Q3748744 (Q3748744): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Lapland’s accessibility ceiling project is based on strategic choices made in the Lapland Agreement, one of which is functional connections. Well-functioning transport links are the lifeblood of business and service development. From the point of view of business competitiveness, transport links are the second most important factor after skilled labour. Transport connections also play a significant role in guiding the location of enterprises. Th...)
Property / summary
Lapland’s accessibility ceiling project is based on strategic choices made in the Lapland Agreement, one of which is functional connections. Well-functioning transport links are the lifeblood of business and service development. From the point of view of business competitiveness, transport links are the second most important factor after skilled labour. Transport connections also play a significant role in guiding the location of enterprises. The transport industry’s share of Finland’s gross domestic product as a whole is about 7-8 %, i.e. nearly EUR 20 million. From a European perspective, Lapland has a remote location that poses challenges, in particular for the export industry and international tourism. From the perspective of Arctic development, Lapland, on the other hand, has a central geographical location, but exploiting new potential requires investment in international accessibility and transport infrastructure. At present, Finland’s transport system does not respond to the development of the Arctic region or to the needs of international tourism. From the perspective of the Arctic region, Finland’s logistics solutions play a key role: geographically, Finland is located at the centre of the Barents region and in a transport hub. Due to Finland’s central location, the pressure in neighbouring countries on Finland’s transport solutions is strong. It would make sense to respond to the pressure in such a way as to avoid decisions that are unfavourable to Finland. In addition to being a hub, Northern Finland has its own emerging areas for which accessibility is essential: mining and metals industries, forestry, tourism and bioenergy. However, development discussions have rapidly ceased to exist due to the lack of investment money. In particular, from the perspective of future potential, finding effective and precise measures and their financing requires both new knowledge, but also new forms of cooperation.The aim of the project is:- to improve the competitiveness and operating conditions of companies through more efficient and sustainable transport system planning and traffic management, coordination of different modes of transport and logistics cooperation- to link the development of the business and transport system into a better functioning and adaptable entity — to improve companies’ international accessibility and to find solutions, e.g. for the development of international transport corridors- Building alternative scenarios for the future of Lapland as a basis for planning, e.g. different modes of transport, price development of raw materials, opportunities for further processing, arctic development, and the potential of intelligent transport. Each scenario assesses, for example, total export income from Lapland, the operating conditions of SMEs and the development of policy paths relevant to the objective. — Gather the relevant information about the accessibility of Lapland in one place.- Enhanced understanding of the link between transport and business life. ð Exploring the financing and ownership options of infrastructure- Finding efficient solutions for the development of travel and service chains, especially from the perspectives of coordination of different modes of transport and digitalisation/smart transport. (English)
Property / summary: Lapland’s accessibility ceiling project is based on strategic choices made in the Lapland Agreement, one of which is functional connections. Well-functioning transport links are the lifeblood of business and service development. From the point of view of business competitiveness, transport links are the second most important factor after skilled labour. Transport connections also play a significant role in guiding the location of enterprises. The transport industry’s share of Finland’s gross domestic product as a whole is about 7-8 %, i.e. nearly EUR 20 million. From a European perspective, Lapland has a remote location that poses challenges, in particular for the export industry and international tourism. From the perspective of Arctic development, Lapland, on the other hand, has a central geographical location, but exploiting new potential requires investment in international accessibility and transport infrastructure. At present, Finland’s transport system does not respond to the development of the Arctic region or to the needs of international tourism. From the perspective of the Arctic region, Finland’s logistics solutions play a key role: geographically, Finland is located at the centre of the Barents region and in a transport hub. Due to Finland’s central location, the pressure in neighbouring countries on Finland’s transport solutions is strong. It would make sense to respond to the pressure in such a way as to avoid decisions that are unfavourable to Finland. In addition to being a hub, Northern Finland has its own emerging areas for which accessibility is essential: mining and metals industries, forestry, tourism and bioenergy. However, development discussions have rapidly ceased to exist due to the lack of investment money. In particular, from the perspective of future potential, finding effective and precise measures and their financing requires both new knowledge, but also new forms of cooperation.The aim of the project is:- to improve the competitiveness and operating conditions of companies through more efficient and sustainable transport system planning and traffic management, coordination of different modes of transport and logistics cooperation- to link the development of the business and transport system into a better functioning and adaptable entity — to improve companies’ international accessibility and to find solutions, e.g. for the development of international transport corridors- Building alternative scenarios for the future of Lapland as a basis for planning, e.g. different modes of transport, price development of raw materials, opportunities for further processing, arctic development, and the potential of intelligent transport. Each scenario assesses, for example, total export income from Lapland, the operating conditions of SMEs and the development of policy paths relevant to the objective. — Gather the relevant information about the accessibility of Lapland in one place.- Enhanced understanding of the link between transport and business life. ð Exploring the financing and ownership options of infrastructure- Finding efficient solutions for the development of travel and service chains, especially from the perspectives of coordination of different modes of transport and digitalisation/smart transport. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Lapland’s accessibility ceiling project is based on strategic choices made in the Lapland Agreement, one of which is functional connections. Well-functioning transport links are the lifeblood of business and service development. From the point of view of business competitiveness, transport links are the second most important factor after skilled labour. Transport connections also play a significant role in guiding the location of enterprises. The transport industry’s share of Finland’s gross domestic product as a whole is about 7-8 %, i.e. nearly EUR 20 million. From a European perspective, Lapland has a remote location that poses challenges, in particular for the export industry and international tourism. From the perspective of Arctic development, Lapland, on the other hand, has a central geographical location, but exploiting new potential requires investment in international accessibility and transport infrastructure. At present, Finland’s transport system does not respond to the development of the Arctic region or to the needs of international tourism. From the perspective of the Arctic region, Finland’s logistics solutions play a key role: geographically, Finland is located at the centre of the Barents region and in a transport hub. Due to Finland’s central location, the pressure in neighbouring countries on Finland’s transport solutions is strong. It would make sense to respond to the pressure in such a way as to avoid decisions that are unfavourable to Finland. In addition to being a hub, Northern Finland has its own emerging areas for which accessibility is essential: mining and metals industries, forestry, tourism and bioenergy. However, development discussions have rapidly ceased to exist due to the lack of investment money. In particular, from the perspective of future potential, finding effective and precise measures and their financing requires both new knowledge, but also new forms of cooperation.The aim of the project is:- to improve the competitiveness and operating conditions of companies through more efficient and sustainable transport system planning and traffic management, coordination of different modes of transport and logistics cooperation- to link the development of the business and transport system into a better functioning and adaptable entity — to improve companies’ international accessibility and to find solutions, e.g. for the development of international transport corridors- Building alternative scenarios for the future of Lapland as a basis for planning, e.g. different modes of transport, price development of raw materials, opportunities for further processing, arctic development, and the potential of intelligent transport. Each scenario assesses, for example, total export income from Lapland, the operating conditions of SMEs and the development of policy paths relevant to the objective. — Gather the relevant information about the accessibility of Lapland in one place.- Enhanced understanding of the link between transport and business life. ð Exploring the financing and ownership options of infrastructure- Finding efficient solutions for the development of travel and service chains, especially from the perspectives of coordination of different modes of transport and digitalisation/smart transport. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 22 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 22:28, 22 November 2021

Project Q3748744 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3748744 in France


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    665,000 Euro
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    700,000.0 Euro
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    95.0 percent
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    1 March 2015
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    30 September 2018
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    Lapin liitto
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    66°31'48.83"N, 25°46'49.40"E
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    Lapin saavutettavuuden kattohanke pohjautuu Lappi-sopimuksessa tehtyihin strategisiin valintoihin, joista yksi on toimivat yhteydet. Toimivat liikenneyhteydet ovat elinkeinoelämän ja palveluiden kehittymisen elinehto. Yritysten kilpailukyvyn näkökulmasta liikenneyhteydet ovat toiseksi tärkein tekijä koulutetun työvoiman jälkeen. Liikenneyhteydet myös ohjaavat yritysten sijoittumista merkittävästi. Liikennetoimialan osuus Suomen bruttokansantuotteesta on kokonaisuudessaan noin 7-8 % eli lähes 20 milardia euroa. Eurooppalaisesta näkökulmasta Lapilla on syrjäinen sijainti, joka aiheuttaa haasteita erityisesti vientiteollisuudelle ja kansainväliselle matkailulle. Arktisen kehityksen näkökulmasta Lapilla sen sijaan on maantieteellisesti keskeinen sijainti, mutta uudenlaisen potentiaalin hyödyntäminen vaatii satsauksia kansainväliseen saavutettavuuteen ja liikenneinfrastruktuuriin. Tällä hetkellä Suomen liikennejärjestelmä ei vastaa arktisen alueen kehitykseen tai kansainvälisen matkailun tarpeisiin.Arktisen alueen näkökulmasta Suomen logistisilla ratkaisuilla on keskeinen merkitys: maantieteellisesti Suomi sijaitsee Barentsin alueen keskiössä ja liikenteellisessä solmukohdassa. Suomen keskeisestä sijainnista johtuen naapurimaiden paine Suomen liikenneratkaisujen osalta on vahva. Paineeseen olisi järkevää vastata niin, että vältyttäisiin Suomelle epäedullisilta päätöksiltä. Solmukohtana olemisen lisäksi Pohjois-Suomessa on omia kehittyviä aloja, joille saavutettavuus on oleellista: mm. kaivos- ja metalliteollisuus, metsäteollisuus, matkailu ja bioenergia. Kehittämiskeskustelut ovat kuitenkin tyrehtyneet nopeasti investointirahan puutteeseen. Erityisesti tulevaisuuden potentiaalin näkökulmasta tehokkaiden ja täsmällisten toimenpiteiden ja niiden rahoituksen löytäminen vaatii sekä uutta tietoa, mutta myös uudenlaisia yhteistyömalleja.Hankkeen tavoitteena on:- Parantaa yritysten kilpailukykyä ja toimintaedellytyksiä tehokkaamman ja kestävämmän liikennejärjestelmäsuunnittelun ja liikenteen hallinnan, eri liikennemuotojen yhteensovittamisen ja logistiikkayhteistyön avulla‒ Linkittää elinkeinoelämän ja liikennejärjestelmän kehittäminen paremmin toimivaksi ja tarpeiden mukaan muuntautuvaksi kokonaisuudeksi - Parantaa yritysten kansainvälistä saavutettavuutta ja löytää ratkaisuja esim. kansainvälisten kuljetuskäytävien kehittämiseen‒ Rakentaa suunnittelun pohjaksi vaihtoehtoiset tulevaisuusskenaariot Lapin logistisesta kokonaisuudesta mm. eri liikennemuodot, raaka-aineiden hintakehitys, jatkojalostamisen mahdollisuudet, arktinen kehitys, älyliikenteen mahdollisuudet sekä Koillisväylän potentiaali huomioiden. Jokaisen skenaarion kohdalla arvioidaan mm. Lapin kokonaisvientitulo, pk-yritysten toimintaedellytykset sekä rakennetaan tavoitteen kannalta oleelliset toimenpidepolut. ‒ Koota oleellinen Lapin saavutettava koskeva tieto yhteen paikkaan.- Lisätä ymmärrystä liikenteen ja elinkeinoelämän yhteydestä.‒ Tutkia infrastruktuurin rahoitus- ja omistajuusvaihtoehtoja- Löytää tehokkaita ratkaisumalleja matka- ja palveluketjujen kehittämiseksi erityisesti eri liikennemuotojen yhteensovittamisen ja digitalisoitumisen/älyliikenteen näkökulmista. (Finnish)
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    Lapland’s accessibility ceiling project is based on strategic choices made in the Lapland Agreement, one of which is functional connections. Well-functioning transport links are the lifeblood of business and service development. From the point of view of business competitiveness, transport links are the second most important factor after skilled labour. Transport connections also play a significant role in guiding the location of enterprises. The transport industry’s share of Finland’s gross domestic product as a whole is about 7-8 %, i.e. nearly EUR 20 million. From a European perspective, Lapland has a remote location that poses challenges, in particular for the export industry and international tourism. From the perspective of Arctic development, Lapland, on the other hand, has a central geographical location, but exploiting new potential requires investment in international accessibility and transport infrastructure. At present, Finland’s transport system does not respond to the development of the Arctic region or to the needs of international tourism. From the perspective of the Arctic region, Finland’s logistics solutions play a key role: geographically, Finland is located at the centre of the Barents region and in a transport hub. Due to Finland’s central location, the pressure in neighbouring countries on Finland’s transport solutions is strong. It would make sense to respond to the pressure in such a way as to avoid decisions that are unfavourable to Finland. In addition to being a hub, Northern Finland has its own emerging areas for which accessibility is essential: mining and metals industries, forestry, tourism and bioenergy. However, development discussions have rapidly ceased to exist due to the lack of investment money. In particular, from the perspective of future potential, finding effective and precise measures and their financing requires both new knowledge, but also new forms of cooperation.The aim of the project is:- to improve the competitiveness and operating conditions of companies through more efficient and sustainable transport system planning and traffic management, coordination of different modes of transport and logistics cooperation- to link the development of the business and transport system into a better functioning and adaptable entity — to improve companies’ international accessibility and to find solutions, e.g. for the development of international transport corridors- Building alternative scenarios for the future of Lapland as a basis for planning, e.g. different modes of transport, price development of raw materials, opportunities for further processing, arctic development, and the potential of intelligent transport. Each scenario assesses, for example, total export income from Lapland, the operating conditions of SMEs and the development of policy paths relevant to the objective. — Gather the relevant information about the accessibility of Lapland in one place.- Enhanced understanding of the link between transport and business life. ð Exploring the financing and ownership options of infrastructure- Finding efficient solutions for the development of travel and service chains, especially from the perspectives of coordination of different modes of transport and digitalisation/smart transport. (English)
    22 November 2021
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