Extension of the capacity of the kindergarten in the village of Imeľ (Q3105788): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The subject of the project is the extension and modification of part of the building of the kindergarten in the village of Imeľ in order to expand the capacity of the kindergarten. In the next school year, an increased number of children is expected, which requires the establishment and expansion of the capacity of both classes and canteens.The overall objective of the project is to expand the capacities of the existing kindergarten building by...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label)
label / frlabel / fr
Extension de la capacité de la maternelle dans le village d’Ime

Revision as of 15:58, 27 November 2021

Project Q3105788 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Extension of the capacity of the kindergarten in the village of Imeľ
Project Q3105788 in Slovakia


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    149,489.38 Euro
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    175,869.86 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    2 January 2019
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    1 January 2022
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    Obec Imeľ
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    47°52'23.52"N, 18°10'58.76"E
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    Predmetom projektu  je prístavba a zmena časti budovy materskej školy v obci Imeľ za účelom  rozšírenia kapacity materskej školy. V ďalšom školskom roku sa predpokladá zvýšený počet detí, čo si vyžaduje zriadiť a rozšírenie kapacity tried, aj jedálne.Celkovým cieľom projektu je rozšírenie kapacít existujúceho objektu materskej školy prístavbou k objektu.Špecifickým cieľom projektu je:Investovanie do vzdelania, školení a odbornej prípravy, zručností a celoživotného vzdelávania prostredníctvom vývoja vzdelávacej a výcvikovej infraštruktúry Ostatné špecifické ciele projektu:Zvýšenie hrubej zaškolenosti detí materských škôlrozširovanie predškolskej výchovy vo veku od 3 do 5 rokov, zvýšenie dostupnosti predprimárneho vzdelávania pre všetky deti vo veku od 3 rokov, ktorých rodičia o predprimárne vzdelávanie prejavia záujem, rozšírené kapacity MŠ, čím sa vytvoria podmienky na zvýšenie hrubej zaškolenosti detí od 3 – 5 roku veku.Dotknutá materská škola sa nachádza v obci Imeľ. Projekt sa bude realizovať v obci Imeľ. Zriaďovateľom materskej školy je obec Imeľ. Činnosťou materskej školy je výchova a predškolská príprava detí, záujmová a relaxačná činnosť. Orgány materskej školy sú nasledovné:Riaditeľka MŠRada školyRodičovské združenieProjekt bude realizovaný prostredníctvom 3 hlavných aktivít  projektu:Aktivita 1: Rozširovanie kapacít existujúcich objektov materskej školy v ImeliAktivita 2:Obstaranie materiálno-technického vybavenia MŠAktivita 3: Technické úpravy areálu MŠ Merateľné ukazovatele projektu:P0067 Kapacita podporenej školskej infraštruktúry materských škôl.......55 detí P0300 Počet podporených materských škôl..............................1P0374 Počet renovovaných verejných budov ...........................1P0614 Podlahová plocha renovovaných verejných budov.......................109,83 m2P0867 Počet podporených MŠ materiálno-technickým vybavením.................1P0759 Počet podporených areálov MŠ............................................................1 (Slovak)
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    The subject of the project is the extension and modification of part of the building of the kindergarten in the village of Imeľ in order to expand the capacity of the kindergarten. In the next school year, an increased number of children is expected, which requires the establishment and expansion of the capacity of both classes and canteens.The overall objective of the project is to expand the capacities of the existing kindergarten building by adding to the object.Specific objectives of the project je:Investovanie into education, training and vocational training, skills and lifelong learning through the development of educational and training infrastructure Other specific objectives projektu:Zvýšenie gross training of children of kindergartenthe expansion of pre-school education between the ages of 3 and 5 years, increasing the availability of pre-primary education for all children from the age of 3 years whose parents are interested in pre-primary education, the increased capacity of the secondary school, thus creating the conditions for increasing the gross training of children from 3-5 years of age.The concerned kindergarten is located in the village of Imeľ. The project will be implemented in the municipality of Imeľ. The founder of the kindergarten is the municipality of Imeľ. The activity of the kindergarten is the upbringing and pre-school preparation of children, interest and relaxation activities. The authorities of the kindergarten are nasledovné:Riaditeľka MŠ Council of the SchoolRoading AssociationThe project will be implemented through 3 main activities projektu:Aktivita 1: Expanding the capacities of existing facilities of the kindergarten in ImeliActivities 2:Procurement of material and technical equipment MŠActivity 3: Technical adjustments to the MŠ area Measurable indicators projektu:P0067 Capacity of supported school infrastructure of kindergartens.......55 children P0300 Number of supported kindergartens.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (English)
    28 September 2021
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