | |
| | |
Property / flag image | |
| | |
Property / flag image: POL województwo pomorskie flag.svg / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / flag image: POL województwo pomorskie flag.svg / reference | |
| | |
Property / coat of arms image | |
| | |
Property / coat of arms image: POL województwo pomorskie COA.svg / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / coat of arms image: POL województwo pomorskie COA.svg / reference | |
| | |
Property / coat of arms | |
| | |
Property / coat of arms: coat of arms of the Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / flag | |
| | |
Property / flag: flag of Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / coordinate location | |
| 54°11'N, 18°0'ELatitude | 54.183333333333 |
Longitude | 18 |
Precision | 0.016666666666667 |
Globe | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2 |
| |
Property / coordinate location: 54°11'N, 18°0'E / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / coordinate location: 54°11'N, 18°0'E / reference | |
| | |
Property / Library of Congress authority ID | |
| | |
Property / Library of Congress authority ID: n82001815 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / GND ID | |
| | |
Property / GND ID: 4596759-3 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / topic's main category | |
| | |
Property / topic's main category: Category:Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / page banner | |
| | |
Property / page banner: Klanińskie Lake banner.jpg / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / instance of | |
| | |
Property / instance of: voivodeship of Poland / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / instance of | |
| | |
Property / instance of: 2016 NUTS 2 statistical territorial entity / rank | |
| Preferred rank
| |
Property / Freebase ID | |
| | |
Property / Freebase ID: /m/0mzg2 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / Freebase ID: /m/0mzg2 / reference | |
| | |
Property / Freebase ID: /m/0mzg2 / reference | |
| publication date: 28 October 2013Timestamp | +2013-10-28T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions) | |
| PL82
| |
Property / FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions): PL82 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions): PL82 / reference | |
| | |
Property / FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions): PL82 / reference | |
| | |
Property / FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions): PL82 / reference | |
| | |
Property / FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions): PL82 / reference | |
| retrieved: 30 December 2013Timestamp | +2013-12-30T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions): PL82 / reference | |
| title: List of FIPS region codes (P-R) (English) | |
Property / category for people born here | |
| | |
Property / category for people born here: Category:Births in Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / category for people born here: Category:Births in Pomeranian Voivodeship / reference | |
| | |
Property / category for people who died here | |
| | |
Property / category for people who died here: Category:Deaths in Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / category for people who died here: Category:Deaths in Pomeranian Voivodeship / reference | |
| | |
Property / GeoNames ID | |
| | |
Property / GeoNames ID: 3337496 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / GeoNames ID: 3337496 / reference | |
| | |
Property / twinned administrative body | |
| | |
Property / twinned administrative body: Shanghai / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / twinned administrative body: Shanghai / qualifier | |
| start time: 1985Timestamp | +1985-01-01T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / category of associated people | |
| | |
Property / category of associated people: Category:People from Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / category of associated people: Category:People from Pomeranian Voivodeship / reference | |
| | |
Property / official website | |
| | |
Property / official website: http://www.woj-pomorskie.pl / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / official website: http://www.woj-pomorskie.pl / reference | |
| | |
Property / Commons gallery | |
| Województwo pomorskie
| |
Property / Commons gallery: Województwo pomorskie / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / VIAF ID | |
| | |
Property / VIAF ID: 302145294 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / VIAF ID | |
| | |
Property / VIAF ID: 127857969 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / DMOZ ID | |
| | |
Property / DMOZ ID: Regional/Europe/Poland/Provinces/Pomorskie/ / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / area | |
| 18,293.0 square kilometre | |
Property / area: 18,293.0 square kilometre / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / area: 18,293.0 square kilometre / reference | |
| | |
Property / capital | |
| | |
Property / capital: Gdańsk / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / capital: Gdańsk / reference | |
| | |
Property / locator map image | |
| | |
Property / locator map image: Pomorskie in Poland.svg / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / locator map image: Pomorskie in Poland.svg / reference | |
| | |
Property / Quora topic ID | |
| | |
Property / Quora topic ID: Pomeranian-Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / Quora topic ID: Pomeranian-Voivodeship / reference | |
| | |
Property / Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID | |
| | |
Property / Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID: place/Pomorskie / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / BabelNet ID | |
| | |
Property / BabelNet ID: 03817096n / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / BabelNet ID: 03817096n / reference | |
| | |
Property / category of people buried here | |
| | |
Property / category of people buried here: Category:Burials in Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / archINFORM location ID | |
| | |
Property / archINFORM location ID: 8487 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / archINFORM location ID: 8487 / reference | |
| | |
Property / archINFORM location ID: 8487 / reference | |
| | |
Property / archINFORM location ID: 8487 / reference | |
| retrieved: 5 August 2018Timestamp | +2018-08-05T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / OSM relation ID | |
| | |
Property / OSM relation ID: 130975 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / licence plate code | |
| G
| |
Property / licence plate code: G / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / licence plate code: G / reference | |
| | |
Property / licence plate code: G / reference | |
| | |
Property / MusicBrainz area ID | |
| | |
Property / MusicBrainz area ID: c277ffb1-7e0f-4d3b-8688-03471ecfe49a / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / MusicBrainz area ID: c277ffb1-7e0f-4d3b-8688-03471ecfe49a / reference | |
| | |
Property / NKCR AUT ID | |
| | |
Property / NKCR AUT ID: ge116682 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / TGN ID | |
| | |
Property / TGN ID: 7024115 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / language used | |
| | |
Property / language used: Kashubian / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / Who's on First ID | |
| | |
Property / Who's on First ID: 85687267 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / category for maps | |
| | |
Property / category for maps: Category:Maps of Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / WorldCat Identities ID | |
| lccn-n82001815
| |
Property / WorldCat Identities ID: lccn-n82001815 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / WorldCat Identities ID: lccn-n82001815 / reference | |
| | |
Property / WorldCat Identities ID | |
| viaf-302145294
| |
Property / WorldCat Identities ID: viaf-302145294 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / WorldCat Identities ID: viaf-302145294 / reference | |
| | |
Property / shares border with | |
| | |
Property / shares border with: West Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / shares border with | |
| | |
Property / shares border with: Greater Poland Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / shares border with | |
| | |
Property / shares border with: Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / shares border with | |
| | |
Property / shares border with: Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / NUTS code | |
| | |
Property / NUTS code: PL63 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / contained in NUTS | |
| | |
Property / contained in NUTS: Makroregion północny / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / Dewey Decimal Classification | |
| 2--43822
| |
Property / Dewey Decimal Classification: 2--43822 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / KBpedia ID | |
| Pomorskie-ProvincePoland
| |
Property / KBpedia ID: Pomorskie-ProvincePoland / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / KBpedia ID: Pomorskie-ProvincePoland / reference | |
| | |
Property / KBpedia ID: Pomorskie-ProvincePoland / reference | |
| retrieved: 9 July 2020Timestamp | +2020-07-09T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / RKD thesaurus ID | |
| 38079
| |
Property / RKD thesaurus ID: 38079 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / HASC | |
| |
Property / HASC: PL.PM / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / geoshape | |
| | |
Property / geoshape: Data:Poland/Pomeranian.map / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
links / bgwiki / name | links / bgwiki / name |
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links / cswiki / name | links / cswiki / name |
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links / dawiki / name | links / dawiki / name |
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links / dewiki / name | links / dewiki / name |
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links / enwiki / name | links / enwiki / name |
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links / eswiki / name | links / eswiki / name |
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links / etwiki / name | links / etwiki / name |
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links / fiwiki / name | links / fiwiki / name |
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links / frwiki / name | links / frwiki / name |
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links / hrwiki / name | links / hrwiki / name |
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links / huwiki / name | links / huwiki / name |
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links / itwiki / name | links / itwiki / name |
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links / ltwiki / name | links / ltwiki / name |
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links / lvwiki / name | links / lvwiki / name |
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links / nlwiki / name | links / nlwiki / name |
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links / plwiki / name | links / plwiki / name |
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links / ptwiki / name | links / ptwiki / name |
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links / rowiki / name | links / rowiki / name |
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links / skwiki / name | links / skwiki / name |
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links / svwiki / name | links / svwiki / name |
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links / trwiki / name | links / trwiki / name |
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