Programming of machine tools, traineeships, tomorrow, tomorrow. Second edition (Q103854): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main aim of the project is to acquire new attractive skills in the labour market for the programming and use of numerical control machines. In order to achieve this objective, additional specialised activities in cooperation with employers for students of secondary education schools in technical professions are planned. The project will deliver 2 editions that will cover the year SZK. 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. 4 groups of students will be inv...)
Property / summary
The main aim of the project is to acquire new attractive skills in the labour market for the programming and use of numerical control machines. In order to achieve this objective, additional specialised activities in cooperation with employers for students of secondary education schools in technical professions are planned. The project will deliver 2 editions that will cover the year SZK. 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. 4 groups of students will be involved in each project edition after 12 years/g. for each participant, 220 hours will be completed for each participant in the programming and use of the S.N machines (lathes, milling machines, printer 3D, cutting plates), 150 hours of work placements for employers (mechanical and mechatronics companies), 40 hours of training for qualifying examinations for the operation of equipment, installations and networks of project participants who pass the examination before the Examination Board, appointed by the Energy Regulatory Office, who will be certified for use in the operation of equipment, printing and networks. The Applicant has planned to conduct an external examination for the participants in the design that confirms the competence in programming machine tools S.N. by the Chamber of Craftsmen and Handlers in Dresden (IHK). Once a positive outcome has been obtained, participants will be granted a certificate of competence issued by the IHK which is identical to those obtained by the students in the Netherlands. This competence will strengthen the ability of students to work on the Polish and European labour market through a certificate of skills in accordance with national and European standards. (English)
Property / summary: The main aim of the project is to acquire new attractive skills in the labour market for the programming and use of numerical control machines. In order to achieve this objective, additional specialised activities in cooperation with employers for students of secondary education schools in technical professions are planned. The project will deliver 2 editions that will cover the year SZK. 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. 4 groups of students will be involved in each project edition after 12 years/g. for each participant, 220 hours will be completed for each participant in the programming and use of the S.N machines (lathes, milling machines, printer 3D, cutting plates), 150 hours of work placements for employers (mechanical and mechatronics companies), 40 hours of training for qualifying examinations for the operation of equipment, installations and networks of project participants who pass the examination before the Examination Board, appointed by the Energy Regulatory Office, who will be certified for use in the operation of equipment, printing and networks. The Applicant has planned to conduct an external examination for the participants in the design that confirms the competence in programming machine tools S.N. by the Chamber of Craftsmen and Handlers in Dresden (IHK). Once a positive outcome has been obtained, participants will be granted a certificate of competence issued by the IHK which is identical to those obtained by the students in the Netherlands. This competence will strengthen the ability of students to work on the Polish and European labour market through a certificate of skills in accordance with national and European standards. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 09:32, 9 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Programming of machine tools, traineeships, tomorrow, tomorrow. Second edition
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    840,152.75 zloty
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    13 January 2020
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    988,415.0 zloty
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    237,219.59999999998 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2018
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    Celem głównym projektu jest uzyskanie przez uczniów nowych, atrakcyjnych na rynku pracy kwalifikacji w zakresie programowania i użytkowania maszyn sterowanych numerycznie. Aby ten cel osiągnąć zaplanowano dodatkowe, specjalistyczne zajęcia realizowane we współpracy z pracodawcami dla uczniów szkół kształcących w zawodach tech. mechanik i tech. mechatronik. W ramach projektu zostaną zrealizowane 2 edycje, które będą obejmować rok szk. 2018/2019 i 2019/2020. W każdej edycji projektu będą brały udział 4 grupy uczniów po 12 os./gr. Dla każdego uczestnika zostanie zrealizowanych 220 godz. zajęć w zakresie programowania i użytkowania maszyn s.n. (tokarki,frezarki,drukarki3D,plotery tnące), 150 godz. staży u pracodawców (przedsiębiorstwa z branży mechanicznej i mechatronicznej), 40 godz. zajęć przygotowujących do egzaminów kwalifikacyjnych uprawniających do zajmowania się eksploatacją urządzeń, instalacji i sieci Uczestnicy projektu, którzy zdadzą egzamin przed Komisją Egzaminacyjną powołaną przez Urząd Regulacji Energetyki otrzymają Świadectwo Kwalifikacyjne uprawniające do zajmowania się eksploatacją urządzeń, inst. i sieci na stanowiskach eksploatacji. Wnioskod. zaplanował przeprowadzenie dla uczestników projektu zewnętrznego egzaminu potwierdzającego kompetencje w zakresie programowania obrabiarek s.n. przez Izbę Rzemieślniczo-Handlową w Dreźnie (IHK). Po uzyskaniu pozytywnego wyniku egzam. uczestnicy otrzymają certyfikat potwierdzający kompetencje wydany przez IHK tożsamy z certyfikatami uzyskiwanymi przez uczących się zam. terytorium Niemiec. Potwierdzone w ten sposób kompetencje wzmocnią zdolność uczniów do zatrudnienia na polskim i europejskim rynku pracy dzięki certyfikatom potwierdzającym ukształtowane umiejętności zgodnie ze standardami krajowymi i europejskimi (Polish)
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    The main aim of the project is to acquire new attractive skills in the labour market for the programming and use of numerical control machines. In order to achieve this objective, additional specialised activities in cooperation with employers for students of secondary education schools in technical professions are planned. The project will deliver 2 editions that will cover the year SZK. 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. 4 groups of students will be involved in each project edition after 12 years/g. for each participant, 220 hours will be completed for each participant in the programming and use of the S.N machines (lathes, milling machines, printer 3D, cutting plates), 150 hours of work placements for employers (mechanical and mechatronics companies), 40 hours of training for qualifying examinations for the operation of equipment, installations and networks of project participants who pass the examination before the Examination Board, appointed by the Energy Regulatory Office, who will be certified for use in the operation of equipment, printing and networks. The Applicant has planned to conduct an external examination for the participants in the design that confirms the competence in programming machine tools S.N. by the Chamber of Craftsmen and Handlers in Dresden (IHK). Once a positive outcome has been obtained, participants will be granted a certificate of competence issued by the IHK which is identical to those obtained by the students in the Netherlands. This competence will strengthen the ability of students to work on the Polish and European labour market through a certificate of skills in accordance with national and European standards. (English)
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