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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): Need: Rautalampi Kiviniemi is the largest scandium deposit in northern Europe, containing at least 13.4 million tonnes of ore stone. On average, 163 g of scandium, 1 726 g zirconium and 81 g yttrium per tonne of ore stone are present. The commercial value of the deposit at current prices of these metals is approximately EUR 34 billion, of which the value of the scandium is approximately 96 %. In addition, other valuable aggregates such as apatit...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Need: Rautalampi Kiviniemi is the largest scandium deposit in northern Europe, containing at least 13.4 million tonnes of ore stone. On average, 163 g of scandium, 1 726 g zirconium and 81 g yttrium per tonne of ore stone are present. The commercial value of the deposit at current prices of these metals is approximately EUR 34 billion, of which the value of the scandium is approximately 96 %. In addition, other valuable aggregates such as apatite, palate and garnet used in the abrasive industry are present. The main problem in exploiting this valuable deposit is the scandium bonding to the iron silicate mineral crystal grid. According to GTK’s preliminary studies carried out by MinTec, the commercially viable exploitation of the most valuable metal in this deposit by traditional enrichment methods is very challenging. Objective: The primary objective of the project is to determine whether the new scandium enrichment method developed at the University of Eastern Finland has the potential to operate on a larger scale as an industrially viable process. It will also be examined how well other valuable aggregates can be separated from each other based on traditional magnetic and gravity separations. The third major objective of the project is to promote the uniqueness of the Rautalammi deposit and to develop a completely new enrichment method internationally. In addition to the normal final report, the main result of the project is a public study on the suitability of the method for larger-scale production in Finnish and English. The study also takes a position on the conditions under which ore as a whole, including other valuable fractions, would be best exploited. The project will develop a straightforward scand recovery method that is minimally burdensome on the environment, based on the new ion exchange material. In addition, the project explores the effectiveness of other valuable fractions (zirkonium, garnet, purite and apatite) to be separated into their own verses and whether they can be exploited in neighbouring areas.Impacts: The most significant part of the impact of this project will only be visible in the long term in five to 30 years’ time, as this project is only one but very important step towards the possible start of mining operations on Rautalampi Kivinimen ore. By calculation, the deposit contains about 2000 tonnes of pure scandium, which would allow for the development of completely new types of innovation and products, for example in relation to fuel cells when sufficient metal is available for large-scale production. At the end of the project, it will be possible to refine this type of scandiumes, which are otherwise very difficult to enrich, with the new method to be piloted. This, in turn, would open up opportunities for the industrial development of this new technology and know-how in Finland and for further exports worldwide. In the short term, the most significant impact is the exploitation of the other valuable verses mentioned above. If it is possible to divide them effectively into their own verses, they could be exploited in neighbouring areas, enabling the creation of a new small-scale business. During the project itself, the most significant impact will be on the increased media coverage of the Rautalampi region, even beyond the borders of the country, which in turn promotes at least tourism in the region. A successful project for the research team would in turn guarantee increased national and international appreciation, enabling significant improvement in funding conditions, for example in H2020 calls. In addition, the EU plays an important role in the recovery of precious metals, where participation in the EIT entity would significantly improve the visibility of the project in the European region. The project has been the subject of an operational environment analysis from a gender perspective. It is a research and development project where only knowledge is relevant and both men and women can act as actors. A gender perspective is taken into account at all stages of the project. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Need: Rautalampi Kiviniemi is the largest scandium deposit in northern Europe, containing at least 13.4 million tonnes of ore stone. On average, 163 g of scandium, 1 726 g zirconium and 81 g yttrium per tonne of ore stone are present. The commercial value of the deposit at current prices of these metals is approximately EUR 34 billion, of which the value of the scandium is approximately 96 %. In addition, other valuable aggregates such as apatite, palate and garnet used in the abrasive industry are present. The main problem in exploiting this valuable deposit is the scandium bonding to the iron silicate mineral crystal grid. According to GTK’s preliminary studies carried out by MinTec, the commercially viable exploitation of the most valuable metal in this deposit by traditional enrichment methods is very challenging. Objective: The primary objective of the project is to determine whether the new scandium enrichment method developed at the University of Eastern Finland has the potential to operate on a larger scale as an industrially viable process. It will also be examined how well other valuable aggregates can be separated from each other based on traditional magnetic and gravity separations. The third major objective of the project is to promote the uniqueness of the Rautalammi deposit and to develop a completely new enrichment method internationally. In addition to the normal final report, the main result of the project is a public study on the suitability of the method for larger-scale production in Finnish and English. The study also takes a position on the conditions under which ore as a whole, including other valuable fractions, would be best exploited. The project will develop a straightforward scand recovery method that is minimally burdensome on the environment, based on the new ion exchange material. In addition, the project explores the effectiveness of other valuable fractions (zirkonium, garnet, purite and apatite) to be separated into their own verses and whether they can be exploited in neighbouring areas.Impacts: The most significant part of the impact of this project will only be visible in the long term in five to 30 years’ time, as this project is only one but very important step towards the possible start of mining operations on Rautalampi Kivinimen ore. By calculation, the deposit contains about 2000 tonnes of pure scandium, which would allow for the development of completely new types of innovation and products, for example in relation to fuel cells when sufficient metal is available for large-scale production. At the end of the project, it will be possible to refine this type of scandiumes, which are otherwise very difficult to enrich, with the new method to be piloted. This, in turn, would open up opportunities for the industrial development of this new technology and know-how in Finland and for further exports worldwide. In the short term, the most significant impact is the exploitation of the other valuable verses mentioned above. If it is possible to divide them effectively into their own verses, they could be exploited in neighbouring areas, enabling the creation of a new small-scale business. During the project itself, the most significant impact will be on the increased media coverage of the Rautalampi region, even beyond the borders of the country, which in turn promotes at least tourism in the region. A successful project for the research team would in turn guarantee increased national and international appreciation, enabling significant improvement in funding conditions, for example in H2020 calls. In addition, the EU plays an important role in the recovery of precious metals, where participation in the EIT entity would significantly improve the visibility of the project in the European region. The project has been the subject of an operational environment analysis from a gender perspective. It is a research and development project where only knowledge is relevant and both men and women can act as actors. A gender perspective is taken into account at all stages of the project. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Need: Rautalampi Kiviniemi is the largest scandium deposit in northern Europe, containing at least 13.4 million tonnes of ore stone. On average, 163 g of scandium, 1 726 g zirconium and 81 g yttrium per tonne of ore stone are present. The commercial value of the deposit at current prices of these metals is approximately EUR 34 billion, of which the value of the scandium is approximately 96 %. In addition, other valuable aggregates such as apatite, palate and garnet used in the abrasive industry are present. The main problem in exploiting this valuable deposit is the scandium bonding to the iron silicate mineral crystal grid. According to GTK’s preliminary studies carried out by MinTec, the commercially viable exploitation of the most valuable metal in this deposit by traditional enrichment methods is very challenging. Objective: The primary objective of the project is to determine whether the new scandium enrichment method developed at the University of Eastern Finland has the potential to operate on a larger scale as an industrially viable process. It will also be examined how well other valuable aggregates can be separated from each other based on traditional magnetic and gravity separations. The third major objective of the project is to promote the uniqueness of the Rautalammi deposit and to develop a completely new enrichment method internationally. In addition to the normal final report, the main result of the project is a public study on the suitability of the method for larger-scale production in Finnish and English. The study also takes a position on the conditions under which ore as a whole, including other valuable fractions, would be best exploited. The project will develop a straightforward scand recovery method that is minimally burdensome on the environment, based on the new ion exchange material. In addition, the project explores the effectiveness of other valuable fractions (zirkonium, garnet, purite and apatite) to be separated into their own verses and whether they can be exploited in neighbouring areas.Impacts: The most significant part of the impact of this project will only be visible in the long term in five to 30 years’ time, as this project is only one but very important step towards the possible start of mining operations on Rautalampi Kivinimen ore. By calculation, the deposit contains about 2000 tonnes of pure scandium, which would allow for the development of completely new types of innovation and products, for example in relation to fuel cells when sufficient metal is available for large-scale production. At the end of the project, it will be possible to refine this type of scandiumes, which are otherwise very difficult to enrich, with the new method to be piloted. This, in turn, would open up opportunities for the industrial development of this new technology and know-how in Finland and for further exports worldwide. In the short term, the most significant impact is the exploitation of the other valuable verses mentioned above. If it is possible to divide them effectively into their own verses, they could be exploited in neighbouring areas, enabling the creation of a new small-scale business. During the project itself, the most significant impact will be on the increased media coverage of the Rautalampi region, even beyond the borders of the country, which in turn promotes at least tourism in the region. A successful project for the research team would in turn guarantee increased national and international appreciation, enabling significant improvement in funding conditions, for example in H2020 calls. In addition, the EU plays an important role in the recovery of precious metals, where participation in the EIT entity would significantly improve the visibility of the project in the European region. The project has been the subject of an operational environment analysis from a gender perspective. It is a research and development project where only knowledge is relevant and both men and women can act as actors. A gender perspective is taken into account at all stages of the project. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 23 November 2021
Revision as of 23:08, 22 November 2021
Project Q3751491 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3751491 in France |
230,343 Euro
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279,146.0 Euro
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82.52 percent
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1 October 2016
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30 September 2018
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Itä-Suomen yliopisto
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Tarve: Rautalammin Kiviniemessä on Pohjois-Euroopan suurin skandiumesiintymä, joka sisältää vähintään 13,4 miljoonaa tonnia malmikiveä. Esiintymässä on keskimäärin 163 g skandiumia, 1726 g zirkoniumia ja 81 g yttriumia yhtä malmikivitonnia kohden. Esiintymän kaupallinen arvo näiden metallien nykyhinnoilla on n. 34 miljardia euroa, josta määrästä skandiumin arvo on n. 96 %. Lisäksi esiintymässä on muita arvokkaita kiviaineksia, kuten apatiittia, ilmeniittiä ja hiomakiviteollisuudessa käytettävää granaattia. Suurimpana ongelmana tämän arvokkaan esiintymän hyödyntämisessä on skandium sitoutuminen rautasilikaattimineraalien kidehilaan. GTK:n MinTec:in tekemien esiselvitysten mukaan tämän esiintymän arvokkaimman metallin kaupallisesti kannattava hyödyntäminen perinteisillä rikastusmenetelmillä on erittäin haasteellista. Tavoite: Hankkeen ensisijaisena tavoitteen on selvittää, onko Itä-Suomen yliopistossa kehitetyllä uudella skandiumin rikastusmenetelmä edellytyksiä toimia isommassa mittakaavassa teollisesti kannattavana prosessina. Lisäksi selvitetään, kuinka hyvin muut arvokkaat kiviainekset voidaan erottaa toisistaan perustuen perinteisiin magneetti- ja painovoimaerotuksiin. Hankkeen kolmantena merkittävänä tavoitteena on markkinoida Rautalammin esiintymän ainutlaatuisuutta ja kehitettävää täysin uutta rikastusmenetelmää kansainvälisesti.Tulokset: Hankkeen tärkein tulos normaalin loppuraportin lisäksi on julkinen selvitys suomeksi ja englanniksi menetelmän soveltuvuudesta isomman mittakaavan tuotantoon. Lisäksi selvityksessä otetaan kantaa, millä edellytyksin malmio kokonaisuudessaan sisältäen muut arvokkaat jakeet olisi parhaiten hyödynnettävissä. Hankkeessa kehittään ympäristöä mahdollisimman vähän rasittava suoraviivainen skandiumin talteenottomenetelmä perustuen uuteen ionivaihtomateriaaliin. Lisäksi hankkeessa selvitetään miten tehokkaasti muut arvokkaat jakeet (zirkonium, granaatti, ilmeniitti ja apatiitti) voidaan erotella omiksi jakeiksi ja löytyykö niille hyödyntäjiä lähialueilta.Vaikutukset: Merkittävin osa tämän hankkeen vaikutuksista näkyy vasta pitkällä tähtäimellä 5-30 vuoden päästä, sillä tämä hanke on vain yksi, mutta erittäin merkittävä askel kohti mahdollista kaivostoiminnan aloittamista Rautalammin Kivinimen malmiolle. Laskennallisesti esiintymä sisältää n. 2000 tonnia puhdasta skandiumia, joka mahdollistaisi aivan uudentyyppisten innovaatioiden ja tuotteiden kehittämisen, esimerkiksi liittyen polttokennoihin, kun metallia olisi riittävästä saatavilla laajamittaiseen tuotantoon. Hankkeen lopussa selviää voidaanko pilotoitavalla uudella menetelmällä jalostaa tämän tyyppisiä muuten erittäin vaikeasti rikastettavia skandiumesiintymiä. Tämä puolestaan avaisi kehitysmahdollisuuksia tämän uuden tekniikan ja osaamisen teolliselle kehittämiselle Suomessa ja edelleen viennille maailmanlaajuisesti. Lyhyellä tähtäimellä merkittävin vaikutus liittyy edellä mainittujen muiden arvokkaiden jakeiden hyödyntämiseen. Mikäli ne onnistutaan jaottelemaan riittävän tehokkaasti omiksi jakeiksi, olisi ne hyödynnettävissä lähialueilla mahdollistaen uuden pienimuotoisen yritystoiminnan perustamisen. Itse hankkeen aikana merkittävimmät vaikutukset kohdistuvat Rautalammin alueen lisääntyneeseen näkyvyyteen tiedotusvälineissä jopa maan rajojen ulkopuolella, joka puolestaan edistää ainakin alueelle tapahtuvaa matkailua. Tutkimusryhmälle onnistunut hanke takaisi puolestaan kansallisen ja kansainvälisen arvostuksen lisääntymisen mahdollistaen rahoitusedellytysten merkittävän paranemisen esimerkiksi H2020 hauissa. Lisäksi arvometallien talteenotto on EU merkittävässä asemassa, jolloin osallistuminen EIT-kokonaisuuteen parantaisi merkittävästi hankkeen näkyvyyttä Euroopan alueella.Horisontaaliset periaatteet: Hankkeesta on tehty toimintaympäristöanalyysi sukupuolinäkökulmasta. Kyseessä on tutkimus- ja kehityshanke, jossa vain osaamisella on merkitystä ja toimijoina voi olla sekä miehiä että naisia. Sukupuolinäkökulma huomioidaan hankkeen kaikissa vaiheissa. (Finnish)
0 references
Need: Rautalampi Kiviniemi is the largest scandium deposit in northern Europe, containing at least 13.4 million tonnes of ore stone. On average, 163 g of scandium, 1 726 g zirconium and 81 g yttrium per tonne of ore stone are present. The commercial value of the deposit at current prices of these metals is approximately EUR 34 billion, of which the value of the scandium is approximately 96 %. In addition, other valuable aggregates such as apatite, palate and garnet used in the abrasive industry are present. The main problem in exploiting this valuable deposit is the scandium bonding to the iron silicate mineral crystal grid. According to GTK’s preliminary studies carried out by MinTec, the commercially viable exploitation of the most valuable metal in this deposit by traditional enrichment methods is very challenging. Objective: The primary objective of the project is to determine whether the new scandium enrichment method developed at the University of Eastern Finland has the potential to operate on a larger scale as an industrially viable process. It will also be examined how well other valuable aggregates can be separated from each other based on traditional magnetic and gravity separations. The third major objective of the project is to promote the uniqueness of the Rautalammi deposit and to develop a completely new enrichment method internationally. In addition to the normal final report, the main result of the project is a public study on the suitability of the method for larger-scale production in Finnish and English. The study also takes a position on the conditions under which ore as a whole, including other valuable fractions, would be best exploited. The project will develop a straightforward scand recovery method that is minimally burdensome on the environment, based on the new ion exchange material. In addition, the project explores the effectiveness of other valuable fractions (zirkonium, garnet, purite and apatite) to be separated into their own verses and whether they can be exploited in neighbouring areas.Impacts: The most significant part of the impact of this project will only be visible in the long term in five to 30 years’ time, as this project is only one but very important step towards the possible start of mining operations on Rautalampi Kivinimen ore. By calculation, the deposit contains about 2000 tonnes of pure scandium, which would allow for the development of completely new types of innovation and products, for example in relation to fuel cells when sufficient metal is available for large-scale production. At the end of the project, it will be possible to refine this type of scandiumes, which are otherwise very difficult to enrich, with the new method to be piloted. This, in turn, would open up opportunities for the industrial development of this new technology and know-how in Finland and for further exports worldwide. In the short term, the most significant impact is the exploitation of the other valuable verses mentioned above. If it is possible to divide them effectively into their own verses, they could be exploited in neighbouring areas, enabling the creation of a new small-scale business. During the project itself, the most significant impact will be on the increased media coverage of the Rautalampi region, even beyond the borders of the country, which in turn promotes at least tourism in the region. A successful project for the research team would in turn guarantee increased national and international appreciation, enabling significant improvement in funding conditions, for example in H2020 calls. In addition, the EU plays an important role in the recovery of precious metals, where participation in the EIT entity would significantly improve the visibility of the project in the European region. The project has been the subject of an operational environment analysis from a gender perspective. It is a research and development project where only knowledge is relevant and both men and women can act as actors. A gender perspective is taken into account at all stages of the project. (English)
23 November 2021
0 references