ICT in mathematics education (Q110468): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project to raise the key competences of pupils and to shape the right attitudes and skills needed in the labour market przez:poprawę of educational outcomes, mathematics, the development of ICT tools, the retrofitting of ICT tools, the introduction of new teaching methods using ICT, the activation of pupils, the adaptation of working methods and forms to pupils’ abilities, the support of teachers with regard to networking and self...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project to raise the key competences of pupils and to shape the right attitudes and skills needed in the labour market przez:poprawę of educational outcomes, mathematics, the development of ICT tools, the retrofitting of ICT tools, the introduction of new teaching methods using ICT, the activation of pupils, the adaptation of working methods and forms to pupils’ abilities, the support of teachers with regard to networking and self-education, the upgrading of teachers’ digital competences and the addition of ICT (mathematics), educational assignments at the Technical College and the Pool of Schools. The project will include the support of students of the Technical College and of SSF for all professions and teachers. The school is 34 (K33, M1) of full-time teachers and 391 students, (technical college M77 K135, ZSRZ M 119 K60). Students who choose an education in our school have a low score of 33 % lower secondary school, with early tests showing a considerable gap of 3 and up to 2 years in education (15 %). these are discouraged by the fact that they are discouraged from working, they believe they are in a hopeless position, they do not see a point in the need for mathematical education. These attitudes are based on the low visibility of the baccalaureate with 2016 47.22 % (sampled province of 82 % of OKE’s data) of KD 13, increasing the number of grades late at the end of the year (2016-20 %), the decreasing number of pupils entering the baccalaureate (52.94 % in 2016, a drop of 18 % to 2014 students, and only a 0.31 % increase to 2015. we support the participants in 1a 2abc and 3abc. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project to raise the key competences of pupils and to shape the right attitudes and skills needed in the labour market przez:poprawę of educational outcomes, mathematics, the development of ICT tools, the retrofitting of ICT tools, the introduction of new teaching methods using ICT, the activation of pupils, the adaptation of working methods and forms to pupils’ abilities, the support of teachers with regard to networking and self-education, the upgrading of teachers’ digital competences and the addition of ICT (mathematics), educational assignments at the Technical College and the Pool of Schools. The project will include the support of students of the Technical College and of SSF for all professions and teachers. The school is 34 (K33, M1) of full-time teachers and 391 students, (technical college M77 K135, ZSRZ M 119 K60). Students who choose an education in our school have a low score of 33 % lower secondary school, with early tests showing a considerable gap of 3 and up to 2 years in education (15 %). these are discouraged by the fact that they are discouraged from working, they believe they are in a hopeless position, they do not see a point in the need for mathematical education. These attitudes are based on the low visibility of the baccalaureate with 2016 47.22 % (sampled province of 82 % of OKE’s data) of KD 13, increasing the number of grades late at the end of the year (2016-20 %), the decreasing number of pupils entering the baccalaureate (52.94 % in 2016, a drop of 18 % to 2014 students, and only a 0.31 % increase to 2015. we support the participants in 1a 2abc and 3abc. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 09:57, 9 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
ICT in mathematics education
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    347,700.06 zloty
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    83,448.0144 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    434,625.07 zloty
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    104,310.0168 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    80.0 percent
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    1 August 2017
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    30 June 2019
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    Cel projektu-podniesienie u uczniów kompetencji kluczowych oraz kształtowanie właściwych postaw i umiejętności niezbędnych na rynku pracy przez:poprawę wyników edukacyjnych z matematyki, stworzenie medialnej pracowni matematycznej, doposażenie pracowni dydaktycznych w narzędzia TIK, wprowadzenie nowych metod nauczania z wykorzystaniem TIK, aktywizację uczniów, dostosowanie metod i form pracy do możliwości uczniów,wsparcie nauczycieli mat.-przyr w ramach moderowania sieci współpracy i samokształcenia,podniesienie kompetencji cyfrowych nauczycieli oraz zajęcia dodatk (ICT,warsztaty rozwoju osobistego itd) i wyrównujące braki z poprzednich i bieżącego etap. eduk.(matematyka), wyjazdy edukacyjne w Technikum i ZSZ Zespołu Szkół im. B. z wykorzystaniem rezultatów projektów pozytywnie zrewalidowanych w ramach POKL 2007-2017. Projekt obejmie wsparciem uczniów Technikum i ZSZ wszystkich zawodów oraz nauczycieli. Szkoła liczy 34 (K33, M1) nauczycieli pełnozatrudnionych oraz 391 uczniów,(technikum M77 K135, ZSZ M 119 K60)). Uczniowie wybierający kształcenie w naszej szkole mają niskie wyniki z egz. gimnazjalnego z matematyki śr 33% ,w testach diagnozujących na wstępie wykazują znaczne braki z III a nawet II etapu edukacji (śr 15 %), na skutek tego są zniechęceni, brak im motywacji do pracy, uważają że są w beznadziejnej sytuacji, nie widzą sensu w potrzebie edukacji matematycznej. Konsekwencją tych postaw jest niska zdawalność matury z mat 2016 47,22%(woj. maz.82% dane OKE)KD 13 ,wzrastająca liczba ocen niedost. na koniec roku(2016- 20%), zmniejszająca się liczba uczniów przystępujących do matury(w 2016-uczniów kl IVprzystąpiło 52,94% co stanowi spadek o18% do 2014 a tylko 0,31% wzrost do 2015 Planujemy wsparcie uczestników w obszarze 1a 2abc i 3abc wskazanym w regulaminie konkursu Planowane wskaźniki-liczby uczniów przyst. do matury, zmniejszenie licz. ocen niedost., liczba wdoposazonych pracowni w narzedzia TIK, liczba nauczycieli objętych wsparciem. (Polish)
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    The aim of the project to raise the key competences of pupils and to shape the right attitudes and skills needed in the labour market przez:poprawę of educational outcomes, mathematics, the development of ICT tools, the retrofitting of ICT tools, the introduction of new teaching methods using ICT, the activation of pupils, the adaptation of working methods and forms to pupils’ abilities, the support of teachers with regard to networking and self-education, the upgrading of teachers’ digital competences and the addition of ICT (mathematics), educational assignments at the Technical College and the Pool of Schools. The project will include the support of students of the Technical College and of SSF for all professions and teachers. The school is 34 (K33, M1) of full-time teachers and 391 students, (technical college M77 K135, ZSRZ M 119 K60). Students who choose an education in our school have a low score of 33 % lower secondary school, with early tests showing a considerable gap of 3 and up to 2 years in education (15 %). these are discouraged by the fact that they are discouraged from working, they believe they are in a hopeless position, they do not see a point in the need for mathematical education. These attitudes are based on the low visibility of the baccalaureate with 2016 47.22 % (sampled province of 82 % of OKE’s data) of KD 13, increasing the number of grades late at the end of the year (2016-20 %), the decreasing number of pupils entering the baccalaureate (52.94 % in 2016, a drop of 18 % to 2014 students, and only a 0.31 % increase to 2015. we support the participants in 1a 2abc and 3abc. (English)
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