Q3750906 (Q3750906): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordiantes from postal codes)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The emergence of clean reactor technologies requires the development of research methods for new raw materials and processed chemicals. The aim of the PRE project is to develop and verify a method(s) that can proactively examine the functionality of chemicals and auxiliary substances used in the manufacture of bio-products even before new process solutions are dimensioned to factories. At the same time, the development and application of reliabl...)
Property / summary
The emergence of clean reactor technologies requires the development of research methods for new raw materials and processed chemicals. The aim of the PRE project is to develop and verify a method(s) that can proactively examine the functionality of chemicals and auxiliary substances used in the manufacture of bio-products even before new process solutions are dimensioned to factories. At the same time, the development and application of reliable analytical methods improves the competitiveness and market position of Finnish quality products, promotes the commercialisation of innovative process concepts and offers growing international business opportunities for specialised SMEs and service companies. Business opportunities for businesses are very significant. More efficient process solutions will provide about 50 % efficiency in the consumption of chemicals used in bio-products (cards, webable new biocomposite materials, tissue products) and energy and water. It is estimated that the precipitate of a pulp mill in biorefineries on process surfaces, in particular in filters and washing equipment, can lead to a loss of production of up to 5-10 %, as well as a significant increase in chemical and energy consumption compared to situations where new technologies and knowledge could prevent these disturbances without downtime. Precipitates are typically of calcium-oxalate origin and are based on a lack of knowledge of their origins under different process conditions, as well as of different wood raw materials and waters. If these problems are not adequately managed or prevented, then the export and development of new clean process technologies can stop or at least slow down. The project therefore generates new information for a large number of SMEs and produces and verifies intelligent methods for solving the problems prioritised by industry as technology and service businesses. (English)
Property / summary: The emergence of clean reactor technologies requires the development of research methods for new raw materials and processed chemicals. The aim of the PRE project is to develop and verify a method(s) that can proactively examine the functionality of chemicals and auxiliary substances used in the manufacture of bio-products even before new process solutions are dimensioned to factories. At the same time, the development and application of reliable analytical methods improves the competitiveness and market position of Finnish quality products, promotes the commercialisation of innovative process concepts and offers growing international business opportunities for specialised SMEs and service companies. Business opportunities for businesses are very significant. More efficient process solutions will provide about 50 % efficiency in the consumption of chemicals used in bio-products (cards, webable new biocomposite materials, tissue products) and energy and water. It is estimated that the precipitate of a pulp mill in biorefineries on process surfaces, in particular in filters and washing equipment, can lead to a loss of production of up to 5-10 %, as well as a significant increase in chemical and energy consumption compared to situations where new technologies and knowledge could prevent these disturbances without downtime. Precipitates are typically of calcium-oxalate origin and are based on a lack of knowledge of their origins under different process conditions, as well as of different wood raw materials and waters. If these problems are not adequately managed or prevented, then the export and development of new clean process technologies can stop or at least slow down. The project therefore generates new information for a large number of SMEs and produces and verifies intelligent methods for solving the problems prioritised by industry as technology and service businesses. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The emergence of clean reactor technologies requires the development of research methods for new raw materials and processed chemicals. The aim of the PRE project is to develop and verify a method(s) that can proactively examine the functionality of chemicals and auxiliary substances used in the manufacture of bio-products even before new process solutions are dimensioned to factories. At the same time, the development and application of reliable analytical methods improves the competitiveness and market position of Finnish quality products, promotes the commercialisation of innovative process concepts and offers growing international business opportunities for specialised SMEs and service companies. Business opportunities for businesses are very significant. More efficient process solutions will provide about 50 % efficiency in the consumption of chemicals used in bio-products (cards, webable new biocomposite materials, tissue products) and energy and water. It is estimated that the precipitate of a pulp mill in biorefineries on process surfaces, in particular in filters and washing equipment, can lead to a loss of production of up to 5-10 %, as well as a significant increase in chemical and energy consumption compared to situations where new technologies and knowledge could prevent these disturbances without downtime. Precipitates are typically of calcium-oxalate origin and are based on a lack of knowledge of their origins under different process conditions, as well as of different wood raw materials and waters. If these problems are not adequately managed or prevented, then the export and development of new clean process technologies can stop or at least slow down. The project therefore generates new information for a large number of SMEs and produces and verifies intelligent methods for solving the problems prioritised by industry as technology and service businesses. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 22 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 22:57, 22 November 2021

Project Q3750906 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3750906 in France


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    803,019 Euro
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    803,228.0 Euro
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    99.97 percent
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    1 May 2017
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    30 October 2019
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    Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
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    61°51'58.82"N, 28°55'33.89"E
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    Puhtaiden reaktoritekniikoiden yleistyminen edellyttää uusien raaka-aineiden ja prosessoitavien kemikaalien tutkimusmenetelmien kehittämistä. PURE-projektin tavoitteena on kehittää ja verifioida menetelmä(t), jolla voidaan proaktiivisesti tutkia biotuotteiden valmistuksessa käytettävien kemikaalien ja apuaineiden toimivuutta jo ennen uusien prosessiratkaisujen mitoittamista tehtaille. Samalla luotettavien analysointimenetelmien kehittäminen ja soveltaminen parantaa suomalaisten laatutuotteiden kilpailukykyä ja markkina-asemaa, edistää innovatiivisten prosessikonseptien kaupallistamista sekä tarjoaa kasvavia kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan mahdollisuuksia erikoistuneille pk-teknologia- ja palveluyrityksille. Liiketoimintamahdollisuudet yrityksille ovat erittäin merkittävät. Entistä tehokkaammat prosessiratkaisut tuottavat niiden käytön yleistyessä noin 50 prosentin tehostamismahdollisuuden biotuotteiden (kartongit, rainattavat uudet biokomposiittimateriaalit, tissue-tuotteet) valmistuksessa käytettävien kemikaalien sekä energian ja veden kulutuksessa. Sellutehdas biojalostamoissa prosessipinnoille ja erityisesti suodin- ja pesulaitteisiin muodostuvat saostumat voivat aiheuttaa arvioiden mukaan jopa 5-10 prosentin tuotannon menetyksiä sekä lisätä merkittävästi kemikaali- ja energiakulutusta verrattuna tilanteisiin, joissa nämä häiriöt voitaisiin uudella teknologialla ja tiedolla ennakoiden estää ilman seisokkeja. Saostumat ovat tyypillisesti kalsium-oksalaatti -peräisiä, ja perusteiltaan niiden syntymekanismeja erilaisissa prosessiolosuhteissa sekä erilaisilla puuraaka-aineilla ja vesillä ei tunneta riittävästi. Jos näitä ongelmia ei osata riittävän hyvin hallita tai estää, niin uuden puhtaan prosessiteknologian vienti ja kehitys voivat pysähtyä tai ainakin hidastua. Projekti tuottaakin laajalle joukolle pk-yrityksiä uutta tietoa sekä tuottaa ja verifioi älykkäitä menetelmiä teollisuuden priorisoimien ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi teknologia- ja palveluliiketoimintoina. (Finnish)
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    The emergence of clean reactor technologies requires the development of research methods for new raw materials and processed chemicals. The aim of the PRE project is to develop and verify a method(s) that can proactively examine the functionality of chemicals and auxiliary substances used in the manufacture of bio-products even before new process solutions are dimensioned to factories. At the same time, the development and application of reliable analytical methods improves the competitiveness and market position of Finnish quality products, promotes the commercialisation of innovative process concepts and offers growing international business opportunities for specialised SMEs and service companies. Business opportunities for businesses are very significant. More efficient process solutions will provide about 50 % efficiency in the consumption of chemicals used in bio-products (cards, webable new biocomposite materials, tissue products) and energy and water. It is estimated that the precipitate of a pulp mill in biorefineries on process surfaces, in particular in filters and washing equipment, can lead to a loss of production of up to 5-10 %, as well as a significant increase in chemical and energy consumption compared to situations where new technologies and knowledge could prevent these disturbances without downtime. Precipitates are typically of calcium-oxalate origin and are based on a lack of knowledge of their origins under different process conditions, as well as of different wood raw materials and waters. If these problems are not adequately managed or prevented, then the export and development of new clean process technologies can stop or at least slow down. The project therefore generates new information for a large number of SMEs and produces and verifies intelligent methods for solving the problems prioritised by industry as technology and service businesses. (English)
    22 November 2021
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