Protection of marine mammals and birds — follow-up (Q85573): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): Increasing levels of anthropogenic hazards in the marine environment and in the coastal zone that harbour protected species of mammals and marine birds, to carry out activities related to the conservation of these animals and their places of occurrence, which will be the subject of this proposal.At the same time, a still unsatisfactory level of data on species, which is so important for their proper protection, means that strong emphasis should...) |
Property / summary | |||
Increasing levels of anthropogenic hazards in the marine environment and in the coastal zone that harbour protected species of mammals and marine birds, to carry out activities related to the conservation of these animals and their places of occurrence, which will be the subject of this proposal.At the same time, a still unsatisfactory level of data on species, which is so important for their proper protection, means that strong emphasis should be placed on research, monitoring of species and their habitats and the risks themselves.Such comprehensive measures will allow for an appropriate approach to the subject of the protection of endangered species of mammals and marine birds and their habitats.The Polish beaches are increasingly visited by seals, as demonstrated by the field observations of these animals (2010-2018), which are collected from the WWF/SMIOUG observation database.The only place where the grey seals are to be found in the POM is their position in the estuary where the habitat conditions are unstable.Seals are not regularly breeding at the POM, which indicates the existence of restrictive factors (lack of convenient and suitable habitat, anthropressure).The Baltic harbour porpoise subpopulation has been identified as critically endangered (IUCN, 2008) and placed on the Red List of HELCOM (helcom 2013b).The by-catch of marine mammals has been identified as one of the major anthropogenic pressures and limits (ICES 2016a), and for harbour porpoise a critical hazard.A conservation priority for this species is the reduction of by-catch to close to zero (HELCOM 2013a).In July 2016, a by-catch of female harbour porpoise was observed in the Bay of Pomerania, while there were two deaths at the same time, with two dead walruses, with traces of mutilation and injury pointing to the by-catch (WWF/SMOIUG database).The populations of bird species nesting on beaches disappear in the last 20-30 years, and only active protection can stop this process.There is a need to actively prevent increasing anthropogenic pressure on these species.For vendace (English) | |||
Property / summary: Increasing levels of anthropogenic hazards in the marine environment and in the coastal zone that harbour protected species of mammals and marine birds, to carry out activities related to the conservation of these animals and their places of occurrence, which will be the subject of this proposal.At the same time, a still unsatisfactory level of data on species, which is so important for their proper protection, means that strong emphasis should be placed on research, monitoring of species and their habitats and the risks themselves.Such comprehensive measures will allow for an appropriate approach to the subject of the protection of endangered species of mammals and marine birds and their habitats.The Polish beaches are increasingly visited by seals, as demonstrated by the field observations of these animals (2010-2018), which are collected from the WWF/SMIOUG observation database.The only place where the grey seals are to be found in the POM is their position in the estuary where the habitat conditions are unstable.Seals are not regularly breeding at the POM, which indicates the existence of restrictive factors (lack of convenient and suitable habitat, anthropressure).The Baltic harbour porpoise subpopulation has been identified as critically endangered (IUCN, 2008) and placed on the Red List of HELCOM (helcom 2013b).The by-catch of marine mammals has been identified as one of the major anthropogenic pressures and limits (ICES 2016a), and for harbour porpoise a critical hazard.A conservation priority for this species is the reduction of by-catch to close to zero (HELCOM 2013a).In July 2016, a by-catch of female harbour porpoise was observed in the Bay of Pomerania, while there were two deaths at the same time, with two dead walruses, with traces of mutilation and injury pointing to the by-catch (WWF/SMOIUG database).The populations of bird species nesting on beaches disappear in the last 20-30 years, and only active protection can stop this process.There is a need to actively prevent increasing anthropogenic pressure on these species.For vendace (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 09:49, 4 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Protection of marine mammals and birds — follow-up |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
4,514,249.97 zloty
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5,310,882.32 zloty
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85.0 percent
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26 March 2019
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31 August 2023
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Rosnący poziom zagrożeń antropogenicznych w środowisku morskim i w strefie brzegowej, będących siedliskiem chronionych gatunków ssaków i ptaków morskich, każe realizować działania związane z ochroną tych zwierząt i miejsc ich występowania, czego przedmiotem będzie niniejszy projekt. Jednocześnie wciąż niezadawalająca ilość danych na temat gatunków, tak istotna dla ich właściwej ochrony powoduje, iż duży nacisk należy położyć na badania, monitoring gatunków oraz ich siedlisk i samych zagrożeń. Tak kompleksowe działania umożliwią właściwe podejście do tematu ochrony zagrożonych gatunków ssaków i ptaków morskich oraz ich siedlisk. Polskie plaże są coraz częściej odwiedzane przez foki, czego dowodzą obserwacje terenowe tych zwierząt (2010-2018), zgromadzone w bazie danych obserwacji ssaków i ptaków morskich WWF/SMIOUG. Jedynym miejscem stałego występowania fok szarych w POM jest ich stanowisko w Ujściu Wisły, gdzie warunki siedliskowe są niestabilne. Foki nie podejmują regularnego rozrodu w POM, co wskazuje na występowanie czynników ograniczających (brak dogodnego i siedliska, antropopresja). Subpopulacja morświna Bałtyku Właściwego została uznana za krytycznie zagrożoną wyginięciem (IUCN, 2008) i umieszczona na Czerwonej Liście HELCOM (HELCOM 2013b). Przyłów ssaków morskich został uznany za jeden z ważniejszych czynników związanych z antropopresją i limitujących populacje (ICES 2016a), a dla morświna za krytyczne zagrożenie. Priorytetem ochronnym dla tego gatunku jest redukcja przyłowu do bliskiego zeru (HELCOM 2013a). W lipcu 2016 roku, w Zatoce Pomorskiej odnotowano przyłów samicy morświna, jednocześnie odnotowano dwa martwe morświny ze śladami okaleczenia i uszkodzeniami ciała wskazującymi na przyłów (baza danych WWF/SMOIUG). Populacje gatunków ptaków gniazdujących na plażach zanikają na przestrzeni ostatnich 20-30 lat i tylko czynna ochrona może ten proces zatrzymać. Należy aktywnie zapobiegać coraz większej antropopresji na te gatunki. W przypadku sieweczki o (Polish)
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Increasing levels of anthropogenic hazards in the marine environment and in the coastal zone that harbour protected species of mammals and marine birds, to carry out activities related to the conservation of these animals and their places of occurrence, which will be the subject of this proposal.At the same time, a still unsatisfactory level of data on species, which is so important for their proper protection, means that strong emphasis should be placed on research, monitoring of species and their habitats and the risks themselves.Such comprehensive measures will allow for an appropriate approach to the subject of the protection of endangered species of mammals and marine birds and their habitats.The Polish beaches are increasingly visited by seals, as demonstrated by the field observations of these animals (2010-2018), which are collected from the WWF/SMIOUG observation database.The only place where the grey seals are to be found in the POM is their position in the estuary where the habitat conditions are unstable.Seals are not regularly breeding at the POM, which indicates the existence of restrictive factors (lack of convenient and suitable habitat, anthropressure).The Baltic harbour porpoise subpopulation has been identified as critically endangered (IUCN, 2008) and placed on the Red List of HELCOM (helcom 2013b).The by-catch of marine mammals has been identified as one of the major anthropogenic pressures and limits (ICES 2016a), and for harbour porpoise a critical hazard.A conservation priority for this species is the reduction of by-catch to close to zero (HELCOM 2013a).In July 2016, a by-catch of female harbour porpoise was observed in the Bay of Pomerania, while there were two deaths at the same time, with two dead walruses, with traces of mutilation and injury pointing to the by-catch (WWF/SMOIUG database).The populations of bird species nesting on beaches disappear in the last 20-30 years, and only active protection can stop this process.There is a need to actively prevent increasing anthropogenic pressure on these species.For vendace (English)
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