Q3749381 (Q3749381): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our era. Clean energy production brings fossil fuel dependency closer together and thus reduces CO2 emissions. Wind energy is a form of clean energy production that is well suited to the northern regions. The sound produced by wind turbines is the biggest intermittent constraint for wind power construction in Finland, and there is not enough research on the sound generation and progress...)
Property / summary
Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our era. Clean energy production brings fossil fuel dependency closer together and thus reduces CO2 emissions. Wind energy is a form of clean energy production that is well suited to the northern regions. The sound produced by wind turbines is the biggest intermittent constraint for wind power construction in Finland, and there is not enough research on the sound generation and progress of wind turbines in various weather conditions. The purpose of the project is to combine long-term sound measurements and sound modelling in the field with a real-time subjective feedback system and data from the background information questionnaire. This kind of research that combines long-term measurement results with real-time feedback has not been done in the past. New data from the study should make it possible to model wind turbine acoustics in different weather conditions to identify problematic situations and optimise the parameters related to the design and operation of wind power.The project is expected to produce the following outputs:1) Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of current noise restrictions2) Prototype of a real-time citizen feedback collection system3) Methods for measuring and evaluating exceptional wind energy noise, including listening noise models4) Prototype of field-mounted, intelligent wind noise assessment module5) A statistical summary of the wind farm noise distribution at different times of the year University of Vaasa, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi (Novia), Technology Research Centre VTT Oy, Akukon Oy, Nordex Energy GmbH, ABB Oy, VindIn Oy Ab, Cleanhub Oy, Taaleritehdas Oyj, EBA Tuulivoima Oy, City of Lappeenranta and National Instruments Finland Oy (English)
Property / summary: Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our era. Clean energy production brings fossil fuel dependency closer together and thus reduces CO2 emissions. Wind energy is a form of clean energy production that is well suited to the northern regions. The sound produced by wind turbines is the biggest intermittent constraint for wind power construction in Finland, and there is not enough research on the sound generation and progress of wind turbines in various weather conditions. The purpose of the project is to combine long-term sound measurements and sound modelling in the field with a real-time subjective feedback system and data from the background information questionnaire. This kind of research that combines long-term measurement results with real-time feedback has not been done in the past. New data from the study should make it possible to model wind turbine acoustics in different weather conditions to identify problematic situations and optimise the parameters related to the design and operation of wind power.The project is expected to produce the following outputs:1) Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of current noise restrictions2) Prototype of a real-time citizen feedback collection system3) Methods for measuring and evaluating exceptional wind energy noise, including listening noise models4) Prototype of field-mounted, intelligent wind noise assessment module5) A statistical summary of the wind farm noise distribution at different times of the year University of Vaasa, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi (Novia), Technology Research Centre VTT Oy, Akukon Oy, Nordex Energy GmbH, ABB Oy, VindIn Oy Ab, Cleanhub Oy, Taaleritehdas Oyj, EBA Tuulivoima Oy, City of Lappeenranta and National Instruments Finland Oy (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our era. Clean energy production brings fossil fuel dependency closer together and thus reduces CO2 emissions. Wind energy is a form of clean energy production that is well suited to the northern regions. The sound produced by wind turbines is the biggest intermittent constraint for wind power construction in Finland, and there is not enough research on the sound generation and progress of wind turbines in various weather conditions. The purpose of the project is to combine long-term sound measurements and sound modelling in the field with a real-time subjective feedback system and data from the background information questionnaire. This kind of research that combines long-term measurement results with real-time feedback has not been done in the past. New data from the study should make it possible to model wind turbine acoustics in different weather conditions to identify problematic situations and optimise the parameters related to the design and operation of wind power.The project is expected to produce the following outputs:1) Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of current noise restrictions2) Prototype of a real-time citizen feedback collection system3) Methods for measuring and evaluating exceptional wind energy noise, including listening noise models4) Prototype of field-mounted, intelligent wind noise assessment module5) A statistical summary of the wind farm noise distribution at different times of the year University of Vaasa, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi (Novia), Technology Research Centre VTT Oy, Akukon Oy, Nordex Energy GmbH, ABB Oy, VindIn Oy Ab, Cleanhub Oy, Taaleritehdas Oyj, EBA Tuulivoima Oy, City of Lappeenranta and National Instruments Finland Oy (English) / qualifier
point in time: 22 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 22:39, 22 November 2021

Project Q3749381 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3749381 in France


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    126,000 Euro
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    132,750.0 Euro
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    94.92 percent
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    1 December 2014
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    31 March 2017
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    Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi
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    Maailmanlaajuinen ilmastonmuutos on yksi aikakautemme suurimmista haasteista. Puhdas energiantuotanto lähentää riippuvuutta fossiilisista polttoaineista ja siten vähentää hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Tuulienergia on puhtaan energiantuotannon muoto, joka sopii hyvin pohjoisille alueille. Tuuliturbiinien tuottama ääni on suurin ysittäinen rajoite tuulivoimarakentamiselle Suomessa, eikä tuulivoimaloiden äänen synnystä ja sen etenemisestä erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa ole tarjolla riittävästi tutkittua tietoa.Hankkeen tarkoituksena on yhdistää kentällä tehtäviä pitkän aikavälin äänimittauksia ja äänimallinnusta reaaliaikaiseen subjektiiviseen palautejärjestelmään ja taustatietokyselylomakkeen tietoihin. Tällaista tutkimusta joka yhdistää pitkän aikavälin mittaustuloksia reaaliaikaiseen palautteeseen ei ole aikaisemmin tehty. Tutkimuksesta saadun uuden tiedon avulla pitäisi olla mahdollista mallintaa tuuliturbiinin akustiikkaa erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa, jotta ongelmalliset tilanteet voidaan tunnistaa ja tuulivoiman suunnitteluun ja käyttöön liittyviä parametreja optimoida.Projekissa on tarkoitus saada aikaan seuraavat tuotokset:1) Nykyisten melurajoitusten laadun ja tehokkuuden arviointi2) Reaaliaikaisen kansalaispalautteen keruujärjestelmän prototyyppi3) Menetelmiä poikkeuksellisen tuulivoimamelun mittaamiseen ja arvioimiseen, mukaanlukien kuunneltavat melumallit4) Prototyyppi kentälle asennettavasta, älykkkäästä tuulivoimamelunarviointimodulista5) Tilastollinen yhteenveto tuulipuiston melujakaumasta eri vuodenaikoinaHankkeeseen osallistuvat: Vaasan yliopisto, Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto, Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi (Novia), Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, Akukon Oy, Nordex Energy GmbH, ABB Oy, VindIn Oy Ab, Cleanhub Oy, Taaleritehdas Oyj, EPV Tuulivoima Oy, Lappeenrannan kaupunki ja National Instruments Finland Oy (Finnish)
    0 references
    Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our era. Clean energy production brings fossil fuel dependency closer together and thus reduces CO2 emissions. Wind energy is a form of clean energy production that is well suited to the northern regions. The sound produced by wind turbines is the biggest intermittent constraint for wind power construction in Finland, and there is not enough research on the sound generation and progress of wind turbines in various weather conditions. The purpose of the project is to combine long-term sound measurements and sound modelling in the field with a real-time subjective feedback system and data from the background information questionnaire. This kind of research that combines long-term measurement results with real-time feedback has not been done in the past. New data from the study should make it possible to model wind turbine acoustics in different weather conditions to identify problematic situations and optimise the parameters related to the design and operation of wind power.The project is expected to produce the following outputs:1) Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of current noise restrictions2) Prototype of a real-time citizen feedback collection system3) Methods for measuring and evaluating exceptional wind energy noise, including listening noise models4) Prototype of field-mounted, intelligent wind noise assessment module5) A statistical summary of the wind farm noise distribution at different times of the year University of Vaasa, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi (Novia), Technology Research Centre VTT Oy, Akukon Oy, Nordex Energy GmbH, ABB Oy, VindIn Oy Ab, Cleanhub Oy, Taaleritehdas Oyj, EBA Tuulivoima Oy, City of Lappeenranta and National Instruments Finland Oy (English)
    22 November 2021
    0 references


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