Q3758566 (Q3758566): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The services and tourism sector in Lapland is undergoing a change affecting the personnel of these organisations. Staff are increasingly required to have multi-skills, flexibility and adaptability, as well as a self-improvement approach to maintaining their own skills. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are required to continuously update and develop their business. Changes in these sectors have an important impact on the well-being of employees...)
Property / summary
The services and tourism sector in Lapland is undergoing a change affecting the personnel of these organisations. Staff are increasingly required to have multi-skills, flexibility and adaptability, as well as a self-improvement approach to maintaining their own skills. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are required to continuously update and develop their business. Changes in these sectors have an important impact on the well-being of employees at work and, consequently, on productivity in companies. The development of the services and tourism sectors in Lapland requires an assessment of these industries and a wide range of information from the field. Over the past couple of years, the development services of the Lapland Education Centre REDU:ntyöelämän have charted around 150 companies operating in the tourism industry across Lapland using the C&Q competence management system. Tourist companies have been mapped in Rovaniemi, Levi and Pyhä-Luosto. The main objective and four sub-objectives of the project emerge from the results of the C&Q competence surveys carried out by the Lapland Education Centre REDU, as identified by the entrepreneurs interviewed as skills weaknesses and immediate development needs. The main objective of the project is to encourage and help companies in the services and tourism sectors in the region to find the right and effective means to develop their own business, to find new ways to engage staff, to use human resources, to improve well-being at work and to improve productivity in their business. This main objective is pursued through four sub-objectives: (1) Financial and business competence (profitable business), (2) management of personnel’s skills and utilisation of skills, providing tools to improve well-being at work and promote the overall well-being of the work community, (3) developing management and managerial quality, and (4) Involving personnel in company development, developing development discussion practices as part of productivity and well-being at work. The target group in the start-up phase of the project is already around 150 companies in the tourism sector that have participated in the CQ-Knowledge survey. Some 30 other service companies are targeted as a new target group. The measures of the project will provide Lappish micro-entrepreneurs and SMEs with new, concrete ways of long-term development of well-being at work and productivity. The key development aspect of the project is the idea that business development, profitable business and well-being at work are not separate, but form a whole. In particular, the project measures strengthen the understanding of the importance of long-term business development, the inclusion of personnel in development work, the internalisation of new practices in company, entrepreneur and personnel development, the use of electronic systems in human resources management and the introduction and development of personnel, the transfer of silent information to new employees and in particular to sole entrepreneurs, the use of various networks in addition to business activities, recruitment, induction and development of business operations. The project will create a comprehensive skills development model for Lappish micro- and small and medium-sized enterprises in the service and tourism sector, in which, taking into account the organisation’s business, in particular organisational skills, employee inclusion, use of staff resources, well-being at work and managerial work are developed. The model takes a strategic approach to the organisation’s well-being and competence at work and to the development of the above. As a result of the project, after a successful review of the development model, the impact of the development of skills and well-being at work on the organisation’s business, improving business productivity and competitiveness can be observed. The model aims for long-term, continuous development and, as a result of the project, the systematic development of rooted organisations. (English)
Property / summary: The services and tourism sector in Lapland is undergoing a change affecting the personnel of these organisations. Staff are increasingly required to have multi-skills, flexibility and adaptability, as well as a self-improvement approach to maintaining their own skills. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are required to continuously update and develop their business. Changes in these sectors have an important impact on the well-being of employees at work and, consequently, on productivity in companies. The development of the services and tourism sectors in Lapland requires an assessment of these industries and a wide range of information from the field. Over the past couple of years, the development services of the Lapland Education Centre REDU:ntyöelämän have charted around 150 companies operating in the tourism industry across Lapland using the C&Q competence management system. Tourist companies have been mapped in Rovaniemi, Levi and Pyhä-Luosto. The main objective and four sub-objectives of the project emerge from the results of the C&Q competence surveys carried out by the Lapland Education Centre REDU, as identified by the entrepreneurs interviewed as skills weaknesses and immediate development needs. The main objective of the project is to encourage and help companies in the services and tourism sectors in the region to find the right and effective means to develop their own business, to find new ways to engage staff, to use human resources, to improve well-being at work and to improve productivity in their business. This main objective is pursued through four sub-objectives: (1) Financial and business competence (profitable business), (2) management of personnel’s skills and utilisation of skills, providing tools to improve well-being at work and promote the overall well-being of the work community, (3) developing management and managerial quality, and (4) Involving personnel in company development, developing development discussion practices as part of productivity and well-being at work. The target group in the start-up phase of the project is already around 150 companies in the tourism sector that have participated in the CQ-Knowledge survey. Some 30 other service companies are targeted as a new target group. The measures of the project will provide Lappish micro-entrepreneurs and SMEs with new, concrete ways of long-term development of well-being at work and productivity. The key development aspect of the project is the idea that business development, profitable business and well-being at work are not separate, but form a whole. In particular, the project measures strengthen the understanding of the importance of long-term business development, the inclusion of personnel in development work, the internalisation of new practices in company, entrepreneur and personnel development, the use of electronic systems in human resources management and the introduction and development of personnel, the transfer of silent information to new employees and in particular to sole entrepreneurs, the use of various networks in addition to business activities, recruitment, induction and development of business operations. The project will create a comprehensive skills development model for Lappish micro- and small and medium-sized enterprises in the service and tourism sector, in which, taking into account the organisation’s business, in particular organisational skills, employee inclusion, use of staff resources, well-being at work and managerial work are developed. The model takes a strategic approach to the organisation’s well-being and competence at work and to the development of the above. As a result of the project, after a successful review of the development model, the impact of the development of skills and well-being at work on the organisation’s business, improving business productivity and competitiveness can be observed. The model aims for long-term, continuous development and, as a result of the project, the systematic development of rooted organisations. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The services and tourism sector in Lapland is undergoing a change affecting the personnel of these organisations. Staff are increasingly required to have multi-skills, flexibility and adaptability, as well as a self-improvement approach to maintaining their own skills. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are required to continuously update and develop their business. Changes in these sectors have an important impact on the well-being of employees at work and, consequently, on productivity in companies. The development of the services and tourism sectors in Lapland requires an assessment of these industries and a wide range of information from the field. Over the past couple of years, the development services of the Lapland Education Centre REDU:ntyöelämän have charted around 150 companies operating in the tourism industry across Lapland using the C&Q competence management system. Tourist companies have been mapped in Rovaniemi, Levi and Pyhä-Luosto. The main objective and four sub-objectives of the project emerge from the results of the C&Q competence surveys carried out by the Lapland Education Centre REDU, as identified by the entrepreneurs interviewed as skills weaknesses and immediate development needs. The main objective of the project is to encourage and help companies in the services and tourism sectors in the region to find the right and effective means to develop their own business, to find new ways to engage staff, to use human resources, to improve well-being at work and to improve productivity in their business. This main objective is pursued through four sub-objectives: (1) Financial and business competence (profitable business), (2) management of personnel’s skills and utilisation of skills, providing tools to improve well-being at work and promote the overall well-being of the work community, (3) developing management and managerial quality, and (4) Involving personnel in company development, developing development discussion practices as part of productivity and well-being at work. The target group in the start-up phase of the project is already around 150 companies in the tourism sector that have participated in the CQ-Knowledge survey. Some 30 other service companies are targeted as a new target group. The measures of the project will provide Lappish micro-entrepreneurs and SMEs with new, concrete ways of long-term development of well-being at work and productivity. The key development aspect of the project is the idea that business development, profitable business and well-being at work are not separate, but form a whole. In particular, the project measures strengthen the understanding of the importance of long-term business development, the inclusion of personnel in development work, the internalisation of new practices in company, entrepreneur and personnel development, the use of electronic systems in human resources management and the introduction and development of personnel, the transfer of silent information to new employees and in particular to sole entrepreneurs, the use of various networks in addition to business activities, recruitment, induction and development of business operations. The project will create a comprehensive skills development model for Lappish micro- and small and medium-sized enterprises in the service and tourism sector, in which, taking into account the organisation’s business, in particular organisational skills, employee inclusion, use of staff resources, well-being at work and managerial work are developed. The model takes a strategic approach to the organisation’s well-being and competence at work and to the development of the above. As a result of the project, after a successful review of the development model, the impact of the development of skills and well-being at work on the organisation’s business, improving business productivity and competitiveness can be observed. The model aims for long-term, continuous development and, as a result of the project, the systematic development of rooted organisations. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 23 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 04:33, 23 November 2021

Project Q3758566 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3758566 in France


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    426,824 Euro
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    533,532.0 Euro
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    1 March 2016
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    31 July 2019
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    Rovaniemen Koulutuskuntayhtymä
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    Lapin palvelu- ja matkailuala ovat muutoksessa, joka vaikuttaa näiden organisaatioiden henkilöstöön. Henkilöstöltä edellytetään yhä enemmän monitaitoisuutta, joustavuutta ja sopeutumiskykyä sekä oma-aloitteista kehittämisotetta oman osaamisen ylläpitämiseen. Yrittäjiltä taas edellytetään liiketoiminnan jatkuvaa päivittämistä ja kehittämistä. Näille aloille kohdistuvat muutokset vaikuttavat olennaisesti henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin ja sitä kautta tuottavuuteen yrityksissä. Lapin palvelu- ja matkailualojen kehittäminen vaatii näiden toimialojen arviointia ja monipuolista tietoa kentältä. Lapin koulutuskeskus REDU:ntyöelämän kehittämispalvelut on parin viime vuoden aikana kartoittanut noin 150 matkailualalla toimivaa yritystä eri puolilla Lappia C&Q-osaamisenhallintajärjestelmää hyödyntäen. Matkailuyrityksiä on kartoitettu Rovaniemen, Levin ja Pyhä-Luoston alueella. Hankkeen päätavoite ja neljä osatavoitetta nousevat esiin Lapin koulutuskeskus REDU:n toteuttamien C&Q-osaamiskartoitusten tuloksista haastateltujen yrittäjien esiin tuomina osaamisen heikkouksina ja välittöminä kehittämistarpeina. Hankkeen päätavoitteena on kannustaa ja auttaa alueen palvelu- ja matkailualan yrityksiä löytämään oikeat ja toimivat keinot kehittää omaa yritystoimintaansa, löytää uusia keinoja henkilöstön sitouttamiseen, inhimillisten voimavarojen hyödyntämiseen, työhyvinvoinnin ja tuottavuuden parantamiseen yritystoiminnassaan. Tähän päätavoitteeseen pyritään neljällä osatavoitteella, joita ovat (1) Talous- ja liiketoimintaosaaminen (kannattava liiketoiminta), (2) henkilöstön osaamisen hallinta ja osaamisen hyödyntäminen, tarjoamalla alan mahdolliset rajoitteet huomioivia keinoja työhyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi ja työyhteisön kokonaisvaltaisen työhyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi, (3) johtamisen ja esimiestyön laadun kehittäminen, ja (4) Henkilöstön osallistaminen yrityksen kehittämiseen, kehityskeskustelukäytänteiden kehittäminen osana tuottavuutta ja työhyvinvointiaHankkeen käynnistysvaiheen kohderyhmän muodostavat jo em. CQ-osaamiskartoitukseen osallistuneet matkailualan noin 150 yritystä. Uutena kohderyhmänä tavoitellaan noin 30 muuta palvelualan yritystä. Hankkeen toimenpiteinä tarjotaan lappilaisille mikro- ja pk-yrittäjille uudenlaisia, konkreettisia keinoja työhyvinvoinnin ja tuottavuuden pitkäjänteiseen kehittämiseen. Hankkeen keskeisen kehittämisen näkökulman muodostaa ajatus, että yritystoiminnan kehittäminen, kannattava liiketoiminta ja työhyvinvointi eivät ole erillisiä asioista vaan muodostavat kokonaisuuden. Hankkeen toimenpiteissä vahvistetaan erityisesti pitkän aikavälin yritystoiminnan kehittymisen merkityksen oivaltamista, henkilöstön mukaan ottamista kehittämistyöhön, uusien käytäntöjen sisäistämistä yrityksen, yrittäjän ja henkilöstön kehittämistyössä, sähköisten järjestelmien hyödyntämistä henkilöstöhallinnossa ja henkilöstön perehdyttämisessä ja kehittämisessä, hiljaisen tiedon siirtoa uusille työntekijöille ja erityisesti yksinyrittäjille eri verkostojen hyödyntämistä yritystoiminnan lisäksi, rekrytoinnissa, perehdyttämisessä ja yritystoiminnan kehittämisessä. Hankkeessa luodaan lappilaisille palvelu- ja matkailualan mikro- ja pk-yrityksille kokonaisvaltainen osaamisenkehittämisen malli, jossa organisaation liiketoiminta huomioon ottaen kehitetään erityisesti organisaation osaamista, työntekijöiden osallistamista, henkilöstön voimavarojen hyödyntämistä, työhyvinvointia ja esimiestyötä. Mallin avulla organisaation työhyvinvointiin ja osaamiseen ja edellä mainittujen kehittämiseen otetaan kehittävä, strateginen ote. Hankkeen tuloksena, kehittämismallin onnistuneen läpikäymisen jälkeen voidaan havaita osaamisen ja työhyvinvoinnin kehittymisen vaikutus organisaation liiketoimintaan, liiketoiminnan tuottavuuden ja kilpailukyvyn parantumisena. Malli tavoittelee pitkäjänteistä, jatkuvaa kehittämistä ja hankkeen tuloksena suunnitelmallinen kehittäminen juurtunut organisaatioihin. (Finnish)
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    The services and tourism sector in Lapland is undergoing a change affecting the personnel of these organisations. Staff are increasingly required to have multi-skills, flexibility and adaptability, as well as a self-improvement approach to maintaining their own skills. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are required to continuously update and develop their business. Changes in these sectors have an important impact on the well-being of employees at work and, consequently, on productivity in companies. The development of the services and tourism sectors in Lapland requires an assessment of these industries and a wide range of information from the field. Over the past couple of years, the development services of the Lapland Education Centre REDU:ntyöelämän have charted around 150 companies operating in the tourism industry across Lapland using the C&Q competence management system. Tourist companies have been mapped in Rovaniemi, Levi and Pyhä-Luosto. The main objective and four sub-objectives of the project emerge from the results of the C&Q competence surveys carried out by the Lapland Education Centre REDU, as identified by the entrepreneurs interviewed as skills weaknesses and immediate development needs. The main objective of the project is to encourage and help companies in the services and tourism sectors in the region to find the right and effective means to develop their own business, to find new ways to engage staff, to use human resources, to improve well-being at work and to improve productivity in their business. This main objective is pursued through four sub-objectives: (1) Financial and business competence (profitable business), (2) management of personnel’s skills and utilisation of skills, providing tools to improve well-being at work and promote the overall well-being of the work community, (3) developing management and managerial quality, and (4) Involving personnel in company development, developing development discussion practices as part of productivity and well-being at work. The target group in the start-up phase of the project is already around 150 companies in the tourism sector that have participated in the CQ-Knowledge survey. Some 30 other service companies are targeted as a new target group. The measures of the project will provide Lappish micro-entrepreneurs and SMEs with new, concrete ways of long-term development of well-being at work and productivity. The key development aspect of the project is the idea that business development, profitable business and well-being at work are not separate, but form a whole. In particular, the project measures strengthen the understanding of the importance of long-term business development, the inclusion of personnel in development work, the internalisation of new practices in company, entrepreneur and personnel development, the use of electronic systems in human resources management and the introduction and development of personnel, the transfer of silent information to new employees and in particular to sole entrepreneurs, the use of various networks in addition to business activities, recruitment, induction and development of business operations. The project will create a comprehensive skills development model for Lappish micro- and small and medium-sized enterprises in the service and tourism sector, in which, taking into account the organisation’s business, in particular organisational skills, employee inclusion, use of staff resources, well-being at work and managerial work are developed. The model takes a strategic approach to the organisation’s well-being and competence at work and to the development of the above. As a result of the project, after a successful review of the development model, the impact of the development of skills and well-being at work on the organisation’s business, improving business productivity and competitiveness can be observed. The model aims for long-term, continuous development and, as a result of the project, the systematic development of rooted organisations. (English)
    23 November 2021
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