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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): There is a need to launch and develop, in a targeted and structured manner, cooperation between specific groups (disabled people, immigrants, various minorities) and the so-called “Finnish” young people, as well as the reference communities working with them, in order to increase the participation of young people. The objectives of the project are divided into four setsA.To implement and develop cooperation between young people in the target gro...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
There is a need to launch and develop, in a targeted and structured manner, cooperation between specific groups (disabled people, immigrants, various minorities) and the so-called “Finnish” young people, as well as the reference communities working with them, in order to increase the participation of young people. The objectives of the project are divided into four setsA.To implement and develop cooperation between young people in the target group. By supporting activities such as people with disabilities, immigrants and Roma youth, ideas and activities can be given to the young people of the target group with a sense of success, new experiences and the development of working life skills. In some cultures, young women and men traditionally do not work together on an equal footing and equality is given attention during the activities. B.Creating fairs for young people in the target group to participate in the activities of young people from Finland. The idea and implementation of the activities at the initiative of special groups will increase practical collaboration between the different groups. It reduces loneliness, exclusion and prejudice towards diversity. Implementation will increase the skills and ability of young people in specific groups to function as part of the community and strengthen the development of the social skills of all young people. C.Designed development of youth and reference communities. Planning and involvement of actors in the process through practical activities are central to the development. The aim is to find ways for young people to take part in volunteering and traineeships by helping and supporting others. This will strengthen the feeling that young people are able to be active in society. D.Considering the needs of special groups in the planning and implementation of the activities of other communities. Special groups are not an isolated and distinct part of the entity. They are naturally helped to participate in very diverse activities. The indirect target group in the project is Sepra’s extensive and expanding networks. These will be activated to ensure that, as well as equal access for women and men, the needs of specific groups are taken into account as far as possible. Similarly, the activities are divided into four sets of Actions A. Development of co-operation between young people in the focus group 1.Youngs commission the THL’s Sokra inclusion test — based on the results of the results, discuss youth inclusion experience, their strengths and skills3.Using the activities of different target groups and implementation ideas4.Contribute to community engagement, where the implementation of the activities is agreed5.To encourage and support young people to carry out activities and events agreed with reference communities and partners3.Assessment of activities with other communities; Partnership tables have been created among the actors in the different sectors and have developed a new way of working for young people from specific groups. Young people have received initiatives for NUVI and municipalities, whose implementation will improve young people’s ability to work on an equal footing with others. Young people have planned and carried out 4-6 events as well as a couple of study trips, which they have found peers and acquired skills that are useful for them on the path towards working life. Young people’s capacity to work is: (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: There is a need to launch and develop, in a targeted and structured manner, cooperation between specific groups (disabled people, immigrants, various minorities) and the so-called “Finnish” young people, as well as the reference communities working with them, in order to increase the participation of young people. The objectives of the project are divided into four setsA.To implement and develop cooperation between young people in the target group. By supporting activities such as people with disabilities, immigrants and Roma youth, ideas and activities can be given to the young people of the target group with a sense of success, new experiences and the development of working life skills. In some cultures, young women and men traditionally do not work together on an equal footing and equality is given attention during the activities. B.Creating fairs for young people in the target group to participate in the activities of young people from Finland. The idea and implementation of the activities at the initiative of special groups will increase practical collaboration between the different groups. It reduces loneliness, exclusion and prejudice towards diversity. Implementation will increase the skills and ability of young people in specific groups to function as part of the community and strengthen the development of the social skills of all young people. C.Designed development of youth and reference communities. Planning and involvement of actors in the process through practical activities are central to the development. The aim is to find ways for young people to take part in volunteering and traineeships by helping and supporting others. This will strengthen the feeling that young people are able to be active in society. D.Considering the needs of special groups in the planning and implementation of the activities of other communities. Special groups are not an isolated and distinct part of the entity. They are naturally helped to participate in very diverse activities. The indirect target group in the project is Sepra’s extensive and expanding networks. These will be activated to ensure that, as well as equal access for women and men, the needs of specific groups are taken into account as far as possible. Similarly, the activities are divided into four sets of Actions A. Development of co-operation between young people in the focus group 1.Youngs commission the THL’s Sokra inclusion test — based on the results of the results, discuss youth inclusion experience, their strengths and skills3.Using the activities of different target groups and implementation ideas4.Contribute to community engagement, where the implementation of the activities is agreed5.To encourage and support young people to carry out activities and events agreed with reference communities and partners3.Assessment of activities with other communities; Partnership tables have been created among the actors in the different sectors and have developed a new way of working for young people from specific groups. Young people have received initiatives for NUVI and municipalities, whose implementation will improve young people’s ability to work on an equal footing with others. Young people have planned and carried out 4-6 events as well as a couple of study trips, which they have found peers and acquired skills that are useful for them on the path towards working life. Young people’s capacity to work is: (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: There is a need to launch and develop, in a targeted and structured manner, cooperation between specific groups (disabled people, immigrants, various minorities) and the so-called “Finnish” young people, as well as the reference communities working with them, in order to increase the participation of young people. The objectives of the project are divided into four setsA.To implement and develop cooperation between young people in the target group. By supporting activities such as people with disabilities, immigrants and Roma youth, ideas and activities can be given to the young people of the target group with a sense of success, new experiences and the development of working life skills. In some cultures, young women and men traditionally do not work together on an equal footing and equality is given attention during the activities. B.Creating fairs for young people in the target group to participate in the activities of young people from Finland. The idea and implementation of the activities at the initiative of special groups will increase practical collaboration between the different groups. It reduces loneliness, exclusion and prejudice towards diversity. Implementation will increase the skills and ability of young people in specific groups to function as part of the community and strengthen the development of the social skills of all young people. C.Designed development of youth and reference communities. Planning and involvement of actors in the process through practical activities are central to the development. The aim is to find ways for young people to take part in volunteering and traineeships by helping and supporting others. This will strengthen the feeling that young people are able to be active in society. D.Considering the needs of special groups in the planning and implementation of the activities of other communities. Special groups are not an isolated and distinct part of the entity. They are naturally helped to participate in very diverse activities. The indirect target group in the project is Sepra’s extensive and expanding networks. These will be activated to ensure that, as well as equal access for women and men, the needs of specific groups are taken into account as far as possible. Similarly, the activities are divided into four sets of Actions A. Development of co-operation between young people in the focus group 1.Youngs commission the THL’s Sokra inclusion test — based on the results of the results, discuss youth inclusion experience, their strengths and skills3.Using the activities of different target groups and implementation ideas4.Contribute to community engagement, where the implementation of the activities is agreed5.To encourage and support young people to carry out activities and events agreed with reference communities and partners3.Assessment of activities with other communities; Partnership tables have been created among the actors in the different sectors and have developed a new way of working for young people from specific groups. Young people have received initiatives for NUVI and municipalities, whose implementation will improve young people’s ability to work on an equal footing with others. Young people have planned and carried out 4-6 events as well as a couple of study trips, which they have found peers and acquired skills that are useful for them on the path towards working life. Young people’s capacity to work is: (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 23 November 2021
Revision as of 04:25, 23 November 2021
Project Q3757912 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3757912 in France |
108,012 Euro
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132,315.0 Euro
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81.63 percent
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1 March 2017
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29 February 2020
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Kehittämisyhdistys Sepra ry
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Tarpeena alueella on käynnistää ja kehittää kohdennetusti sekä suunnitelmallisesti erityisryhmien (vammaiset, maahanmuuttajat, eri vähemmistöt) ja ns. ”kantasuomalaisten” nuorten sekä näiden parissa toimivien viiteyhteisöjen välillä yhteistoimintaa nuorten osallisuuden lisäämiseksi. Hankkeen tavoitteet jakautuvat neljään kokonaisuuteenA.Käynnistää ja kehittää kohderyhmän nuorten välistä yhteistoimintaa. Tukemalla esim. vammaisten, maahanmuuttajien ja romaninuorten yhdessä ideoimia ja toteuttamia tapahtumia sekä toimintaa saadaan kohderyhmän nuorille onnistumisen tunteita, uusia kokemuksia sekä kehitetään työelämävalmiuksia. Joissakin kulttuureissa nuoret naiset ja miehet eivät perinteisesti toimi yhdessä tasavertaisina ja tasa-arvoisuuteen kiinnitetään toiminnan aikana huomiota. B.Väylien luonti kohderyhmän nuorille osallistua kantasuomalaisten nuorten toimintaan. Toiminnan ideointi ja toteutus erityisryhmien aloitteesta lisää käytännön yhteistoimintaa eri ryhmien kesken. Toiminnan kautta vähennetään yksinäisyyttä, syrjäytymistä ja ennakkoluuloja erilaisuutta kohtaan. Toteutus lisää erityisryhmien nuorten taitoja ja kykyä toimia osana ympäröivää yhteisöä, ja vahvistaa kaikkien nuorten sosiaalisten taitojen kehittymistä. C.Suunnitelmallinen nuorten ja viiteyhteisöjen toiminnan kehittäminen. Kehittämisessä on keskeistä suunnitelmallisuus sekä toimijoiden sitouttaminen prosessiin käytännön toiminnan kautta. Tavoitteena on löytää väyliä nuorille vapaaehtoistyöhön ja harjoitteluihin osallistumiseen niin, että he ovat itse auttamassa ja tukemassa toisia. Näin vahvistetaan tunnetta siitä, että nuoret kykenevät olemaan aktiivisia yhteiskunnassa. D.Erityisryhmien tarpeiden huomioiminen muiden yhteisöjen toiminnan suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Erityisryhmät eivät ole irrallinen ja erillinen osa yhteisöä. Heidät autetaan luontevasti mukaan hyvin monipuoliseen toimintaan. Välillisenä kohderyhmänä hankkeessa on Sepran laajat ja koko ajan laajenevat verkostot toimijoita. Näitä aktivoidaan kiinnittämään huomiota siihen, että paitsi että osallistumismahdollisuudet ovat yhtäläiset niin naisille kuin miehillekin, myös erityisryhmien tarpeet huomioidaan mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Toiminta jakautuu vastaavasti neljään kokonaisuuteenToimenpidekokonaisuus A. Kohderyhmän nuorten välisen yhteistoiminnan kehittäminen 1.Nuorilla teetetään THL:n Sokran osallisuustesti - https://ot.sangre.fi/osallisuustesti/julkinen2.Testin tulosten pohjalta keskustellaan nuorten osallisuuden kokemuksesta, heidän voimistaan ja taidoistaan3.Käydään läpi eri kohderyhmien toimintatarpeita ja toteutusideoita4.Muodostetaan erityisryhmien kumppanuuspöytä, missä toiminnan toteutuksesta sovitaan5.Kannustetaan ja tuetaan nuoria toteuttamaan toimintaa ja tapahtumia sovitusti yhdessä viiteyhteisöjen ja kumppaneiden kanssa Toimenpidekokonaisuus B.Kohderyhmän nuorten innostamisensa mukaan ns. kantasuomalaisten nuorten toimintaan6.Matalan kynnyksen tapaamisten ja toiminnan järjestäminen erityisryhmien ideoimana nuorisotaloilla tai muissa paikoissa, mahdollisesti myös opintomatka-tyyppisesti7.Mahdollistetaan nuorten kohtaaminen tasa-arvoisina jäseninä Sepran Nuorisotiimissä8.Järjestetään tapaamisia, missä tuodaan esiin erilaisia tapoja osallistua työelämään9.Nostetaan toiminnan aikana esiin ja vahvistetaan nuorten oman taustan vahvuuksia10.Käydään tutustumassa muualla toteutettuihin tapahtumiin ja toimintaanToimenpidekokonaisuus C.Tuodaan esiin nuorten toimintakyvyn kehittämisen merkitys viiteyhteisöjen toiminnalle.11.Käydään läpi kunkin viiteyhteisön tavoitteet ja toiminta nuorten osalta vuoteen 2020 asti 12.Esitellään kumppanuuspöytä selkeänä rakenteena toiminnan kehittämiselle13.Nuoria toimintaan mukaan houkuttelevan toiminnan järjestäminen Toimenpidekokonaisuus D.Erityisryhmien huomioiminen ja osallisuus muiden yhteisöjen toiminnassa 14.järjestetään kohtaamisia kohderyhmän sekä välilliseen kohderyhmään kuuluvien yhteisöjen kanssa15.Korostetaan yhteistyössä erityisryhmien huomioimista16.Tehdään maahanmuuttajille suomalaista kulttuuria ja tapoja tutuiksi17.Monipuolistetaan kohtaamispaikkojen (kumppanuus- ja yhteisötalojen) toimintaa sosiaalisten yritysten toiminnan suuntaan18.Käynnistetään uudenlaista toimintaa hyödyntäen Sepran verkostoja siltojen luomisessa eri toimijoiden välille TuloksetHankkeen aikana Sokran osallisuustestin on tehnyt 40 nuorta, joista on muodostettu pieniä toiminnallisia tiimejä. Eri sektorien toimijoista on saatu muodostettuja kumppanuuspöytiä, ja niiden ympärille on muodostunut uudenlainen tapa toimia erityisryhmien nuorten hyväksi. Nuorilta on saatu aloitteita NUVIlle ja kuntiin, joiden toteuttamisella parannetaan nuorten mahdollisuuksia toimia tasavertaisesti muiden kanssa. Nuoret ovat suunnitelleet ja toteuttaneet 4-6 tapahtumaa sekä pari opintomatkaa, joita järjestäessään he ovat löytäneet vertaisia sekä oppineet taitoja, joista heille on hyötyä polulla kohti työelämää. Nuorten valmiuksia kohti työelämää on (Finnish)
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There is a need to launch and develop, in a targeted and structured manner, cooperation between specific groups (disabled people, immigrants, various minorities) and the so-called “Finnish” young people, as well as the reference communities working with them, in order to increase the participation of young people. The objectives of the project are divided into four setsA.To implement and develop cooperation between young people in the target group. By supporting activities such as people with disabilities, immigrants and Roma youth, ideas and activities can be given to the young people of the target group with a sense of success, new experiences and the development of working life skills. In some cultures, young women and men traditionally do not work together on an equal footing and equality is given attention during the activities. B.Creating fairs for young people in the target group to participate in the activities of young people from Finland. The idea and implementation of the activities at the initiative of special groups will increase practical collaboration between the different groups. It reduces loneliness, exclusion and prejudice towards diversity. Implementation will increase the skills and ability of young people in specific groups to function as part of the community and strengthen the development of the social skills of all young people. C.Designed development of youth and reference communities. Planning and involvement of actors in the process through practical activities are central to the development. The aim is to find ways for young people to take part in volunteering and traineeships by helping and supporting others. This will strengthen the feeling that young people are able to be active in society. D.Considering the needs of special groups in the planning and implementation of the activities of other communities. Special groups are not an isolated and distinct part of the entity. They are naturally helped to participate in very diverse activities. The indirect target group in the project is Sepra’s extensive and expanding networks. These will be activated to ensure that, as well as equal access for women and men, the needs of specific groups are taken into account as far as possible. Similarly, the activities are divided into four sets of Actions A. Development of co-operation between young people in the focus group 1.Youngs commission the THL’s Sokra inclusion test — based on the results of the results, discuss youth inclusion experience, their strengths and skills3.Using the activities of different target groups and implementation ideas4.Contribute to community engagement, where the implementation of the activities is agreed5.To encourage and support young people to carry out activities and events agreed with reference communities and partners3.Assessment of activities with other communities; Partnership tables have been created among the actors in the different sectors and have developed a new way of working for young people from specific groups. Young people have received initiatives for NUVI and municipalities, whose implementation will improve young people’s ability to work on an equal footing with others. Young people have planned and carried out 4-6 events as well as a couple of study trips, which they have found peers and acquired skills that are useful for them on the path towards working life. Young people’s capacity to work is: (English)
23 November 2021
0 references