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(Created claim: summary (P836): This project responds to the identified needs of the municipality of Srock in terms of improving waste management. The main objective of this project is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and to reduce the risk of pollution of the environment through the construction of the Selective Collection Point for the municipal waste collection centre in Srocuse.The main objective will be pursued through the specific objectives of 1. Cleani...) |
Property / summary | |||
This project responds to the identified needs of the municipality of Srock in terms of improving waste management. The main objective of this project is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and to reduce the risk of pollution of the environment through the construction of the Selective Collection Point for the municipal waste collection centre in Srocuse.The main objective will be pursued through the specific objectives of 1. Cleaning up the municipal waste management in the territory of the municipality; 2. Reducing environmental pollution by, inter alia, illegal discharge and waste incineration (3). Increase the level of separate collection and processing of waste in line with Polish requirements and EU legislation in this area; 4. Protect people’s health from the negative impact of the poor management of municipal waste, industrial waste, 5. Increased recycling and recovery of non-recovered waste. Increase in environmental awareness of EU7. Improving the conditions for residence and doing business in 8. In the longer term, an improvement in the image of the municipality underwritten by the Applicant will lead to the further development of the socio-economic development of Sroczyn, by the extension of the local technical infrastructure. The impact of the project on the socio-economic sphere is mainly reflected in the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Sroczyn. Thanks to the construction of the PSZOK site, there will be no need to dispose of the waste on its own inhabitants and the problem of disposing of hazardous and hazardous waste will disappear. Taking action in the context of this draft action to streamline the municipal waste management within the municipality will also contribute to the improvement of the natural environment by reducing the number of occurrences so called “wild dumpsites” and better security for the natural beauty of the region. (English) | |||
Property / summary: This project responds to the identified needs of the municipality of Srock in terms of improving waste management. The main objective of this project is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and to reduce the risk of pollution of the environment through the construction of the Selective Collection Point for the municipal waste collection centre in Srocuse.The main objective will be pursued through the specific objectives of 1. Cleaning up the municipal waste management in the territory of the municipality; 2. Reducing environmental pollution by, inter alia, illegal discharge and waste incineration (3). Increase the level of separate collection and processing of waste in line with Polish requirements and EU legislation in this area; 4. Protect people’s health from the negative impact of the poor management of municipal waste, industrial waste, 5. Increased recycling and recovery of non-recovered waste. Increase in environmental awareness of EU7. Improving the conditions for residence and doing business in 8. In the longer term, an improvement in the image of the municipality underwritten by the Applicant will lead to the further development of the socio-economic development of Sroczyn, by the extension of the local technical infrastructure. The impact of the project on the socio-economic sphere is mainly reflected in the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Sroczyn. Thanks to the construction of the PSZOK site, there will be no need to dispose of the waste on its own inhabitants and the problem of disposing of hazardous and hazardous waste will disappear. Taking action in the context of this draft action to streamline the municipal waste management within the municipality will also contribute to the improvement of the natural environment by reducing the number of occurrences so called “wild dumpsites” and better security for the natural beauty of the region. (English) / rank | |||
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Revision as of 09:37, 10 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
709,364.85 zloty
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1,261,602.81 zloty
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85.0 percent
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27 August 2018
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31 December 2020
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Przedmiotowy projekt stanowi odpowiedź na zidentyfikowane potrzeby Gminy Skołyszyn w zakresie poprawy gospodarki odpadami. Głównym celem przedmiotowego projektu jest poprawia jakości życia mieszkańców oraz zmniejszenie ryzyka zanieczyszczenia środowiska odpadami poprzez budowę Punktu Selektywnej Zbiórki Odpadów Komunalnych w Skołyszynie.Cel główny realizowany będzie poprzez cele szczegółowe, na które składają się:1. Uporządkowanie Gospodarki Odpadów Komunalnych na terenie gminy;2. Zmniejszenie zanieczyszczenia środowiska naturalnego nielegalnym zrzutem oraz spalaniem odpadów3. Zwiększenie poziomu selektywnej zbiórki odpadów oraz ich przetwarzanie zgodnie z wymogami polskich i unijnych przepisów w tym zakresie;4. Ochrona zdrowia mieszkańców przed negatywnym wpływem niewłaściwej gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi, przemysłowymi;5. Wzrost poziomu recyklingu, a także odzysku odpadów zbieranych selektywnie6. Wzrost świadomości ekologicznej mieszkańców7. Poprawa warunków zamieszkania i prowadzenia działalności w gminie8. Poprawa wizerunku gminyPodjęty przez Wnioskodawcę projekt ma w dłuższej perspektywie doprowadzić do dalszego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego Gminy Skołyszyn poprzez rozbudowę lokalnej infrastruktury technicznej. Wpływ przedmiotowego projektu na oddziaływanie w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej przejawia się przede wszystkim w odniesieniu do poprawy warunków życia mieszkańców gminy Skołyszyn. Dzięki budowie PSZOK’u nie będzie konieczności składowania odpadów na terenach własnych mieszkańców, a także zniknie kłopot pozbywania się odpadów problematycznych i niebezpiecznych. Podjęcie w ramach niniejszego projektu działań związanych z uporządkowaniem gospodarki odpadów komunalnych na terenie gminy przyczyni się także do poprawy środowiska naturalnego, poprzez zmniejszenie ilości występowania tzw. „dzikich wysypisk” oraz lepsze zabezpieczenie walorów przyrodniczych regionu. (Polish)
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This project responds to the identified needs of the municipality of Srock in terms of improving waste management. The main objective of this project is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and to reduce the risk of pollution of the environment through the construction of the Selective Collection Point for the municipal waste collection centre in Srocuse.The main objective will be pursued through the specific objectives of 1. Cleaning up the municipal waste management in the territory of the municipality; 2. Reducing environmental pollution by, inter alia, illegal discharge and waste incineration (3). Increase the level of separate collection and processing of waste in line with Polish requirements and EU legislation in this area; 4. Protect people’s health from the negative impact of the poor management of municipal waste, industrial waste, 5. Increased recycling and recovery of non-recovered waste. Increase in environmental awareness of EU7. Improving the conditions for residence and doing business in 8. In the longer term, an improvement in the image of the municipality underwritten by the Applicant will lead to the further development of the socio-economic development of Sroczyn, by the extension of the local technical infrastructure. The impact of the project on the socio-economic sphere is mainly reflected in the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Sroczyn. Thanks to the construction of the PSZOK site, there will be no need to dispose of the waste on its own inhabitants and the problem of disposing of hazardous and hazardous waste will disappear. Taking action in the context of this draft action to streamline the municipal waste management within the municipality will also contribute to the improvement of the natural environment by reducing the number of occurrences so called “wild dumpsites” and better security for the natural beauty of the region. (English)
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