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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): Finland is preparing a transition to nearly zero-energy construction in new sites, as the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will require all new buildings to be nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB). However, the aim is for the amendment and decrees of the Land Use and Building Act, which determines this, to enter into force at the beginning of 2017, and the energy efficiency requirements for new buildings would be applicable to appli...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Finland is preparing a transition to nearly zero-energy construction in new sites, as the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will require all new buildings to be nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB). However, the aim is for the amendment and decrees of the Land Use and Building Act, which determines this, to enter into force at the beginning of 2017, and the energy efficiency requirements for new buildings would be applicable to applications for building permits starting from the beginning of 2018. As a result, both the construction industry and the people who build new buildings are facing major change and need to change quickly, although the criterion of a nearly zero-energy house is still under consideration. The long-term climate objectives will not be achieved without significant actions in the built environment. The implementation of the directive is one act towards the objectives, but in order to achieve these objectives, practical work must be done to create examples and models. Current meters and counters are complex and diverse and far from user-friendly. Moreover, the effects of changes in the life-cycle of housing cannot be easily ascertained. Public examples and open information on the changes that have been made lighten attitudes and help them to be more positive and bolder. The main objective of the Lower0 project is to produce models for consumers and businesses to benefit from the impact of different energy efficiency and zero-energy construction solutions, in addition to meeting zero-energy definitions, but also on the carbon footprint of small-scale buildings. In addition, the project’s sub-objective is:1. to raise the awareness of SMEs from another perspective of low-energy solutions, the carbon footprint2. to create opportunities for new low-carbon business, and 3. to simplify the contribution to the carbon footprint of small-scale dwellingsThe project will model detached dwellings under construction that meet current building regulations, and calculate their e-numbers and carbon footprints. Designs of sites will help to identify what solutions are required to achieve the definitions of a zero-energy house and how they affect the e-number and the carbon footprint of the building. In addition, possible NZEBs that can be modelled will explore the conditions for less carbon/cost-efficient implementation. In examining solutions and their carbon footprint, not only the building and its technical building systems will be taken into account, but also, in particular, the use of renewable energy/small production (carbon footprint of energy consumption) and the use of digital solutions, e.g. in optimising energy use. The results of the above mentioned measures will be a simple and user-friendly guide to solutions that will be taken into account during the construction phase for a small building builder with an impact on the carbon footprint. In addition, publicly available examples of the above solutions will be produced.The low-0 project will contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy in the Satakunta region and to the development of knowledge/skills for zero-energy construction in enterprises in the region. Modelled solutions already help at the spatial planning stage (e.g. zoning) to take into account the conditions for zero-energy construction. In the Satakunta region, the project provides a platform for a new low-carbon business. Open information shared over the long term affects the inclusion of the carbon footprint when making construction solutions. Clear models and guidelines on the impact of solutions will help to increase the low-carbon and energy-efficient detached house population. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Finland is preparing a transition to nearly zero-energy construction in new sites, as the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will require all new buildings to be nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB). However, the aim is for the amendment and decrees of the Land Use and Building Act, which determines this, to enter into force at the beginning of 2017, and the energy efficiency requirements for new buildings would be applicable to applications for building permits starting from the beginning of 2018. As a result, both the construction industry and the people who build new buildings are facing major change and need to change quickly, although the criterion of a nearly zero-energy house is still under consideration. The long-term climate objectives will not be achieved without significant actions in the built environment. The implementation of the directive is one act towards the objectives, but in order to achieve these objectives, practical work must be done to create examples and models. Current meters and counters are complex and diverse and far from user-friendly. Moreover, the effects of changes in the life-cycle of housing cannot be easily ascertained. Public examples and open information on the changes that have been made lighten attitudes and help them to be more positive and bolder. The main objective of the Lower0 project is to produce models for consumers and businesses to benefit from the impact of different energy efficiency and zero-energy construction solutions, in addition to meeting zero-energy definitions, but also on the carbon footprint of small-scale buildings. In addition, the project’s sub-objective is:1. to raise the awareness of SMEs from another perspective of low-energy solutions, the carbon footprint2. to create opportunities for new low-carbon business, and 3. to simplify the contribution to the carbon footprint of small-scale dwellingsThe project will model detached dwellings under construction that meet current building regulations, and calculate their e-numbers and carbon footprints. Designs of sites will help to identify what solutions are required to achieve the definitions of a zero-energy house and how they affect the e-number and the carbon footprint of the building. In addition, possible NZEBs that can be modelled will explore the conditions for less carbon/cost-efficient implementation. In examining solutions and their carbon footprint, not only the building and its technical building systems will be taken into account, but also, in particular, the use of renewable energy/small production (carbon footprint of energy consumption) and the use of digital solutions, e.g. in optimising energy use. The results of the above mentioned measures will be a simple and user-friendly guide to solutions that will be taken into account during the construction phase for a small building builder with an impact on the carbon footprint. In addition, publicly available examples of the above solutions will be produced.The low-0 project will contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy in the Satakunta region and to the development of knowledge/skills for zero-energy construction in enterprises in the region. Modelled solutions already help at the spatial planning stage (e.g. zoning) to take into account the conditions for zero-energy construction. In the Satakunta region, the project provides a platform for a new low-carbon business. Open information shared over the long term affects the inclusion of the carbon footprint when making construction solutions. Clear models and guidelines on the impact of solutions will help to increase the low-carbon and energy-efficient detached house population. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Finland is preparing a transition to nearly zero-energy construction in new sites, as the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will require all new buildings to be nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB). However, the aim is for the amendment and decrees of the Land Use and Building Act, which determines this, to enter into force at the beginning of 2017, and the energy efficiency requirements for new buildings would be applicable to applications for building permits starting from the beginning of 2018. As a result, both the construction industry and the people who build new buildings are facing major change and need to change quickly, although the criterion of a nearly zero-energy house is still under consideration. The long-term climate objectives will not be achieved without significant actions in the built environment. The implementation of the directive is one act towards the objectives, but in order to achieve these objectives, practical work must be done to create examples and models. Current meters and counters are complex and diverse and far from user-friendly. Moreover, the effects of changes in the life-cycle of housing cannot be easily ascertained. Public examples and open information on the changes that have been made lighten attitudes and help them to be more positive and bolder. The main objective of the Lower0 project is to produce models for consumers and businesses to benefit from the impact of different energy efficiency and zero-energy construction solutions, in addition to meeting zero-energy definitions, but also on the carbon footprint of small-scale buildings. In addition, the project’s sub-objective is:1. to raise the awareness of SMEs from another perspective of low-energy solutions, the carbon footprint2. to create opportunities for new low-carbon business, and 3. to simplify the contribution to the carbon footprint of small-scale dwellingsThe project will model detached dwellings under construction that meet current building regulations, and calculate their e-numbers and carbon footprints. Designs of sites will help to identify what solutions are required to achieve the definitions of a zero-energy house and how they affect the e-number and the carbon footprint of the building. In addition, possible NZEBs that can be modelled will explore the conditions for less carbon/cost-efficient implementation. In examining solutions and their carbon footprint, not only the building and its technical building systems will be taken into account, but also, in particular, the use of renewable energy/small production (carbon footprint of energy consumption) and the use of digital solutions, e.g. in optimising energy use. The results of the above mentioned measures will be a simple and user-friendly guide to solutions that will be taken into account during the construction phase for a small building builder with an impact on the carbon footprint. In addition, publicly available examples of the above solutions will be produced.The low-0 project will contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy in the Satakunta region and to the development of knowledge/skills for zero-energy construction in enterprises in the region. Modelled solutions already help at the spatial planning stage (e.g. zoning) to take into account the conditions for zero-energy construction. In the Satakunta region, the project provides a platform for a new low-carbon business. Open information shared over the long term affects the inclusion of the carbon footprint when making construction solutions. Clear models and guidelines on the impact of solutions will help to increase the low-carbon and energy-efficient detached house population. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 23 November 2021
Revision as of 23:04, 22 November 2021
Project Q3751108 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3751108 in France |
126,000 Euro
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180,000.0 Euro
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70.0 percent
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1 January 2017
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30 June 2019
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Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
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Suomessa valmistellaan siirtymistä lähes nollaenergiarakentamiseen uudiskohteissa, sillä vuoden 2010 rakennusten energiatehokkuusdirektiivi edellyttää jatkossa kaikkien uudisrakennusten olevan lähes nollaenergiataloja (nZEB). Tavoitteena kuitenkin on, että tätä määrittävän maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain muutos ja asetukset saataisiin voimaan vuoden 2017 alussa, ja uudisrakennusten energiatehokkuusvaatimukset tulisivat sovellettaviksi vuoden 2018 alusta vireille tuleviin rakennuslupahakemuksiin. Tämän myötä niin rakennusteollisuus kuin uusia taloja rakennuttavat henkilöt ovat suuren muutoksen edessä ja muutoksen on tapahduttava nopeasti, vaikkakin vielä pohditaan lähes nollaenergiatalon kriteeriä.Pitkän aikavälin ilmastotavoitteita ei saavuteta ilman merkittäviä tekoja rakennetussa ympäristössä. Direktiivin toimeenpano on yksi teko kohti tavoitteita, mutta jotta näihin tavoitteisiin päästään, on tehtävä käytännön työtä esimerkkien ja mallien luomiseksi. Tämänhetkiset mittarit ja laskurit ovat monimutkaisia ja moninaisia, eivätkä läheskään käyttäjäystävällisiä. Myöskään asumisen elinkaaren aikaisten muutosten vaikutuksia ei pystytä helposti selvittämään. Julkiset esimerkit ja avoin tieto tehdyistä muutoksista keventävät suhtautumista ja auttavat suhtautumaan muutoksiin positiivisemmin ja rohkeammin.Vähä0-hankkeen päätavoitteena on tuottaa kuluttajien ja yritysten hyödynnettäväksi malleja eri energiatehokkuus- ja nollaenergiarakentamisen ratkaisujen vaikutuksesta nollaenergiamääritelmien täyttymisen lisäksi pientalojen hiilijalanjälkeen. Tämän lisäksi hankkeen osatavoitteena on:1. lisätä pk-yritysten tietoisuutta vähäenergisten ratkaisujen toisestakin näkökulmasta, hiilijalanjäljestä2. luoda mahdollisuuksia uudelle vähähiilisyystavoitteisiin perustuvalle liiketoiminnalle sekä 3. yksinkertaistaa pientaloasujan hiilijalanjälkeen vaikuttamistaHankkeessa mallinnetaan rakenteilla olevia, tämänhetkiset rakennusmääräykset täyttäviä pientalokohteita, sekä lasketaan kohteiden e-luvut ja hiilijalanjäljet. Kohteista tehtävien mallien avulla selvitetään mitä ratkaisuja edellytetään, jotta päästään nollaenergiatalon määritelmiin sekä miten ne vaikuttavat rakennuksen e-lukuun ja hiilijalanjälkeen. Tämän lisäksi mahdollisista mallinnettavista lähes nollaenergiarakennuksista selvitetään vähähiilisemmän/kustannustehokkaamman toteutuksen edellytykset. Ratkaisuja ja niiden hiilijalanjälkiä selvittäessä otetaan huomioon rakennuksen ja sen taloteknisten järjestelmien lisäksi myös erityisesti uusiutuvan energian käyttö/pientuotanto (energian kulutuksen hiilijalanjälki) sekä digitaalisten ratkaisujen hyödyntäminen esim. energiankäytön optimoinnissa.Edellämainittujen toimenpiteiden tuloksista luodaan yksinkertainen ja käyttäjäystävällinen opas pientalorakentajalle rakennusvaiheessa huomioonotettavista, hiilijalanjälkeen vaikuttavista ratkaisuista. Tämän lisäksi tuotetaan julkisesti saatavilla olevia malliesimerkkejä edellä mainituista ratkaisuista.Vähä0-hankkeella edistetään vähähiiliseen talouteen siirtymistä Satakunnan alueella ja nollaenergiarakentamisen tiedon/taidon lisäämistä alueen yrityksissä. Mallinnetut ratkaisut auttavat jo aluesuunnittelun vaiheessa (esim. kaavoitus) ottamaan huomioon nollaenergiarakentamisen edellytykset. Satakunnan alueelle hanke tarjoaa ponnistusalustan uudelle, vähähiilisyyteen painottuvalle liiketoiminnalle.Pitkällä aikavälillä jaettu avoin tieto vaikuttaa hiilijalanjäljen mukaantuloon rakentamisen ratkaisujen valintoja tehdessä. Selkeät mallit ja ohjeet ratkaisujen vaikutuksesta auttavat lisäämään vähähiilisempää ja energiatehokkaampaa pientalokantaa. (Finnish)
0 references
Finland is preparing a transition to nearly zero-energy construction in new sites, as the 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will require all new buildings to be nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB). However, the aim is for the amendment and decrees of the Land Use and Building Act, which determines this, to enter into force at the beginning of 2017, and the energy efficiency requirements for new buildings would be applicable to applications for building permits starting from the beginning of 2018. As a result, both the construction industry and the people who build new buildings are facing major change and need to change quickly, although the criterion of a nearly zero-energy house is still under consideration. The long-term climate objectives will not be achieved without significant actions in the built environment. The implementation of the directive is one act towards the objectives, but in order to achieve these objectives, practical work must be done to create examples and models. Current meters and counters are complex and diverse and far from user-friendly. Moreover, the effects of changes in the life-cycle of housing cannot be easily ascertained. Public examples and open information on the changes that have been made lighten attitudes and help them to be more positive and bolder. The main objective of the Lower0 project is to produce models for consumers and businesses to benefit from the impact of different energy efficiency and zero-energy construction solutions, in addition to meeting zero-energy definitions, but also on the carbon footprint of small-scale buildings. In addition, the project’s sub-objective is:1. to raise the awareness of SMEs from another perspective of low-energy solutions, the carbon footprint2. to create opportunities for new low-carbon business, and 3. to simplify the contribution to the carbon footprint of small-scale dwellingsThe project will model detached dwellings under construction that meet current building regulations, and calculate their e-numbers and carbon footprints. Designs of sites will help to identify what solutions are required to achieve the definitions of a zero-energy house and how they affect the e-number and the carbon footprint of the building. In addition, possible NZEBs that can be modelled will explore the conditions for less carbon/cost-efficient implementation. In examining solutions and their carbon footprint, not only the building and its technical building systems will be taken into account, but also, in particular, the use of renewable energy/small production (carbon footprint of energy consumption) and the use of digital solutions, e.g. in optimising energy use. The results of the above mentioned measures will be a simple and user-friendly guide to solutions that will be taken into account during the construction phase for a small building builder with an impact on the carbon footprint. In addition, publicly available examples of the above solutions will be produced.The low-0 project will contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy in the Satakunta region and to the development of knowledge/skills for zero-energy construction in enterprises in the region. Modelled solutions already help at the spatial planning stage (e.g. zoning) to take into account the conditions for zero-energy construction. In the Satakunta region, the project provides a platform for a new low-carbon business. Open information shared over the long term affects the inclusion of the carbon footprint when making construction solutions. Clear models and guidelines on the impact of solutions will help to increase the low-carbon and energy-efficient detached house population. (English)
23 November 2021
0 references