Q3758813 (Q3758813): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The operating environment of Lappish companies and organisations is changing, especially as a result of digitalisation, age change, internationalisation and sustainability requirements. In Lapland, the drivers of break-through affect all industries and require companies and other organisations to have knowledge of them. Changes in the operating environment must be taken into account as part of the management of companies and other organisations....)
Property / summary
The operating environment of Lappish companies and organisations is changing, especially as a result of digitalisation, age change, internationalisation and sustainability requirements. In Lapland, the drivers of break-through affect all industries and require companies and other organisations to have knowledge of them. Changes in the operating environment must be taken into account as part of the management of companies and other organisations. Lappish companies and organisations currently have a lot of discussion about leadership and its development. In particular, the management of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) faces challenges to take advantage of changes in the operating environment, such as digitalisation, the international workforce, sustainability requirements, the development of staff’s well-being and skills, economic skills and the transition to new markets. These also pose challenges in the management of public sector organisations. The aim of the project is to develop companies’ change, well-being and future management in such a way that strengthening skills will bring efficiency and enable companies to grow and improve well-being at work. The aim of the project — to study the competence needs of companies in the region and other employers‘organisations in terms of management — is to develop measures and trainings to meet these skills needs — to develop the quality of operations of companies and other employer organisations — to increase the skills of change, well-being and future management in target organisations — to increase networking between companies and other employers’ organisations The project will bring together a management network involving representatives of Lappish companies and other organisations. Building on the skills needs of the companies and other organisations that form part of the network, measures and trainings for upskilling will be developed. The project develops the concept of the Northern Leadership Forum, which includes the Leadership Network, a supporting digital platform, trainings and the preparation of training and development plans to support peer learning. As a result of the project, the management quality, well-being at work and productivity of companies and organisations will be improved. Companies and organisations in the region will learn how to manage and also use the factors of change that will become stronger in the future. The project strengthens cooperation on networking and management between Lappish companies and industries. The project is carried out in cooperation between Redu, Lapland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Lapland. (English)
Property / summary: The operating environment of Lappish companies and organisations is changing, especially as a result of digitalisation, age change, internationalisation and sustainability requirements. In Lapland, the drivers of break-through affect all industries and require companies and other organisations to have knowledge of them. Changes in the operating environment must be taken into account as part of the management of companies and other organisations. Lappish companies and organisations currently have a lot of discussion about leadership and its development. In particular, the management of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) faces challenges to take advantage of changes in the operating environment, such as digitalisation, the international workforce, sustainability requirements, the development of staff’s well-being and skills, economic skills and the transition to new markets. These also pose challenges in the management of public sector organisations. The aim of the project is to develop companies’ change, well-being and future management in such a way that strengthening skills will bring efficiency and enable companies to grow and improve well-being at work. The aim of the project — to study the competence needs of companies in the region and other employers‘organisations in terms of management — is to develop measures and trainings to meet these skills needs — to develop the quality of operations of companies and other employer organisations — to increase the skills of change, well-being and future management in target organisations — to increase networking between companies and other employers’ organisations The project will bring together a management network involving representatives of Lappish companies and other organisations. Building on the skills needs of the companies and other organisations that form part of the network, measures and trainings for upskilling will be developed. The project develops the concept of the Northern Leadership Forum, which includes the Leadership Network, a supporting digital platform, trainings and the preparation of training and development plans to support peer learning. As a result of the project, the management quality, well-being at work and productivity of companies and organisations will be improved. Companies and organisations in the region will learn how to manage and also use the factors of change that will become stronger in the future. The project strengthens cooperation on networking and management between Lappish companies and industries. The project is carried out in cooperation between Redu, Lapland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Lapland. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The operating environment of Lappish companies and organisations is changing, especially as a result of digitalisation, age change, internationalisation and sustainability requirements. In Lapland, the drivers of break-through affect all industries and require companies and other organisations to have knowledge of them. Changes in the operating environment must be taken into account as part of the management of companies and other organisations. Lappish companies and organisations currently have a lot of discussion about leadership and its development. In particular, the management of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) faces challenges to take advantage of changes in the operating environment, such as digitalisation, the international workforce, sustainability requirements, the development of staff’s well-being and skills, economic skills and the transition to new markets. These also pose challenges in the management of public sector organisations. The aim of the project is to develop companies’ change, well-being and future management in such a way that strengthening skills will bring efficiency and enable companies to grow and improve well-being at work. The aim of the project — to study the competence needs of companies in the region and other employers‘organisations in terms of management — is to develop measures and trainings to meet these skills needs — to develop the quality of operations of companies and other employer organisations — to increase the skills of change, well-being and future management in target organisations — to increase networking between companies and other employers’ organisations The project will bring together a management network involving representatives of Lappish companies and other organisations. Building on the skills needs of the companies and other organisations that form part of the network, measures and trainings for upskilling will be developed. The project develops the concept of the Northern Leadership Forum, which includes the Leadership Network, a supporting digital platform, trainings and the preparation of training and development plans to support peer learning. As a result of the project, the management quality, well-being at work and productivity of companies and organisations will be improved. Companies and organisations in the region will learn how to manage and also use the factors of change that will become stronger in the future. The project strengthens cooperation on networking and management between Lappish companies and industries. The project is carried out in cooperation between Redu, Lapland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Lapland. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 23 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 04:34, 23 November 2021

Project Q3758813 in France
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Project Q3758813 in France


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    242,820 Euro
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    580,828.0 Euro
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    41.81 percent
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    1 August 2020
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    31 May 2023
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    Rovaniemen Koulutuskuntayhtymä
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    Lappilaisten yritysten ja organisaatioiden toimintaympäristö on muuttumassa erityisesti digitalisaation, ikärakenteen muutoksen, kansainvälistymisen ja kestävää kehitystä koskevien vaatimusten myötä. Murrostekijät vaikuttavat Lapissa kaikilla toimialoilla ja edellyttävät yrityksiltä ja muilta organisaatioilta niitä koskevaa osaamista. Toimintaympäristön muutos on huomioitava osana yritysten ja muiden organisaatioiden johtamista. Lappilaisissa yrityksissä ja organisaatioissa keskustellaan tällä hetkellä paljon johtajuudesta ja sen kehittämisestä. Erityisesti mikro- ja pk-yritysten johtamisella on haasteita hyödyntää toimintaympäristön muutoksia, jotka liittyvät muun muassa digitalisaatioon, kansainväliseen työvoimaan, kestävän kehityksen vaatimuksiin, henkilöstön hyvinvoinnin ja osaamisen kehittämiseen, talousosaamiseen ja uusille markkinoille siirtymiseen. Näihin liittyy haasteita myös julkisen sektorin organisaatioiden johtamisessa. Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää yritysten muutos-, hyvinvointi- ja tulevaisuusjohtamista siten, että osaamisen vahvistaminen tuo tuloksellisuutta ja mahdollistaa yritysten kasvua sekä parantaa työhyvinvointia. Hankkeen tavoitteena - on selvittää alueen yritysten ja muiden työnantajaorganisaatioiden osaamistarpeita johtamiseen liittyen - on kehittää toimenpiteitä ja koulutuksia, joilla voidaan vastata näihin yritysten osaamistarpeisin - on kehittää yritysten ja muiden työnantajaorganisaatioiden toiminnan laatua - on lisätä muutos-, hyvinvointi- ja tulevaisuusjohtamisen osaamista kohderyhmäorganisaatioissa - on lisätä yritysten ja muiden työnantajaorganisaatioiden verkostoitumista Hankkeessa kootaan johtamisverkosto, johon tulevat mukaan lappilaisten yritysten ja muiden organisaatioiden edustajat. Verkostoon kuuluvien yritysten ja muiden organisaatioiden osaamistarpeiden pohjalta kehitetään osaamisen lisäämisen toimenpiteet ja koulutukset. Hankkeessa muotoillaan Pohjoisen johtamisen foorumin konsepti, joka sisältää johtamisverkoston, sitä tukevan digitaalisen alustan, koulutukset sekä vertaisoppimista tukevien koulutus- ja kehittämissuunnitelmien laadinnan. Hankkeen tuloksena yritysten ja organisaatioiden johtamisen laatu, työhyvinvointi ja tuottavuus paranevat. Alueen yritykset ja organisaatiot oppivat hallitsemaan ja myös hyödyntämään tulevaisuudessa vahvistuvia muutostekijöitä. Hanke vahvistaa lappilaisten yritysten sekä toimialojen välistä verkostoitumista ja johtamista koskevaa yhteistyötä. Hanke toteutetaan Lapin koulutuskeskus REDUn, Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun ja Lapin yliopiston yhteistyönä. (Finnish)
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    The operating environment of Lappish companies and organisations is changing, especially as a result of digitalisation, age change, internationalisation and sustainability requirements. In Lapland, the drivers of break-through affect all industries and require companies and other organisations to have knowledge of them. Changes in the operating environment must be taken into account as part of the management of companies and other organisations. Lappish companies and organisations currently have a lot of discussion about leadership and its development. In particular, the management of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) faces challenges to take advantage of changes in the operating environment, such as digitalisation, the international workforce, sustainability requirements, the development of staff’s well-being and skills, economic skills and the transition to new markets. These also pose challenges in the management of public sector organisations. The aim of the project is to develop companies’ change, well-being and future management in such a way that strengthening skills will bring efficiency and enable companies to grow and improve well-being at work. The aim of the project — to study the competence needs of companies in the region and other employers‘organisations in terms of management — is to develop measures and trainings to meet these skills needs — to develop the quality of operations of companies and other employer organisations — to increase the skills of change, well-being and future management in target organisations — to increase networking between companies and other employers’ organisations The project will bring together a management network involving representatives of Lappish companies and other organisations. Building on the skills needs of the companies and other organisations that form part of the network, measures and trainings for upskilling will be developed. The project develops the concept of the Northern Leadership Forum, which includes the Leadership Network, a supporting digital platform, trainings and the preparation of training and development plans to support peer learning. As a result of the project, the management quality, well-being at work and productivity of companies and organisations will be improved. Companies and organisations in the region will learn how to manage and also use the factors of change that will become stronger in the future. The project strengthens cooperation on networking and management between Lappish companies and industries. The project is carried out in cooperation between Redu, Lapland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Lapland. (English)
    23 November 2021
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