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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Investor and principal beneficiary Gmina Druszyn. The final beneficiaries are the inhabitants of the municipality. The direct objective of the project — minimising the demand for primary energy by reducing heat losses in the system, increasing its efficiency and replacing individual sources of power supply from the district heating network, thus avoiding the use of conventional fuels and reducing the emissions of air pollutants responsible for l...)
Property / summary
Investor and principal beneficiary Gmina Druszyn. The final beneficiaries are the inhabitants of the municipality. The direct objective of the project — minimising the demand for primary energy by reducing heat losses in the system, increasing its efficiency and replacing individual sources of power supply from the district heating network, thus avoiding the use of conventional fuels and reducing the emissions of air pollutants responsible for low emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2. Specific objective — better air quality. The project will contribute to the competitiveness of a low-carbon economy in the municipality and region. Objective of the project — increasing the socio-economic attractiveness of the municipality, combating marginalisation. Indirect objective — promotion of the Municipality, a government supporting measures for the population. The project involves the extension of the existing district heating system by means of a heat network with a connection to the single-family building (parcel 37/1) (parcel) — 70 mb — a two-station thermal substation (c.o. and c.w.u.) in a single-family building on plot 37/1, area, area, with thermal substations (c.o. and c.w.u.) in multi-family buildings on parcels — 28/1; 28/2; 28/3 by Daisal — 3 pt; in a public building on plot 44/13, area, by means of single-function thermal substations (c.w. u.) in multi-family buildings on parcels — 39/7-2 buildings; 232/3; 232/10 by Daisal — 4 pt; in the public buildings on plots 27 and 44/30 of the 2 and sections of the building. 44/30) — 3T — (c.o.) in public buildings on parcels 44/12 and 44/6, 2TH project. this project is the next step in energy efficiency measures in the municipality. the municipality progressively implements projects that are consistent with each other and have an impact on improving air quality and reducing energy consumption and increasing the competitiveness of the low carbon economy. (English)
Property / summary: Investor and principal beneficiary Gmina Druszyn. The final beneficiaries are the inhabitants of the municipality. The direct objective of the project — minimising the demand for primary energy by reducing heat losses in the system, increasing its efficiency and replacing individual sources of power supply from the district heating network, thus avoiding the use of conventional fuels and reducing the emissions of air pollutants responsible for low emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2. Specific objective — better air quality. The project will contribute to the competitiveness of a low-carbon economy in the municipality and region. Objective of the project — increasing the socio-economic attractiveness of the municipality, combating marginalisation. Indirect objective — promotion of the Municipality, a government supporting measures for the population. The project involves the extension of the existing district heating system by means of a heat network with a connection to the single-family building (parcel 37/1) (parcel) — 70 mb — a two-station thermal substation (c.o. and c.w.u.) in a single-family building on plot 37/1, area, area, with thermal substations (c.o. and c.w.u.) in multi-family buildings on parcels — 28/1; 28/2; 28/3 by Daisal — 3 pt; in a public building on plot 44/13, area, by means of single-function thermal substations (c.w. u.) in multi-family buildings on parcels — 39/7-2 buildings; 232/3; 232/10 by Daisal — 4 pt; in the public buildings on plots 27 and 44/30 of the 2 and sections of the building. 44/30) — 3T — (c.o.) in public buildings on parcels 44/12 and 44/6, 2TH project. this project is the next step in energy efficiency measures in the municipality. the municipality progressively implements projects that are consistent with each other and have an impact on improving air quality and reducing energy consumption and increasing the competitiveness of the low carbon economy. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 09:44, 6 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    256,880.0 zloty
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    61,651.2 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    517,215.0 zloty
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    124,131.59999999999 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    67.6 percent
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    12 August 2016
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    30 November 2019
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    52°9'19.8"N, 19°11'3.1"E
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    Inwestor i Beneficjent główny - Gmina Daszyna. Beneficjenci końcowi - mieszkańcy gminy. Cel bezpośredni projektu - zminimalizowanie zapotrzebowania na energię pierwotną poprzez ograniczenie strat ciepła w systemie, wzrost jego efektywności i zastąpienie indywidualnych źródeł energii zasilaniem z sieci ciepłowniczej, co przełoży się na uniknięcie zużycia paliw konwencjonalnych i pozwoli na ograniczenie emisji zanieczyszczeń powietrza odpowiedzialnych za niską emisję i emisję gazów cieplarnianych, w tym CO2. Cel szczegółowy – lepsza jakość powietrza. Projekt wpłynie na konkurencyjność gospodarki niskoemisyjnej w gminie i regionie. Cel projektu - wzrost atrakcyjności społeczno-gospodarczej Gminy, przeciwdziałanie jej marginalizacji. Cel pośredni - promocja Gminy, samorządu wspierającego działania służące mieszkańcom. Realizacja projektu obejmuje rozbudowę istniejącego systemu ciepłowniczego poprzez wykonanie:-sieci cieplnej z przyłączem do budynku jednorodzinnego Daszyna 23 (działka nr 37/1) - 70 mb -węzła cieplnego dwufunkcyjnego (c.o. i c.w.u.) w budynku jednorodzinnym na działce 37/1 obręb Daszyna – 1 szt -węzłów cieplnych dwufunkcyjnych (c.o. i c.w.u.) w budynkach wielorodzinnych na działkach – 28/1; 28/2; 28/3 obręb Daszyna – 3 szt; w budynku użyteczności publicznej na działce 44/13 obręb Daszyna – 1szt -węzłów cieplnych jednofunkcyjnych (c.w.u.) w budynkach wielorodzinnych na działkach –39/7 – 2 budynki; 232/3; 232/10 obręb Daszyna – 4 szt; w budynkach użyteczności publicznej na działkach 27 i 44/30 obręb Daszyna (2 szt w budynku dz. 44/30) – 3szt -węzłów cieplnych jednofunkcyjnych (c.o.)w budynkach użyteczności publicznej na działkach 44/12 i 44/6 obręb Daszyna – 2szt Projekt to kolejny etap podejmowanych działań w zakresie racjonalizacji zużycia energii na terenie gminy.Gmina sukcesywnie realizuje przedsięwzięcia, spójne ze sobą i mające wpływ na poprawę jakości powietrza i ograniczenia zużycia energii oraz wzrost konkurencyjności gospodarki niskoemisyjnej (Polish)
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    Investor and principal beneficiary Gmina Druszyn. The final beneficiaries are the inhabitants of the municipality. The direct objective of the project — minimising the demand for primary energy by reducing heat losses in the system, increasing its efficiency and replacing individual sources of power supply from the district heating network, thus avoiding the use of conventional fuels and reducing the emissions of air pollutants responsible for low emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2. Specific objective — better air quality. The project will contribute to the competitiveness of a low-carbon economy in the municipality and region. Objective of the project — increasing the socio-economic attractiveness of the municipality, combating marginalisation. Indirect objective — promotion of the Municipality, a government supporting measures for the population. The project involves the extension of the existing district heating system by means of a heat network with a connection to the single-family building (parcel 37/1) (parcel) — 70 mb — a two-station thermal substation (c.o. and c.w.u.) in a single-family building on plot 37/1, area, area, with thermal substations (c.o. and c.w.u.) in multi-family buildings on parcels — 28/1; 28/2; 28/3 by Daisal — 3 pt; in a public building on plot 44/13, area, by means of single-function thermal substations (c.w. u.) in multi-family buildings on parcels — 39/7-2 buildings; 232/3; 232/10 by Daisal — 4 pt; in the public buildings on plots 27 and 44/30 of the 2 and sections of the building. 44/30) — 3T — (c.o.) in public buildings on parcels 44/12 and 44/6, 2TH project. this project is the next step in energy efficiency measures in the municipality. the municipality progressively implements projects that are consistent with each other and have an impact on improving air quality and reducing energy consumption and increasing the competitiveness of the low carbon economy. (English)
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