European Schools (Q115431): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The project “European Schools” will be implemented by 2 actors in the area of general education as a response to the observed problems. The municipality of Nazomasa as a manager and operator of the general education unit operating in the municipality indicated that pupils in classes 4 to 5 enrolled in school 2-round the school: The Primary School No 3 in Narmyverb and Primary School No. 4 in Narmyoword show a number of problems with the ability...) |
Property / summary | |||
The project “European Schools” will be implemented by 2 actors in the area of general education as a response to the observed problems. The municipality of Nazomasa as a manager and operator of the general education unit operating in the municipality indicated that pupils in classes 4 to 5 enrolled in school 2-round the school: The Primary School No 3 in Narmyverb and Primary School No. 4 in Narmyoword show a number of problems with the ability of attitudes that are considered essential for the efficient functioning of the labour market. Teachers are connected to this type of education, in particular, with regard to the education of key learners, which are useful in the field of education. Their problems and needs are defined on the basis of an individual analysis of the needs of the school. The diagnosis has been carried out by the schools and confirmed by the investigating body. Their results have led the Municipality to take action to find a way/most effective method to minimise and even alleviate the existing difficulties. Students have problems with learning, they cannot concentrate, are not creative, stressful, have difficulty in meeting their education obligations, spend a lot of time and do not achieve satisfactory results, and their results are reflected in their scores. Project implemented in partnership by two entities active in the field of general education. Educational programmes showing modern innovative and efficient teaching methods to which Ms Gorzyńska’s Future’s copyright has proven to be the best way to resolve the difficulties experienced by students. In this way, a partnership between the firm Future and the Municipality of Napomasan took place. (English) | |||
Property / summary: The project “European Schools” will be implemented by 2 actors in the area of general education as a response to the observed problems. The municipality of Nazomasa as a manager and operator of the general education unit operating in the municipality indicated that pupils in classes 4 to 5 enrolled in school 2-round the school: The Primary School No 3 in Narmyverb and Primary School No. 4 in Narmyoword show a number of problems with the ability of attitudes that are considered essential for the efficient functioning of the labour market. Teachers are connected to this type of education, in particular, with regard to the education of key learners, which are useful in the field of education. Their problems and needs are defined on the basis of an individual analysis of the needs of the school. The diagnosis has been carried out by the schools and confirmed by the investigating body. Their results have led the Municipality to take action to find a way/most effective method to minimise and even alleviate the existing difficulties. Students have problems with learning, they cannot concentrate, are not creative, stressful, have difficulty in meeting their education obligations, spend a lot of time and do not achieve satisfactory results, and their results are reflected in their scores. Project implemented in partnership by two entities active in the field of general education. Educational programmes showing modern innovative and efficient teaching methods to which Ms Gorzyńska’s Future’s copyright has proven to be the best way to resolve the difficulties experienced by students. In this way, a partnership between the firm Future and the Municipality of Napomasan took place. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 08:29, 10 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | European Schools |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
256,248.43 zloty
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301,468.75 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 September 2016
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31 July 2017
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Projekt” Europejskie szkoły ” realizowany będzie przez 2 podmioty działające w obszarze edukacji ogólnej jako odpowiedź na zaobserwowane problemy. Gmina Namysłów jako podmiot zarządzający i prowadzący jednostki kształcenia ogólnego działający na terenie gminy, wskazał iż uczniowie klas 4-5 uczęszczający do 2-óch szkół: Szkoły Podstawowej nr 3 w Namysłowie i Szkoły Podstawowej nr 4 w Namysłowie wykazują szereg problemów w zakresie umiejętności postaw które są uznawane za niezbędne w efektywnym funkcjonowaniu na rynku pracy. Nauczyciele wykazują zw. z tym deficty w zakresie eduk.kompet.kluczowych uczn, przydatnych na r.pracy. Ich problemy i potrzeby zostały zdefiniowane na podstawie przeprowadzonej indywidualnej analizy potrzeb szkoły. Diagnozy zostały przeprowadzone przez szkoły i potwierdzone przez organ prowadzący. Ich wyniki zdecydowały o podjęciu przez Gminę działania dążącego do znalezienia sposobu/ najefektywniejszej metody umożliwiającej zminimalizowanie a nawet zniwelowanie istniejących trudności. Uczniowie mają problemy z nauką, nie potrafią się skupić, są mało kreatywni, zestresowani, wykazują trudności w sprostaniu swoim obowiązkom związanymi z edukacją, poświęcają na naukę dużą ilość czasu i nie osiągają zadowalających wyników, co przekłada się na ich wyniki z sprawdzianów szóstoklasisty. Projekt realizowany w partnerstwie przez dwa podmioty działające w obszarze edukacji ogólnej. Programy edukacyjne wykazujące nowoczesne innowacyjne i efektywne metody nauczania do których prawa autorskie posiada Pani Agnieszka Gorzyńska Future okazały się najlepszą metodą rozwiązania trudności zaobserwowanych wśród uczniów. W ten sposób doszło do podjęcia partnerstwa między firmą Future i Gminą Namysłów. (Polish)
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The project “European Schools” will be implemented by 2 actors in the area of general education as a response to the observed problems. The municipality of Nazomasa as a manager and operator of the general education unit operating in the municipality indicated that pupils in classes 4 to 5 enrolled in school 2-round the school: The Primary School No 3 in Narmyverb and Primary School No. 4 in Narmyoword show a number of problems with the ability of attitudes that are considered essential for the efficient functioning of the labour market. Teachers are connected to this type of education, in particular, with regard to the education of key learners, which are useful in the field of education. Their problems and needs are defined on the basis of an individual analysis of the needs of the school. The diagnosis has been carried out by the schools and confirmed by the investigating body. Their results have led the Municipality to take action to find a way/most effective method to minimise and even alleviate the existing difficulties. Students have problems with learning, they cannot concentrate, are not creative, stressful, have difficulty in meeting their education obligations, spend a lot of time and do not achieve satisfactory results, and their results are reflected in their scores. Project implemented in partnership by two entities active in the field of general education. Educational programmes showing modern innovative and efficient teaching methods to which Ms Gorzyńska’s Future’s copyright has proven to be the best way to resolve the difficulties experienced by students. In this way, a partnership between the firm Future and the Municipality of Napomasan took place. (English)
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0 references