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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The ‘Going Local’ project will run from 01.08.19 to 31.08.2021 in the town and municipality of poultry (urban and rural). It will be sent to 50 persons. (25K/25M) at risk of poverty/social exclusion. It is assumed that people in a particularly difficult situation resulting from multiple social exclusion will be preferred. (m in.poverty, unemployment, the need for maternity protection, serious illness) — covered 6. The majority of participants in...)
Property / summary
The ‘Going Local’ project will run from 01.08.19 to 31.08.2021 in the town and municipality of poultry (urban and rural). It will be sent to 50 persons. (25K/25M) at risk of poverty/social exclusion. It is assumed that people in a particularly difficult situation resulting from multiple social exclusion will be preferred. (m in.poverty, unemployment, the need for maternity protection, serious illness) — covered 6. The majority of participants in min.5 will find employment, 25 % of the total number of participants in min.8 will find employment, at least 17 (34 %) of the total number of participants will be employed at a minimum of 9, with minimum levels of employment efficiency being achieved. The project will take steps to improve the employability of the people and prevent social exclusion and poverty. Active inclusion will be achieved through social, professional, educational and health services. MSGOPS shall ensure that unemployed persons benefiting from social assistance or eligible for support support receive primary support in terms of social integration. For each individual, a reintegration pathway will be developed to provide individualised and comprehensive support -cry.4. Cooperation with PLO and OWES (training and advice on social economy) will be pursued in order to pursue active labour integration. As a result of the action taken, a minimum of 8 people will reach employment efficiency, including 30 people completing training/vocational courses, with a minimum of 17 (34 %) increasing social efficiency. The project is carried out in partnership with the social economy entity — a social cooperative society which is an entity meeting the criteria laid down in the Public Procurement Law Act — Art. 3 (par). 31. (English)
Property / summary: The ‘Going Local’ project will run from 01.08.19 to 31.08.2021 in the town and municipality of poultry (urban and rural). It will be sent to 50 persons. (25K/25M) at risk of poverty/social exclusion. It is assumed that people in a particularly difficult situation resulting from multiple social exclusion will be preferred. (m in.poverty, unemployment, the need for maternity protection, serious illness) — covered 6. The majority of participants in min.5 will find employment, 25 % of the total number of participants in min.8 will find employment, at least 17 (34 %) of the total number of participants will be employed at a minimum of 9, with minimum levels of employment efficiency being achieved. The project will take steps to improve the employability of the people and prevent social exclusion and poverty. Active inclusion will be achieved through social, professional, educational and health services. MSGOPS shall ensure that unemployed persons benefiting from social assistance or eligible for support support receive primary support in terms of social integration. For each individual, a reintegration pathway will be developed to provide individualised and comprehensive support -cry.4. Cooperation with PLO and OWES (training and advice on social economy) will be pursued in order to pursue active labour integration. As a result of the action taken, a minimum of 8 people will reach employment efficiency, including 30 people completing training/vocational courses, with a minimum of 17 (34 %) increasing social efficiency. The project is carried out in partnership with the social economy entity — a social cooperative society which is an entity meeting the criteria laid down in the Public Procurement Law Act — Art. 3 (par). 31. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:26, 9 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    546,312.5 zloty
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    131,115.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    686,312.5 zloty
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    164,715.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    79.6 percent
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    1 August 2019
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    31 August 2021
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    Projekt „Drobin-gmina przyjazna mieszkańcom” realizowany będzie od 01.08.19 do 31.08.2021. na terenie Miasta i Gminy Drobin (obszar miejski i wiejski). Skierowany będzie do 50 os. (25K/25M) zagrożonych ubóstwem/wykluczeniem społecznym. Zakłada się, że preferowane do objęcia wsparciem będą osoby znajdujący się w szczególnie trudnej sytuacji życiowej wynikającej z wielokrotnego wykluczenia społ. (m.in.ubóstwo, bezrobocie, niepełn. potrzeba ochrony macierzyństwa, dł.ciężka choroba) – kryt. 6. Preferowane do objęcia wsparciem będą także os/rodziny korzyst. z POPŻ.-kryt.5 Wśród ogółu uczestników min.8 znajdzie zatrudnienie, (25% objętych integracją zawodową) u min. 17 (34%) zwiększą się kompetencje społ Zgodnie z kryt.9 osiągnięte zostaną minimalne poziomy efektywności społeczno-zatrudnieniowej. W ramach projektu podjęte zostaną działania zwiększające szanse zatrudnienia, ww. osób oraz zapobiegające zjawisku wykluczenia społecznego i ubóstwa. Aktywna integracja prowadzona będzie poprzez realizację usług o charakterze społecznym, zawodowym, edukacyjnym i zdrowotnym. MGOPS zapewnia, iż osoby bezrobotne korzystające z pomocy społecznej lub kwalifikujące się do objęcia wsparciem wsparcia pomocy społ. w pierwszej kolejności otrzymają wsparcie w zakresie integracji społecznej. Dla każdej osoby opracowana zostanie ścieżka reintegracji, w celu zapewnienia zindywidualizowanego i kompleksowego wsparcia -kryt.4. W celu realizacji aktywnej integracji o charakterze zawodowym prowadzona będzie współpraca z PUP i OWES (szkolenia i doradztwo z zakresu ekonomii społecznej). W wyniku podjętych działań min. 8 osób osiągnie efektywność zatrudnieniową, min. 30 osób ukończy szkolenia/ kursy zawodowe, u min. 17 osób (34%) wzrośnie efektywność społecznozatrudnieniowa. Projekt realizowany jest w partnerstwie z podmiotem ekonomii społecznej - spółdzielnią socjalną osób prawnych, która jest podmiotem spełniającym kryteria określone Ustawie Prawo Zamówień Publicznych - art. § 3 ust. 31. (Polish)
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    The ‘Going Local’ project will run from 01.08.19 to 31.08.2021 in the town and municipality of poultry (urban and rural). It will be sent to 50 persons. (25K/25M) at risk of poverty/social exclusion. It is assumed that people in a particularly difficult situation resulting from multiple social exclusion will be preferred. (m in.poverty, unemployment, the need for maternity protection, serious illness) — covered 6. The majority of participants in min.5 will find employment, 25 % of the total number of participants in min.8 will find employment, at least 17 (34 %) of the total number of participants will be employed at a minimum of 9, with minimum levels of employment efficiency being achieved. The project will take steps to improve the employability of the people and prevent social exclusion and poverty. Active inclusion will be achieved through social, professional, educational and health services. MSGOPS shall ensure that unemployed persons benefiting from social assistance or eligible for support support receive primary support in terms of social integration. For each individual, a reintegration pathway will be developed to provide individualised and comprehensive support -cry.4. Cooperation with PLO and OWES (training and advice on social economy) will be pursued in order to pursue active labour integration. As a result of the action taken, a minimum of 8 people will reach employment efficiency, including 30 people completing training/vocational courses, with a minimum of 17 (34 %) increasing social efficiency. The project is carried out in partnership with the social economy entity — a social cooperative society which is an entity meeting the criteria laid down in the Public Procurement Law Act — Art. 3 (par). 31. (English)
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