The development of Led Lighting Solutions through a new investment in the manufacturing of electric lighting equipment (Q2742273): Difference between revisions

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Développement de solutions d’éclairage LED grâce à de nouveaux investissements dans la fabrication d’équipements d’éclairage électrique

Revision as of 09:18, 26 November 2021

Project Q2742273 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
The development of Led Lighting Solutions through a new investment in the manufacturing of electric lighting equipment
Project Q2742273 in Romania


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    3,500,344.455 Romanian Leu
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    700,068.8910000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,787,189.0 Romanian Leu
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    1,157,437.8 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    60.48 percent
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    17 April 2018
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    31 March 2020
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    45°14'50.50"N, 28°8'2.94"E
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    Obiectiv general Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta dezvoltarea societatii prin diversificarea si introducerea unei activitati noi in cadrul societatii , respectiv activitatea avand cod CAEN 2740 –fabricarea de echipamente electrice de iluminat Activitatea introdusa prin proiect se va desfasura la adresa locului de implementare, la punctul de lucru infiintat prin proiectul de fata si care este situat in Orasul Macin str Portului nr 21, jud Tulcea- hala de productie in suprafata de 327 mp (cladire corp 5-Ateler mecanic Hala de productie) Introducerea noii activitati va fi posibila ca urmare a realizarii unei investitii initiale constand in achitionarea unei linii tehnologice automate de productie a componentelor SMD de tip LED, a instalatiei pentru asamblarea driverelor aferente componentelor SMD de tip LED, a unui soft folosit in procesul de fabricare a sistemelor de iluminat ( a produsului finit) care va avea ca rezultat livrarea unui produs –componente electrice care pot fi gestionate ( aprindere/stingere/control tensiune luminozitate) de la distanta, prin telefon , prin sistem wi-fi, ( aceasta reprezentand o solutie inovatoare la nivel mondial, nu doar pentru Romania) , dotarea halei de productie cu instalatie de climatizare/ventilare, cu sistem de supraveghere video la interior si exterior, prin dezvoltarea unui magazin virtual prin care se vor vinde produsele fabricate cu linia tehnologica amintita anterior, prin si prin crearea a 5 locuri de munca noi, cu norma intreaga, pe perioada nedeterminata, certificarea managmentului calitatii, a serviciilor si nu in ultimul rand prin intentia de a internationaliza afacerea, prin vanzarea produselor pe care le vom fabrica in strainatate. Prin implementarea acestui proiect, societatea vizeaza cresterea sustenabila a competitivitatii economice si productivitatii intreprinderii, cu asigurarea principiilor dezvoltarii durabile si reducerea decalajelor fata de productivitatea la nivelul Uniunii Europene, prin diversificarea activitatii si inovarea facuta prin achizitionarea de utilaje performante, de tehnologie noua. Obiectivul general al proiectului se poate atinge prin implementarea proiectului prin intermediul oportunităţii de finanţare oferite de Programul Operaţional Regional 2014-2020- Axa prioritară 2 - imbunatatirea competitivitatii intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii –Prioritatea de investitii 2.2 - Sprijinirea creării și extinderea capacităților avansate de producție și dezvoltarea serviciilor APEL DEDICAT ZONEI DE INVESTIŢIE TERITORIALĂ INTEGRATĂ DELTA DUNĂRII Indeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului contribuie la indeplinirea obiectivului general POR 2014-2020 , cresterea competitivitatii economice si imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata ale comunitatilor locale si regionale, prin dezvoltarea mediului de afaceri, infrastructurii si serviciilor, pentru dezvoltarea durabila a regiunilor, astfel incat acestea sa isi valorifice potentialul de inovare si de (Romanian)
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    General objective The general objective of the project is the development of the company by diversifying and introducing a new activity within the company, namely the activity having the code CAEN 2740 – the manufacturing of electrical lighting equipment The activity introduced by the project will be carried out at the site of implementation, at the working point established by the present project and located in Macin Street Portului no. 21, Tulcea County – production hall in surface area of 327 sqm (building 5-Mechanical Ateler Production Hall) the new activities will be possible as a result of an initial investment consisting of the purchase of an automatic technology line for the production of SMD LED components, the installation for assembling the drivers related to the LED SMD components, a software used in the manufacturing of lighting systems (the finished product) which will result in the delivery of a product – electrical components that can be managed (ignition/extinguishing/control brightness voltage) remotely, by telephone, by wi-fi system, (this represents an innovative solution worldwide, not just for Romania), equipping the production hall with air conditioning/ventilation installation, with video surveillance system on the inside and outside, by developing a virtual store that will sell the products manufactured with the technological line mentioned above, by creating 5 new jobs, full-time, for the indefinite period, certification of quality management, services and last but not least by the intention to internationalise the business, by selling the products we will manufacture abroad. By implementing this project, the company aims to sustainably increase the economic competitiveness and productivity of the enterprise, ensuring the principles of sustainable development and reducing the gap in productivity across the European Union, by diversifying the activity and innovation made by purchasing high-performance machinery, new technology. The general objective of the project can be achieved by implementing the project through the funding opportunity offered by the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 – Priority Axis 2 – Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises – Investment Priority 2.2 – Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced production capacities and developing services CALL DEDICATED TERRITORIAL INVESTMENT INVESTMENT INVESTMENT DELTA DUNĂRIRIIAL INVESTMENT DELTA DEVELOPMENT Achieving the overall objective of the project contributes to achieving the overall objective of the 2014-2020 ROP, increasing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities, through the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services, thus for their sustainable development of the regions (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Măcin, Romania
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