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(Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project “Return Engagement W GMINIE SCVT I Zalewo”, to be submitted by the Iława Association, is an increase in the level of social integration of 128 people from families with problems of helpfulness in care and domestic care, addiction and violence in the municipality of Sulz and Zalewo, through an increase in social skills, obtained by taking them and their families up to 07.2019 social services — activation and integration. Th...) |
Property / summary | |||
The aim of the project “Return Engagement W GMINIE SCVT I Zalewo”, to be submitted by the Iława Association, is an increase in the level of social integration of 128 people from families with problems of helpfulness in care and domestic care, addiction and violence in the municipality of Sulz and Zalewo, through an increase in social skills, obtained by taking them and their families up to 07.2019 social services — activation and integration. The increase in the level of social integration will contribute to the integration of participants in the project into society, which will consequently affect their subsequent integration into the community. Project participants, recruited in 2 rounds, will be covered by the social services developed for them under the Individual Support Plan. They will be chosen to take care of a wide range of social services, which are carried out at fixed and outgoing facilities, such as psychoeducation, personal development activities, counselling and young people based on the socio-therapy programme. In the family of ‘Rodzina Together’, participants will work with their families during joint family visits, with parents moving to a school for parents and young people aged over 14 years in adulthood. All work with specific families requiring special support (terapia of the family) and interesting thematic seminars and joint amusement families. The main result indicators for project participants and project planned are: an increase in social skills, an increase in self-esteem, an increase in educational skills, an increase in skills for conflict resolution in the family, or a reduction in family problems caused by the problem of violence and alcohol abuse, and caring for care. The project will be implemented in a social and public partnership with the municipalities of Sulz and Zalewo. (English) | |||
Property / summary: The aim of the project “Return Engagement W GMINIE SCVT I Zalewo”, to be submitted by the Iława Association, is an increase in the level of social integration of 128 people from families with problems of helpfulness in care and domestic care, addiction and violence in the municipality of Sulz and Zalewo, through an increase in social skills, obtained by taking them and their families up to 07.2019 social services — activation and integration. The increase in the level of social integration will contribute to the integration of participants in the project into society, which will consequently affect their subsequent integration into the community. Project participants, recruited in 2 rounds, will be covered by the social services developed for them under the Individual Support Plan. They will be chosen to take care of a wide range of social services, which are carried out at fixed and outgoing facilities, such as psychoeducation, personal development activities, counselling and young people based on the socio-therapy programme. In the family of ‘Rodzina Together’, participants will work with their families during joint family visits, with parents moving to a school for parents and young people aged over 14 years in adulthood. All work with specific families requiring special support (terapia of the family) and interesting thematic seminars and joint amusement families. The main result indicators for project participants and project planned are: an increase in social skills, an increase in self-esteem, an increase in educational skills, an increase in skills for conflict resolution in the family, or a reduction in family problems caused by the problem of violence and alcohol abuse, and caring for care. The project will be implemented in a social and public partnership with the municipalities of Sulz and Zalewo. (English) / rank | |||
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Revision as of 13:10, 10 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
704,348.25 zloty
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828,645.0 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 May 2017
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31 July 2019
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Celem projektu „RODZINNA PRZYSTAŃ W GMINIE SUSZ I ZALEWO”, składanego przez Stowarzyszenie Przystań z Iławy, jest wzrost poziomu integracji społecznej 128 osób z rodzin z problemami bezradności w sprawach opiekuńczo-wychowawczych i prowadzenia gospodarstwa domowego, uzależnień i przemocy z gminy Susz i Zalewo poprzez wzrost umiejętności społecznych, uzyskany dzięki objęciu ich i ich rodzin do 07.2019 r. usługami społecznymi - aktywizacyjno-integracyjnymi. Wzrost poziomu integracji społecznej przyczyni się do większej integracji uczestników projektu ze społeczeństwem, co w konsekwencji wpłynie na ich późniejszą integrację zawodową. Uczestnicy projektu, zrekrutowani w 2 naborach, zostaną objęci usługami społecznymi, przygotowanymi dla nich w ramach Indywidualnego planu wsparcia. Przejdą wybrane dla nich zajęcia z szerokiej palety usług społecznych, realizowanych stacjonarnie i wyjazdowo, psychoedukację, zajęcia z zakresu rozwoju osobistego, poradnictwo, zaś młodzież zajęcia oparte na programie socjoterapii. W zadaniu „Rodzina razem” uczestnicy będą pracować całymi rodzinami w trakcie wspólnych wyjazdów rodzinnych, rodzice przejdą Szkołę dla rodziców, zaś młodzież powyżej 14. roku życia zajęcia z cyklu Wchodzę w dorosłość. Całość dopełni praca z konkretnymi rodzinami wymagającymi specjalnego wsparcia (Terapia rodzin) oraz ciekawe seminaria tematyczne i wspólne zabawy integrujące rodziny. Głównymi wskaźnikami rezultatu, dotyczącymi uczestników projektu i zaplanowanymi w projekcie są: wzrost umiejętności społecznych, wzrost poczucia własnej wartości, wzrost umiejętności wychowawczych, wzrost umiejętności rozwiązywania konfliktów w rodzinie czy zmniejszenie problemów rodzinnych wynikających z problemu przemocy i nadużywania alkoholu oraz bezradności w sprawach opiekuńczo-wychowawczych. Projekt będzie realizowany w partnerstwie społeczno-publicznym z samorządem gmin Susz i Zalewo. (Polish)
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The aim of the project “Return Engagement W GMINIE SCVT I Zalewo”, to be submitted by the Iława Association, is an increase in the level of social integration of 128 people from families with problems of helpfulness in care and domestic care, addiction and violence in the municipality of Sulz and Zalewo, through an increase in social skills, obtained by taking them and their families up to 07.2019 social services — activation and integration. The increase in the level of social integration will contribute to the integration of participants in the project into society, which will consequently affect their subsequent integration into the community. Project participants, recruited in 2 rounds, will be covered by the social services developed for them under the Individual Support Plan. They will be chosen to take care of a wide range of social services, which are carried out at fixed and outgoing facilities, such as psychoeducation, personal development activities, counselling and young people based on the socio-therapy programme. In the family of ‘Rodzina Together’, participants will work with their families during joint family visits, with parents moving to a school for parents and young people aged over 14 years in adulthood. All work with specific families requiring special support (terapia of the family) and interesting thematic seminars and joint amusement families. The main result indicators for project participants and project planned are: an increase in social skills, an increase in self-esteem, an increase in educational skills, an increase in skills for conflict resolution in the family, or a reduction in family problems caused by the problem of violence and alcohol abuse, and caring for care. The project will be implemented in a social and public partnership with the municipalities of Sulz and Zalewo. (English)
0 references
0 references