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Project Q3098311 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3098311 in Romania


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    22,568,789.77 Romanian Leu
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    4,513,757.954 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    27,195,393.5 Romanian Leu
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    5,439,078.7 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    82.99 percent
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    1 February 2018
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    1 January 2021
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    46°56'50.93"N, 24°52'18.37"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului/Scopul proiectului Obiectivul general al proiectului este: Diminuarea fenomenului de excluziune sociala si saracie in comunitatea marginalizata din comuna DEDA, jud. Mures, prin furnizarea de masuri integrate de sprijin si asistenta pentru 150 de gospodarii, respectiv 565 persoane. Obiectivul general al proiectului se va realiza prin furnizarea de servicii integrate de crestere a accesului si a participarii la educatie, sprijin pentru accesul si mentinerea pe piata muncii, sustinerea antreprenoriatului, furnizarea de servicii medicale si sociale, imbunatatirea conditiilor de locuit, asistenta jurdica pentru reglementarea actelor, care se adreseaza membrilor comunitatii marginalizate din comuna DEDA, in numar de 565 de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, din care 336 persoane beneficiare de masuri de ocupare din care cel putin 35,10% femei si 30% persoane de etnie roma din total grupul tinta de 565 persoane. Prin obiectivul general asumat, proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific major al programului POCU, respectiv ″dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie si formare profesionala de calitate, stimularea ocuparii, cu precadere pentru tineri, reducerea saraciei si a excluziunii sociale prin facilitarea accesului de servicii sociale si de sanatate″ si apelului de proiecte "Dezvoltare Locala Integrata (DLI 360°) in comunitatile marginalizate", finantat prin Axa prioritara 4/Prioritatea de investitii 9.ii/Obiectivul specific 4.1. ” Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate în risc de saracie și excluziune sociala din comunitațile marginalizate în care exista populație aparținând minoritații rome, prin implementarea de masuri integrate” propunand furnizarea de masuri integrate in scopul combaterii fenomenului de excluziuniune sociala si a saraciei ce afecteaza aprox. 150 de gospodarii (565 pers.) din comunitatea marginalizata roma si saraca din comuna DEDA, jud. Mures. Proiectul de fata propune dezvoltarea unui pachet integrat de masuri de sprijin cu impact atat la nivel de individ, cat si la nivelul comunitatii marginalizate din Comuna DEDA, masuri ce vor contribui in mod hotarator la imbunatatirea competentelor profesionale a membrilor comunittii, dezvoltarea abilitatilor antreprenoriale, imbunatatirea starii de sanatate si reglementarea situatiei juridice, precum și a situației locative, acolo unde situatia o cere. In acest scop, se propune dezvoltarea si implementarea de programe integrate in vederea creșterii accesului la educație pentru 200 de persoane din care 60 romi – prin masuri de educație parentala, programe de prevenire a abandonului scolar, sprijin pentru menținrea elevilor într-o forma de învațamânt,program de tip A doua sansa, participarii la formare pentru persoaele active din comunitate (336 pers. din care 101 pers. de etnie roma), facilitarea accesului pe piata muncii a persoanelor neocupate sau somere prin imbunatatirea compet (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project/Project purpose The general objective of the project is: Reducing the phenomenon of social exclusion and poverty in the marginalised community in the commune deda, jud. Mures, by providing integrated support and assistance measures for 150 households, respectively 565 people. The general objective of the project will be achieved by providing integrated services to increase access and participation in education, support for access and maintenance on the labour market, support entrepreneurship, provision of medical and social services, improvement of living conditions, legal assistance for the regulation of documents, which is addressed to members of the marginalised community from the community, in 565 people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, of which 336 people benefit from employment measures, of which at least 35.10 % women and 30 % Roma people from the total target group of 565 persons. Through the general objective, the project contributes to the achievement of the main specific objective of the POCU program, namely the development of human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion by facilitating access to social and health services and the call for projects “Integrated Local Development (DLI 360°) in marginalised communities”, financed by Priority Axis 4/Priority of Investments 9.ii/Obiectivul “The reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in marginalised communities in which there is a population belonging to Roma minorities, by implementing integrated measures” proposing to provide integrated measures to combat the phenomenon of social exclusion and poverty affecting approx. 150 households (565 pers.) from the marginalised Roma and poor community in the commune deda, jud. Mures. Mures. This project proposes the development of an integrated package of support measures with impact both at individual level and at the level of the marginalised community in the commune, measures that will contribute decisively to improving the professional competences of community members, developing entrepreneurial skills, improving health status and regulating the legal situation, as well as housing situation, where the situation requires. To this end, it is proposed to develop and implement integrated programs in order to increase access to education for 200 people of whom 60 Roma – through parental education measures, programs to prevent school dropouts, support for keeping students in a form of learning, second chance programme, participation in training for active persons in the community (336 pers. of which 101 Roma persons), facilitating access to the labour market for unemployed or unemployed persons by improving the compet (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Deda, Romania
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