Q3748656 (Q3748656): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Ligno-cellulosic material contained in renewable natural resources such as wood biomass, straw and industrial by-products will be widely used as a raw material for the production of biochemicals, materials and fuels in the future. From the point of view of the competitiveness of Finnish industry and new business, the use of ligno-cellulosic material should aim at processed high-value products as far as possible. The aim of the PREBIO project is...)
Property / summary
Ligno-cellulosic material contained in renewable natural resources such as wood biomass, straw and industrial by-products will be widely used as a raw material for the production of biochemicals, materials and fuels in the future. From the point of view of the competitiveness of Finnish industry and new business, the use of ligno-cellulosic material should aim at processed high-value products as far as possible. The aim of the PREBIO project is to strengthen bioeconomy companies operating in the area of implementation, to lay the groundwork for new regional business activities and to consolidate the bioeconomy research of the University of Oulu by developing and demonstrating new material and energy-efficient pre-treatment methods for ligno-cellulosic fractions, which enable the production of high-processed finished products. In particular, the production of high-quality, clean fractions from northern biomasses and the production of new high added value micro- and nanocellulose-based products (“green chemicals”). The PREBIO project will develop pre-treatment methods (mechanical, mechanical-chemical, chemical) and associated separation technologies that can be used for local processing of different types of lignocellulosic biomasses. The methods developed in the project can (i) produce amorphous cellulose and oligomers easily hydrolysed from lignocellulose, and further in the hydrolysis phase monosaccharides and selectively precipitated lignin for the manufacture of biomaterials and chemicals; (ii) implement the separation method for hemicellulose-based sugars for the production of biomaterials and chemicals; and (iii) efficiently manufacture nano- and microcellulose from cheap raw materials into high-grade special chemists for the manufacture of paper and board. The methods to be developed can be integrated into existing larger plants such as local pulp and paper mills or can operate as small scale stand-alone plants. Key actions in the project focus on biomass selection, selective pre-treatment and characterisation, the transformation of biomass into new high value-added products, and the technical and economic evaluation of processes. In Northern Ostrobothnia, there is a need and good readiness to develop t&k and business activities related to lignocellulosic material with the help of recognised research groups and companies already in place. In addition, Northern Finland’s abundant biomass reserves provide a significant source of renewable raw materials and thus enable the development of an internationally competitive operating environment. The main results of the project are: 1) a new, competitive concept for selective pre-treatment of biomass locally, 2) improved utilisation of waste biomass in Northern Finland and biomass unfit for use in the forest industry, 3) improved material and energy efficiency (low carbon) of the companies in the region; 4) new high-process products and new production technologies, especially for the SME sector, which are also competitive in international markets and enable the emergence of new business activities and the strengthening of the position of existing operators; 5) Strengthening research activities in the bioeconomy sector at the University of Oulu (e.g. Bioeconomy Research Community Oulu) and the development of related infrastructure. (English)
Property / summary: Ligno-cellulosic material contained in renewable natural resources such as wood biomass, straw and industrial by-products will be widely used as a raw material for the production of biochemicals, materials and fuels in the future. From the point of view of the competitiveness of Finnish industry and new business, the use of ligno-cellulosic material should aim at processed high-value products as far as possible. The aim of the PREBIO project is to strengthen bioeconomy companies operating in the area of implementation, to lay the groundwork for new regional business activities and to consolidate the bioeconomy research of the University of Oulu by developing and demonstrating new material and energy-efficient pre-treatment methods for ligno-cellulosic fractions, which enable the production of high-processed finished products. In particular, the production of high-quality, clean fractions from northern biomasses and the production of new high added value micro- and nanocellulose-based products (“green chemicals”). The PREBIO project will develop pre-treatment methods (mechanical, mechanical-chemical, chemical) and associated separation technologies that can be used for local processing of different types of lignocellulosic biomasses. The methods developed in the project can (i) produce amorphous cellulose and oligomers easily hydrolysed from lignocellulose, and further in the hydrolysis phase monosaccharides and selectively precipitated lignin for the manufacture of biomaterials and chemicals; (ii) implement the separation method for hemicellulose-based sugars for the production of biomaterials and chemicals; and (iii) efficiently manufacture nano- and microcellulose from cheap raw materials into high-grade special chemists for the manufacture of paper and board. The methods to be developed can be integrated into existing larger plants such as local pulp and paper mills or can operate as small scale stand-alone plants. Key actions in the project focus on biomass selection, selective pre-treatment and characterisation, the transformation of biomass into new high value-added products, and the technical and economic evaluation of processes. In Northern Ostrobothnia, there is a need and good readiness to develop t&k and business activities related to lignocellulosic material with the help of recognised research groups and companies already in place. In addition, Northern Finland’s abundant biomass reserves provide a significant source of renewable raw materials and thus enable the development of an internationally competitive operating environment. The main results of the project are: 1) a new, competitive concept for selective pre-treatment of biomass locally, 2) improved utilisation of waste biomass in Northern Finland and biomass unfit for use in the forest industry, 3) improved material and energy efficiency (low carbon) of the companies in the region; 4) new high-process products and new production technologies, especially for the SME sector, which are also competitive in international markets and enable the emergence of new business activities and the strengthening of the position of existing operators; 5) Strengthening research activities in the bioeconomy sector at the University of Oulu (e.g. Bioeconomy Research Community Oulu) and the development of related infrastructure. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Ligno-cellulosic material contained in renewable natural resources such as wood biomass, straw and industrial by-products will be widely used as a raw material for the production of biochemicals, materials and fuels in the future. From the point of view of the competitiveness of Finnish industry and new business, the use of ligno-cellulosic material should aim at processed high-value products as far as possible. The aim of the PREBIO project is to strengthen bioeconomy companies operating in the area of implementation, to lay the groundwork for new regional business activities and to consolidate the bioeconomy research of the University of Oulu by developing and demonstrating new material and energy-efficient pre-treatment methods for ligno-cellulosic fractions, which enable the production of high-processed finished products. In particular, the production of high-quality, clean fractions from northern biomasses and the production of new high added value micro- and nanocellulose-based products (“green chemicals”). The PREBIO project will develop pre-treatment methods (mechanical, mechanical-chemical, chemical) and associated separation technologies that can be used for local processing of different types of lignocellulosic biomasses. The methods developed in the project can (i) produce amorphous cellulose and oligomers easily hydrolysed from lignocellulose, and further in the hydrolysis phase monosaccharides and selectively precipitated lignin for the manufacture of biomaterials and chemicals; (ii) implement the separation method for hemicellulose-based sugars for the production of biomaterials and chemicals; and (iii) efficiently manufacture nano- and microcellulose from cheap raw materials into high-grade special chemists for the manufacture of paper and board. The methods to be developed can be integrated into existing larger plants such as local pulp and paper mills or can operate as small scale stand-alone plants. Key actions in the project focus on biomass selection, selective pre-treatment and characterisation, the transformation of biomass into new high value-added products, and the technical and economic evaluation of processes. In Northern Ostrobothnia, there is a need and good readiness to develop t&k and business activities related to lignocellulosic material with the help of recognised research groups and companies already in place. In addition, Northern Finland’s abundant biomass reserves provide a significant source of renewable raw materials and thus enable the development of an internationally competitive operating environment. The main results of the project are: 1) a new, competitive concept for selective pre-treatment of biomass locally, 2) improved utilisation of waste biomass in Northern Finland and biomass unfit for use in the forest industry, 3) improved material and energy efficiency (low carbon) of the companies in the region; 4) new high-process products and new production technologies, especially for the SME sector, which are also competitive in international markets and enable the emergence of new business activities and the strengthening of the position of existing operators; 5) Strengthening research activities in the bioeconomy sector at the University of Oulu (e.g. Bioeconomy Research Community Oulu) and the development of related infrastructure. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 22 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 22:31, 22 November 2021

Project Q3748656 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3748656 in France


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    79,099 Euro
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    99,384.0 Euro
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    79.59 percent
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    1 March 2015
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    30 June 2017
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    Oulun Yliopisto
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    Uusiutuvien luonnonvarojen, kuten puubiomassan, oljen sekä teollisten sivutuotteiden sisältämää lignoselluloosaa tullaan tulevaisuudessa hyödyntämään laaja-alaisesti biokemikaalien, -materiaalien ja -polttoaineiden valmistuksen raaka-aineena. Suomalaisen teollisuuden ja uuden yritystoiminnan kilpailukyvyn näkökulmasta lignoselluloosan hyödyntämisessä tulee pyrkiä mahdollisimman pitkälle jalostettuihin korkea-arvoisiin tuotteisiin. PREBIO-projektin tavoitteena on vahvistaa toteutusalueella toimivia biotalousalan yrityksiä, luoda pohjaa uudelle alueelliselle yritystoiminnalle ja vakiinnuttaa Oulun yliopiston biotaloustutkimusta kehittämällä ja demonstroimalla uusia materiaali- ja energiatehokkaita lignoselluloosajakeiden esikäsittelymenetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat korkean jalostusasteen lopputuotteiden valmistuksen. Erityisesti tavoitteena on korkealaatuisten, mahdollisimman puhtaiden fraktioiden tuottaminen pohjoisen biomassoista sekä uusien korkean lisäarvon mikro- ja nanoselluloosapohjaisten tuotteiden (”vihreät kemikaalit”) valmistaminen. PREBIO-hankkeessa kehitetään esikäsittelymenetelmiä (mekaaninen, mekaanis-kemiallinen, kemiallinen) ja niihin liittyvää erotusteknologiaa, joita voidaan hyödyntää erityyppisten lignoselluloosa biomassojen paikallisessa jalostamisessa. Projektissa kehitettävillä menetelmillä voidaan i) tuottaa lignoselluloosasta helposti hydrolysoitavaa amorfista selluloosaa ja oligomeerejä, ja edelleen hydrolyysivaiheessa monosakkaridejä ja selektiivisesti saostunutta ligniiniä biomateriaalien ja kemikaalien valmistukseen, ii) toteuttaa hemiselluloosapohjaisten sokereiden erotusmenetelmäbiomateriaalien ja kemikaalien valmistamiseksi ja iii) valmistaa tehokkaasti nano- ja mikroselluloosaa halvoista raaka-aineista korkean jalostusasteenerikoiskemikaaleiksi mm. paperin ja kartongin valmistukseen. Kehitettävät menetelmät ovat integroitavissa nykyisiin suurempiin laitoksiin kuten paikallisiin sellu- ja paperitehtaisiin tai ne voivat toimia pienenmittakaavan erillisinä laitoksina. Keskeiset toimenpiteet projektissa kohdentuvat biomassojen valintaan, selektiiviseen esikäsittelyyn ja karakterisointiin, biomassan muokkaukseen uusiksi korkean lisäarvon tuotteiksi sekä prosessien teknis-taloudelliseen arviointiin.Pohjois-Pohjanmaan alueella on tarve ja hyvä valmius kehittää lignoselluloosaan liittyvää t&k- ja yritystoimintaa jo olemassa olevien tunnustettujen tutkimusryhmien ja yritysten avulla. Lisäksi Pohjois-Suomen runsaat biomassavarannot tarjoavat merkittävän uusiutuvan raaka-ainelähteen ja siten mahdollistavat kansainvälisesti kilpailukykyisen toimintaympäristön kehittämisen.Projektin odotettavissa olevat tärkeimmät tulokset ovat: 1) uusi, kilpailukykyinen konsepti biomassan selektiiviseen esikäsittelyyn paikallisesti, 2) Pohjois-Suomen jätebiomassojen ja metsäteollisuuden raaka-aineeksi kelpaamattomien biomassojen hyödyntämisen tehostuminen, 3) alueen yritysten liiketoiminnan materiaali- ja energiatehokkuuden tehostuminen (vähähiilisyys), 4) uusia korkeanjalostusasteen tuotteita ja uutta tuotantoteknologiaa erityisesti pk-sektorille, jotka ovat kilpailukykyisiä myös kansainvälisillä markkinoilla ja mahdollistavat uuden yritystoiminnan syntymisen ja nykyisten toimijoiden aseman vahvistumisen, 5) Oulun yliopiston biotalousalan tutkimustoiminnan vahvistuminen (mm. Bioeconomy Research Community Oulu) ja siihen liittyvän infrastruktuurin kehittyminen. (Finnish)
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    Ligno-cellulosic material contained in renewable natural resources such as wood biomass, straw and industrial by-products will be widely used as a raw material for the production of biochemicals, materials and fuels in the future. From the point of view of the competitiveness of Finnish industry and new business, the use of ligno-cellulosic material should aim at processed high-value products as far as possible. The aim of the PREBIO project is to strengthen bioeconomy companies operating in the area of implementation, to lay the groundwork for new regional business activities and to consolidate the bioeconomy research of the University of Oulu by developing and demonstrating new material and energy-efficient pre-treatment methods for ligno-cellulosic fractions, which enable the production of high-processed finished products. In particular, the production of high-quality, clean fractions from northern biomasses and the production of new high added value micro- and nanocellulose-based products (“green chemicals”). The PREBIO project will develop pre-treatment methods (mechanical, mechanical-chemical, chemical) and associated separation technologies that can be used for local processing of different types of lignocellulosic biomasses. The methods developed in the project can (i) produce amorphous cellulose and oligomers easily hydrolysed from lignocellulose, and further in the hydrolysis phase monosaccharides and selectively precipitated lignin for the manufacture of biomaterials and chemicals; (ii) implement the separation method for hemicellulose-based sugars for the production of biomaterials and chemicals; and (iii) efficiently manufacture nano- and microcellulose from cheap raw materials into high-grade special chemists for the manufacture of paper and board. The methods to be developed can be integrated into existing larger plants such as local pulp and paper mills or can operate as small scale stand-alone plants. Key actions in the project focus on biomass selection, selective pre-treatment and characterisation, the transformation of biomass into new high value-added products, and the technical and economic evaluation of processes. In Northern Ostrobothnia, there is a need and good readiness to develop t&k and business activities related to lignocellulosic material with the help of recognised research groups and companies already in place. In addition, Northern Finland’s abundant biomass reserves provide a significant source of renewable raw materials and thus enable the development of an internationally competitive operating environment. The main results of the project are: 1) a new, competitive concept for selective pre-treatment of biomass locally, 2) improved utilisation of waste biomass in Northern Finland and biomass unfit for use in the forest industry, 3) improved material and energy efficiency (low carbon) of the companies in the region; 4) new high-process products and new production technologies, especially for the SME sector, which are also competitive in international markets and enable the emergence of new business activities and the strengthening of the position of existing operators; 5) Strengthening research activities in the bioeconomy sector at the University of Oulu (e.g. Bioeconomy Research Community Oulu) and the development of related infrastructure. (English)
    22 November 2021
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