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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The investment proposal provides for the extension and modernisation of the production facilities of an existing wood processing company through the purchase, installation and commissioning of new production facilities, machines and apparatus. It is also envisaged to purchase a neighbouring land located in the town of Tvarditsa with an identifier: 72165.506.1615 and an area of 3637 sq.m. together with a metal shed with an area of 816 sq.m., inte...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The investment proposal provides for the extension and modernisation of the production facilities of an existing wood processing company through the purchase, installation and commissioning of new production facilities, machines and apparatus. It is also envisaged to purchase a neighbouring land located in the town of Tvarditsa with an identifier: 72165.506.1615 and an area of 3637 sq.m. together with a metal shed with an area of 816 sq.m., intended for storage of basic raw materials and materials according to the adopted plan for the necessary stocks. The new machines will largely replace manual labour, contribute to higher productivity at a significantly higher quality of production. Production processes include supply and grading of raw wood, drying of wood, cutting and forming of primary wood pulp, cutting and surface treatment of wood. Heat production for the dryer will be provided by a solid fuel boiler with a rated thermal input of less than 0.7 MW. Production activities include only surface treatment of wood, excluding the production of compressed wood particles and/or panels based thereon. The main objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of the candidate company and maintain existing jobs combined with improved working conditions. These objectives correspond to the underlying objective of the sub-measure, namely: improving competitiveness and job creation (maintenance) in particular in rural areas. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The investment proposal provides for the extension and modernisation of the production facilities of an existing wood processing company through the purchase, installation and commissioning of new production facilities, machines and apparatus. It is also envisaged to purchase a neighbouring land located in the town of Tvarditsa with an identifier: 72165.506.1615 and an area of 3637 sq.m. together with a metal shed with an area of 816 sq.m., intended for storage of basic raw materials and materials according to the adopted plan for the necessary stocks. The new machines will largely replace manual labour, contribute to higher productivity at a significantly higher quality of production. Production processes include supply and grading of raw wood, drying of wood, cutting and forming of primary wood pulp, cutting and surface treatment of wood. Heat production for the dryer will be provided by a solid fuel boiler with a rated thermal input of less than 0.7 MW. Production activities include only surface treatment of wood, excluding the production of compressed wood particles and/or panels based thereon. The main objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of the candidate company and maintain existing jobs combined with improved working conditions. These objectives correspond to the underlying objective of the sub-measure, namely: improving competitiveness and job creation (maintenance) in particular in rural areas. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The investment proposal provides for the extension and modernisation of the production facilities of an existing wood processing company through the purchase, installation and commissioning of new production facilities, machines and apparatus. It is also envisaged to purchase a neighbouring land located in the town of Tvarditsa with an identifier: 72165.506.1615 and an area of 3637 sq.m. together with a metal shed with an area of 816 sq.m., intended for storage of basic raw materials and materials according to the adopted plan for the necessary stocks. The new machines will largely replace manual labour, contribute to higher productivity at a significantly higher quality of production. Production processes include supply and grading of raw wood, drying of wood, cutting and forming of primary wood pulp, cutting and surface treatment of wood. Heat production for the dryer will be provided by a solid fuel boiler with a rated thermal input of less than 0.7 MW. Production activities include only surface treatment of wood, excluding the production of compressed wood particles and/or panels based thereon. The main objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of the candidate company and maintain existing jobs combined with improved working conditions. These objectives correspond to the underlying objective of the sub-measure, namely: improving competitiveness and job creation (maintenance) in particular in rural areas. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 2 December 2021
Revision as of 13:39, 2 December 2021
Project Q3846473 in Bulgaria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3846473 in Bulgaria |
394,840.89 Bulgarian lev
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929,037.39 Bulgarian lev
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0.42 percent
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10 August 2021
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10 August 2023
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Инвестиционното предложение предвижда разширение и модернизация на производствената база на съществуващо дървопреработвателно предприятие, чрез закупуване, монтаж и въвеждане в експлоатация на нови производствени съоръжения, машини и апарати. Предвижда се и закупуване на съседен терен, находящ се в град Твърдица с идентификатор: 72165.506.1615 и площ 3637 кв.м. ведно с метален навес с площ 816 кв.м., предназначен за складиране на основни суровини и материали според приет план за необходимите запаси. Новите машините ще заменят в голяма степен ръчния труд, ще допринесат за по-голяма производителност при значително по-високо качество на произвежданата продукция. Производствените процеси включват доставка и окачествяване на суровата дървесина, сушене на дървесината, рязане и формоване на първична дървесна маса, разкрояване и повърхностна обработка на дървесината. Производството на топлина за сушилнята ще се осигури от котел на твърдо гориво с номинална входяща топлинна мощност под 0,7 MW. Производствените дейности включват единствено повърхностна обработка на дървесина, без производство на пресовани дървесни частици и/или плоскости на тяхна основа. Основната цел на проекта е подобряване на конкурентоспособността на дружеството – кандидат и запазване на съществуващите работни места, в съчетание с подобрени условия за труд. Тази цели съответстват на основата цел на подмярката, а именно: подобряване на конкурентоспособността и създаването (запазването) на работни места, в частност в селските райони. (Bulgarian)
0 references
The investment proposal provides for the extension and modernisation of the production facilities of an existing wood processing company through the purchase, installation and commissioning of new production facilities, machines and apparatus. It is also envisaged to purchase a neighbouring land located in the town of Tvarditsa with an identifier: 72165.506.1615 and an area of 3637 sq.m. together with a metal shed with an area of 816 sq.m., intended for storage of basic raw materials and materials according to the adopted plan for the necessary stocks. The new machines will largely replace manual labour, contribute to higher productivity at a significantly higher quality of production. Production processes include supply and grading of raw wood, drying of wood, cutting and forming of primary wood pulp, cutting and surface treatment of wood. Heat production for the dryer will be provided by a solid fuel boiler with a rated thermal input of less than 0.7 MW. Production activities include only surface treatment of wood, excluding the production of compressed wood particles and/or panels based thereon. The main objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of the candidate company and maintain existing jobs combined with improved working conditions. These objectives correspond to the underlying objective of the sub-measure, namely: improving competitiveness and job creation (maintenance) in particular in rural areas. (English)
2 December 2021
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