Q3758754 (Q3758754): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The key themes of Satakunta’s smart specialisation strategy are industrial renewal, automation and robotics. The new government programme encourages the introduction of new technologies and the development of new ideas and a culture of experimentation. From the point of view of education, the new government programme emphasises continuous learning and encourages higher education institutions to reform it. Satakunta’s Economy Review, published on...)
Property / summary
The key themes of Satakunta’s smart specialisation strategy are industrial renewal, automation and robotics. The new government programme encourages the introduction of new technologies and the development of new ideas and a culture of experimentation. From the point of view of education, the new government programme emphasises continuous learning and encourages higher education institutions to reform it. Satakunta’s Economy Review, published on 15 May 2019, states that turnover in automation and robotics sectors has grown remarkably fast (34.3 %) and similarly the number of employees increased significantly (6.7 %). The transformation capacity of SMEs and industrial subcontracting companies is key to the region’s business and business. If the potential for growth is not fully exploited, the limited availability of skilled labour will lead to the expansion of subcontracting chains abroad and the lack of domestic labour. In order to maintain favourable development, industry in the region must continue to actively develop its productivity. In this context, the higher education institutions in the region play an important role in the development of knowledge.Robotics training as a guideline for growth companies focuses on creating new human capital and spreading it to Satakunta in order to increase the competitiveness of the region’s enterprises. The project will develop a nationally significant in-service training package focusing on the ROS robotic ecosystem, which will contribute to Satakunta’s smart specialisation in robotics. The educational package brings a significant addition to the area’s adult learning offer. The training package provides the trainee with a knowledge base that enables them to develop and improve the functioning of the employer’s business or to set up their own business. The training package will be developed in cooperation between universities and businesses. The content will be supported by the creation of an online training platform for universities, which enables learning independently of time and place. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises need cost-effective, transformable robotics solutions. It is the Robot Operating System (ROOS) that responds to this challenge. ROS is a development platform for robotics programming, which aims to make robotics development easier, faster and more communal. By 2024, commercial ROS applications are expected to grow by 55 %, the manufacturing of ROS-based robots is expected to rise to 13.5 million units and the ROS platform’s market value to USD 467 million. The aim of this project is that Satakunta companies, supported by local universities, will benefit from this growth. Growth will be made possible by raising the awareness and skills of companies and their employees. (English)
Property / summary: The key themes of Satakunta’s smart specialisation strategy are industrial renewal, automation and robotics. The new government programme encourages the introduction of new technologies and the development of new ideas and a culture of experimentation. From the point of view of education, the new government programme emphasises continuous learning and encourages higher education institutions to reform it. Satakunta’s Economy Review, published on 15 May 2019, states that turnover in automation and robotics sectors has grown remarkably fast (34.3 %) and similarly the number of employees increased significantly (6.7 %). The transformation capacity of SMEs and industrial subcontracting companies is key to the region’s business and business. If the potential for growth is not fully exploited, the limited availability of skilled labour will lead to the expansion of subcontracting chains abroad and the lack of domestic labour. In order to maintain favourable development, industry in the region must continue to actively develop its productivity. In this context, the higher education institutions in the region play an important role in the development of knowledge.Robotics training as a guideline for growth companies focuses on creating new human capital and spreading it to Satakunta in order to increase the competitiveness of the region’s enterprises. The project will develop a nationally significant in-service training package focusing on the ROS robotic ecosystem, which will contribute to Satakunta’s smart specialisation in robotics. The educational package brings a significant addition to the area’s adult learning offer. The training package provides the trainee with a knowledge base that enables them to develop and improve the functioning of the employer’s business or to set up their own business. The training package will be developed in cooperation between universities and businesses. The content will be supported by the creation of an online training platform for universities, which enables learning independently of time and place. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises need cost-effective, transformable robotics solutions. It is the Robot Operating System (ROOS) that responds to this challenge. ROS is a development platform for robotics programming, which aims to make robotics development easier, faster and more communal. By 2024, commercial ROS applications are expected to grow by 55 %, the manufacturing of ROS-based robots is expected to rise to 13.5 million units and the ROS platform’s market value to USD 467 million. The aim of this project is that Satakunta companies, supported by local universities, will benefit from this growth. Growth will be made possible by raising the awareness and skills of companies and their employees. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The key themes of Satakunta’s smart specialisation strategy are industrial renewal, automation and robotics. The new government programme encourages the introduction of new technologies and the development of new ideas and a culture of experimentation. From the point of view of education, the new government programme emphasises continuous learning and encourages higher education institutions to reform it. Satakunta’s Economy Review, published on 15 May 2019, states that turnover in automation and robotics sectors has grown remarkably fast (34.3 %) and similarly the number of employees increased significantly (6.7 %). The transformation capacity of SMEs and industrial subcontracting companies is key to the region’s business and business. If the potential for growth is not fully exploited, the limited availability of skilled labour will lead to the expansion of subcontracting chains abroad and the lack of domestic labour. In order to maintain favourable development, industry in the region must continue to actively develop its productivity. In this context, the higher education institutions in the region play an important role in the development of knowledge.Robotics training as a guideline for growth companies focuses on creating new human capital and spreading it to Satakunta in order to increase the competitiveness of the region’s enterprises. The project will develop a nationally significant in-service training package focusing on the ROS robotic ecosystem, which will contribute to Satakunta’s smart specialisation in robotics. The educational package brings a significant addition to the area’s adult learning offer. The training package provides the trainee with a knowledge base that enables them to develop and improve the functioning of the employer’s business or to set up their own business. The training package will be developed in cooperation between universities and businesses. The content will be supported by the creation of an online training platform for universities, which enables learning independently of time and place. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises need cost-effective, transformable robotics solutions. It is the Robot Operating System (ROOS) that responds to this challenge. ROS is a development platform for robotics programming, which aims to make robotics development easier, faster and more communal. By 2024, commercial ROS applications are expected to grow by 55 %, the manufacturing of ROS-based robots is expected to rise to 13.5 million units and the ROS platform’s market value to USD 467 million. The aim of this project is that Satakunta companies, supported by local universities, will benefit from this growth. Growth will be made possible by raising the awareness and skills of companies and their employees. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 23 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 04:34, 23 November 2021

Project Q3758754 in France
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Project Q3758754 in France


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    241,261.0 Euro
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    1 March 2020
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    31 December 2021
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    Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
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    Satakunnan älykkään erikoistumisen strategian kärkiteemoja ovat teollisuuden uudistuminen, automaatio ja robotiikka. Uudessa hallitusohjelmassa kannustetaan uusien teknologioiden käyttöönottoon ja uusien ideoiden sekä kokeilukulttuurin leivittämiseen. Koulutuksen näkökulmasta uusi hallitusohjelma korostaa jatkuvaa oppimista ja kannustaa korkeakouluja sen uudistamiseen.15.5.2019 julkaistussa Satakunnan talous –katsauksessa todetaan, että automaatio- ja robotiikka-alojen liikevaihto on kasvanut huomattavan nopeasti (34,3%) ja samoin henkilöstömäärä kohonnut selvästi (6,7 %). Alueen yritys- ja liiketoiminnan kannalta keskeistä on pk-sektorin ja teollisuuden alihankintayritysten muutoskyky. Mikäli kasvun mahdollisuutta ei täysimääräisesti hyödynnetä, sen vaikutuksena osaavan työvoiman heikko saatavuus johtaa siihen, että alihankintaketjut laajenevat ulkomaille, eikä kotimaista työvoimaa saada käyttöön. Suotuisan kehityksen ylläpitämiseksi alueen teollisuuden on jatkossakin aktiivisesti kehitettävä tuottavuuttaan. Tässä alueen korkeakouluilla on merkittävä rooli osaamisen kehittämisen näkökulmasta.Robotiikan koulutus kasvuyritysten ohjenuorana –hankkeessa keskitytään luomaan uutta osaamispääomaa ja levittämään sitä Satakuntaan, jotta alueen yritysten kilpailukyky kasvaa. Hankkeessa kehitetään valtakunnallisesti merkittävä ROS-robottiekosysteemiin keskittyvä täydennyskoulutuskokonaisuus, joka osaltaan mahdollistaa Satakunnan älykkään erikoistumisen robotiikassa. Koulutuskokonaisuus tuo merkittävän lisän alueen aikuiskoulutustarjontaan. Koulutuskokonaisuus antaa koulutettavalle osaamispohjan, jonka avulla voi kehittää ja tehostaa työnantajayrityksen toimintaa tai perustaa oman yrityksen. Koulutuskokonaisuus kehitetään korkeakoulujen ja yritysten yhteistyönä. Sisältöjen tueksi rakennetaan korkeakoulujen yhteinen, sähköinen koulutusalusta, jonka mahdollistaa ajasta ja paikasta riippumattoman opiskelun.Erityisesti pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset tarvitsevat kustannustehokkaita, muuntuvia robotiikkaratkaisuja. Juuri tähän haasteeseen vastaa ROS (Robot Operating System). ROS on kehittämisalusta robotiikan ohjelmointiin, jolla pyritään tekemään robotiikan kehittämisestä helpompaa, nopeampaa ja yhteisöllisempää. Vuoteen 2024 mennessä kaupallisten ROS-sovellusten kasvun oletetaan olevan 55 prosenttia, samoin ROS-pohjaisten robottien valmistuksen odotetaan kohoavan 13,5 miljoonaan yksikköön ja ROS-alustan markkina-arvon nousevan 467 miljoonaan dollariin. Tämän hankkeen tarkoituksena on, että Satakuntalaiset yritykset paikallisten korkeakoulujen tukemana saavat osansa tästä kasvusta. Kasvu mahdollistetaan lisäämällä yritysten ja niiden työntekijöiden tietoisuutta ja osaamista. (Finnish)
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    The key themes of Satakunta’s smart specialisation strategy are industrial renewal, automation and robotics. The new government programme encourages the introduction of new technologies and the development of new ideas and a culture of experimentation. From the point of view of education, the new government programme emphasises continuous learning and encourages higher education institutions to reform it. Satakunta’s Economy Review, published on 15 May 2019, states that turnover in automation and robotics sectors has grown remarkably fast (34.3 %) and similarly the number of employees increased significantly (6.7 %). The transformation capacity of SMEs and industrial subcontracting companies is key to the region’s business and business. If the potential for growth is not fully exploited, the limited availability of skilled labour will lead to the expansion of subcontracting chains abroad and the lack of domestic labour. In order to maintain favourable development, industry in the region must continue to actively develop its productivity. In this context, the higher education institutions in the region play an important role in the development of knowledge.Robotics training as a guideline for growth companies focuses on creating new human capital and spreading it to Satakunta in order to increase the competitiveness of the region’s enterprises. The project will develop a nationally significant in-service training package focusing on the ROS robotic ecosystem, which will contribute to Satakunta’s smart specialisation in robotics. The educational package brings a significant addition to the area’s adult learning offer. The training package provides the trainee with a knowledge base that enables them to develop and improve the functioning of the employer’s business or to set up their own business. The training package will be developed in cooperation between universities and businesses. The content will be supported by the creation of an online training platform for universities, which enables learning independently of time and place. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises need cost-effective, transformable robotics solutions. It is the Robot Operating System (ROOS) that responds to this challenge. ROS is a development platform for robotics programming, which aims to make robotics development easier, faster and more communal. By 2024, commercial ROS applications are expected to grow by 55 %, the manufacturing of ROS-based robots is expected to rise to 13.5 million units and the ROS platform’s market value to USD 467 million. The aim of this project is that Satakunta companies, supported by local universities, will benefit from this growth. Growth will be made possible by raising the awareness and skills of companies and their employees. (English)
    23 November 2021
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