Implementation of R & D project to develop an innovative manufacturing process for the manufacture of agricultural parts using composite layers (Q134046): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the modern agricultural policy of most of the national economies of the European Union is to concentrate and specialise in agriculture and to accelerate technological and agro-technical progress to ensure the efficiency of this economic unit. The effective implementation of these objectives is closely linked to the technical background of the farmers. The reliability of agricultural machinery depends to a large extent on the durabilit...)
Property / summary
The aim of the modern agricultural policy of most of the national economies of the European Union is to concentrate and specialise in agriculture and to accelerate technological and agro-technical progress to ensure the efficiency of this economic unit. The effective implementation of these objectives is closely linked to the technical background of the farmers. The reliability of agricultural machinery depends to a large extent on the durability of the tools and components installed in them. The exploitation usually leads to longer interruptions in soil cultivation, which translates into economic losses. The operating conditions of agricultural tools can be defined as particularly difficult or even extreme. Therefore, as part of the project, the Applicant is planning to develop technology to extend the life of the parts to the agricultural machinery. The project involves carrying out industrial research and development to develop an innovative technology for the composite layers. Product innovation related to the development of a minimum of 3 new, innovative products, Number of enterprises receiving support: 1; receiving grants: 1; investing in R & D: 1; supported by R & D: 1; 2. Private investment — complementary public support to enterprises (grants): PLN 523 084,66; (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the modern agricultural policy of most of the national economies of the European Union is to concentrate and specialise in agriculture and to accelerate technological and agro-technical progress to ensure the efficiency of this economic unit. The effective implementation of these objectives is closely linked to the technical background of the farmers. The reliability of agricultural machinery depends to a large extent on the durability of the tools and components installed in them. The exploitation usually leads to longer interruptions in soil cultivation, which translates into economic losses. The operating conditions of agricultural tools can be defined as particularly difficult or even extreme. Therefore, as part of the project, the Applicant is planning to develop technology to extend the life of the parts to the agricultural machinery. The project involves carrying out industrial research and development to develop an innovative technology for the composite layers. Product innovation related to the development of a minimum of 3 new, innovative products, Number of enterprises receiving support: 1; receiving grants: 1; investing in R & D: 1; supported by R & D: 1; 2. Private investment — complementary public support to enterprises (grants): PLN 523 084,66; (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 21:00, 10 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of R & D project to develop an innovative manufacturing process for the manufacture of agricultural parts using composite layers
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    Celem współczesnej polityki rolnej większości krajowych gospodarek rynkowych Unii Europejskiej jest koncentracja i specjalizacja rolnictwa oraz przyspieszanie postępu technologicznego i agrotechnicznego, który zapewniać ma efektywność tego działu gospodarki. Skuteczna realizacja tych założeń jest ściśle powiązana z posiadanym przez rolników zapleczem technicznym. Niezawodność maszyn rolniczych jest w dużej mierze zależna od trwałości zamontowanych w nich narzędzi i części. Wyeksploatowanie ich prowadzi zwykle do dłuższych przerw w uprawie gleby, co przekłada się na straty ekonomiczne. Warunki eksploatacji narzędzi rolniczych można określić, jako szczególne trudne czy nawet ekstremalne. Dlatego też, Wnioskodawca w ramach realizacji projektu planuje opracowanie technologii, mającej na celu przedłużenie żywotności części do maszyn rolniczych. Projekt polega na przeprowadzeniu badań przemysłowych i prac rozwojowych mających na celu opracowanie innowacyjnej technologii warstw kompozytowych.Ww. działania pozwolą na uzyskanie:A. Innowacji procesowej, związanej opracowaniem technologii mającej potencjał w zastosowaniu w technikach nożowych w rolnictwieB. Innowacji produktowej, związanej z opracowaniem minimum 3 nowych, innowacyjnych produktów, PLANOWANE EFEKTY RZECZOWE:1. Liczba przedsiębiorstw - otrzymujących wsparcie: 1; otrzymujących dotacje: 1; ponoszących nakłady inwestycyjne na działalność B+R: 1; wspartych w zakresie prowadzenia prac B+R:1; 2. Inwestycje prywatne - uzupełniające wsparcie publiczne dla przedsiębiorstw (dotacje): 523 084,66 zł; (Polish)
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    The aim of the modern agricultural policy of most of the national economies of the European Union is to concentrate and specialise in agriculture and to accelerate technological and agro-technical progress to ensure the efficiency of this economic unit. The effective implementation of these objectives is closely linked to the technical background of the farmers. The reliability of agricultural machinery depends to a large extent on the durability of the tools and components installed in them. The exploitation usually leads to longer interruptions in soil cultivation, which translates into economic losses. The operating conditions of agricultural tools can be defined as particularly difficult or even extreme. Therefore, as part of the project, the Applicant is planning to develop technology to extend the life of the parts to the agricultural machinery. The project involves carrying out industrial research and development to develop an innovative technology for the composite layers. Product innovation related to the development of a minimum of 3 new, innovative products, Number of enterprises receiving support: 1; receiving grants: 1; investing in R & D: 1; supported by R & D: 1; 2. Private investment — complementary public support to enterprises (grants): PLN 523 084,66; (English)
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