Expansion with gymnasium and annexes (by dissolution of Corp C3), their endowment and enclosure – Secondary School No. 3, Buftea City, Ilfov County (Q2747533): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: EU contribution (P835): 560,901.958 euro)
(‎Changed an Item: Fixing rounding issue)
Property / EU contribution
560,901.96 Euro
Amount560,901.96 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 560,901.96 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 560,901.96 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.2 Euro
Amount0.2 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 560,901.96 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 13 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:45, 15 December 2021

Project Q2747533 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Expansion with gymnasium and annexes (by dissolution of Corp C3), their endowment and enclosure – Secondary School No. 3, Buftea City, Ilfov County
Project Q2747533 in Romania


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    2,804,509.79 Romanian Leu
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    560,901.96 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3,505,637.22 Romanian Leu
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    701,127.4440000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    80.0 percent
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    1 August 2017
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    30 October 2021
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    44°33'35.50"N, 25°56'59.53"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului cu titlul “Extindere cu sala de sport si anexe (prin desfiintare corp Anexa C3), dotarea acestora si realizare imprejmuire – Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 3, Oras Buftea, Judetul Ilfov” il reprezinta imbunatatirea conditiilor din unitatea de invatamant Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 3 din Orasul Buftea, jud. Ilfov, in vederea cresterii performantelor elevilor si a reducerii abandonului scolar. Scopul proiectului este modernizarea infrastructurii existente prin extinderea scolii cu sala de sport si anexe, dotarea acestora si realizarea imprejmuirii, astfel incat aceasta investitie sa conduca la: Îmbunatatirea si extinderea infrastructurii educatiei în mediul urban, Asigurarea egalitatii de sanse prin accesul la educatie al persoanelor cu dizabilitati si al grupurilor defavorizate cât si al celor cu probleme de ordin social, Prevenirea abandonului scolar, Achizitionarea de echipamente educative moderne, inclusiv echipamente IT si mobilier adecvat procesului educational, Asigurarea spatiilor pentru serviciile de consiliere si orientare scolara, Asigurarea realizarii personale, a starii de sanatate si a participarii populatiei la educatie, Asigurarea de laboratoare si ateliere performante, Dezvoltarea spiritului comunitar la elevi. Astfel proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific 10.1 al Axei Prioritare 10 si anume: Cresterea gradului de participare la nivelul educatiei timpurii si învatamântului obligatoriu, în special pentru copii cu risc crescut de parasire timpurie a sistemului. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project entitled “Enlargement with the sports hall and annexes (through the dissolution of the body Annex C3), their endowment and construction – Secondary School No. 3, Buftea City, Ilfov County” is the improvement of the conditions in the secondary school school no. 3 from Buftea City, county. Ilfov, in order to increase students’ performance and reduce school dropout. The aim of the project is to modernise the existing infrastructure by expanding the school with the sports hall and annexes, equipping them and making the fence, so that this investment leads to: Improving and expanding the infrastructure of education in the urban environment, Ensuring equal opportunities through access to education for people with disabilities and disadvantaged groups as well as those with social problems, Prevention of school dropout, Acquisition of modern educational equipment, including IT equipment and furniture appropriate to the educational process, Ensuring spaces for counselling and school guidance services, Ensuring personal achievement, health status and participation of the population in education, Provision of performing laboratories and workshops, Development of community spirit to students. Thus, the project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective 10.1 of Priority Axis 10, namely: Increasing participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at increased risk of early leaving the system. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului cu titlul «Extindere cu sala de sport si anexe (prin desfiintare corp Anexa C3), dotarea acestora si realizare imprejmuire — Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 3, Oras Buftea, Judetul Ilfov» il reprezinta imbunatatirea conditiilor din Unitatea de Invatamant Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 3 din Orasul Buftea, jud. Ilfov, in vederea cresterii performantelor elevilor si a reducerii abandonului scolar. Scopul proiectului este modernizarea Infrastructurii existente prin extinderea scolii cu sala de sport si anexe, dotarea acestora si realizarea imprejmuirii, astfel Incat aceasta investitie sa conduca la: Îmbunatatirea si extinderea Infrastructurii Educatiei în mediul urban, Asigurarea egalitatii de sanse prin accesul la educatie al persoanelor cu Dizabilitati si al grupurilor defavorizate cât si al celor cu probleme de ordin social, prevenirea abandonului scolar, Achizitionarea de echipamente educative moderne, inclusiv echipamente IT si mobilier adecvat Procesului education, Asigurarea spatiilor pentru Serviciile de Consiliere si orientare scolara, Asigurarea realizarii personale, a starii de sanatate si a Partirii populatiei la educatie, Asigurarea de laboratoare si Ateliere performant, Dezvoltarea spiritului comunitar la elevi. Astfel Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului spécifique 10.1 al axei Prioritare 10 si anume: Cresterea gradului de Participer la nivelul Educatiei timpurii si învatamântului obligatoriu, în special pentru copii cu risc crescut de parasire timpurie a Sistemului. (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts mit dem Titel „Erweiterung mit der Sporthalle und Anlagen (durch Auflösung des Körpers Anhang C3), deren Ausstattung und Bau – Sekundarschule Nr. 3, Buftea Stadt, Ilfov Kreis“ ist die Verbesserung der Bedingungen in der Sekundarschule Nr. 3 aus Buftea Stadt, Kreis. Ilfov, um die Leistung der Schüler zu erhöhen und Schulabbrecher zu reduzieren. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die bestehende Infrastruktur zu modernisieren, indem die Schule um die Sporthalle und die Anlagen erweitert, ausgestattet und den Zaun hergestellt wird, so dass diese Investition zu Folgendem führt: Verbesserung und Ausbau der Bildungsinfrastruktur im städtischen Umfeld, Gewährleistung der Chancengleichheit durch Zugang zu Bildung für Menschen mit Behinderungen und benachteiligte Gruppen sowie für Menschen mit sozialen Problemen, Prävention von Schulabbrechern, Erwerb moderner Bildungsausrüstung, einschließlich IT-Ausrüstung und -Möbel, die dem Bildungsprozess angemessen sind, Gewährleistung von Räumen für Beratungs- und Schulberatungsdienste, Gewährleistung persönlicher Leistungen, Gesundheitszustand und Beteiligung der Bevölkerung an der Bildung, Bereitstellung von durchführenden Laboren und Workshops, Entwicklung des Gemeinschaftsgeistes für Studierende. Somit trägt das Projekt zur Verwirklichung des Einzelziels 10.1 der Prioritätsachse 10 bei: Erhöhung der Teilnahme an frühkindlicher Bildung und Pflichtschulbildung, insbesondere für Kinder, die ein erhöhtes Risiko eines vorzeitigen Ausscheidens aus dem System haben. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project „Uitbreiding met de sporthal en bijlagen (door de ontbinding van het lichaam bijlage C3), hun schenking en bouw — Middelbare School nr. 3, Buftea City, Ilfov County” is de verbetering van de omstandigheden in de middelbare school nr. 3 van Buftea City, provincie. Ilfov, om de prestaties van studenten te verhogen en schooluitval te verminderen. Het doel van het project is de bestaande infrastructuur te moderniseren door de school uit te breiden met de sporthal en bijgebouwen, ze uit te rusten en het hek te maken, zodat deze investering leidt tot: Verbetering en uitbreiding van de infrastructuur van het onderwijs in de stedelijke omgeving, waarborgen van gelijke kansen door toegang tot onderwijs voor mensen met een handicap en kansarme groepen, alsmede voor mensen met sociale problemen, preventie van schooluitval, verwerving van moderne onderwijsapparatuur, met inbegrip van IT-apparatuur en meubilair die geschikt is voor het onderwijsproces, het waarborgen van ruimten voor advies en schoolbegeleiding, het waarborgen van persoonlijke prestaties, gezondheidsstatus en deelname van de bevolking aan het onderwijs, het aanbieden van laboratoria en workshops die het uitvoeren van activiteiten, de ontwikkeling van gemeenschapsgeest voor studenten. Zo draagt het project bij tot de verwezenlijking van de specifieke doelstelling 10.1 van prioritaire as 10, namelijk: Vergroting van de deelname aan voortijdig onderwijs en verplicht onderwijs, met name voor kinderen met een verhoogd risico op voortijdig verlaten van het systeem. (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
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    Oraş Buftea, Romania
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