IDEAL CHIEF — I! (Q121928): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The “ideal SZEF-TO JA” is a project implemented by the West Pomeranian Advisory Group of the Sp.z o.o.: Increase of the labour force of 76unemployed and inactive since 30 in the specific labour market situation (i.e.: women, the low-skilled, the long-term unemployed, people aged 50 and over, people with disabilities) who live at the same time in areas with high unemployment and low levels of entrepreneurship in the Pomorskie Province in the peri...) |
Property / summary | |||
The “ideal SZEF-TO JA” is a project implemented by the West Pomeranian Advisory Group of the Sp.z o.o.: Increase of the labour force of 76unemployed and inactive since 30 in the specific labour market situation (i.e.: women, the low-skilled, the long-term unemployed, people aged 50 and over, people with disabilities) who live at the same time in areas with high unemployment and low levels of entrepreneurship in the Pomorskie Province in the period 2016-XI 2018, through the opening up of an economic activity. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: 1.Raising the knowledge of entrepreneurship of 90 persons by providing training and advisory support necessary to start up and run a business, as well as the proper preparation of project documentation; 2.Support for individual initiatives aiming at the creation of 76 companies with a minimum duration of 12 months by granting non-repayable financial support; 3.Bridging financial barriers to doing business in the first 6/12miesiacach by providing basic and/or extended bridge support; 4.Acquisition of specialist knowledge and skills as part of a bridging assistance advisor assisting new entrepreneurs in the functioning of the market. ACTIONS: 1.Recruitment, recruitment and assessment of the recruitment forms of 110 persons (XII ‘16-III’ 17 ‘and VIII-X’ 17); 2.Primary training and advisory support for 90persons (IV ‘17-V’ 17) — including training, legal support, workshops, consultancy; 3.Financial support for starting an economic activity for 76 persons (VIII ‘17-XI’ 18); 4.Bridging assistance (basic/extended) in the first 6/12 months and implementation of support for 76--XI Bridge Assistance (VII ‘17-XI’ 18). The main result of the project will be the creation of 76 new businesses (self-employed) and at least 86 new jobs to XI '18. (English) | |||
Property / summary: The “ideal SZEF-TO JA” is a project implemented by the West Pomeranian Advisory Group of the Sp.z o.o.: Increase of the labour force of 76unemployed and inactive since 30 in the specific labour market situation (i.e.: women, the low-skilled, the long-term unemployed, people aged 50 and over, people with disabilities) who live at the same time in areas with high unemployment and low levels of entrepreneurship in the Pomorskie Province in the period 2016-XI 2018, through the opening up of an economic activity. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: 1.Raising the knowledge of entrepreneurship of 90 persons by providing training and advisory support necessary to start up and run a business, as well as the proper preparation of project documentation; 2.Support for individual initiatives aiming at the creation of 76 companies with a minimum duration of 12 months by granting non-repayable financial support; 3.Bridging financial barriers to doing business in the first 6/12miesiacach by providing basic and/or extended bridge support; 4.Acquisition of specialist knowledge and skills as part of a bridging assistance advisor assisting new entrepreneurs in the functioning of the market. ACTIONS: 1.Recruitment, recruitment and assessment of the recruitment forms of 110 persons (XII ‘16-III’ 17 ‘and VIII-X’ 17); 2.Primary training and advisory support for 90persons (IV ‘17-V’ 17) — including training, legal support, workshops, consultancy; 3.Financial support for starting an economic activity for 76 persons (VIII ‘17-XI’ 18); 4.Bridging assistance (basic/extended) in the first 6/12 months and implementation of support for 76--XI Bridge Assistance (VII ‘17-XI’ 18). The main result of the project will be the creation of 76 new businesses (self-employed) and at least 86 new jobs to XI '18. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 10:18, 10 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | IDEAL CHIEF — I! |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
3,591,031.07 zloty
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4,224,742.44 zloty
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1,013,938.1856000001 Euro
0.24 Euro
13 January 2020
0 references
85.0 percent
0 references
1 December 2016
0 references
30 November 2018
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0 references
"IDEALNY SZEF-TO JA" to projekt realizowany przez Zachodniopomorską Grupę Doradczą Sp.z o.o. CEL PROJEKTU: Wzrost aktywności zawodowej 76osób bezrobotnych i nieaktywnych zawodowo od 30 roku życia znajdujących się w szczególnej sytuacji na rynku pracy (tj: kobiet, osób o niskich kwalifikacjach, osób długotrwale bezrobotnych, osób powyżej 50roku życia,osób niepełnosprawnych)zamieszkujących jednocześnie obszary o wysokiej stopie bezrobocia i niskim poziomie przedsiębiorczości w województwie pomorskim w okresie XII 2016–XI 2018, poprzez otwarcie działalności gospodarczej. CELE SZCZEGÓŁOWE PRZEDSIĘWZIĘCIA: 1.Uzupełnienie wiedzy z zakresu przedsiębiorczości 90osób poprzez zapewnienie wsparcia szkoleniowo-doradczego niezbędnego do założenia i prowadzenia firmy,a także prawidłowego przygotowania dokumentacji projektowej; 2.Wsparcie indywidualnych inicjatyw zmierzających do utworzenia 76 przedsiębiorstw działających minimum 12 miesięcy poprzez udzielenie bezzwrotnego wsparcia finansowego; 3.Pokonanie barier finansowych utrudniających prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej w pierwszych 6/12miesiacach poprzez udzielenie podstawowego i/lub przedłużonego wsparcia pomostowego; 4.Nabycie specjalistycznej wiedzy i umiejętności w ramach pomostowego wsparcia doradczo-szkoleniowego wspomagającego nowych przedsiębiorców w funkcjonowaniu na rynku. DZIAŁANIA: 1.Rekrutacja, nabór i ocena formularzy rekrutacyjnych 110osób(XII'16–III'17 i VIII-X'17); 2.Wsparcie podstawowe szkoleniowo-doradcze dla 90osób(IV'17–V'17)– szkolenia,wsparcie prawnicze,warsztaty,doradztwo; 3.Wsparcie finansowe na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej dla 76osób(VIII'17-XI'18); 4.Wsparcie pomostowe finansowe(podstawowe/przedłużone)w pierwszych 6/12 miesiącach i realizacja wsparcia pomostowego szkoleniowo-doradczego 76osób(VII'17-XI'18). Najważniejszym efektem projektu będzie stworzenie 76 nowych przedsiębiorstw(samozatrudnienie) i przynajmniej 86 nowych miejsc pracy do XI'18 r. (Polish)
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The “ideal SZEF-TO JA” is a project implemented by the West Pomeranian Advisory Group of the Sp.z o.o.: Increase of the labour force of 76unemployed and inactive since 30 in the specific labour market situation (i.e.: women, the low-skilled, the long-term unemployed, people aged 50 and over, people with disabilities) who live at the same time in areas with high unemployment and low levels of entrepreneurship in the Pomorskie Province in the period 2016-XI 2018, through the opening up of an economic activity. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: 1.Raising the knowledge of entrepreneurship of 90 persons by providing training and advisory support necessary to start up and run a business, as well as the proper preparation of project documentation; 2.Support for individual initiatives aiming at the creation of 76 companies with a minimum duration of 12 months by granting non-repayable financial support; 3.Bridging financial barriers to doing business in the first 6/12miesiacach by providing basic and/or extended bridge support; 4.Acquisition of specialist knowledge and skills as part of a bridging assistance advisor assisting new entrepreneurs in the functioning of the market. ACTIONS: 1.Recruitment, recruitment and assessment of the recruitment forms of 110 persons (XII ‘16-III’ 17 ‘and VIII-X’ 17); 2.Primary training and advisory support for 90persons (IV ‘17-V’ 17) — including training, legal support, workshops, consultancy; 3.Financial support for starting an economic activity for 76 persons (VIII ‘17-XI’ 18); 4.Bridging assistance (basic/extended) in the first 6/12 months and implementation of support for 76--XI Bridge Assistance (VII ‘17-XI’ 18). The main result of the project will be the creation of 76 new businesses (self-employed) and at least 86 new jobs to XI '18. (English)
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