Diversification of the united Bocsa activity, Energrom SRL (Q3100539): Difference between revisions
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Diversification de l’activité Bocsa unie, Energrom SRL |
Revision as of 15:46, 27 November 2021
Project Q3100539 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Diversification of the united Bocsa activity, Energrom SRL |
Project Q3100539 in Romania |
3,981,259.79 Romanian Leu
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8,448,018.72 Romanian Leu
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1,689,603.7440000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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47.13 percent
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17 December 2019
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31 May 2022
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Obiectul general al proiectului il reprezinta imbunatatirea competivitatii economice al societatii ENERGROM prin cresterea productivitatii muncii in IMM-uri in sectorul de recuperare deseuri feroase, folosind potentialul endogen al regiunii Vest si in spacial al judetului Caras Severin, care va avea un rol important in dezvoltarea economica regionala si locala, incadrandu-se in realizarea obiectivului Strategiei Nationale de Dezvoltare Regionala si in Cadrului National de Referinta, respectiv respectiv diminuarea disparitatilor de dezvoltare economica si sociala dintre Romania si media dezvoltarii statelor membre ale UE, reducerea decalajelor fata de productivitatea la nivelul Uniunii Europene, valorificarea sectorului productiv bazata pe extindere, diversificare produs, retehnologizare si modernizare inovativa, prin achizitia de utilaje noi si performante, promovarea dezvoltarii durabile, diminuarea impactului negativ asupra mediului prin tehnologie inovativa si cu consum redus de energie. Obiectivul general contribuie astfel la realizarea obiectivului general al POR, respectiv cresterea competitivitatii economice si imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata ale comunitatilor locale si regionale prin sprijinirea dezvoltarii mediului de afaceri, a conditiilor infrastructurale si a serviciilor, care sa asigure o dezvoltare sustenabila a regiunilor, capabile sa gestioneze in mod eficient resursele, sa valorifice potentialul lor de inovare si de asimilare a progresului tehnologic. Totodata acest proiect va dezvolta compania ENERGROM pentru îmbunătățirea capacităților avansate de dezvoltare a produselor și a serviciilor ce le ofera, în vederea creșterii competitivității economiilor regionale și naționale. În acest sens, ENERGROM a gasit unui model optim de creștere, în sensul dezvoltării activității desfășurate, în scopul creșterii dimensiunii pieței adresate (piața locală să devină regională, națională sau internațională). Achizitionarea de utilaje performante si mai eficiente energetic prin intermediul acestui proiect, utilaje in vederea manipularii si prelucrarii materialelor de deseuri feroase, va avea ca efect imbunatatirea calitatii mediului inconjurator si de crestere a eficientei energetice, indeplinind astfel sub-criteriul 3.1. b. Retehnologizarea/achizitionarea echipamentelor mai eficiente energetc - Anexa 4 - Grila de evaluare tehnica si financiara. In momentul de fata unitatea Bocsa are utilaje si echipamente foarte invechite, achizitionate de peste minim 10 ani, chiar si utilaje din anii 90'. Intretinerea si repararea acestora sunt extrem de costisitoare, in plus consumul de combustibil este foarte nevoias. Ca urmare, achizitionarea unor astfel de utilaje deschide noi perspective pentru societate in ceea ce priveste eficientizarea procesului de lcuru cu costuri mult mai reduse, ENERGROM SRL doreste a diversifica unitatea de productie prin oferirea unor noi servicii si produse, care nu au fost prestate si vandute anterior in unitate. D (Romanian)
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The general object of the project is to improve the economic competitiveness of ENERGROM by increasing the productivity of the work in SMEs in the field of ferrous waste recovery, using the endogenous potential of the West and in the space of Caras Severin county, which will play an important role in regional and local economic development, being part of the achievement of the objective of the National Regional Development Strategy and the National Reference Framework, that is, reducing the disparities in economic and social development between Romania and the average development of the EU Member States, reducing the gap in productivity across the European Union, capitalising on the productive sector based on expansion, product diversification, retrofitting and innovative modernisation, by purchasing new and high-performance machinery, promoting sustainable development, reducing the negative impact on the environment through innovative technology and low energy consumption. The general objective thus contributes to the achievement of the general objective of the ROP, namely to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure conditions and services, ensuring a sustainable development of the regions, capable of efficiently managing resources, capitalising on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress. At the same time, this project will develop ENERGROM to improve the advanced capabilities of developing products and services that offer them, in order to increase the competitiveness of regional and national economies. In this respect, ENERGROM has found an optimal growth model, in order to develop the activity carried out, in order to increase the size of the targeted market (local market to become regional, national or international). The purchase of efficient and more energy efficient machinery through this project, machinery for handling and processing of ferrous waste materials, will have the effect of improving the quality of the environment and increasing energy efficiency, thus meeting sub-criterion 3.1. b. Retrofitting/purchasing more efficient energy equipment – Annex 4 – Technical and financial evaluation grid. At the moment the Bocsa unit has very outdated machinery and equipment, purchased for more than 10 years, even machines from the 90's. Their maintenance and repair are extremely costly, in addition the fuel consumption is very needy. As a result, the purchase of such machines opens up new perspectives for the company in terms of efficiency of the luru process with much lower costs, ENERGROM SRL wants to diversify the production unit by offering new services and products, which have not been previously supplied and sold in the unit. D (English)
16 September 2021
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Oraş Bocşa, Romania
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