Young, active and experienced in the Malopolska Labour Market 2 (Q90790): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project “Young, active, experienced in the small Polish labour market 2” is a carefully planned project resulting from the multi-annual experience of the FPAN and the Union of Rural Youth, on the employment and social activation of young people in vulnerable situations in the labour market.The project aims to increase the employability of 168 inactive young people (86K, 82M) not participating in education and training, the so-called NEETs, a...)
Property / summary
The project “Young, active, experienced in the small Polish labour market 2” is a carefully planned project resulting from the multi-annual experience of the FPAN and the Union of Rural Youth, on the employment and social activation of young people in vulnerable situations in the labour market.The project aims to increase the employability of 168 inactive young people (86K, 82M) not participating in education and training, the so-called NEETs, aged 15-29 living in Małopolskie Province, including at least 84 people from rural areas outside the ITI by 30.06.2018 through personalised and comprehensive support including:psychological, occupational, job matching and activation instruments for people who are unemployed.The main results of the project will be:employment of 50 % of the UP (employment efficiency) as well as the increase in psychosocial competence by 162 UP and an increase of (at least 20 %) in career development and pre-disposal skills for 162 UP.In addition, 135 UP will be qualified or recruited after leaving the programme.AUDIENCE:The project targets 168 inactive persons aged 15-29, including 60 % K (due to their labour market situation and gender barriers) from the Malopolska region, including at least 84 people from rural areas, outside the ITI.ACTIONS:The planned activities will involve an active participation of the Participants for the Project and will be individually tailored to each participant in the basic training opportunities provided.The applicant has planned a wide range of possible support, including:psychological and occupational guidance, job placement, training and internship, internship vouchers, settlement vouchers, one-off financial support for setting up an economic activity.The project will run from 1 June 2016 to 30 June 2018. (English)
Property / summary: The project “Young, active, experienced in the small Polish labour market 2” is a carefully planned project resulting from the multi-annual experience of the FPAN and the Union of Rural Youth, on the employment and social activation of young people in vulnerable situations in the labour market.The project aims to increase the employability of 168 inactive young people (86K, 82M) not participating in education and training, the so-called NEETs, aged 15-29 living in Małopolskie Province, including at least 84 people from rural areas outside the ITI by 30.06.2018 through personalised and comprehensive support including:psychological, occupational, job matching and activation instruments for people who are unemployed.The main results of the project will be:employment of 50 % of the UP (employment efficiency) as well as the increase in psychosocial competence by 162 UP and an increase of (at least 20 %) in career development and pre-disposal skills for 162 UP.In addition, 135 UP will be qualified or recruited after leaving the programme.AUDIENCE:The project targets 168 inactive persons aged 15-29, including 60 % K (due to their labour market situation and gender barriers) from the Malopolska region, including at least 84 people from rural areas, outside the ITI.ACTIONS:The planned activities will involve an active participation of the Participants for the Project and will be individually tailored to each participant in the basic training opportunities provided.The applicant has planned a wide range of possible support, including:psychological and occupational guidance, job placement, training and internship, internship vouchers, settlement vouchers, one-off financial support for setting up an economic activity.The project will run from 1 June 2016 to 30 June 2018. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:07, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Young, active and experienced in the Malopolska Labour Market 2
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,956,906.68 zloty
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    469,657.60319999995 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,129,618.76 zloty
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    511,108.50239999994 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    91.89 percent
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    1 June 2016
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    30 June 2018
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    Projekt "Młodzi, aktywni, doświadczeni na małopolskim rynku pracy 2" stanowi skrupulatnie zaplanowane przedsięwzięcie będące efektem wieloletnich doświadczeń FPAN i Związku Młodzieży Wiejskiej w zakresie aktywizacji zawodowej i społecznej osób młodych w trudnej sytuacji na rynku pracy. CELEM PROJEKTU jest zwiększenie możliwości zatrudnienia 168 biernych zawodowo osób młodych (86K, 82M) , nieuczestniczących w kształceniu i szkoleniu, tzw. młodzież NEET, w wieku 15-29 lat zamieszkałych na terenie województwa małopolskiego, w tym min. 84 osób z terenów wiejskich poza ZIT do 30.06.2018 r. poprzez zindywidualizowane i kompleksowe wsparcie obejmujące: poradnictwo psychologiczne, zawodowe, pośrednictwo pracy oraz instrumenty aktywizacji zawodowej osób pozostających bez zatrudnienia. GŁÓWNYMI REZULTATAMI projektu będą: podjęcie zatrudnienia przez 50% UP (efektywność zatrudnieniowa), a także wzrost kompetencji psycho-społ.przez 162 UP oraz wzrost (o min. 20%) umiejętności w zakresie określania ścieżki i predyspozycji zawodowych przez 162 UP. Ponadto 135 UP uzyska kwalifikacje lub podejmie zatrudnienie po opuszczeniu programu. GRUPA DOCELOWA: Projekt jest skierowany do 168 osób biernych zawodowo w wieku 15-29 lat, w tym 60%K (ze względu na ich sytuację na rynku pracy i bariery płci) z grupy NEET woj. małopolskiego, w tym min. 84 osób z terenów wiejskich, poza ZIT. DZIAŁANIA: Zaplanowane działania zakładają aktywny udział Uczestników Projektu oraz będą indywidualnie dopasowane do każdego uczestnika na podstawowie przeprowadzonej diagnozy możliwości w zakresie doskonalenia zawodowego. Wnioskodawca zaplanował szeroki wachlarz możliwego wsparcia, w tym: poradnictwo psychologiczne i zawodowe, pośrednictwo pracy, szkolenia i staże, bony stażowe, bony na zasiedlenie, jednorazowe wsparcie finansowe na założenie działalności gospodarczej. Projekt będzie realizowany w okresie od 1 czerwca 2016 do 30 czerwca 2018 r. (Polish)
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    The project “Young, active, experienced in the small Polish labour market 2” is a carefully planned project resulting from the multi-annual experience of the FPAN and the Union of Rural Youth, on the employment and social activation of young people in vulnerable situations in the labour market.The project aims to increase the employability of 168 inactive young people (86K, 82M) not participating in education and training, the so-called NEETs, aged 15-29 living in Małopolskie Province, including at least 84 people from rural areas outside the ITI by 30.06.2018 through personalised and comprehensive support including:psychological, occupational, job matching and activation instruments for people who are unemployed.The main results of the project will be:employment of 50 % of the UP (employment efficiency) as well as the increase in psychosocial competence by 162 UP and an increase of (at least 20 %) in career development and pre-disposal skills for 162 UP.In addition, 135 UP will be qualified or recruited after leaving the programme.AUDIENCE:The project targets 168 inactive persons aged 15-29, including 60 % K (due to their labour market situation and gender barriers) from the Malopolska region, including at least 84 people from rural areas, outside the ITI.ACTIONS:The planned activities will involve an active participation of the Participants for the Project and will be individually tailored to each participant in the basic training opportunities provided.The applicant has planned a wide range of possible support, including:psychological and occupational guidance, job placement, training and internship, internship vouchers, settlement vouchers, one-off financial support for setting up an economic activity.The project will run from 1 June 2016 to 30 June 2018. (English)
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