Q3758498 (Q3758498): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The Rovaniemi Association of Education Municipalities, the eduro Foundation and the Saura Foundation have jointly planned activities to accelerate the integration of immigrants by combining the current successive integration model into simultaneous activities. Integration and training are carried out in a work-oriented way of implementation. TE-services lead the integration process of a customer with a linguistic and cultural background. In TE-...)
Property / summary
The Rovaniemi Association of Education Municipalities, the eduro Foundation and the Saura Foundation have jointly planned activities to accelerate the integration of immigrants by combining the current successive integration model into simultaneous activities. Integration and training are carried out in a work-oriented way of implementation. TE-services lead the integration process of a customer with a linguistic and cultural background. In TE-services, an integration plan is drawn up for the client and the studies of Finnish language and social engagement are organised in accordance with module 1 relating to integration. Education and labour market-oriented customers TE-services direct to foundations. The foundations, together with the education staff of the Association of Education Municipalities, will map the applicant’s plans for the future and the existing professional and language skills (identification of competence).The acquisition of the necessary skills is carried out in productive work through the Foundation’s workshops in small business-like learning environments. Low-skilled integrations are directed to the Foundation for workshop work. Language and work culture training is attached to the work. As a result of the strengthening of language skills and working life, customers are directed to the workplaces of the business sector or to vocational training. The job coaches help in acquiring a job. Those who are not in the educational or employment phase are directed to other services in a customer-oriented way. Language and work culture coaching is combined with work and acquisition of professional skills from the outset. This will speed up the integration of immigrants as motivation and the conditions for language learning increase. The result is a productised work-oriented approach to integration, which is implemented in cooperation between foundations and education providers. The operating model will speed up the integration of immigrants and strengthen their attachment to working life through the simultaneous model of working skills, working life skills and Finnish language learning. The aim is to build a work-life-based alternative to integration services/future growth services. The policy model is in line with the objectives of the reform of vocational education and training. The model is implemented in a work-life-oriented manner and is based on recognition and recognition of competence and on individually designed pathways to acquisition and employment of skills.The target group includes men and women who have obtained a residence permit in Finland. The project strengthens men’s and women’s language and working culture skills and employment, as well as access to society, reducing gender inequalities. The project promotes and accelerates the integration of migrants, which increases their well-being, inclusion in society, participation, education and employment. (English)
Property / summary: The Rovaniemi Association of Education Municipalities, the eduro Foundation and the Saura Foundation have jointly planned activities to accelerate the integration of immigrants by combining the current successive integration model into simultaneous activities. Integration and training are carried out in a work-oriented way of implementation. TE-services lead the integration process of a customer with a linguistic and cultural background. In TE-services, an integration plan is drawn up for the client and the studies of Finnish language and social engagement are organised in accordance with module 1 relating to integration. Education and labour market-oriented customers TE-services direct to foundations. The foundations, together with the education staff of the Association of Education Municipalities, will map the applicant’s plans for the future and the existing professional and language skills (identification of competence).The acquisition of the necessary skills is carried out in productive work through the Foundation’s workshops in small business-like learning environments. Low-skilled integrations are directed to the Foundation for workshop work. Language and work culture training is attached to the work. As a result of the strengthening of language skills and working life, customers are directed to the workplaces of the business sector or to vocational training. The job coaches help in acquiring a job. Those who are not in the educational or employment phase are directed to other services in a customer-oriented way. Language and work culture coaching is combined with work and acquisition of professional skills from the outset. This will speed up the integration of immigrants as motivation and the conditions for language learning increase. The result is a productised work-oriented approach to integration, which is implemented in cooperation between foundations and education providers. The operating model will speed up the integration of immigrants and strengthen their attachment to working life through the simultaneous model of working skills, working life skills and Finnish language learning. The aim is to build a work-life-based alternative to integration services/future growth services. The policy model is in line with the objectives of the reform of vocational education and training. The model is implemented in a work-life-oriented manner and is based on recognition and recognition of competence and on individually designed pathways to acquisition and employment of skills.The target group includes men and women who have obtained a residence permit in Finland. The project strengthens men’s and women’s language and working culture skills and employment, as well as access to society, reducing gender inequalities. The project promotes and accelerates the integration of migrants, which increases their well-being, inclusion in society, participation, education and employment. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The Rovaniemi Association of Education Municipalities, the eduro Foundation and the Saura Foundation have jointly planned activities to accelerate the integration of immigrants by combining the current successive integration model into simultaneous activities. Integration and training are carried out in a work-oriented way of implementation. TE-services lead the integration process of a customer with a linguistic and cultural background. In TE-services, an integration plan is drawn up for the client and the studies of Finnish language and social engagement are organised in accordance with module 1 relating to integration. Education and labour market-oriented customers TE-services direct to foundations. The foundations, together with the education staff of the Association of Education Municipalities, will map the applicant’s plans for the future and the existing professional and language skills (identification of competence).The acquisition of the necessary skills is carried out in productive work through the Foundation’s workshops in small business-like learning environments. Low-skilled integrations are directed to the Foundation for workshop work. Language and work culture training is attached to the work. As a result of the strengthening of language skills and working life, customers are directed to the workplaces of the business sector or to vocational training. The job coaches help in acquiring a job. Those who are not in the educational or employment phase are directed to other services in a customer-oriented way. Language and work culture coaching is combined with work and acquisition of professional skills from the outset. This will speed up the integration of immigrants as motivation and the conditions for language learning increase. The result is a productised work-oriented approach to integration, which is implemented in cooperation between foundations and education providers. The operating model will speed up the integration of immigrants and strengthen their attachment to working life through the simultaneous model of working skills, working life skills and Finnish language learning. The aim is to build a work-life-based alternative to integration services/future growth services. The policy model is in line with the objectives of the reform of vocational education and training. The model is implemented in a work-life-oriented manner and is based on recognition and recognition of competence and on individually designed pathways to acquisition and employment of skills.The target group includes men and women who have obtained a residence permit in Finland. The project strengthens men’s and women’s language and working culture skills and employment, as well as access to society, reducing gender inequalities. The project promotes and accelerates the integration of migrants, which increases their well-being, inclusion in society, participation, education and employment. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 23 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 04:31, 23 November 2021

Project Q3758498 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3758498 in France


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    1,123,627 Euro
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    1,466,091.0 Euro
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    76.64 percent
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    1 August 2016
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    31 July 2019
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    Rovaniemen Koulutuskuntayhtymä
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    Rovaniemen koulutuskuntayhtymä, Eduro-säätiö ja Saura-säätiö ovat yhdessä suunnitelleet toimintaa, jolla nopeutetaan maahanmuuttajien kotoutumista yhdistämällä nykyinen peräkkäin etenevä kotoutumismalli samanaikaistoiminnaksi. Kotoutus ja koulutus toteutetaan työpainotteisella toteuttamistavalla. TE-palvelut johtaa kieli- ja kulttuuritaustaisen asiakkaan kotouttamisprosessia. TE-palveluissa asiakkaalle laaditaan kotoutumissuunnitelma sekä järjestetään kotoutukseen liittyvän moduuli 1 mukaiset suomen kielen ja yhteiskuntaan sitouttamisen opinnot. Koulutus- ja työmarkkinasuuntautuneet asiakkaat TE-palvelut ohjaa säätiöille. Säätiöt kartoittavat yhdessä koulutuskuntayhtymän opetushenkilöstön kanssa työn hakijan tulevaisuuden suunnitelmat ja olemassa olevan ammatillisen sekä kieliosaamisen (osaamisen tunnistaminen).Tarvittavan osaamisen hankkiminen tapahtuu tuotannollisessa työssä säätiön työpajoilla pienyritysmäisissä oppimisympäristöissä. Heikolla kielitaidolla olevat kotoutujat ohjataan säätiöön työpajatyöhön. Työn tekemisen yhteyteen liitetään kieli- ja työkulttuurivalmennus. Kielitaidon ja työelämävalmiuksien vahvistuttua asiakkaat ohjataan elinkeinoelämän työpaikoille tai ammatilliseen koulutukseen. Apuna työpaikan hankinnassa ovat työhönvalmentajat. Ne, jotka eivät ole koulutus- tai työllistymisvaiheessa ohjataan asiakaslähtöisesti muiden palvelujen piiriin.Kieli- ja työkulttuurivalmennus yhdistetään työn tekemiseen ja ammatillisen osaamisen hankkimiseen jo heti alusta alkaen. Näin maahanmuuttajien kotoutuminen nopeutuu kun motivaatio ja edellytykset kielen oppimiseen lisääntyy.Tuloksena saadaan tuotteistettu työpainotteinen kotoutumista tukeva toimintamalli, joka toteutetaan säätiöiden ja koulutuksen järjestäjien yhteistyönä. Toimintamallilla nopeutetaan maahanmuuttajien kotoutumista ja vahvistetaan työelämään kiinnittymistä työtaitojen, työelämätaitojen ja suomen kielen oppimisen samanaikaismallilla. Tavoitteena on rakentaa työelämälähtöinen vaihtoehto kotouttamisen palveluvalikoimaan/tuleviin kasvupalveluihin.Toimintamalli vastaa ammatillisen koulutuksen uudistuksen tavoitteisiin. Malli on työelämälähtöisesti toteutettu ja perustuu osaamisen tunnistamiseen ja tunnustamiseen ja yksilöllisesti suunniteltuihin osaamisen hankkimis- ja työllistymispolkuihin.Kohderyhmään kuuluvat oleskeluluvan Suomesta saaneet miehet ja naiset. Hanke vahvistaa miesten ja naisten kieli- ja työkulttuuriosaamista ja työllistymistä sekä mahdollisuutta kiinnittyä yhteiskuntaan vähentäen sukupuolten välistä eriarvoisuutta. Hanke edistää ja nopeuttaa maahanmuuttajien kotoutumista, mikä lisää heidän hyvinvointia, osallisuutta yhteiskunnassa, osallistumismahdollisuuksia, koulutusta ja työllistymistä. (Finnish)
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    The Rovaniemi Association of Education Municipalities, the eduro Foundation and the Saura Foundation have jointly planned activities to accelerate the integration of immigrants by combining the current successive integration model into simultaneous activities. Integration and training are carried out in a work-oriented way of implementation. TE-services lead the integration process of a customer with a linguistic and cultural background. In TE-services, an integration plan is drawn up for the client and the studies of Finnish language and social engagement are organised in accordance with module 1 relating to integration. Education and labour market-oriented customers TE-services direct to foundations. The foundations, together with the education staff of the Association of Education Municipalities, will map the applicant’s plans for the future and the existing professional and language skills (identification of competence).The acquisition of the necessary skills is carried out in productive work through the Foundation’s workshops in small business-like learning environments. Low-skilled integrations are directed to the Foundation for workshop work. Language and work culture training is attached to the work. As a result of the strengthening of language skills and working life, customers are directed to the workplaces of the business sector or to vocational training. The job coaches help in acquiring a job. Those who are not in the educational or employment phase are directed to other services in a customer-oriented way. Language and work culture coaching is combined with work and acquisition of professional skills from the outset. This will speed up the integration of immigrants as motivation and the conditions for language learning increase. The result is a productised work-oriented approach to integration, which is implemented in cooperation between foundations and education providers. The operating model will speed up the integration of immigrants and strengthen their attachment to working life through the simultaneous model of working skills, working life skills and Finnish language learning. The aim is to build a work-life-based alternative to integration services/future growth services. The policy model is in line with the objectives of the reform of vocational education and training. The model is implemented in a work-life-oriented manner and is based on recognition and recognition of competence and on individually designed pathways to acquisition and employment of skills.The target group includes men and women who have obtained a residence permit in Finland. The project strengthens men’s and women’s language and working culture skills and employment, as well as access to society, reducing gender inequalities. The project promotes and accelerates the integration of migrants, which increases their well-being, inclusion in society, participation, education and employment. (English)
    23 November 2021
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