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(Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordiantes from postal codes) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The right logistics solutions can significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of companies. Logistics should be part of the building of the company’s image. With ecological and low-carbon transport methods, companies can improve their own competitiveness, as eco-efficient and responsible solutions in service production are a growing trend among consumers. An ecological and responsible line guides consumers’ purchasing decisions. The project has...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The right logistics solutions can significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of companies. Logistics should be part of the building of the company’s image. With ecological and low-carbon transport methods, companies can improve their own competitiveness, as eco-efficient and responsible solutions in service production are a growing trend among consumers. An ecological and responsible line guides consumers’ purchasing decisions. The project has been prepared for a study carried out as a thesis at the Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Department of Business Administration (Distribution Transports of South Savo Pk Food Enterprises: Current situation and challenges 2013) The study involved 17 food businesses in South Savo with some development needs in the transport of their products. Some respondents also found it difficult to identify transport problems more precisely or to form an overall picture of the resources required for transport. The wholesaler has also been aware of this problem: food companies consider logistics to be just transport. However, logistics also includes, among other things, sales, storage and invoicing. This is why there is a need to create a dialogue between the various parties involved. The project will establish a link between transport companies, food producers and the wholesaler. The aim is to create a common vision of what logistics entails and how to improve the efficiency of transport. To understand customer expectations and consumer trends and to internalise low carbon as an important quality factor in the activities of the various parties. Work will eventually lead to the productisation of low-carbon service innovations. The aim of the project is to 1) innovate more efficient and low-carbon ways of transporting products 2) increase companies’ understanding of customers and predict trends, and 3) utilise eco-efficient methods in the marketing of companies. Finally, possible existing certificates to verify the environmental performance of transport will be explored and, if necessary, other methods will be developed to measure low carbon. The objectives are achieved through several different stages of work, as a result of which each participating company develops one eco-friendly solution, recognises the importance of customer understanding in the market demand for the product and understands the importance of low carbon as a quality factor. At the end of the project, the existing low-carbon certificates are known and the plan to develop companies’ ecological and responsible practices is ready. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The right logistics solutions can significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of companies. Logistics should be part of the building of the company’s image. With ecological and low-carbon transport methods, companies can improve their own competitiveness, as eco-efficient and responsible solutions in service production are a growing trend among consumers. An ecological and responsible line guides consumers’ purchasing decisions. The project has been prepared for a study carried out as a thesis at the Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Department of Business Administration (Distribution Transports of South Savo Pk Food Enterprises: Current situation and challenges 2013) The study involved 17 food businesses in South Savo with some development needs in the transport of their products. Some respondents also found it difficult to identify transport problems more precisely or to form an overall picture of the resources required for transport. The wholesaler has also been aware of this problem: food companies consider logistics to be just transport. However, logistics also includes, among other things, sales, storage and invoicing. This is why there is a need to create a dialogue between the various parties involved. The project will establish a link between transport companies, food producers and the wholesaler. The aim is to create a common vision of what logistics entails and how to improve the efficiency of transport. To understand customer expectations and consumer trends and to internalise low carbon as an important quality factor in the activities of the various parties. Work will eventually lead to the productisation of low-carbon service innovations. The aim of the project is to 1) innovate more efficient and low-carbon ways of transporting products 2) increase companies’ understanding of customers and predict trends, and 3) utilise eco-efficient methods in the marketing of companies. Finally, possible existing certificates to verify the environmental performance of transport will be explored and, if necessary, other methods will be developed to measure low carbon. The objectives are achieved through several different stages of work, as a result of which each participating company develops one eco-friendly solution, recognises the importance of customer understanding in the market demand for the product and understands the importance of low carbon as a quality factor. At the end of the project, the existing low-carbon certificates are known and the plan to develop companies’ ecological and responsible practices is ready. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The right logistics solutions can significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of companies. Logistics should be part of the building of the company’s image. With ecological and low-carbon transport methods, companies can improve their own competitiveness, as eco-efficient and responsible solutions in service production are a growing trend among consumers. An ecological and responsible line guides consumers’ purchasing decisions. The project has been prepared for a study carried out as a thesis at the Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Department of Business Administration (Distribution Transports of South Savo Pk Food Enterprises: Current situation and challenges 2013) The study involved 17 food businesses in South Savo with some development needs in the transport of their products. Some respondents also found it difficult to identify transport problems more precisely or to form an overall picture of the resources required for transport. The wholesaler has also been aware of this problem: food companies consider logistics to be just transport. However, logistics also includes, among other things, sales, storage and invoicing. This is why there is a need to create a dialogue between the various parties involved. The project will establish a link between transport companies, food producers and the wholesaler. The aim is to create a common vision of what logistics entails and how to improve the efficiency of transport. To understand customer expectations and consumer trends and to internalise low carbon as an important quality factor in the activities of the various parties. Work will eventually lead to the productisation of low-carbon service innovations. The aim of the project is to 1) innovate more efficient and low-carbon ways of transporting products 2) increase companies’ understanding of customers and predict trends, and 3) utilise eco-efficient methods in the marketing of companies. Finally, possible existing certificates to verify the environmental performance of transport will be explored and, if necessary, other methods will be developed to measure low carbon. The objectives are achieved through several different stages of work, as a result of which each participating company develops one eco-friendly solution, recognises the importance of customer understanding in the market demand for the product and understands the importance of low carbon as a quality factor. At the end of the project, the existing low-carbon certificates are known and the plan to develop companies’ ecological and responsible practices is ready. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 22 November 2021
Revision as of 22:31, 22 November 2021
Project Q3748694 in France
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3748694 in France |
46,068 Euro
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72,941.0 Euro
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63.16 percent
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1 January 2015
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31 December 2015
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Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy
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Oikeanlaiset logistiikkaratkaisut voivat parantaa yritysten kustannustehokkuutta merkittävästi. Logistiikka kannattaa ottaa osaksi yrityksen imagon rakentamista. Ekologisilla ja vähähiilisillä kuljetusmenetelmillä yritykset voivat parantaa omaa kilpailukykyään, sillä ekotehokkaat ja vastuulliset ratkaisut palvelutuotannossa on kasvava trendi kuluttajien keskuudessa. Ekologinen ja vastuullinen linja ohjailee kuluttajien ostopäätöksiä. Projektia on valmisteltu Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun liiketalouden laitoksella opinnäytetyönä tehdyn tutkimuksen (Etelä-Savon Pk-elintarvikeyritysten jakelukuljetukset: Nykytilanne ja haasteet 2013) seurauksena. Tutkimukseen osallistui 17 eteläsavolaista elintarvikeyritystä, joiden tuotteiden kuljetuksiin liittyy jonkinlaisia kehittämistarpeita. Osalla vastanneista oli myös vaikeuksia yksilöidä tarkemmin kuljetuksiin liittyviä ongelmia tai muodostaa kokonaiskuvaa kuljetusten vaatimista resursseista. Myös tukkuporras on tiedostanut tämän ongelman: elintarvikeyritykset mieltävät logistiikan olevan pelkkää kuljetusta. Logistiikka sisältää kuitenkin myös muun muassa myynnin, varastoinnin ja laskutuksen. Tämän vuoksi keskustelua eri tahojen välille on luotava.Projektin aikana luodaan keskusteluyhteys kuljetusyritysten, elintarviketuottajien ja tukkuportaan välille. Tarkoituksena on luoda yhteinen näkemys siitä, mitä logistiikka pitää sisällään ja kuinka kuljetusten tehokkuutta voidaan parantaa. Pyritään ymmärtämään asiakkaiden odotuksia ja kuluttajatrendejä ja sisäistetään vähähiilisyys tärkeäksi laatutekijäksi eri osapuolten toiminnassa. Työskentely johtaa lopulta vähähiilisten palveluinnovaatioiden tuotteistamiseen. Tavoitteena on, että jokainen porras toimii tulevaisuudessa ekologisuutta ja vastuullisuutta edistäen.Projektin tavoitteena on 1) innovoida tehokkaampia ja vähähiilisyyteen johtavia tapoja tuotteiden kuljetukseen 2) lisätä yritysten asiakasymmärrystä ja trendien ennakointia ja 3) hyödyntää ekotehokkaita menetelmiä yritysten markkinoinnissa. Lopuksi selvitetään mahdollisia olemassa olevia kuljetusten ekologisuutta todentavia sertifikaatteja ja tarvittaessa kehitetään muita menetelmiä mitata vähähiilisyyttä. Tavoitteet saavutetaan usean eri työvaiheen kautta, joiden tuloksena jokainen osallistuva yritys kehittää yhden ekologisuutta edistävän ratkaisun, yritykset tiedostavat asiakasymmärryksen merkityksen tuotteen markkinakysynnässä ja ymmärtävät vähähiilisyyden merkityksen laatutekijänä. Projektin päätteeksi tiedossa on olemassa olevat vähähiilisyyttä kuvaavat sertifikaatit ja suunnitelma yritysten ekologisten ja vastuullisten toimintatapojen kehittämisestä on valmis. (Finnish)
0 references
The right logistics solutions can significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of companies. Logistics should be part of the building of the company’s image. With ecological and low-carbon transport methods, companies can improve their own competitiveness, as eco-efficient and responsible solutions in service production are a growing trend among consumers. An ecological and responsible line guides consumers’ purchasing decisions. The project has been prepared for a study carried out as a thesis at the Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Department of Business Administration (Distribution Transports of South Savo Pk Food Enterprises: Current situation and challenges 2013) The study involved 17 food businesses in South Savo with some development needs in the transport of their products. Some respondents also found it difficult to identify transport problems more precisely or to form an overall picture of the resources required for transport. The wholesaler has also been aware of this problem: food companies consider logistics to be just transport. However, logistics also includes, among other things, sales, storage and invoicing. This is why there is a need to create a dialogue between the various parties involved. The project will establish a link between transport companies, food producers and the wholesaler. The aim is to create a common vision of what logistics entails and how to improve the efficiency of transport. To understand customer expectations and consumer trends and to internalise low carbon as an important quality factor in the activities of the various parties. Work will eventually lead to the productisation of low-carbon service innovations. The aim of the project is to 1) innovate more efficient and low-carbon ways of transporting products 2) increase companies’ understanding of customers and predict trends, and 3) utilise eco-efficient methods in the marketing of companies. Finally, possible existing certificates to verify the environmental performance of transport will be explored and, if necessary, other methods will be developed to measure low carbon. The objectives are achieved through several different stages of work, as a result of which each participating company develops one eco-friendly solution, recognises the importance of customer understanding in the market demand for the product and understands the importance of low carbon as a quality factor. At the end of the project, the existing low-carbon certificates are known and the plan to develop companies’ ecological and responsible practices is ready. (English)
22 November 2021
0 references